A October 26. 1934 THE DAILY NEWS T ' ' ' ' r ' v Want Ads WANTED WANTK!) piano, phone FOUND VOM TiENT Red 12S. '251) rot i -CWld' handbag, apply police station and pay (or ;U) 'HI Tubs. Hart. etc. from wrecked Itfi f m SALE A few old newspaper , tOc anri ic. a uunaie. uai'y N- : jjt it SB and lot cloe In. Price low- Hurt. , mrd house partly furnUbed jse tn (10 00. Hart, If HELP WANTED By MflAISI BECH I rurilELOR tte-hacker want a ; luvkerprr. Apply Tony Hossa r .iryroount. BC 250 WORK WANTED FNERAL Foundation repairs and r xi stations wood, cement or rock It Albert Moretto. Phone 758. (2S5) PAINTERS PAINTINO ana PaperUnglni Moller. Phone Red 802 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone JTJ Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. tf IV mount 1.1 THE SUPREME COUKT OF BHJTlBIt CXM.UMB1A IN THE VIATTm OP THE "ADU1KI8. TRATtOV ACT AKD IH Tint MATTTK OP THE ESTATE OP QOHAtO MW3XAU. Urwfr v to a Dn MarDonaW Vr I: fat TAKE NOTICE that bt ordfr M HI It r.at W K FUtxr th 10th day of 0. arr AD. IM. I wa ppntl Ad-r istratar at th Miat c Donald Mao- ooa;a oUverwe knetrti a DaO VJac OuaiaU. kmm& ad all parUn haTtn, ;auna airatiul Uvt tal4 rtU V rciMirl to IurnW ai. propttly wf'ic to me on or bWot u Htij tsl of NotMnbtt. A O. 193 f. Ud all r lt-Jm ralMl to the UU are jd to pay U Muunt of uwtr ,ua NORMAN A WATT O'twlal AdmUitatralor Prlnr Rtrorrt B C Oated the 11th day Q Ocsobff A P nstcK Mrnr. DIVERStON AND VOT TAKE notice that Nattiao Uurph hjr. ply atldrtaa la AUln B C U1 ami ' :r a Uoaune n taaa Ukd t 0 Ml' im Inrhla rrf WHtaT OUt Of CaJl'Ml rrrrfc hleh nemt aouUi eaAlerty nd tnutia Into ODonnel Rl-ar, about fo"' c. Jm alKK the "EUwl U" Bench laee rr water irtU tt diTWted iroan U (Mill ai jnia. tilt rour mUea a-. Uv KUmI U Heuch lsJ aiM r .1 tie ul for aiuictns In open bytta an aw upon the the mine orrU t Ei.ttH m firmer M and iui"' Thla notloe polled, on the (round on th 14th day trf AprU. 1M4 A eopy of thU notice and an appllra-an purauani thereto and to Hie "W ter Art. 19)4 " wlU be 014 In the .of-' ! irf the Water Rererder at AtlUi. B. ' Oblertkitu to the alKlllMtlon iny be Met) uh the aald War Recorder t OumptroUer of Waur IUhu, Pnrtiament RulMlraai. Vlctcrta. BC . hin ihlrt ! after the tlrat P fuW of thU notice In a local NATHAN MURPHY. Applicant. "If U1K. Aaant. The date rf 4Ji nrt mibUcatton of tM .... a a . a t t t.t A a ' i I.4MI RI.ISTUV APT . Certlfloale oTlntle No J78S-I. r n 20. Work a, Queen Char:otit A-HI nap VJA, WMEUEASJ prtnf of lOM of the. a.b"t ' ' ikU of Tllle. lal-Ut-d II the l""U J ra ti) . i ... . . w .... Kn flleil . ''iu office, nolle U hrtby tf. "' ! atwlt, at U expiration w uI :.th from Ui date of the flrat W'V a' nm hereof, Iadiic a proltonal Certl-l? ' K-e of Title tn lieu of the aald 19a.; " if lcte, uulfaa In Ihe weoiitluie 'iui pIMxtlon lie made to we in writ-: ing Oiifd at (), fanil flevUtrV Office. Tflii.e rUKMrt. D. C, thla WUh. day of; "1)'mlier, 19S4. ANDREW T1IOM1 BON. rputK ReRltrr Of Title , -... . . - - " llviiier Male Tli't vui he offered for aal at Pub-11 AuoUon. at noun on Ue Twent-y-;lr'' day of Dew1rr. 1934. In the f-' ' of tlie UUttrlrt Jiorair. Pri0 ""lxrt. nc. the Llcene. X171U9. tdCU J50.0W Xet Jud 'nieMity. ot Bprure, 'far and lleailcxNk m an area alUiated ' 'he head of lowrlvco Bay, LyH wild- queen Otiarlotte WanW I-and UU 1 urici Tao year wlil be allowed for the r 'vai or timber. 'Provided ajiv rm unable to atteud e auctjou in peraoii may auhiult tiuWr to te opened at the hour of auction and tnata,i aa one bid." xurUir partlcuiaira may he obtained "jw ue Chief ioreteT, Vlctnria, DC., - iwic; roreatef, prince nmn, n.u "3 - '.-i. U " Dally Newt Waut-AOs iatlsfy. rAU-UVk t a pure herba olat, r'jment known thru.ii, n n... World tor Uf Aothloc and healls l,MMril 1 1 1. 1 .. . . F t" ' I " . iim-hij Jia end irrKtUon, tnd a!';i'a In llaJnmaUto, ZamBiJk U unjr aa km It -xtni wr ana jinn a for tn aaiiy nuet wh an brill!, tA aore A run ft ajio paid will fee ttbl on appllf llua to MM uk Co.. foieoto. Kyle Candidate For Governor Of Out of Fight windows, with tacks, per foot Kaien Hardware PJume 3 4 ISfJHaWawawMMMa. hu It 1L It PORT DARWIN. Aust (CP - Squadron Leader gor of New Zealand last night with his Mr. hQa arpenttr. 37 Third ., Vrj-dun. Qua., write: - ur t Znm V.uk lot nwn than thirty yuri, durlnr 1bat tlma I hay uwd (or cut, brulaea. chapped fund, ikln trou. Waa and rheumatlam, and haa always len areat eatUfactlon io ha ling wound, and rellavlnr pan. Mr Dtraonal Ofilnloa U that k ta on of the olnUntnta on the vartuU." itm Mat, SINCLAIR TO iIS CANDIDATE Oct. 26: MacOre- ply for 3 licence to taJce and uae 25 C PS of vater out of Bull Creek. ao known aa Clear Creek, whlnh flowa eaaterly and dralna Into Hecate Stralla about nop n. carmen j irom a. cor. , Lot 1023. i The water will be diverted from Uit atrewm at a point about 5600 teet N. i !rrlT from NJE. Cor. 1. 1032 and 181. No 180. No. 178. No. 179. Lot 1019 ! and 1020. inn novice waa poaiea on ine xrvuna oh tfte 2Mb dav or Auciut mi A f this nntira anrf mrf annUpi TRAIN WAS VERY FAST Three Thousand tyiles Covered In Fifty-Seven Hours Reached , 120 M.P.H. Speed NEW; YORK, Oct. 29r CP)The Union Pacific stream-fUned three- car train, powered by a 900 h.p. diesei engine, on its 'arrival here yesterday morning ' front Los Angeles, had covered three thousand miles across the continent In fifty-six hoars and fifty-six minutes. At one time between Chicago and New , York it maintained a world's speed i record of 120 miles per hour. William A. Harrlman, president i of the Union Pacific Railway, announced yesterday that his com- i pany pianneu uj inaugurate a BE IN . FIELD FOR PRESIDENT.rT'" J early next year. If It proved popii- ' Senator lluey Lone Kxpecttd Jo , Jar, a dally service would be estab- Mak Announcement in. Speech j lisited. At Xa.livllie Saturday Mrs. Weir Gives MEW ORLEANS, fietoher 2R It O a ttTT" k r i tt 1 a-1 H . T I " ortniA vuuw,v, wti. i jl. stated on eood authorUv here. waj announcco yeaicroay lonowuig , last nlght Senator JIuey Long a conierence rxiwccn upwn un-iof Louisiana. In a speech to b r i 1 1 r imnfirmiip inminrv inr uriv- 1 . r i i . i ft ctuor of California, and Raymond I Saturday nteht. will announce his 'HalKht the Progressive Common-!;andida?y for the presidency on a. wealth candidate, that both would -share the Wealth' be remaining in the field as candi-:the 1S38 election, dates for the chief executiveshlp of : . the state. Sinclair refused to con-i cede to overtures on behalf Ilalght that he SinclaIr should withdraw. lar favorite to win. 4 STAR SPECIALS Kitchen Cloth Dryers Complete with Q4 4 Q pulley and rope vliW Handy Clothes Line Keels f2 Indoors .... 59c llotpolnt Irons WUh thumb-rest QQ CA OO.OU our price how ave pn the coaj bill. Use Weatherstrip around doors Si New Zealand Flyer in Shower in Honor Of Miss Wilson platform in l . Last evening a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. R. Weir in' honor of Miss Nellie Wll- on who is to be married shortly The bride-elect was the reclpien t m4nv Koflflflffll ftnA ticflll crlfta r U CC AC ri I In fWlll - among which was a peaujlf ul silver rare win wus pe a spin opposi-: mwww " " ":nwer basket from the city tele lion to povemor Merlara, the Re-' - phone staff where she nas been publican nominee for re-election. Squadron Leader MacOref or FI-ingiemnloyed for the past few years. but Sinclair still remains the popu Over Australia in Course Of Race to Melbourne Among those present were Mrs. W. WUson. Mrs. E. Morris, Mrs. J. Joy, Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. R. Long. Mrs. B. Love. Mrs. D. Olvens, Mrs. O. Anderson. Mrs. F. Orimble. Mrs. landed here w. McCallum. Mrs. C. Currle, Mrs. Miles Ilawk p. Olson, Mrs, W. H. Moorehouse plane, apparently due to finish fifth Mrs. D. Casey, Mrs. M. Lemon, Mrs. in the Enfland to Melbourne air Ed. Saunders and Misses A. John- derby. He left today for CharleyiUe $on. B, Campbell, P. Astoria, M.Col in continuation of the flight v iTf it Mifici: IlirrloB aad I'ae TAKE NOTICE that Nonnaa 11. Terry. . wbOM addreaa la Uaaaett. BC . will ap-' lusi. M Overt. I. Andrsori. R. Scherk. E. MooreKouse. M. McKav. N.'Gurvich, A. CoUusl and M. Casey. Miss Wilson, who is to be mar- ried to Thomas Mo)rehouse on. No yember 3. has the hearty nest wLthea nf nil . 5 .Manitoba toTMeet Booze Competition wtu be used for mining purpose upon I Government Pricfs Prices 1 To Be Reduced me mine aeacnDea aa riaeer iae wo. in,i iv,. T'R Onene On a-'l Bootleggers VTNNIPEG, October 36 (CP) tion. purauant thereto and to the "Wa-1 In view of the low liquor prices In V t?V nct ct the United States and the cutting . . . . . - the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. .. ObjectioiM to the application may be of prices by Manitoba bootleggers, filed with the aaid Water Recorder or the ManKoba Uquor Control Board rWiBSi"' announced that It would wthin tbirty daya arter the nm ap- be reducing prices in government vww" .liquor stores and- that a drive on NORMAN H. TERRY. Applicant The date o! the Xirst puhllrttlfm of thU notice ta Oioby I. 193. bootleggers .was about to be com i meneed. Presbyterian lea j And Sale Success Pelightful Affair JJ. yter4ay Aiterqooo at flnme pf r. R. XV. Cameron A very successful t and. liji bj home cooking was held yesterday afternoon by the Women' AuxH-j lary 9f: Flr? Presbyterian Church , at th pome of Mrs. R, Y. Camerbd,j -' Federal 'Block.. Man Jadies called, during the afternoon and were r..; eelved by th .hostess assujepy. ;; ,4 Mrs. C. O. am, presiaent pi w Auxiliary. Mr. J. a. fiteen was convener for , the tea room, assisted by Mrs. H. lU Foote, Mrs. W. W. C. O'NeUl, Mrs. J. ! R, Morlson, 'Mrs. Charle Gabam' and Mrs. Walker. Pouring were Mrs. L. W. KergiQ, Mrs. Q. i. Munro.' Mrs. T. H, Johnson and Mrs.- Ales: McRae while Mrs. J. O. Reddie acted as cashier. . The home cookjng table was in charge)! Mrs, p. C. McRae and Mrs. w. d. christisod. . ; During the afternoon .there .was a j very acceptable mnslca) program' which Incjuded TOpal solps, by Mrs.J wiuiam uniar ana jvi, rrueu ajit derson, accqinpand by. Mrs. 'O. E. CulHn and Mrs, E. ). mlth,. , and violin solos bjr Bobby Houston, ac companied byMrs.j. S. Blaejc. ' j( The Markets! 1 Retail prices current here are asj IIUUW9. Apples Mcintosh, fancy wrapped, 4 lbs. 25 Box : "... Mclntos MC" Grade, wrapped 4 lbs. . lx.J..:.. - box- - Xs B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade. A large, cartoned,' doz". .r local; new laid, doz- . Qrade B, large, doz. .. . Qrad'e C. doz. " ' Fruits I Cranberries ........-..A.....is.i-l. Lemonsv cjo?.j25c to- Orangesj'doz. 25c to ..Jv, Grapefruit. Cat, each, 6c to .... Florida, each 12c lb Bananas, lb : Anjou Pears; fancy, doz. 30c to Pomegranates, each 5c to Washington .Canteloupes, each . -12c to Quince, 2 lbs. Tokay Grapes Seedless Grapes : ,20 pibler .Grapes,- lb. ..... .. : 25 Concord Grapes, basket, .65 Citron, lb. .07 Rhubarb, lbs. . .25 Butter Fancy cartonec, lb v.. til No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. Lard Pure, lb, i - w 4 ' - -.---.-.. I - : :-f ..-. . JUf mm r : -mi, ' ' ; 'fleyourlIe' ; J SUIT or : ' . -: T i OVERCOAT - . : t I rr:t . hy "-m' , .. J-S iUfUux&Tfuloring Guaranteed , $Mp ' i v;:::'V:afra. ' . i , Tourib Street , j i ; 411""-.- t J ' '. week here. In connection "lth bis t-" J4 . i ifSn A t 1117 WC 1 fcwaibusinessV-eaiied by the Prince sVJi'I 51 1 LULAL Wt ll.p .1 bcorgeiastlblgntta his retarriTo v ; E-'Thurberj ;htt)Ut fisher- V-rt ThMi.Wli known wraa- maii; :sitedpfeht'n ihe, Prince gelj canner operator ant formerly .40 -George? for; yfa&uiji ,ee.-.he- p-rominenCii the, public life of the 4C: 'sehri jthe. wjuttAr, lat; 1- iome. tije Princess Norah yesterday af-:l4 . . ' . ! .Wrnnoh going through to Seattle .i5j Edward ltip?i. jifter spending a where hi win spend the winter. .40 i Potatoes; .Ci2 Jbs. , - 151 Vea.'. , J -V" , -:t - v JO Bult Bulk, 8 8 lbs.- lbs.- Xa Jx-i.-r-- NewVBeets;:.bwictt4..1.:...."- Unit tH - . PumpBn. it. Onions. B. tLJbii:. Garlic jmrted, per ). C&bbaglocl,per. tfx.:JLu CaiUiflowef. iirgei B-Cc ib .80 , Tomatoes, Jilbthousev lb.' j::.-....t i Basset ... 41- Parslej.V.b'uncb! -lUfe'- i 'Jner Talbot, well known rajl-?i5-'way .conductor gt the Yukon and 1 60 White Pass Route,, and Mrs, Talbot " . . land daughter; were passengers a-25 boarti the .Princess Norah yester-04 day.- afternoon gplng sputh to i5 spend the wlnteR in Seattle. -05 '. ; 25 ,R.' C. McCbrkeiitwho arrived kt J5 the city- earUer lh the weejc from 06 his nilnlng ground pn Germansen 0 creek In the Ornlneca Country, .18 "galled yesterday afternoon , oh the ...S'5 Princes' Norah for Vancouvtf j0 where lie will spend the winter. "TILUF. THE TOILER" Mac "Saves" Only to "Lose" : - : - Wcstovet - ' -I " 1 ' -'' - ' ' ' IPoP'.r-r -i 1 iii i j ii - ; -V 1 i.' nrAUiFuuv CM.cer 1 .... fcee -v 1 II ii- lUiuy mi l .( ... ". i ' PvN. T.;.,OiHav..KA, ' v-vtir',!' ' yw; -,4 . r . ", .- ,T- . "T?-P..,iart . . . Oi X v. :;- -(v iiRAft ARKOVUKS .J-: 'V Hfe TO WAUK. wPb 'it -SeXUPM TV-yf fV?; H fiVa?t bvTOTT li t MJttl Kuoca : m mm i i BBt55r. mmw mm mm ymmmmmm 'V' "' C ' ..H iWJ Jttf.jJjM4.vff.MJUi- --: r re W !4Wfcl i',. l .:-.t"r at . t-"j. 4 aJ!"'! '1 . . 1 ' ' a