m s : II ise a. paqb roux Write for copy of our JJEW PIEH1IM CATALOGUE KE1.LV, DOUGLAS & CO, LTD. Vancouver Calgary or Winnipeg PRESIDENT OF TOBACCO COMPANY THROWS BOMBSHELL IN SESSION OF COMMITTEE ON MASS BUYING. (Continued from Pace l: AMERICAN ftK Avlmnf c Fnvmin re KUA1 iiMt Football Team For In advance ot a :arge squadron of ah- and haval crait which la on its .wvav way from fiomSan San Dieeo Diego to to the the Aleu- Aleutian Islands on special duty, the United States lavy mine sweeper Gannett arrived In port at 7 o'clock aniAf PnmnaHhnn Co. of Montreal was asked to do- w...rvv.. nate tnoney to Consen-a'tlve campaign funds in the 1930 federal election. Namlne Ward Pfrtfleld of THK O.ULV NEWS - - " i nitinMiiiiiaaMui!iTittJirttiMaiia5iii:wrJa TENNIS AT THE DUNES SPORT GHAT " . . . Chicago Cubs jumped back Into "T1?1'1' leadership Of the National i,r League Wednesday by winning a' . ; close Iree-hUtlng. game over me the'wd Brooklyn Dodgers at Wrijley field. tlpll ILUX, Mav May 14. ilBv OJ UlC l u of ... ..... . nI-. ;,,,lrl inln i In the American League, the Yankees lost a close game on Wednesday to the St. Loals Browns in : New York but continued their supremacy with a two and a half game margin over the Senators i who suffered a severe defeat at the With Jack Preece as the sponsor ' hands of the Chicago White Sox at and moving spirit, the Merchants ' Washington. Philadelphia Athletics Montreal, whom he described as eVehin from SeafUe and con- have definitely decided to enter a ; won a close victory over the Cleve- "a man close to the Prime Minis- tinued her northward voyage, leav- third team In the Senior Football ; land Indians at Shioe Parle and ad ter," as the solicitor, the tobacco ing nete at 11:45 this moming for League this season, making thevanced Into a tie for third place manufacturer said he was left with Ketchikan. The Vessel moored over- third eniT7 In addition to the Ca-; with the Boston Red Sox who were the Impression that a contribu-j ( nignt at the Canadian National nadlan Legion and Regiment. A j winning a similarly ciose game tion would be interpreted as mean-; dock off headquarters of the Royal meeting of the executive of the; over the Detroit Tigers at Boston, ing that he wanted the excise du- Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. ! Prince Rupert Football Association j The Indians and Tigers were even ties on cigarettes reduced. It was ' capt. Brown U. S. N.. command- i w111 be held on Sunday for the pur-' 'or the leadership of the second dl-inferred, he said, that other to- ing officer of the Gannett, paid an !pose of drawing up the schedule for rlslon. baeco manufacturers had donated official call this morning upon City tne nrst competition or ine season. but he refused to "chip in." Commissioner W. J. Alder. i Mr. Stewart said that at least j The remaining vessels of the C- N. R. TRAINS one of his cpmpetitors In the to- squadron have not yet passed north ' bacco business had, advance infor- ani there is some doubt as to 'or the. East matlon when the excise tax was whether or not they will call here. Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl reduced from $6 to $4 fat 1932 and . . 1 days . 5:30 p.m stopped manufacturing cigarettes Tuckett factory at Hamilton, Ont.. from the East In anticipation of the impending subsidiary of he Imperial Tobacco Tuesdays. Thursdays and 8atnr- reductlon. He said this was the Co. days 10"00 dm FOOTBALL May 12. High vs. Booth. . May 16. Borden vs. High. May 19. Borden vs. Booth. May 23. Booth vs. Hlghl May 26, High vs, Borden. May 30. Booth vs. Borden. :;:i- v Jl. O. S. nJDWDGE, wIkm firm M t, ",'"0r . '' ft . ft lnd.toJaJ loMrf. wto lot M n,ifc Vo e UU H, V ar:y ot.Wm l,ik'lM4. M 0 'aw- ' T b,a7a.lD, end Uthnk;lr. H M 1 V , '' "rr,M m., ' Uu ' Cemada and wboM wiin4 tavMSfa- M '!'; ' l l A. Uoa prorcd IU troth ei Um ttolmMot M '.' . I ' Uwil wbra yoa bnT Hon On. "You M "fiu, ' I h caa bay do tor." Mr. C si ELfaiq. M " ''tih ' J ' wHh Jl Jan' mttIc to kU credit la M BSot 4 . . . ', lhl proTiae. ha aiiUlaHon all aeroM M Pr J v 7 'tHA?' THIS IS PROOF . cost iuiMwiMi fETRnETHYL im miimtii.i : h p: .... .(IIP M: I; I PITTSBURG MOVES UP Chtrago Cubs and New York Yan kee Improve Imds 1n Major Ilachall Leagues cnicAoo. May 11: (CPi-Wlth this week It la expected work 6a the , "e "w U1 ,7iT , ' cmca Cubs defeating Brooklyn new clay temte court at "The nd ,Place " m? ltU" Dodgers In a Iree-hltting game Dunes" will have been completed. I ut S XV yesterday to retain first place P" tn An outdoor badminton court Is alsoH f'tJJ,' ptl b n neiwud margin bt a game beine made. Jlnles ,ost t0 the P.h"U" l d a half. Pittsburg Prrates. al- The last boat from the south !our ana w"e ' "l"?"' w though Idle with the Phillies oa! brought a piano and a horse, the were inenm envision hub 8CC0tmt of rain, went Into second latter being for the use of Mrs. J. r.1 bunched together In the standUig place m the National teague stand- spend' at only one fuU game separated whll me York Morgan, who Is planning to nR ew QIanU her holidays here. lthe 4eadm C,ubs from the fourUl losing agam to the Cardinals at : place Cardinals. St. Louis, are now sharing third place with the Cards. In the American League the New York Yankees scored a heavy- tors. Cleveland Indians ouUlugged the Red Sox al Boston to take exclusive possession of fourth place, the Red Sox going to fifth ahead of the Tigers. Yesterday's Big League scores: American Leapie Cleveland 11. Boston 10. Detroit 3. Philadelphia, 1. Chicago 3. New York 13. National l.rattie Brooklyn t. Chlcaco 12. I Tirmtnn 9 rHrwInnall a New York 4. St. toots 5, Baseball Standings Natienat tjrav W. L. -r 15 7 ; Ch k-aso , n.tbM? . . St. Louis .... 'New York . ;BMton j Brooklyn 'Phtladelphli Cincinnati ... 13 .1 13 8 13 6 10 10 .... 7, 13 ... 13 5 15 Amerlran League New York .... Washington Philadelphia Clevelsjtd 'Boston . i Detroit St. Louis j Chicago W. 14 ... 11 11 9 ...10 9 6 5 L. 6 9 9 8 10 10 11 12 Pcf .68? .632 .619 .119 5O01 350 .316 250 Pet .700 .550 .550 529. 500 .474 J53 39i ENTHUSIASM FOR SPORT Native Bawballrm Hike Thirteen Miles For Kltwanga-Odar vale Baseball Game CEDARVALE, May ll:-Dont for one moment think that Bill Lamble or Nick Chenoskl of Prince Rupert have a monopoly on enthusiasm for a game of baseball! Last Saturday the Kttwanga team played a game with Cedarvalc and the majority walked thirteen miles, played a strenuous game and Immediately started for home by foot. The game produced quite a lot of lat ent talent so Prince Rupert, be ware, the championship of Northern B. C. Is In danger of Chang ing nandsl The star players for Cedarvale were Wilson, Harris, Wright and Mason and for Klt- wanga, Redmond, Milton, Weglts. The teams were: Cedarvale A. Harris (c). A. Mul- waln I2b.), A. Williams (3b.), J, WrlRht Ub.l. P. Mason (ss.). R, Paulls frf., H. Wilson (lf.l. P. Mul wain (p., W. Thompson cf). Kltwanga T. weglts (2b.), C, Russell (rf.). Redmond fc), E. Tate (lb,). R. Morgan (ss.), E. Benson (cf.). D. Milton (rf,), Q. Morean 3b,l. 8. Williams (p.). Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 50. Alyarwh-'Cloudy. calm, 45. Anyox Clear, calm, 48. Stewart Clear, calm, 43, n.lMloh Clear, calm, "53, Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, mild. Burns I.ake-.Brlght, calm, heavy rain In nlihf, 40, Wonderful BARGAli In Mother's Day Gifts Ladles' lies, debutante Chlf- Ladies p .. fon. reg. $1.00 nQn Zlppc, 0o' VK pet patt from :c Q4, Ladles' Weldrest Crepe Hose Ladles s reg. $1.75 Q-t Or up u, $ P4 per pair ... HZD t(.t 1, Jm Oxf jnJv 3-tone, crepe ole per pair Fine Variety Ladles' Shoes In Ties. Pump. fi Wei kid. baby calf and patent leather ljh chopse from Prices 2.25 $2. S2.95, S3.50, S3.95 $4. B.C. CLOTHIER! Third Avtnue Buy hew and we ran m;te you lot f mr.' be ennvinred hlttlng victory over the Chicago . . White Sox at the Yankee Stadium . IS'rTuS'Saved p Young -7 Boy n R0GUL rrr'SiTi to IS Athletics trounced the Detroit Tl-i gers again at Philadelphia and' moved into second place along' with the idle Washington Sena-. From Drowning BEATIF PORT ARTHUR. Ont . May 11:-Charles Sand berg, aged 35. iwtm- VATICAN r 1 mlng fully clothed 125 feet through able Peter R the Jce waters of Thunder Bay. res- tyred during cued a Port Arthur boy from tion, w.i tx drowning but was himself nearly Cathef'.r.u overcome. Pope plu.s XT ImlitaflCRANrS BEST PROCURABLE" Th. OriDull ?A .1 1 U ft Bottbd nd nruM (r WISism mu4 OlmMUch to a Ulwct raKuitd. Duff- A Nourishing, Appetizing Spring Tonic m kr IV4 , B t 5 in ram. BtST PROCl'M TbU adTertlsriofnt l not puMltbnl or dltplajrnl by Board or tle Oovirnrocjit of liriiioh Colott ix. PILSENEB the Arnrnii-. AIDS DIGESTION, TONES 1 1' THE NERVES. MANY PHYSICIANS ENDORSE TIIES (K'ALI-TltS IN GOOD BEER AND HK-COMMEND IT TO THEIR W-IETS. DRINK PILSENER EARLY AS A SPRING TONIC! LAGE VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Also Brewers and Bottlers of dutch Giiti, and ir. n. c. hoiikmian bew1 '( 'ANI"CKUAM' STOUT