2 rau& CI 3- f 3. i 'ST YOU9J&9 cwti ma&e ST. CHARLES MILK "WHAT made the old fashioned farm VV cooking so good? Why, real cream, fresh rich milk and plenty of it! And, many women have rediscovered this secret, by using Borden's St. Charles Milk. St. Charles is fresjv whole milk, with all the cream, evaporated ol double - richness! It's rushed from inspected farms to spotless Borden plants and sealed in sterilized tins while the sweet creamy flavor is at its best! Write for. a free copy of "The Particular Cook's Cook Book" full of new and appetizing dishes to make with St. Charles. 402 77k A Ladies' Crown Rubbers lie,:. ;;i.uO; now Ladles' t'uiaps, lies, Oxfords Reg. i Jj; nyw Look for the Gold Cow. This label Is your uaranlte of quality. 59c Ladies' Brown and Black Overshoes OA Oft Reg. l..a; now ?J.Oi7 $1.95 Ladles' iJiacfc and Brown Q Q CZfi to CO 7C fiurrii. iJxfnra., tfO.aU QO.iO Ladles' Urown and Black Pumps-Blunt iocs, now .'. Ladies' Vlcl Kid Oxfords CO IZ A to M $3.50 $3.95 Solid Leather Oxfords For the high QO QC whool clrls. in Mark and hrnwn. now -Ladies Two-Tone Oxfords now ..I Children's Shoei- per pair :. Misses' Patent Straps per pair Misses' High Boots All sizes Reg. $355; now . , ... Hundreds ot pairs of Classic Shoes, Cushion Soles ti Hamok Welts, Solid Leather, at reduced prices Boys' Solid Leather Boots O CfttoQf) QC O.DU OA.XJD Oreb make, from Boys' Oxfords per pair $2.95 $1.35 $1.75 $1.95 $2.45 Rubber Moots for the whole family, all sizes DELICIOUS COFFEE I If you like cotfee - -you'll lilc it better with St. Charles Milt! Its smooth as velvet rich creamy! SPANISH CREAM DE LUXE Blend Vz cups each St. Charles Milt and watr. Add 2 tablespoons granulated gelatin, and allow to soften IS minutes. Scald in double boiler Beat yolks of 3 eggs with Vi cup granulated sugar and J4 teaspoon salt. Pour hot milk slowly over egg mixture. Return to double boiler, cook slowly keeping water well below boiling point (200 dcg. F.). Stir until mixture coats on spoon and is riightly thickened. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Pour hot custard over 3 egg whites stiffly beaten. Beat constantly while mixing. Pour into wet mold. Chill. (Serves 8.) ST. CHARLES MILK Made in British Columbia kfc' FALL SHOES Arc arriving daily. Hundreds of pairs to choose from in fine calf and suede trimmed, Cuban and spike heels. Don't miss looking these shoes over at these prices. Men s Wool Sox per pair Men's Dress Sox Assorted colors per pair Heavy Grey. Work Shirts-each .'. All Wool Ribbed Combinations per suit , Penman's Combinations per suit Turnbull's Combinations per suit Heavy Wool Black Sweaters-each Boys Blue Lumber Boys' All Wool Tweed Long Pants, at . $1.75 Boys Towers Slickers-Waterproof, each Men's Fawn Trench Coats-Waterproof, each Black Rubber Coats-Waterproof, each Ladies Silk and Wool Stockings-All colors, per pair 20c 25c 95c $1.95 $1.75 $1.45 $2.95 $2.25 to$1.95 $3.25 $5.95 $5.95 49c B.C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. Phone lilack 321 Next door to Frizzell's Meat .Market TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - i'repred Dally lij Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 FURNISH YOUR HOME FIRST Read this and you'll sive money every tlmel Organ $35 China Cabinet $15 D EI Ifs Furniture .EJLIU .K"hane .' .i Auctioneer (irct'n 121? We Buy Gold Try a Daily News classlfl?d ad. Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Results Butter 3 lb3. ob uaoiI nana 'bazaar was SUCCESSFUL St. Frier's Woman's Auxiliary Held Annual Affair in Parish Hall Yesterday . . . , The. annual baiaar of, "Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter Anglican Church was held in the Parish Hall at Seal Cove yesterday afternoon and was a very successful affair. The hall was tastefully de- Icoratcd with chrysanthemums and autumn foliage and presented an attractive appearance. Many ladles called during, the afternoon to lend j ; their patronage and the proceeds jwcre, very satisfactory. ' The affair was opened by Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook. rector of St. Peter's. The guests were received by Mrs. F. W. Stamp-Vincent, president of the Woman"s Auxiliary. Mrs. O. A. Kelsej was convener of the tea room, being assisted by Mrs.1 O. Sclvert, Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. , Harold Ponder and Mrs. J. D. Allen. Mrs. H. B; Eastman and Mrs. Tan-tock poured and Mrs. A. Frcbourg acted as cashier. Mrs. W. 11. Ooodsell and Mrs. A. II. Hill-Tout were In charse of the homo oooklng table and Mrs. W. O. Vhjar and. Mrs. y. V. Tattersal. the needlework sale. Miss Dickson and members of the; Olrls' Club had charge of the sale or candy. Mrs. F W. Stamp-Vincent as resuonslble for the decorations. There -were two weisht-guesstn? contests. In' one Mrs. J. II. Preece i won a ham donated by the Sterling Market and in the other Miss Dickson won a leg of lamb donated by the Family Meat Market. A chicken donated by thc'Bulkley Market and -hlna donated by Gordon's Hardware were sold. HotH Arrival Savoy W H. Taylor, Surf Point Mine: C. Sharpc. Queen Charlotte :ty: Mr and Mrs. A. Jones and Owen Watson, Skldcsate; R. Bowes vno James Stoynoff. C.N.R : A Mclnnls. North, Uulkley; Clifford Jones, city. Royal J. Nelson, cttvi D. Ooodwin. An- vox; O. O. A. Little. J. G. McRa? and Miss E. LaClalre. Vancouver: J. A Duclos. Prmee George. Prince' Rupert Mr and Mrs. A. W II. Smith and Mrs Mary Ellen Taylor. Wrangell: T W Hallas. fTelesraph Creek: Mrs Edward Pons. Mawtt: D.W. Webjter. Victoria: Fred Nash, Terrace: F Culverhouse. Hazelton: Ken Matheson. Prince OMrge. Today's Weath Lump Sugar 5-lb. Jar pr Terrace Part cloudy, calm. 38. Alyansh Clear, calm, 34. Anyox Cloudy, calm. 38. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 3G. Hatelton Clear. 32. Smltherr Clear, calm, frostv. Burnr Lake- Clear, calm. 23. ELVIG'S PECIALS 72c! Brookfleld Eggs In carton QQn B. O., per doz. vh 45c tfrald's "Big 4" Coffee Qffo ner lb. Out Vegetable Marsow per lb 4c Prunes a ner lb. iiC r Leg of Lamb per lb. Shoulder Lamb . per lb. k 20c 12,Vc Veal Chops 4 EZn ner lb XJU Shoulder Veal per lb. Sirloin Beef 4n i Dcr lb X i 4s T-Bone i per lb. Round Steak 4 IZn per lb . Rump Roast per lb Carrots and Turnips or 12 lbs. 10c 17U mc Free Delivery Phone ICS 303 Third Avrnu WALLACE BEERY IN "VIVA VILLA" SHOWING HERE Noted Actor Flays Great Role In Characteriilnj Mexican Bandit , ' On Screen "Viva Villa." feature pictutc on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here Into week-end with Wallace) Beery In the leading role, '.clls a fictional story of the life and l ives of the notorious Mexican revolu-aonary lender. The picture deals with Che carver of Villa from his boyhood when nc is In virtual slavery to the brutal owner of a hacienda by whom his father Is flogged to death, through ni period of banditry, his struggle at the head of revolutionary force? to overthrow the tyrants of Mexico, it exile to the United States and his ultimate tragic return to Mexico. Great battle scenes. Villa's clumsy love a Hairs and the man to man episodes with Stuart Erwtn, a a war correspondent, and Henry. I). Walthall, as Francesco Made ro. the gentle visionary who eventually be- :ime president of the troublous republic, are among the outstanding delineations of the picture. Other notable members of the cast Include Fay Wny, upon whom ry attempt with tfegle reult to force his attentions, and Leo Car-rlllo as a cold-eyed klfter. Come fine rtpe blackberries havr been shown for several days put In the window of the Capitol Barber Shop. They were grown by w. H. Sherman In hit garden on Seventh Avenue In this city, rather remarkable lor tb time ol year. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIVER Wake up your LWer Bile AVithout Calomel f 'l imrai it 4uly l powli l bqi4 Want jrevrbm! l Mi4 u4 tiaain bxk Kmrd, i4 yul nun trm a Uiui that ni Utkw U aU, Uiml wut, 4. U uim rtfty bis( nm ot rmgtu lr nt lk bnl-iwU tit ml of (MMlbl. nxir It Tai Ctnrt t ljitl Ijtr fV. PVrWf t. SS. at all drutcta. POST TO AST I ES-per pkg. U $$$$ Why not make your dollars buy more at our store? 'UUE M.PLE SYRUP- A(n per quart bottle x AtNT JEMIMA PANCAKE 1 Qp FLOUR, per pkg. . .A7t DINAMITE Wheut base, per pkg. 25c With each package bought we will give 1 package DINAMITE, Oat base. FREE. Two for One. 1 9c Carnation Milk tins S2.25 HEINZ SOUPS- Assorted OQp medium, 2 tins small, 3 tins 29c BRUSSELS SPROUTS 99 o 2 lbs FRESH SPINACH Cn 2 lbs. REMO CABBAGE OCT--, 8 lbs. REMO POTATOES C-j PA Good quality, per sack vX.tJU SPANISH ONIONS O En 3 lbs. FLORIDA GRAFEFRUIT OC0 3 Tor Fresh I'ruil and Vreetables at Reduced Prices Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt and CareTuI Attention (MUSSALLEM'S IEC0N0MY STORE I . AJtirt. .- r a i it iirrr woiiara nave iiiurc trnu i P. O. IUx S75 I'hone II ROBIN HOOD OF MEXICO Who Won a Nation's Worship And a Woman's Hatred! AN AMAZING I) HA MA TIC THUNDEHBOLT I'ancho Villa, Ipvable, ha' -able, stroiiK, wuak . . . Villa the Magnificent rides aain ... the story, of the .sifre-brush Napoleoit who turnod a revolution into a Uoman Holiday. i Starrinj: WALL ACC 10 JlontlM to Produce It' 100 Cameras Hlmrd- Cast of Tliouund Also WOIM.D S NT.WS EVENTS and MICKEY MUl'SK TONIfiHT and Saturday MATIN KK Saturday 2:30 COMING MONDAY .McLARMN ROSS IKillT riCTUItES NEW BADMINTON RACKETS FOR OLD Trade in your old racket with us and gel" a new one. (Generous allowance made ; New Hooks added this month to our Kental Library TilK WOLVES" Maxcllne "TALE OF A SHirWRECK" ' ... Hall "CANDY" ,. Alexander "CRACK OF DOOM" . - dwards "THE MAN ON THE WHITE HORSE" Detplng "THE CASE AGAINST MRS. AMES" - , Roche "MURDER IN THREE ACTS" . . . dltlsUe "WHILE ROME BURNS" .. ..,. WoIlcott VENETIAN MASQUE" 8abatlnl "BEGGARS HORSES" Wrttl "LUST FOR LIFE" Sonc "TH STOPY OF SAN MICHELE" Mutthc "THE SCARLET BEAST y Qctard'. , Read all or tlie ibove aiid maiiyithers. 75c per month ' No oilier rliarxes Just arrivcd-The latest designs in SILHOUBTTK atCTUm::sT.....' 75c t0 1.25 1034 CONTRACT IHtlDGK HANDBOOK Culbeftson I0asyvay system . . .. r v Se,e.4our'excelleiitjineoflPeii Citrdat- $l.W'pc?Wrt eV'er offereil Do you read the classified advertisements?