7. THE DAILY NEWS maty My n MS I ji . u I j. YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory Bosses from GEO. F. DAVEY. Hccis-tered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Tl,c 'liE',''1" Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! No. 1 Steer Beef Rib Roast Beef Rolled, lb 18c Pot Roast Reef, lb. 12c Brisket Beef, 11 7ic Rp. Roast Beef, lb. .20c Stew Beef, lb. 10c Cambridge Sausage lb, 12c Beef Tenderloin Steak, lb, V. . Ayrshire Bacon. Sliced, per lb. . Phone Quality Service 25c .25c Local Fresh Killed Veal Leg Roast Veal, lb. ..21c Loin Roast Veal, lb. .22c Rump Roast Veal, lb. 20c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. .14c Breast Veal, lb 10c Veal Chops, lb 22c .Extra Specials Pork Tenderloins, lb. 25c Fresh Killed Fowl, lb. 22c Local Fresh Eggs, 3 doz 70c Sunnybrook Butter 3 lbs. 70c Hearts, lb. 15c Beef Kidneys, lb. ...20c Pure Lard, lb 12c Pioneer Butchers Kt. 1010 Self Denial Campaign -May 8th to May 26th TO AID ALL MUNCHES OF S. A. WORK When called upon please give liberally Coal Prices j Minehead Egg Coal . . . , $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal $12.50 j Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 i Stove Coal $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDF. TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you lose any tiling, try a classified ad. WILL HOLD Horticultural Society Decides on iiusc aim ritfnir ouun muiihs July and Possibly Dahlia Show Later The Trincc Rupert Horticultural Society at a general meeting last night in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, H. F. Pullen presiding, decided to put on its first an-nual rose and flower show and the executive was empowered to proceed and make all necessary arrangements and to set the date for the show as soon as it was determined when the roses would be at their best bloom. It is planned to have other flowers as well as roses but to particularly stress the rose exhibit. Pos sibly later in the season a dahlia. show may be held or a general flower show. Much depends upon the success of the first effort. A proposal made by Mrs. J. T. Mandy was that a slogan competition should be held in connection with the rose show in which a prize should be offered for the best slogan sympolic of horticulture in Its relation to Prince Rupert such as, "Prince Rupert, the City of Roses" or "The City that Rains Roses." The proposal will be adopted and a suitable prize will be secured and rules for the contest laid down. A proposal coming from Dr. J. T. Mandy was that an effort be made to secure a challenge cup to be up for competition, either as perpetual challenge cup or to be won such a cup. ! rn motion of Frank Dlbb. a com mittee was appointed to have harge of the collectlna of data in nard to the time of year when flowers were in bloom and the latcs when planting should be carried out. This committee con-ists of Tor SIhersldes. Theo Col-lart and Laurie Lambly. Tjic name of F. J. Fuller was adr ded to the executive of the Secretary Charles Evitt reported on the recent imDortatlon of trees which was very successful. A vote of thanks to those who helped In connection with the distribution and with the importation generally vas rrassed. those specifically men tioned being F. J. Fuller. Fred Rlf- CUTS L SORES cIwmm. Abt nvrf UaW 9'T am. Imtrn't M4Mt9 bttf I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, fioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.0I Dp 60 Rooms. Hot St Cold Water I'rince Rupert, D.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 0:00 am, till noon. (19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till ;Q0 p.m, (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC PHONE: I1LUE 320 Second Avenue tc Third Street Here's FIRST SHOW! something new KelloggV Whole Wheat Flake come in a patented package. You don't need to tear to open it. And wait till you nee the iize! Lots mora for your money. All the nourishment of whole wheat. Get the bic red-anil-green package. Made hy Kellogg in London, Ontario. y At last I i SUPER-CRISP r Jwheat IF' 1 fou. Commissioner W. J. Aider and ! the secretary. C. V. Evitt. It was I suggested that next year local flor-I lsts might arrange for a good sup-; ply of roses at a low price, thus so many times before becoming the!"8 thf, ",c necUy of taking action in this regard. .ropcrty of the winner, 7,1 vould be awarded in connection !lh the rose exhibit, the person making the S'Party Given For -idual exhibit or the bett display' f roses. It was suggested that pos- j Wy one of the parliamentary re-! itesentatlves for the district or some other person interested In I rose culture might wish to donate! Premier Visitor Mrs. Annette Woods Hostess tcrday For Mrs. James Duffett Yes- In honor of Mrs. James Duffit of Stewart, Mrs. Annette Woods entertained at tea and bridge at her home on Eleventh Street Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Duffit i first. Miss Ruby Krikevsky (second) rilid Mrs. J. Joy Jr. (consolation). The tea table was tastefully centred with stalks and snapdragons. Mrs. McLcod and Mrs. Krikevsky poured. Misses R. Krikevsky. y. stone ana c. Mcl-cod served, as-1 sistcd by Miss Annie Doddle and Mrs. Wyman. "Mrs. Wood cut the ices. The guests were: Mrs. II. Sten. Mrs. J. E. Boddle, Mrs. O A. Wyman. Mrs. E. Morris. Mrs Joe Brown, Mrs. J. Lambie. Mrs. J. Krikevsky, Mrs. R. McLeod, Mrs. O Eckcrman, Mrs. H. Underdahl. Mrs S. Johanscn. Mrs. J. Joy Jr. and Misses Lli Lowe, Ruby Krikevsky. Ella Steen. Mary Brown. Chrissie McLeod, Annie Boddie. Wedded at Swan River, Manitoba Alexander McLeod of This L'ily h Married to Mis Edith Wrleht St. James Anglican Church in Swan River, Man., was the scene of a well "attended wedding on Saturday, April 23, when Edith Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Wright, became the bride of Alexander McLcod. third son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc Lcod ot Prince Rupert. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father who gave her away. Mrs. Gardner presided -at the organ. The bride was becomingly attired in a fine blege tweed swag ger suit with Ivory satin waist and a handmade hat of brown silk. She wore a corsacc bouquet of roses and lily of the valley. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod left by car for Dauphin enroute to Winnipeg where they will reside. Lars Johnson, for Intoxication, was fined $25, with option of ten days' Imprisonment, hy Magistrate McClymont In city police court yes terday afternoon, End Pain, Swelling I Bltedinf J I of PILES. I (HAEMORRHOIDS) WniM-lallNNMIOMiniil. W TWO PLAYS FEATURED At) venturous Romance "Son Of i Kong" and Musical Comedy ! "Hips, Hips, Hooray" Here I Tills Week-end ! The spectacular Jungle romance' "Son of Kong" and a gay. nil-! arlous Wheeler and Woolscy com-1 edy "Hips, Hips, Hooray" comprise a double bill which Is being presented at the end of this week at the Capitol Theatre here. I The fantastlr spectacle of a man I a girl and a gigantic ape united' In a treasure hunt in a land of nrehlstoric monsters, warlike nat-l Ives and colossal sea serpents isj the unique dramatic theme of "Sin of Kong." The huge! rcature's life Is savod by Robert Armstrong, friendly relations thus! being established. The animal and the men, together with a glrl.j Helen Mack, who lias smuggled' hrlf aboard a ship, have a: staling scries of conflicts and, adventure, an earthquake sequ-l enee climaxing the production. j Beautiful girls, smart wise-crack-. ir3 and ptenty of laughs make, "Hip HHm Hooray" very accept-' We entert-Unment. It is a miil-' ral extravawnM starring . Bert: Whctlcr. IMiert Woolsey. Ruth' Win. Dorothy Lee and Thelma Trl6. i Mother's Day I This Sunday Flowers Can l Sent to All Parts of Wurld Special Telegraph (Irretinjri MoUier's D,y. whKi Uito year tmOt on Sunday next, lias tukrn n world-wide tradition of K-ndlng flowers. These may be telegraphed Ui all parts or the world and ar- j rangemenU can be made for their "needy delivery at any time of the' day. Although roses are the most popular mothers gift, carnations and other flowers are also growing in popularity The telegraph companies have made arrangements to handle many personal messages of greeting to mothers and have prepared attractive telegraph forms and envelopes for this purpose Officials of the telegraph companies state that greeting messages to mothers i nave sieacllly increased in arity from year to year DESSERT PEAR'S-2's i. squa, 2 tins SMITH ERS EGOS 3 doz BACON Sliced per lb ECONOMY DUTTER A-l. 3 lbs SLAWSON'S CHEESE Mb. plcg popu- ECONOMY: Specials Eor Friday, Saturday and Monday ORCHARD CITY PEAS No. 3. 3 tins ORCHARD CITY TOMA TOES 2',2's, 3 tins 65c 25c 77c 15c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Bananas, good. 2 lbs 25c Oranges. Juicy, 5 doz. . r7c Orapc Fruit, large. 3 for 25c Ktcsh Spinach, good, per lb. Gc Cauliflower, each 15c St. 20c New Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25c Cucumber, large, each. 15c Oreen Onions & Radishes, 2 bunches California Lettuce. 3 for California Carrots. 2 bunches Fresh Rhubarb, good, per lb. Tic! 25c j 15c! 3cl Others at Reduced Prices Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention MUSSALI.EM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents M7-1J Third Avenue West P.O. Bot 575 Phone Id s IB ; m - 39cg Friday JL Saturday Two Shows 7 & 8:25 AdmUMon, 15c L JOc SATURDAY MATINEE at 8:39 Admission, 15c & J5C See Them All The 12-Foot Ape The Cannibals " . rni r r a in ."SON OF KONG" inc aca serpent ; with Uol)crt Armsl Prehistoric Beasts : aml ccn M fc The Earthquake $ n-jo l 9:50 The strangest story ever told I'atkrd with romance and thrill- Added Feature .WHEELER & WOOISKY in "HIPS. HIPS, HOORAY" (8:23) Itib-Tirklliig Comedy Set to Music. Both Radio Picture. MICKEY MOUSE In "Shanthaied Mickey' METRO N nvs Monday & Tuesday "SIX OF A KIM)" and "WHITE WOMAN" YOU ARE INVITED to join our Rental Library He up-to-date and know the latest books. Treat yourself to many hours of pleasure, 75c FOR A MONTH Read all you want, no 'other charge or obligation. H.ive You Head? JOURNEY TO THE END Or' NIOHT" Celin. "LAND OF PLENTY" . Caniwe'l "WATERFRONT" ..... ... Hroj hv "WITHOUT ARMOR" Hilton "ADVENTURB'S A WENCH" . Veil RZD EAGLE'' . Holt "MANHATTAN LOVE BONO" Norrts "FIVE SILVER DAUGHTERS Ooldlnn "MAONU8 MERRIMAN Whk.ater "VALERIE HATHAWAY" . Gregory "V1LLAOE TALE" v. StroriK WHISPERINO TONGUES" , KOk SEARCH FOR AMERICA" .... Orovr "BPAZU IAN ADVENTURE" . FlemliiR Recent addition to our rtrr irnrclng library for your enjoy ment. Join now! MuM VS. NCOOatlO MAT lFO H-rJ SHIP YOUR HEAVER AND .MUSQUASH TO US You can be assured of quick returns and best market ju ices. A trial will convince you. HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Prince Rupert, H.C. iBU'arjBaauuuBxBzaua3KKiK:aniaauBil-a.iB.i;sri'!a,a Murcscos and ease MURESCO For Wall and Celling Decoration popularity rests on Its lovely soft finish. iU eronwiv of application, and on Us great practicability It c mr 75c Package in eignieen Dcautlful Unts 10c Half Package 37c GORDON'S HARDWARE Thane III MciJrlde St 29Ci.y.,aar,r,r,,,t,,,wr,I.,.,w..?.,.., Every Battery Guaranteed The Wilson Klrctrical Manufacturing Coyote makers or Sl'I'KOX Batteries, guarantees EVERY Suprox Battery to maintain IU lull rated ability throuihout the entire guarantee period AT NO EXTRA COST TO THE PURCHASER. Only accident or nell will render this guarantee Void, JAMES MARTIN Alassett, B.C. .0 Ro 77, Prltire Rupert, fi.C y3 k A com or chArActer wo cell U'asureto pleAseyoul very wwi WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS imsafi't REPLENISHING PHONE US Wc haVo coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO, LTD. Phone -618 i i i i