i It-.'-. . !C 7 t? r. litem m i 11 FOR YOU 4EW cmim GUM ppERttlKTFlAVOR rvftWIHOCUM MB ;kc cum Copyright Wrigiey's 1V34" Roman Catholic ..... v .. ; .-;-v , - PAOE FOUR t '"" TOT' D AHA NZvJa ! ' ...AH,' !i.-M,.,J.l,-j,lCJ- .1 v rA il il -J I -a 'S PO RT r. GROTTO WINS BRIDGE LEAGUE 3SB9 IN BASKETBALL; OPENS SEASON Jmd- .kfeatt-ti .0.. '. U. A. In Sealer jiKtlSll Srlvool Takes . iuiermrdiate. MaU-ii Bullet" Joe -V- SGHEDU! Jwaj ay Scott and Buddy Uatcbtord vent in Uic rampage i and Grotto defeated Canadian National Recreation Association by a aioK; -fit- -21 to 19 in last night's Senior League basketball game.' The railroaders held by. Referee Brick Skihner calico' .twenty-seven fouls-Warriors dropped an Intermed OF WHIST n 1 p . i I'h o. O, F. is. St An-; DlSllOP L0nSeCrateQew' WTs Ptotto; Canadian, 1 " . iLegfpli vs. Boris of Norway. i. iter. Hugh John MacDonald Officially Becomes Head 'of'-' " B. C. Diocese V ' ANTjGONlSll, N.rOct 2:-CPi-- nrRt. Rfv. Hugh John MacDonald? p I. was consecrated here terday as the ne w Bishop of Victoria ! for the Roman Catholic ChwtbJ JJlshop MacDpnaid Is a native ol Antigonish. hr t ,,---.-.. - J . A' JRAUiS Afiiindays ,VVednpl$days and Frt- dars. .. . ......;... '5:30 irjn; .Fromt.Viasirr ' Tiieikla Thursdays arid Satur-'dtjjr - 10;15 p.m. lb CIUlHp m WVvbwer . . . and Olo. my eWo-kick 90 IM 0n Harirnon, wuu unas u 9tSf 10 ) ton with a aaMit, 1 lrito'word. tyaitr;p caphano skewing pg'i a dji wfiiqht to put hii pi'tnco fer'CflPHflrtO- Swift's Mii.'i4ei afu"l UtMtl.lv r Winners IMt Shhi in to (fat y-(iaiurs w I iUttrr :.' The Prim Rw;crt Bridv4VLiiju opened tU schedule tor Ui whiter .. season's aetivKtes Ust nl.wUh"" results of fixtures as follows:", 'V Swifts. 7401; .Grotto. 44Vi";V Canadian National Rocijtlori. a Yt-P0Uit Association, suv, nusEeierr, lUi if ad at half time hut the tohaccon- i Ramblers. Ists bore down alter 'the. .interval lo gion. 4533. score-14 to 7 points and go Ahead. ' - The 'ame was last mi there was' ",",lS?fT Tf 17 some heavy checkujg, Larnbie and fJ2lLIULiLi iiiaiKej oeing sent w me snnwers who tfers vs. Ramblers. ( I Packers 6403; ftanadun Dec. 13 Musketeers Lev OF BRIDGE; Nov. 1 C N. R A. -vs. Swifts; ixvwiMV Mvu Wiur, iv uc. -....t.. r4 W....L. High- School 18-1. ;t was a clo$eu'w" vs IJJ-chwWnggajneaUlh.way.-Jththts.le"vs "wa1- , Nov. 8-Swifts vs. Muete?; Warrior holding-ft one-point lead! at half time 13-12. In -the second i0"0 vs Canadian Le- canio; however, the Student turned . s . Vi c; VJ- A:, .,"'' on lh 'sfeun and srnrd ,UnP I-Cahadton Legjon VS. - , Swift Mutk'eteers rs. QrpttdrC Scythians won prejr:the JinlQr J N. R A. vs. Ramblers. tiuv, !(. U ii,; 'i' Nov. 22 Ramblers game 13 to 4. It was quite evident' Grotto vs", C" f ' f ' A Oiat 4h Rtudftnt ost their shnnt- . vs- CaJladlan vs. Swifts: Musketeers . unm n.t I ov. 2 Qroilo tc Swifts; Mu? Pebbies.' tee TS-cN" R A"; R?mb,er-4 Stone and- Annette's btouht .puunequlns paraded home with av" ' VS. Ramblers vs. Grotto: p. N. R At vs. ter. Canadian Legion. ! Dec. 20Swifts vs. Canadian Le-' V.v iTanaoian legion vs. i. . Nov. 19 C. N. RJ A. .VS. .Orotto; v... if.; at. Andrews ys. Grotto; i Canadian Legion vs. Empress; Sons of 'Norway vs. Moose. i Moose vs. Meat Packers, I. O; 0. F. j vs. Elevator. Nov. 26 Grotto vs. J. O.'O. Fi Canadian Legion vs. Ekvator: Moose vs. Empress; "Meat: Packers vs. C; N. R, A. . . Pec. 3 Moose vs. Orotto; 'AleaM PAckiprs vs. Canadian Legloo; I..0 O. F. vs. Empress; C. N. R. A. vs. Elevator. TURRET fine Cut J CigaretteTobacco WHIFFLETS From lhc Waterfront Southbound froth Skagway to .Vanrotif ef. C. P R. iteaotr PriH' H.3 rfetotrovfr the Grottettes In u :, . - A" vFjrom Prince Rupert h jkt-d up Canadian Leelon Grotto; Muske- t,.!, r.,,. vs. - h- glon; Orotto vs. Musketeers; Ramb-' . C. P. R. steamer Princess Adt- iters vs. C. N. R. A. tlalde. Capt. S. K. Gray, 1 due In n 77 .1 I 27 Swifts vs. Ramblers: ,C.'Irt at A odockthls afternoon from iltori-ay. Orotto vs. Canadian Le- f &lpn: St. Andrew's vs. Moose. not.;5 6t. Andrew's vs. I. O. O. arpttnys;-' Moose? Sons of Nor- ?. Canadian Legion. Nov. J2 I. JO. O. R vs. Canadian l,Legiohj Orotto ti fit. Andrew's, Jlopse vs. Sons of Norway. Nov. 19MoQse' vs, L. 9. 0. F.; , Sons of Norway -vs,Gxptto; St, Andrew's" iri. 'Canadian Legion. No?. 26-rflrttOTS-I, O. O. P.; St. Andrew's' vs, ISons of Norway; Mopse ys. Canadian. Legion. Dec. :&ons; of Vo'rwa'y vs. I'.'O. 0. F.; Canadian Legion vs. Grotto; Moose vs. St. Andrew's. Dec! ,10 .10 i: r: .M. R. A. vs. Grotto; t gion V6 Musketeers. Canadian Le- CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Oct 29 Grotto vs. Meat-Packers; Canadian Legion vs. Moose; l- Owli' i n T? if P XT D A - rmnnsfi: ttt ' v . 14a ,ra. Elevator. Nov. 5 Elevator vs. Grotto; Ca" nadian Legion ,vs; I.J). p.Fooe vs. C N. R. A.; Empress rs. Meat Packers. ' I Nov. 12 Grotto ys. Empress; CaJ ;whP3J fteW disembarked htre.: .1 ' ',Thfts foin south consUUd largely SwlftS;... vtilrnn.ri nJnu niitclHo fni- th Ui south and will saiTat her return to Vancouver polnU. SPECIAL LOG RATES ASKED J-Ji-taJii n U Nortbtrs ii. . Lum brrctrn'ft AMrlation Inlcr-. virw lUilway Ilra4 . 1 ' ----- owAay of AUtUtr Fmtr K,C vice esterdajr alternoon luf veel- ,rZ,n. ln Bhar n. ia ninety passeroim o( ,illftn NatiQnal ,,al, lh. ' way official was Jntervlfwcd by Olof Hanson UP and Q. W. Nlckxr- son. wprofrntlnf the Norlhcm Brv tkh Columbia. Lnmbermen's Amo- dation with a request for special reduced rates on log from the interior for ciport through this port. Mr. Fraser promised favorable consideration to the request and'wa?- jSmithers Honors ; SgL Fairbaim Union sUaraer Cardena, Cant Ernest Oeorgesoo4 Is due to arrlyo firrat Stsul-Ott Girt a rlire at 9:30 this evening from the south Xicr on Leaylnr JnUlor and will sail at ) J mldnfeht on her Tm For fUih TjeUim to Vaiyouvr and wajpoinU. . , BASKETBALL TIMETABLE -! nadian Legion vs. C N. R. A.: Moase l October 2-Grotto vs. Moos; vs. Elevator; .1. O. O. F. vs. MeaMOf0Uttes vs. High School; War- riors vs. Scouts. Leglop; This.avirttafcl. M u4 'rf&UkiA cr ErVM by lh U isiiilWl L Wyiakiai Brtuih ciuiabta "rit.iniH niuucw ruiiuuiiii, cniCI of che Smllhers detachment of the t provincial police for several years, who pasned Ihroueh the cltv last night on his way to Cranbrook to which point he has been transferred in the provincial police service. was given a great send-off on Irsv-" lng Smithers. A banquet was held in his honor and he was presented With a watch. Mrs. Palrhnlm r- Scythlans .vs. giving a silver plate. November 1 Moose vs. C It.- H. A.; Legion vs. High - School; . High School vs. Annettes Scouts ' vs. High.SchooI. Ndvember 5 C. it. R. A. vs. Grot Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar New York Excliani to; Grottettes vs. Annettes;-HlRh! NTiV YORK. Oct. 26: The Bri-Schopl vs..Warrlors; High Schftol vs.tish pound sterling clduxi it HW Scythians. on the local foreign exchange mar- pyyewoci ioose ys. urotio; icei yeneraay. oclng off le The Legion vs. Warriors; High School Canadian dollar closed at $1.02. up v. uroiveii.es; acouw v soytnians c Pr Dozaa wilh ntuoi of EiuptU My lbto fou Tor Fiompt Fim Dallvtry It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET F I N E C V T CIGARETTE TOBACCO Of- v ka4 -auyrnxrx or too-t o pfn NM il I nn w Mml b Hid IM. ii . , ' I .r( Mi UUU4 ClMiMkll a IHf. pi i 'i n 1 ' i itST PROCtM TLU (irmlM-meot It pot puUihd or dlplTl r titt Uqotf 04 lMNt.ru or tbe uovernraeai of Uriik-J I MACKENZIE FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD 6UITES--3 pieces from BEDROOM SUITES Bed. Vantty. Chiffonier from ALL FELT MATTRESSES -4 6" and 3 3 from Phone 775 896.5 R S7O.0 S7.5 1')7 Third Vi SPECIAL VALUES IN UNPAINTED FURNITURi CHESTS OF DRAWERS, from BEDROOM TABLES Ym TABLES KITCHEN TABLES, from ...... BOOK SHELVES GORDON'S HARDWARE Mr Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dfld HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 0 $1