v March 19, 193 Askfc or Nestles STERILlZfeb EVAPORATED MILK tn. jWORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY , r -ii i ifi'Hii - ' - - - CANDIES For SAINT PATRICK'S PARTIES MINTS AND HAItl) CANDIES Hhjftrr Ihr rollptn may bt, you may b urf that alir Kill Ilk. itit !:ntiil ramllr. uit St. ratrfrk-. Hay. lr If ou'rc having a parl. li. .lift (hat )tiu1tave all antpl. tuppljr on liand. SPKCIAL offer this week Moir a Chocolates 50c l i ". (.ianong's Chocolates 70c M , "Kino Cherrie., Page & Shaw, 1-lb. box 70c Special St, Patrick's Offer RASTER NOVELTIES A new assortment la rhooor from at very reasonable prices. . JLowtili jiii.j.e lh?W... Ormes Ltd. Pionetr Druggists The Keiall Store fhonesr 81 & S2 SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER Pictorial Review and the National Home Mohthly at a my low rale. IJy tending In your subscription now, either new or renewal. ou rrrrivr: , DcUverccl ih the City) The Daily News, one year ,...$5.00 Pictorial Review, one year LOO National llonie Monthly, one year . LOO Total vahic $7.00 , All Three for $5.50 (Hy Mail to Points Outside Prince Rupert) The Daily News, one year $5.00 Pictorial Review, one year L00 National Home Monthly, one year . LOO Total value -..$5.00 All Three for $3.50 The Daily Netos, Phone 98 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITKI) k6b 8emri Wve Prince Rupert for Vancouver. i , . ! v-' 5" kveh't TiirsnAv, liSO r.M. ," ' r.., IIIM ,na wnyivunu, amying Vancouver imin-nj afternoon, SJ. CAHDKNA T.VF.RY FRIDAY MU1N10IIT Arriving Vancouver. Mondav A M. r ' to Port Simpson, Mice Arm. 'Aw. "1 rw. . , w P'nU, tenvi 1'rlric Rupert 8vihdy. pin. I I' MtlMK .r?tl0n regarding ah Mdngs and" lekJfJi at - MS ,,.,., AUENCy, TlilM Avrnue. I'M"' II ii 1 1 1 1 i I I ii " itcausc U iloesn't nay to advertise poor products, U uoea pay to buy tltbse mherliicd, ii-M.tiiiiaim iwrui oi Vancouver. With a falr-.I?d Hit hT i.ueh tlnlon strahlH- Catata, tjaji? A K Dlrbidn, Arrifed n. pott at : " is last eV:-nm rrohl th sbuth and lallet at 8 p.m. for Anyo' "! M-ahnhrloth-r twrttlerh prtrht wlienee she Mil return here tn-Imortow nornln aim t:i at l:3ti p.m. for Vancouver and waypolntA . E. O. Newnham, who has be-n 'acting as Indian Asen: at Alert Bay for the past year or so. was a passenger aboard trie catala last 'vcnlnfi going through to Mill Bay where he will resume his former duties ax Dominion constable for the Haas River Mrs. Kewnham will be coming north In a week or so. Announcements Presbyterian St. Patftck tea March 21. . Philharmonic Society concert. Presbyterian Church, March 23, at it. 30 prh. .Mrs. Mandy's Passloh'Play lee-, turc. Cathedral Hall. March 20. i Queen Mary bridge and dance. April 2. United Easter Sale, April 4. ! Colonial Fair Cathedral Hall, April 5. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 12. C. N. R. A. Anniversary Ball, 13. St. Peter's Church Sale April 19 . Spinsters' Spree Cambral Chapter. April 17. Moose Hall Basketball T:i.SllAV NKIIIT, .MARCH 20 V. N. R. A. vs. All Stars Also Intermediate and other games. DOMINION DAIRY NOW OPEN At Second St.. near third Ave. Fresh .Milk, Cream, Htitter, mitiermllk, F. and CottaJte Cheese Tel. fiSfi. Prompt delivery .Mllh direct frorrt ottr owrt lieril Fltr.SII I.VLHY DAY BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMELS In Nine Attractive Colors Made to walk on. Easy to apply. Suitable for nil Interior decorating where a high gloss Is required. I pints 50c; pints 75c ts. $1.10; J gals..?2.50 Thompson llilrthvnrc Co. Untiled THE DAILY NEWS. FAbfc THREZ LOCAL NEWS NOTES I m buy "ah'ythinr In gold. Pre-j mlum prlcei. Mai Hellbroner. Norman "Eraser returned to the tity bn the Catala last evening from a brief business trip to Van -rouver. I Mrs. O. T. Stlndal of Terrace li paying a brief Visit to the city. She arrived from the Interior on Saturday hlght'i, .train arm will return to Terrace 'bn Wednesday afternoon. Fjc-Ald, George W. Kerr, who ha "xv-n located In Vantroilver for th. i..fl t ft-rt year, arrived !n the c!tv in the Cntala yentrtiXiy afternoon I from the nouih. Mr. Kerr Is now : inter, stttl In the operation of r. jj'.iifH!ti!i; mining prrrpev-y on thi I Whist firlve and dance, adm. 156. land 25c. March "20, C.L.D.L. Hall. I - Father T. Watson of Portland, Oregoh. who has been conducting a special mission at the ttornah Catholic Church Of the Anhuhcla-- tto'n here dUHrtg the past week, ! will sail by the Catala tomorrow ; afternoon on his return soath. vs Colds Tim- . -. mA ...!1L I I ucaicu W1UWUI dosing Just nib on MiLyjrjLy;ij;i!iisi 1 - - - -rr" i i i t rv Joiin McMillan, customs officer U SU wait, and V.rs. McMillan alrti lamlly sailed by the Catala last Venlns? on tl.Hr return himt af-.er a week's visit In town. Do not forget the basketlljli; a mo Tupsclay nfcfhti M.eh 20. In ! Moose Hall. C..N.I5JV. vs. Al Stars.; also Intermediate and otlir same.! Adults 25c. chillren, 10c. All pro-! ?eeds for the library Funa. j A. J. Prudhomme; proprietor of: the Savoy flolel Returned to the city at the end of the we?k from! a slx-wekS' vacation trip to Cali fornia ahd elsewhere in the South west states. Step out Into the SUNSHINE How many d"ji of your life, art lo.t ia feeling anJer .par? HbW many bouri birb miht hi bribt are dull aoJ tliipirileJI Half Jjeartetl tlayi art freqaentlV iat to common ronHlpatiua. ft elouJt jour waking boiut, talvei the innibine out of litin. Tot h can be OTercome to taiily by til-in I l tltlitioaa rereaL Laboratory teiti abote Ktlloft'i All-BiIm proviilei "bulk.' and ilia ruin U t ltd elimination. Au-Bun ia alio a fine aource of iron. The "Lulk." tn All-Bii! it muct lika that In leafy Vegetable!. Rat tbii "cereal ray" pleaianlor ibia ritiing patent mediclnei? Two tableipobnfuli daily iri lUally tofficienU With earb meaL in rbronle caaea. If not rflieted tLli way, tea your dortbr.. AIL-BRAH Serve Al.L-Itii4 ai a cereal or at inmuffina,bT(ada, omeleli, etc. In the red-aud-grteri bickiie. At all tl' f CLEAN THE G0LDIE WAY Cutiiie is' bark with US agatri. the best dry cleaner lit B.C. We have the only Dry Cleaning plant In Northern B. C. with Dry Cleaning tumbler, the one and only way of deodorizing clothing completely. Our Price is $1.00 For Dresses, Suits and Overcoats Satisfaction (Ittarahleed PIONEER LAVNl)RY LIMITED and Canadian Laundry Ltd. COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, Alberta ahd Bulkley Valley Coals are guarah teed to give satisfaction, Try 4 ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, w also tell Timothy Hay. Wheat oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. IS Phones ISI Hotel Arrivals . M. Plltski. SharrleS; F. Diggles. Vaharsdbl; Roy Labo ahd A.- Bourgeois, C'Xk.; t. Smith Port Simpson; M. 6kog, Prlhce Rujiert; D. McLeod, VancouVer. trlrlcfe hobeH bebrge Kerr, It. 3. Ctlmmlhs. M. A. Brddle arid Oebrgfe W. Kerr, Vancouver; J. b. iiunt. Mis Ada Brown arid Mrs. 3. A. tirowrl. Port E!Ht8?l; Geofp C. Hlrper, Sa-skdtoon; Mrs. W. 8. Anderson and ML 11. Andersdn, Terrace James G. Martin, Edmonton. Mail Schedule M the fast Mondays' Wednesdays and Fridays '4:30 pjn' rrJm tile feast fiiesHays. Thursdays and- Satur-fla'vs 10 pjn I Br Vaitioavel- Tuerfdjr 12:30 pirn Thursdays 9:15 pjn FiHdaJr , 11 p.m March 15 nhd 20 p m. Mondays ahd Wednesdays I by traihl 4:30 ph. IHinn VdnfuoVH- Suhdajr .it4 k pis Wednpfcda? ..:'. 10 ajn Friday ,p.m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days by train) 10 p.m March il ahd 25 a.rh For Ariydx and Stewart-Sunday .7 p.m Wednesday 1... 3 pjn From Anyox and Stewat Tuesday li:30 a.m Thursday 8 p.rri For Mas River and Port Simpson Bunaay . 7 pjn 1 From Naas River and Port Simpior Tuesday . 11:30 ajii For queen Charlette Islands-March 14 and 28 ajri. ! -build Payrolls' Thousands Bake iWith It II IjaWj mm Uhnumbe'rM thousands of pieces are baked and dishes prepared In thousands of homes with "Pacific; Milk arid the demand is grgwiHg. j The dally shipments show trie rJe-1 jhalld. Hie letters from more than! Pacific Milk - .00 II. C. Owned arid Controlled PLANT AT AHHOTSFORb S. R. S. Tune iii Topics' HIGH LIGHTS MONDAY 6:66 Gaiety and Romance. . CFCN. 7:00 Carnation Program, KOMO. :30 Firestone Hour, KOMO. 9:00 Sparklets, Marimba Novelty, CFCN, CRCV. TUESDAY 6:00 Seville Fair, CFCN, CRCV. 7:00 Camel Program, KSL. 8:15 Memory Lane, KOMO. 9:30 Hodge Podge Lodge, KOIN. - WEDNESDAY 6:00 Une lleure Pres de Vous, CFCN, CRCV. 7:00 Corn Cob Club, KOMO. 8:00 The Bentleys Have Music, CFCN. 9:000. Williams' Orchestra, K0INTIifjftstMi; 6:0fJoncert Recital, CFCN", 6:00 Show Boat. KOMO. 7:00 Hands Across the Bor-, deh CFCK CRCV. 8:00 Foothills Revue, CFCN; u 9:00 .Symphony Hour, KOMO. and Remember We offer yod a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave., LOOK FOR THE TOWER ' HOUSES to rent. Hart. VERNON Apartments housekp I113 rootru. newly renovated, l4l i 2nd Avenue. Pborie Red 421 LOST LOST All-white dog. Anyone having seen or htard of same phone Red 195. 67 PAINTERS r'AlNTING and Paperhangin Moller, Phone Re W)2 . TRANSFERS 2000 patrons how the milk is usW. I GARDEN Soil $250 a load. Cam- j ! vVliat Is the reason' There could eron's Transfer. Phor.e 177. tl j i be but one quality Pacific Is the i finest canned milk made. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN I'ROHtTK N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and tN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE .OF Batteries "SlTitdX" is the latest scientific discovery In Electro chemical active material. All rnmrvinpnt m?ltprial In th Suprox" Battery are of super bdalUy aLsb. IA the -Suflrbx" Bat ttry thbre Is ho shedding, buckling-, Sulphatloh br diSiriteiratlon and Supi-ox'' Batteries Improve with age U kept In active use. SUPERIOR UADIO-ELECTRIC Secoriil AWhtle Nblifee to Shareholders MAPLE LEAF MINES . i LMIITEI) hy folurl6n nt tttr dlrfcion. c$ MajT XfS Mints Limited. pcuKnt oil ttrfdivKriay. Vrch li, Wi. harehcWert of tic&d tI Mitch 22. 1934. ar eri. tH.lt t . -ptirctiie liiarfri of Ht-illoj IUAH Mtns UmXed fit 42 1-2 cerdS pet rjure. Ail utrtptluw muet he In cn or before March 31st, 1034. Shareholder restating In WInns!ps and poims went or northwest will hc'jnjttltM thrB AtliaAfiBtial day to Mcv for delay In .rrlVl cf mU. Nfctfee of hVA nd ccndlttcMs cf jkirSe wlU be mallrd by Mid-Canada fixprortltfen tkthpaiiy lifeSttd on March S3rd to all rtEGISTERElJ SHARElfOLDEIr8 Man?!. 22110. 1934. fhl PnEFEflENTIAL OFTEniNG U port cf a firm underwriting of Mkl-Csnada Exp!nratJrh rVhipany and ia l'Tnd to J5f),000 t hires. MtD-CA?iAnA EXt'LUKATibN' CbsiPAv LImited tvi luy Street, TiK-onto, Ontario . , Classified Ads FOR SALE FURNITURE for sale. Apply 308 9th Ave. West, FOR RENT FOUND FOUND Single Yale Junior key. Apply Dally News. HAIRDRESSER PERSiAiSENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Stylet. NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE GARDEN SEED HAVE A GOOD GARDEN. Plenty of everything to eat fresh and for winter. McFayden's Seeds "cost' so little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet. Big Oversize Packels. New Crop, Fresh, Tested Seeds. Over 150,000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and 'get Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FREE or send 25c. for 10 Big Paekets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c. on first order. (Coin preferred: stamps accepted.) McFayden Seed Co.. PrlnceS3 and Martcet Sts., Winnipeg, Man. 66 NOTICE DAVID MeVAT. DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY OlVEN thitall pertcm having claims against the estate tf David UcVav fcrmerlr of the Cltt of FRANK 3IVA. otherwise krtt)T a Uydft lit the Territory of Alaska. United a.aaa avc-.n, a.wru, . i. 1 DEB lea U AllienCa, WHO diet uu JOia TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hls!. .. ton t hii.'. Ur h. -".ilLT'i""'!.1 r'i..0.1 PKPld lMer fuU partlculara of ttelr teS-S 5al... V i. ' TRUST COMPANY. Administrator wtthta of the above-named Oe-Wd. All per. "' . .. 0! sona having claims ugairtst the mldiMld Darld McVay dwiwed. at Uajofflco eMate are hereby required to furnlh628 Pender Strtet. ancouver. B.C4: j same, properly -verified, to me fa or be- i AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last fore the 7th day of April 1834. other-' mfhtibned date the Administrator -.iiUl wi tllflporttlon. of the said estate win j proceed to dwtrlbut tr aseU of 'lh te niadi- without regard th'ltb All 1 UroeaW-d ainA the rjenani Entitled tmrtlet. indebted to the ixi'A estate ire ! thereto, having regard only to. the claims iqulred to pay the amount of thw .nde-btednesa to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT. Prince Rupert, n C HATED this 7th day of March. AJD WK , . . . KSh KMltiiTUY ACT Ite: Cerllflcaie of Title No. IISICI, ( lot II. ItltKi SS. Secttim K, Map 9.2:1 ( Mr of ITInce Kiert. W1IERF.AS hmaf of kxui of ih abate ' CKKTiriCUKS Ol" IMPKOVKMENT TWii4hill. lUinania. Tuloiquali flilcf. tulMiiiiali IUM Eatle, ami TuliliitSli I: I mi rnttlin, Mineral Claim. Sltusfe In the Atlln MlnlnR Dlvuteu of Ca&ilar DUtrtc. Where United. Left Bank of Tulsui qtiah ltivers . ..... TAKE NOTICE that It. fclcX, rraAer. aett.iit a'g avei.t fof Takh Mines Com pany Limited, Free Miner's Certificate Nd. 7i408 D; J. b. Ktrkharh. Free Mln-era CerUflcat No. 7300 D; Curl Carlson, rre Mtfiert rhiftit No 7341s i D: Olen A. Ktrkham. Fr Miner's Cer-tlflrnt No. 73410 D; and George L. 1 Johnson. Free Miner's OrtlHcate No 73411 D: Intend, sixty days frtiin the date hereof, to apply to the Mining I Recorder for Cemflcates of Improve-i menta for the purpon of obtaining ; crown oranta of the above claims. ANT1 fl.Kn. Ak nhrn. H tr-tlhn 'under tWctlor,M of ria'Waiefal Af 1 must commenced before ths liytuanca of such CJjcjUv.).juvroikuts. , DAud tiai.'JarUjir;ajtl, cf which It shall then have 'had -notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. thks 13th day of March 1934. , ROBERTSON DOUGLAS & SYMES 640 West Pender Street. Vaneduver. B.C. Scttijittr .for The Royal Trust, Company. IN rKOIMTR IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BHItIsH COLUMBIA Certificate of Tltl iwted In the name, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMIN- of Bert L CUjton. has been fUed In istr.tton ACT" this office, notice Is herebfr glvwi that and I shall, at the Mptrat,lon of one month IN THE MATTErt op THE ESTATE OF from the date of the first publication I ' hereof. (iue a proVtslonal Ccrtltlcat Of Title lnlteu of said lost Certificate, tin-I less In the meantime valid objection be 'made ia the In writing. , DATED at the Land ReyUtry Office. Prine Rupert. JJC. this 15th day of February. A.D. TC34. ANDREW THOMPSON, ...... .... .PemitT Jteyttrar DONALD MacRITCHIE. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of Ills Honor. W. E. Fisher, the 6th da of Mar-h. AD. 1934, I was appointed Ad- mmlstrator of the estate of Donald MacRitrhle. deceased, and all patties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, prupetly verified, to me on r before the 9th dav of April. A.D. 1934, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to m forthtth. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince rtnnert. net. batttlth 8th day ot Msrrh, A Q. 19J4. novntlKNT IKJI'OR Act Notice of Apiillrntlfth fifr fieei1 l.lcftire NOTICE ) hereby given that on the 13th day of April next th undersigned tntehds to apply to th Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premised, being part of th building kndwn aa the Hays-port Hotel at Jtayxport, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 83 arid 54. Block 11. TownslU of llaysport. Prince Rupert Land Registration District,, in th Pro vines of British Columbia, for th sale of br by th glass or by open bottle for consumption on the premises or by Hosed battle for consumption ei where. DATED Oils 10th day of March. 1934, . , . MARIE ANN DUPUIfl : '. 1 Applicant