If October H. iW TEA "Freih from the Gardens' REVENT-- 1H0SE WIN1ER COLDS ,rte rainy season many individuals carry I)urin.A' old:? for months. Why not keep those colds away? Let us neip you cnoose a winter ionic Try: hoiks itre Norwegian cod liver oil Defied in Prince Rupert XO fillP for Prince Rupert trade, 8 oz,. lC-oz. u u LlALT KXTKACT AND COD LIVER OILAt a new low price l0" 2-IU jar HALT EXTRACT AND HALIBUT Q1 AA LIV ER OIL, 2-lb. jar NTRODCCINC; THE LATEST DISCOVERY PARKE-DAVIS TUNIVER OIL HIZp 1 ux In 5 c.c bottles' I). IIALIVER OIL, PLAIN- 75p In 5 c.c bottles " '.I). IIALIVER OIL CAISULES Q1 ft Plain, In boxes of 50 capsules Ormes Lid. Xrtie. Pioneer DruQSfists the Retail 8Ur rtaoc.es: tl ft SS THE BIG FOUR UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Winter Excursion Fares TO VANCOUVER From Prince Rupert 32.00 Ucturn ALL MEALS AND MIRTH iNCI.i:ir.II Phltrtren Hiilf-Fate I ly the products of The Sea, The Soil, The Forest and The Aline will we prosper. BUY Bulkley Valley Coal and get more value for your fuel dollar Mured rttr ralc of farr ani! one-third alvi applies from all hth.r n a . i . . ., .. j rnn. Kliuir( and AHVOX I ix'iiiirrn puns 10 ancouvcr. mm -- to Prince Rupert and return. fcjto cm Nule continuously between November 1st. 1934 and f cbr.:.. 28tjv. 1933 - good to return up to March 31st. 1935. STEAMERS lLvYPRIWC RUPERT Ar; VANCOUVER 5Catala Tuesday 1:30 IM. Thursuay mi.. Is 5. Urdena Friday It. Mdt. Monday A Ji. Tickets. Reservations and All Information from p'l'te Rupert Anent (R. M. Smith). Third Ayr, Phone 568 or rursrr S.S. caiau ami y-n. Canadian Pacific NHXCess STEAMERS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and oiCn Dn. rv ...it- M... Amu wv. iwi, ijBi, itiui, ' or Vancouver direct Oct. 5th, 16th, 25th, Nov. 2nd. 'i; Vancouver via ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adc-aide' every Friday 10 p.m. W. L. COATES, Clen. Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. We are back to our good taxi service. Phone 32 day and night, tf. PERSONAL XMAS CARDS fo$i)jyf 'designs. Also1' business and prof esHohal- Best values In Canada. Heilbroner's. Capt. Winiam H. Darrlngton of the Darrlngton Transportation Co. was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah pesterday afternoon going through from Wrangell to Seattle where he will spend the win- FREE BOOK of EASY CAMP COOKING Prlxe recipes of famous woodsmen flaky white bannock, golden flap-jacks, new ideat for cooking game, meat, fish and delicious puddings Borden't have collected them for you in a handy sited book called "Easy Camp Cooking Recipes". All you need is the uiual camp supplies, and a tin of KLIM. KLIM is pure whole milk powder juit mix with water to make rich creamy milk. KLIM is light compact not affected by heat or cold always sweet and fresh. Buy KLIM at your grocer's or supply pott Clip coupon and mail to get your Free Book. Yttdltr HoM. Toronto M( ttrA mt F.ty Cmp Cookinr R.-tipti" by Umout woodwucti FREE. Nirnt Stmt citr rm. Miss Margaret Orant, daughter of John C. Grant, well known Wrangell hotel proprietor, was a Dasserwer aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Beaiue. George C. Cam Smith, who operate a river boat on the Yukon River from Whitthorse. was a pas senger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle where he will spend the winter. Duncan Miller, who has been stationed at Sttklne during the past summer as customs officer, return ed to the city on the ss. Princess Knrah vestenlay afternoon from the north, aacompanled by his brother, Victor, who has been with him a good part of the time. Announcements Hill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 26 Hma's Bazaar Metropole Hall October 26. Prince Runert Tennis Club an nual dance, Friday. November 2. I. O. D. E. Girl Guide tea, Nov 3. IPjcsbytorlan fall Bataar, Novem- btri8. P Daughters of -Norway Dance No vember 9. Elics' Dance. Friday. Nov. 16. Members Make your reservations with the secretary for seats at Mooseheart Day banquet at Boston Cafe, 8 p.m. Friday. Fresh Sole and Flounders. Phone 48. tf Cash waiting for old gold: teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc, Bulger's, (tf) i You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile the Canadian Legion. Prices from J4.00 to $10.00. Phone 553. (248 Herbert Wheeler, president of the Yukon and White Pass Route, was a passenger aboard the Princess , Norah yesterday afternoon going ! through to Seattle where he will spend the winter. He had been ; making his headquarters for the summer at Skagway. Mrs. W. D. Thornton of Calgary, who has been visiting at Sandsplt, on the Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived In the. city on the Prince John yesterday and will proceed by Monday evening's train on her return to her home on the prairies. During her stay here she Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, Fourth Avenue East. A. W. H. Smith, agent for the Barrlngton Transportation Co. ati Wrangell, and Mrs. Smith and-Mrs.! i Mary E. Taylor, Mrs. Smith's mo- 1 ther .arrived In the city on the ss. , Princess Norah yesterday -tatter-1 noon from the north and are pay ing a brief visit here before, continuing tonight aboard the. Princess Adelaide to Seattle where they will speno the winter. A. C. Garde, veteran mining engineer of this province and for eeveral years located at Prince Rupert before moving to Vancouver, arrived In the city on last night's train from Smithers and sailed on the steamer Prince George for Van couver. Mr. Garde has been super intending operations on the Rio Grande mining property on Hudson Bay Mountain near Smithers. ' Result of Research New Aid In Preventing Colds Leads To Plan for Better Control of Colds Plan Easy to Follow Years atro ago, Vicks VapoRub Wtmtuu4 (hA mpm mfthnH of THE DAILY NBW8 PAGE THRES Enjoy the Best Tea LOCAL NEWS NOTES tf ' Hygga's Bazaar Friday, Oct 25, 8:30 D-m- Metropole Hall. Refresh ments. dance. Adm. 25c. 249 Students for Manual Training Class will meet at Booth School Monday. Oct. 29. at 7 pm. f&m FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Dlgby Island $100 each. Norman A. Watt Administrator, J. K, Pyne Estate Organizations and individuals wishing to purchase Poppy Wreaths for Remembrance Day ceremony are reouested to place orders im mediately through local branch of Look Well and Keep Warm A for Very Little Money', We can outfit the whole family in the latest stylish clothes and shoes arid do it at so low a price that anyone can" afford to look well. Let us show you what wc can do. Ladies' Shoes We have an assortment of shoes for men, women. ' 'misses, arid children and they are being offered at prices that make buying easy. Boys' Suits Boys like to look well. We have suits with long pants, up-to-the-minute in style, that will make them all look like bank managers Q A up from We have Boys' and Girls' Srhnol Boots In endless varieties but strongly recomint-nd Leckle's to stand the wet and wear, all sizes 29 QQ Special, oer natr ?Q Men's Work Shoes or Dress Shoes QC Best values in Canada, un from, nalr We are Selling Leckle Shoes at per pair, up from MotOrS TtlekSIoton Suitable for fish boots also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W 1st Ave.. Vancouver RADIO Interference Sometimes originates in the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remo ve aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Remarkable New Aid in Avoiding Colds Samples Free at Local Druggists Every Family in Prince Rupert Offered a Free Trial of Vicks Va-tro-nol for Nose and Throat Also of Us Ideal Companion, Vicks VapoRub Then, if you have that stuffy, sneezy. Irritation In the nassal pas sages where most colds start, use Vleks Va-tro-nol at once Just a few orops up' eash nostril. Used In time. Va-tro-nol helps to prevent many annoying colds, and to throw off colds In their early stages. To Help Shorten a Cold If a cold has developed, orstrik' rnHna(fn1H MnvL' Vlrk Chemists L.itv.,.t nnmKfT ir.nWVIrksV.inO- v ...... p, iwikliuuk " f ' ' r - J 1 t .1 I J , .a. nr. ' . ... a 1 A V...r4 nave aevcropca wie iucai uumiaiuuu i nUD 0fCx mroai ana cjjcm uw u- to Vapouuo vjcks va-iro-noi ttmc. Through the sKin. vapouuu the new aid In preventing colds, i acts direst like a poultice. At the These two preparations, together same tlme Its medicated vapors with a few simple rules of health. ;are inhaled with even brctrL-dU form.tlw -unique Vicks Plan forBet-.rect to the InflamedMr-passageK - . a I . . .... "AiF' r..tu' ter Control or uoias. ine neipiui-; - , combined poupie ucwu ness pf Vicks Plan In reducing the 1 through the night loosens phlegm. number, duration and dangers of tolds. has been clinically tested by practising physicians. The Plan Is fully explained In each Vlck pack age.) Here, briefly, Is how Vicks Plan works: ' To lloln Prrvrnt PnliU it' "r --'- f risks u of ,Wat6h Yourself and children af- which so .oitcii i . A . 1 1 . 1 - L . . . . icr exposure w any cuiiuiuuu apv -jioothes Irritated membranes eases dlincult breathing helps , break congestion. I During the day any time, any place use Vicks Va-tro-nol every, few hours ns needed, Thl? gives you full 24-hour treatment without the constant Vmal' dMlng. UJhe'dlgestion -especially of children. j ConUct with others having active , Trial Package Free eolds crowds, public places, stuffy Your druggist has free comblna-lll-ventllated rooms sudden chan-tlon packages containing trial sizes ges in temperature, wet or.cold. or of Va-tro-nol awi VapoRub also H ovrtrtcnnx pvpii fnlder telllnir hOW these twin aldS to In" living with lower resistance, such, fewer colds and shorter colds are as over-eating, smoking, or drink- used In Vicks Fian ior ueuer v,on-lng-after a hard day when you ' trol of Colds. Ask for yours today, as are overtired. your druggisV's supply Is limited. Ladies' Silk Dresses These are sample tha have been, Just; received, made from the latest model and the material of the kind that ladles like to wear. Regular price $15. Our special offer to CO AC Prince Rupert ladles, ea. 9&vO Ladies' Coats Ladles' Coats, fur trimmed, late styles, good wearing material ?4 -i QC Special prices up from vAAtvtJ 3.45 Misses' and Children's Rubbers per pair, up from Men's Rubbers, selling at per pair, up from ., We Accept City Scrip 65c, 75c 79c Men's Storm King Rubber QQ fJtZ Cl QC Boots, per pair, up from V Of t?1t?U Rupert Trading Co. I Saturda Specials 62 L Ml Next Week Beirut National Fish Week; We Have a Large Assortment of Fish on Hand 63 I Soles Oysters Salt Mackerel Smelts Eastern Kippers Salt Herring We Now Hare the Agency For BURNS LAKE WHITE FISH AND SHAD BEEF Pot Roast, lb 10c Rump Roast 15c Brisket, lb 8c SHAMROCK EGGS Processed 2 doi 55c FRUIT MINCEMEAT 2 lbs 25c BEEF LIVER lb 15c SWIFTS LARD lb 15c LAMB Legs, lb 22c Shoulder, lb. 15c Stew, 3 lbs 25c COMET BUTTER 3 lbs 72c PORK BUTT 92c lb SWIFTS Cottage Rolls lb 25c Bill ffifir J ft The chncc ol 4 life-lime to ipend Chr'ntmii nd the Nw Ycif in the OU Lnd. Afpty to any Sltamihtp or Railway Aim! fif details, or In M '" W t Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, II docs pay to buy those adiertised. m ft r C4-