KNOX HOTEL m;h- manaiikmknt Tomorrow's Tides Wlrr. mitifi rr imi nm High 0:03 ajn. 213 KXrill KNT lll.MNO tfy 12:48 192 VoU IH I""' " Amticnn or Eurc(icfc I'.tl L tltMOl l( I'rop. v xxiv no. no. London Sees Little Likelihood of Fully Wheat Prices In Teg Soar Winnipeg. May ll;-Oteomy prospects- attributed ylo un-1 lihle weather condition In ( m u tirtn of the prairies owing; '' dr night enndltlonl tent wheat, i;r -mrlng on the local grain n :. n-.ttf yesterday, i Winnipeg i .her. 74,. Chicago M.. M. 88,. Boi.irmber. 89&. Woman Dies In Bus in Ontario Mrt. Mary Scharfrr Succumb at Kitchener While nn Her Way , To Early Mais I KITCHENER, X)nt.. May 11:' Mi Mary Schaefer. aged 67. died , "' j ii'ary bus on her way to Mass " R man Catholic Church here 'in .in- the driver being unaware ' her , cmdltlon' unUl he stopped w pi' up the next passenger. Pioneer of Chain Store Business In T Canada is Dead ll a a . . ""miuw, Ont.. May 11: Wtl- j lm Co-roll, aged 38. pioneer !n the 1 hair More business In Canada, died . home lit Appleby yesterday ! "w a brief Illness. I N W LOWS mil YEAH ItlX'OUDEI) THURSDAY ON STOCK EXCHANGE ! I NEW YORK, May U.-Prlces ; T ascended to new lows for the ' . on the New York Stock ! "change yesterday, losses; rnslng to more than four i Points in active -Issues and ourtcert poInU In some of the , 'nactives. (l ! y 't i Today's Stocks Bridge River Con J4. D. R. X. 1X. Butt I. X. U 30. Cariboo Quartz, 2.40. DunwtH. 28. Dentenia, .77. Georgia Klver. J32. Ooieoixta, J3. Indian, .02. Mlnto, 3. Meridian. .17. Morning Star, 28. NaUve Son. M. National Silver, M. Noble Five, .10Vj. Pend Oreille, 5. Porter Idaho. .10. Premier. 127. Reeves McDonald, .15. Reward. .08. Silver Crett, .03 "V Reno, 7. Salmon Oold. 21. Taylor Bridge. .75. Wayside. .37V4. Vhltewnter. .OStfc. Waverly Tangier. .01 V4. United Empire, .15. Toronto Central Patricia, .66. Chlbougamau, .12. Lee Oold. .14 Vi. Oranada. .65. Noranda. 39.75. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.06. Slsco. 2.18. Thompson Cadillac, .48. Ventures. .92. Lake Maron. .03. Sudbury Basin. 1.04. Columarto. -34ft. Smelter Gold. 28. , . ..v wan. i Little Long Lac. 4.45. Bagnmac, 20. " : South Tiblemont. .10. MnDle Leaf. 55Vi. Pickle Crow. .73. Long Lac Lagoon. 23. Manitoba it Eastern. 21. InUr. Nickel. 26.85. Dome. 37.00. Tcck Hughes. 6 00. Bralorne. 13.15. Macassa. 2.55. Eldorado. 2.51. Holllngcr, 15.75. Brnzillan. 10. Walkers, 15i Distillers, 165. Can. Industrial Alcohol, 11tb C. T. R.. 15?s. Meeting Obligations British Press Comments Upon President Roosevelt's Attitude on War Debt Question Difficulty is Largely One of Transfer LONDON, May 11: -The British press, commenting widely on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's declaration on war debts including his intention to recommend to ( ogress that no further token payments be accepted as etulencc of good faith on the part of debtor nations, says nat there is little likelihood of Europe paying the billions owed to the United States and asserts further that the real difficulty is not one of payment but one of transfer. Supplied by b. D. Joluuton Co. Lb' Gloom r Crop Prospects 0ing to, ancouver Infavorable Wrallier lore I Prices Up Alexandria, .04. BayviewjOlft. D. C. Nickel, 1.23, Dig Mlwurtjr30. Bralorne. 12.75. enemy ueev aunng me recent j3. army navy joint ; President of Tobacco Company Throws Bombshell in Session Of -Committee on Mass Buying Alleges That Macdonald Concern Was Asked by Conservatives For Campaign Funds in 1930 Advantage Given His Competitor OTTAWA, May 11: (CP) Walter M. Stewart of Montreal, president of the W. C. Macdonald Tobacco Co., threw a bombshell into the proceedings of the mass buying committee of the House of Commons yesterday when he wan ed the chairman, Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, to call three members of the government Halibut Arrivals Summary American 31,000 pounds, 72c and 5c Canadian 110,000 pounds, 5c-and 4.5c to 3.2c and 4.5c. 5c American Rainier, 34.000, Booth, 72c and 5c. Visitor, 1,000, Cold Storage, 7c and Canadian Covenant, 20,000, and Takla, 20,- 000, Edmunds St Walker, 52c and 4.5c Johanna, 17,000, Atlln, -5c and 4.5c Cape Spencer, 8,000. and Bor- gund, 7.500, Cold Storage, 5.2c and L Morris !!., 12.000: Thrasher, 5.600: Bobble, 5,500, and Cape Race. 3,500, Cold )ia Storage. storage, 5c oc and ana 4.5c. voc. .iwhom ne did not name, claiming that his questions would concern "buying of the government." Mr. Stevens ruled that he had no right to call members of the gov eminent and question them. "You are talking about buying of tobacco," Stewart insisted. "What I'm talking about is buying of the government." The chairman told Stewart that he was there, to answer questions and not to make statements or ac cusations. Edward Young, Liberal member for Weyburn. Sask.. said that if members of the government had any light to throw on the subject the committee would call them. "Certainly." agreed Mr. Stevens, i Campaign Funds Asked Continuing his evidence. Mr. Stewart Informed the committee that the W. C. Macdonald Tobacco (Continued on Page Four) Or 1 f 1 1 Kalcn,.11.500, Atlln. 5.1c and 45c. tOle JeWCIS and AMERICAN STOCKS New York U.S.-Steel. 43. Ocheral Motors, 32 V. American, CaU 05!! - Allied Chemicals.' 130V4. American Smelters, 38. . CANADIAN GOLD Fur Coat of Star .Man Who Took Property of Greta , Nissen Says He Threw-Things Away as Valueless LONDON. May 11: George Swindler, 18-year old costermonger, who stole Jewels worth $5000 and a fur coat valued at $1000 from Greta MONTREAL, May 11: (CP) The i Nissen, Scandinavian film stan sayi Canadian' gold price was up 3c to- he threw them away as being value-day at $34,74. jless. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1934 U. S. Not To Be Caught Napping With These! One of the big barkers of ,h Panama canat zone defer ns sa;s ieho' wax. a roarfcg blast at the tn the zane T ie railway gun that BAIL CUT ! IS DENIED; ! AT LIBERTY Chicago Authorities Give Insull Freedom on Bonds Of s.:oa,ooo CHICAGO. May 11: Samuel In- sull has been refused reduction in the $200,000 ball- bond pending trial on charges In connection with the failure of his former utilities enterprises but he was released to-; day from Cook County jail, having been able to raise the bonds with the assistance 01 a security com .More Than $7,000,000 Presented Roosevelt For FUht Against Infantile Paralysis WASHINGTON. D.C.. May 11: to !A total of $7,003,003 collected from rich and poor alike has been presented to Franklin D. Roosevelt to be used In the fight against infantile paralysis, dread disease which attacked him thirteen years ago and which left him a partial ' cripple. Chief of Soviet Police is Dead The Armour Salvage Co.'s big power tuc Salvage Princess ran ashore at high water near the lower end of Grenviile Channel about midnight last night and, while she is reported to be little, if any, damaged, she is unable to refloat herself so the company's smaller power tug Pachena was dispatched today to assist her. Further word as to the vessel's plight was being awaited early this afternoon. The Salvage Princess left here at noon yesterday for Union Pass at the lower end of Grenviile Channel to pick up a tow of logs for Georgetown box factory. W. R. McAfee,, one of the operators of the box factory, was on board. pany. On being arraigned today. InsullJ I? A IT P declined to enter any plea to Indict-' IVtILi Vlll JljJL ments charging him with fraudu- 'ent use of the malls and violation of the bankruptcy laws. BIG FUND IS RAISED NAMED NEW Former Premier Harrington of Nova Scotia Appointed Chairman of Railway Board OTTAWA, May 11: It is an- ' nounced that Hon. Oordon S.- Har-; rlngton. former Premier of Nova Scotia, will succeed Hon. C. P. Ful-jlerton as chairman of the board of tlon having been made vacant i Fred Rlffou received the sad news Vlarhestav Mrnzhinsky Was Head today that his sister. Mrs. G. C. Of Political Force In Red Smith, of Winnipeg, had passed Republic Kirkland Lake Miner Lost Life lj KIRKLAND LAKE. Ont.. May 11: Archie MacDonald. employed for many years at the Teck Hughes Mines, died Wednesday night from lnlurles received when a loose rock fell on him while at work In the mine. away. She was the victim of a car accident about a year ago In which MOSCOW, May II: Vlacheslav .she sustained Injuries Including" a Menzhlnsky, head of the Ogpu or; broken collar bone. She never fully I Soviet political police, Is dead here, recovered It. p.m. It. Low 6:40 ajn. 23 ft. 18:41 pjn. 6.7 ft. PRICE: FIVE CUNTS WAR DEBTS PAYMENT IS IMPROBABLE $75,000 RANSOM DEMANDED IN CALIFORNIA KIDNAPPING Mrs. Gettle Is Advised By Supposed Abductors 1 That Husband is Alive Authorities Investigating Removal of Millionaire Operator From Party Thursday Morning With View to Apprehending Gunmen T0WB0AT PLANES TO Oil LOS ANGELES, May 11: (CP) Ransom of $75,000 for the return of William F. Gettle, kidnapped Los Angeles oil millionaire, who was taken by masked gunmen from a party at his new estate at Arcadia near Pasadena early Thursday morning, was demanded by the purported kidnappers who telephoned an attorney for Mrs. Gettle saying that he was still alive. Meantime, the police are continuing the investigation with a view to apprehending the abductors and. securing Gettle's release. ashore ; come over Salvage Princess High and Dry In ; Four British Aircraft Will Take Is shown in acUon was mannc by the fourth coast aiaUery. Along with naval, expansion, army and - li .Grenviile " Channel Assjis- J navy" manoeuvres, it would teem that Uie US. Is hot Wbetaugr.: Happing in event of war. tancc Dispatched f Part in Toronto Centenary , -- -S-fT i Celebration; - r LONDON. Eng., May llir-Sir Philip Sassoon, under secretary of air. announced In the Housd of Commons yesterday that a flight of four planes of the British Air Force will take part in the Toronto Centenary Celebration in July. EDUCATING BY RADIO Hector Charlesworth Tells U. Gathering What Canada Is Doing S. WASHINGTON. D.O, May 11: Hector Charlesworth, chairman of the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, told educators assembled here that Canada has made favorable progress In promoting education by means of the radio without permitting Its broadcasts to go "highbrow." MARY IS WELCOME Screen Actress is Given Great Reception Yesterday in Native City of Toronto when the latter was appointed as. TORONTO, May 11: Mary Pick-chairman Of the board Of trustees Pf Tnmntn-Snrn tllm rM. ai. of the Canadian National Railways. rlved In the city at noon yesterday and was given a welcome which rivalled that accorded the Prince of , Wales on the occasion of his first ! visit here In 1919. BETTING ON HOW LONG ROOSEVELT WILL LIVE LONDON. May 11: It Is re- ported that Lloyds, world- wide Insurance agency, Is do- ing considerable business Is- suing policies against anything 4 that may happen to President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States through assas- sinatlon, accident, death or total incapacity. 't ' . I; M i? r v 4. ft 1 ' t