Friday. May U. S93f THE DAIU5T NEWS PAQH mi When Arsenal and HuddersField Huddled Classified Ads The Markets WHIFRETS .1 From the FOKSALK TWO' Show -Cases aad one County OAItDEN Soil $2.50 a load- 35c per ROkW COwan 6t Latta Phone 234 Mck. Cameron's Transfer Phone 32 177. t ! 1 , Pt NEW' trolling boat 8 feet "X 31 1 1eet. For particulars pnone nod ' 730, . .tf FOH BALE 4 -room house, fUHy -modern, with garage. -Graham Avenue. Easy payments. Apply Collart Si MsOaffery Md. 112 FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condltlob, good tires, cab, Atwalcr Kent Ignition, J16000. E. DIX, Terrace, BXJ. tt ort SALE, rtent or fjac, .Kltsum-, galluin take Lodge with Dance PavllUon. and Annex. Lots of Fruit and .Berries. ?he price is rtuht. E.tDIX. Terrace, D C. tt round bottom tpe, length JJlfC 7 ft fl In. heam. .12 h p. Vivian, engine 'medium duty): bnat and engine like. new. s Snap at $450. E DIX. Trrare DC. .it HOUSES to rent. Kart. FOU RENT FurnUrn-o cabln.parU ly modern, sulUble for couple, fior sale enamet regTlgerator.' Apply before 7 pjn. D. E. MuN phy, 241 Fifth Ave. WeU. . tt SMlrr ut Inlmlluu lb lp('l) l ' In lrlm Kurort Uiul IVtwWtrt DvtMW .of Prtn nunrt. BC.. ua tti-A lb Qt(Ut 8i -IrtniUHl t -tbr Ti tiAlr Uit Jthn CUtvn 01 Print llufwrt: ud. tKrupion Hh Pvkr. imrtkit to rpJT-ror taM -h Tc1loInt ilrocftVl lotorwr ., OnminnKlSf J pint! i ?h B. W nfntr at a. mll suvf) tbl 9W1 CMln. thotvrr Wl'Uf rtiuM. ihme NX B cpilns man or Itm to hUh wMr mttt, on jn i Oald till! tfitm. y, 3 t-Hlnl Mlnrml nld nilf Vn. t Mlnrrtl riilnj. Vttptn Mlm-rsl t Uiw. ' tllll IrMllunal Mlnrrl ruim. MUmU in tl Vtixti Uinn Olvwlon. .. i,i u th nd of aim om trora ft ui htf. lo apply 10 tb tl0t Heoror for a entltieat af Impratt mnt4 lot the.purpo ot ohUlatnx a rown Oraat ot tht iove tiin. aip ruRTitm TAKt 'tmci tht otton. undtr BKtwm at t o Mm traj (AH" biUl lie xoouiKUfl 9ttn th VwuaTK Jf with frUlUie of Im trevinhU. -' DATKD fhto prd of JUrcB. IMJ- dtbafc. e to Pr Correspondents The paUy News welcomes icorreipopdence on live .topics ot the day or any other subject pt public Interest, but lot- ters must be brief :and . to the point, Jho, long-winded correspondent has no place 'In modern Journalism. Every Jeitor must be signed tjy the writer, not .necessarily 'for publication 'but as a mat-r ot good .faith nd courtesy. ,AU uinlgned document go to the waste jpaper .basket. Letters of a caustic character 'must have the signature appended lor publication. Letter should be written on or)e tide of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid "HemoiMtlltlMind Abe languagif tiould be such as would be al )owed In the ordluury rules ot The foliowirig li Ihe scale t ot charges made for reading notices. : Marrlagt; :imd, Kngagemerit ?A Minouncement 2. Ulrth Notices 50c ' runeral Notices" 1. tJards of llianks, 42. Funeral .Flowers 10c. hamtj; UAIHDKESSEK fEHMASFNT WAVING! Cluster -Curl; Latent Stylr- Nhl.SON'8 HKAUTV SHOPPK I'AiNTKKS PAINTINO and Paperhaiiglng Moiler. Phone Red 802 UhU AI T llrr Ml tniriittuii In apply In in triune nujrt t j.m ruoordit- jMr.n -at Vritut Ituprrt. B.c? . aim ti-im- in U-4r-4 Ray l -ifd at tb. . Mail Scheduh cur the I'jn Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 4:30 pju ifrom tlir Fl Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days For Vancouver Tuesday ... Thursdays Prlday .. Tkldy 8, 18 and IS P"5 of it uuiwit vhnc B C tfMr Froin'aiifouver uao -tr-rrtiT -morr TttvM tc4ioWf "TJitSSir ft lTh t tntt point Sit r.r,niwnAf- mint tHii pril t jriltN CJ.CSOt. tJ4 . NQTirr. ii Arrt.miiov OK rrh-' tit irTi; ur niPHmr.Mr.vt! 10 p.rn 12:30 pjn 9:15 pin Friday .. .. .. May.O. H and 24 am TiK-tdaya. Ttiurdaya and alur days iby trahu J-'ur Anyos and Klewart j Sunday .7 nxa , May 11 and 25 ... . 9 pm. Frpnt (Juern Charlotfe Islands- May 9 and 23 - am; for Alaska- Mays. 14 and 24 ...... From Alaska N May 9. J 8 and 28 , i i a.m. p.m. Retail prices currec: here are as follows: ' " ' ' . Vegetables v New; Potatoes, imported, lb, Potatoes, Aihcroft, 9 lbs Sack .. Potatoes, Vancouver. 10 lbs. Cucumbers, .hothouse, each Leks, -bunch Oarlic, Imported, per lb. Cabbage, BC new, lb California, lb B.C. Head Lettuce, 12c to Cauliflower, lg., Cal, 25c1o Tomatoes, "hothouse, lb. , Parsley, bunch Turnips, new, bunch Turnins. 8 lbs Fort SAIX Cabin Cruiser. MsK, Vh'ph''' 8 Parsnips. 0 lbs. Tilt ik'Ic 'hai John luxi) ut .Ce'erv 'Cal.. liMil. .i5. and Priik Ruptrl, BC .-".ipjiDt) Pin. t.Q,nti,M VUlrr. UiiMmo to &4Miy tor ia , , uauisnw, i Duncnes ltj f.lkin dacribri luid-. i Fruits avei ooz. zuc lO ui 8 w com- at t unaU uuni oranges, bout 8 rrulrM 8 E of Avnry IU-1 ; Lemons, Cal.. UOZ. 25c to xti urll fnllaKllui Mill .iHfiMrk'"""""1' iai., ac 10 Bulkley Valley, fresh, doz. "TILLIE THE TOILER" u ... M.,vr OUT OP T I l-ru VA1EUU. VMM AT IS MOOSEU-ilii BE SOIE I .01 .25 250 .25 Sack, $150 to 2.25 20 Ifarrots, Cal., bunch .09 Sweet Potatoes, lbV... 10 Spinach. B.C lb M ; Asparagus, B.C., lb il7 New Beets, bunch , 0f Green Onions, 3-buhches .10 Onions, 6 lbs .25 2i .03 .07 .lu 25 20 sn .09 25 2b 2b .10 .75 .J3b JO rxyii' r comnvmrmimi. mmi con-.Florida Grapefruit, each 12c to .18 ULlolre 3 tetf in r or inn. rntta In- cliMllnj U rntir rm ut the aold toll ml. johh ctAtmm D4tM) April 10 1934 Rhubaib, field, lb. j04 Bananas, lb .-. .15 Pears, Aust., doz. 50c to .60 Aust. Almelra Grapes, lb. 25 Canteloupes, Cal.. each 20c to 25 Strawberriea, Wash., basket .... 20 Appln Wlncsaps, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. 25 llalsiiia. Australian smlless. lb. Itatslns. Cal.. redlts, lb 'Uirrants. lb - Wednesday 3 pm 'White. 100 lbs. iFroin Anyox ami Slewa't Yellow. 100 lbs Tuesday .11:30 a m i -rrt Thursday 8 pjn ure. lb. 15e to pnr mm unut thru- mO trow rr.Naaii ftivrr and fort Sintpson-j!rt, bo, . , Qunday . . . ..7 pjn i riSirTlh, tenw.riUom N.a, Klver and fort 8l.n,o j .crufK-i TTion. 1 Tuesday, . ii:ao ajn nKJlWS..iSS SSirnn Charlotte Islands Apricots, lb 10 pan J App'es. dried Peaches, pwled. Mc to Supar 14c. to r.s B.C. Fresh F.xtras, cartoned Local, new laid, do 3.15 12 h V.aicrfrpnli t)ue to conditions that 'have dr-Jlcptd since the gpcnlng of tine season, the halibut 'landings, rom Aieas 2 una 3 have been at a lute that, -if continued, "will result- in closure -even earlier ihan lrr 1933. At present the Tate of landing Is about three-quarters of a million pounds greater -per month from eaehrnrea than in 1933, More Intensified, op,- eratfons by the fleet and thejjpre-ralence of shorter trips mdfcer It' iarmedlately apparent that xur-. lallment io care for this situation is necessary If It Is ,delred to prevent uch aarJy closure. J 1 . A good deal of halibut Jiasbeen going to Ahe Butcdale plant of the Canadln,n Fishing Co. lately 'from ihe Canadian fleet. The (majority of HgocsInU) the -cold 'storage plant here while some Is nhiprwd to Vancouver for ;the fresh iLkh market. In the south. The Sea -Maid J-jM ii .fU0 jounds at Butetiale on Wednesday at5cfand 5c. C. -p. R. teamcr Princes? Adelaide,' Cant. R K. Gray, is due ln port atJiiih this evening from the aouth and will -all at 10 p.m. on Iteri return to, Vancouver and waypoints. Fish Smoked Ktppers, lb. 15c. and '50 Salmon, fresh, lb. 20 Halibut, fresh, lb .a J5 Smoked Halibut, lb. Butter - Fancy, caftoned, lb. Box 3.25 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs . ....... Yellow Newtons "C" grade, Cbtrse 3 lbs 2b f Ontarlo'sdiids, new. lb. ...22c Si Box 3J0O; Ontario. . nature, lb. .." Fonoy. 3 lbs. 2b union, lb. L Don Drird rmlu White Tigs. !b . . Hlack Cooking Figs, lb 11 in 'DaU; talk, lb, . 8c to p.m. ! temon and I range Peei Mondays and Wednesdays -4bj j Citron peel traln .. 4:30, pp. prunes, 30-40. lb. WedtifSflay 10 a.m ! Prunes. 40-60. lb. t pjj. ji'runes, bu-iu, io. Edam, lb,, -r... Roquefort. Jb. . lorgoiiMJa.'Ib. Wl MrU 1 Fowl, No. 1. lb. . 2H Coasting Chicken, lb. 32 Ham, sliced Jlrst grade 16 Ham. picnic, first grade. lb... .14 uacpn, We, Sliced, best grade , 12 pork, shoulder,' lp. . Pork, iqlu, lb. 15 'Poik.ieg. lb 1.. . 'Hpork. dry sol?; lb. u 22:veal. loin, lb.' 1'i7eal. shoulder, lb.. .. .17 'Beef, pot roast, lb. ... .'!.. .... Beef. bPillnfyTb..r to '. ... 765 Beef, roast prime rib. lb. 7.05 ! ueef. steak, lb. 20c to 'Lmb.. shoulder.,' lb..-. .... . 20 29 25 25 Flour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat ... 1J15 Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to 30 Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs 25 Honey Kxtracted Honey, per Jar 20c to 30 Comb Honey .25 Tiairtb, leg, lb. 1. .15 22 2b 25 2i .V0 3 251 ;45 io. .40' .46 ; .r.:.. ..:38'f -A-,r v'-25 :.....,-0. ' 25 :. . .15 ;.i5 .io.: 20' 20 Lamb Chops. 30c to -35. Freri " ' Wheat, Alberta ... Bran Middlings - 5 2JDQ Shorts T: u 1-70 1 Oats ......r 2flOt Fine Oat -Chops v......!,....'.......... 220 Crushed Oats .....,r. ... 220 Barley ...: k........ 15 Laying Mash 24J5 Oyster Shells :. 15", My! 'My! What a mess! It really Isn't an octopus as you might suspect as first glace, but actually a tangle or arms, legs and bodies emerging from a slmlltaneoos flying leap. The picture was snapped during a recent match between Arsenal and Huddesrfield, with an Arsenal forward In the act of bouncing the ball from his head ta his opponents' goal. TeraptatioB TSOME-Jf. l MAC FOR F " - fl I NAJGATt uikC&ur?c I- I I WliJ-SJ -that mKimvTzzft fa- ri GOOD M0HT, MAC VOU OLD Jm MK5IAT OVaJU 1 II IIl )'1'I r tT M -VM WAVTIMCJ FtJf?. A 'PHOMC CALL ffe-OM j Cos toM ee. c5o Check IsZ call you FivjE" 1 himutbS ,. H.. 'Til T'C Cricketers Complete 363 Runs For Third Wicket i JJyp Bfej . aaSaaKBaaa8a!?SBB-BBB SaaaK yWberj -Naw South Wales met Queensland at Sydney, Australia, recently In a cricket match, Messrs. .Bradman. and Kippax .made cricket history when they completed 362 runs for the third wicket. Klp-jpax Is shown above, snapped while making a long drive. He will accompany the Australian team on Its tour of England. OHj BOTHER, j "THE COUNTESS-"SHE'Ll. MEJEI2 h XMOVM IT Tf Ml . I T 1 I T - II w H I II f VS. COOMTte.SS NAiHAT'U- THE COOWTfeVS SV MCfvMj .Mt ViHAT IM -vhb eoowressr A.c:-w4'T i-TELL Mae. THE OBESTi By Westoyer UCX. Yes, These Are "Walking" Dresses k i, a 3 f - f 1 n j 1 't I-