irday. December 8, 1931 Want Ads'f he Markets FOR SALE i' ' 1 'PRettE' litlM Mrrenl. hor. one can in noose cheaper lmovtt. Uun P. W. ilart. tft tKESH Flounders and Sole for !D-C. Fresh Extras. Grade A- ale on Helen XI.. Cow Bay. tl Large, cartoned, doz 1 I Local, new laid, doz . UjlOE Stanley" Walnut piano. Orade B, large, doz $00 cash. Phone Oreen 355, 2a3 WANO. radio, washing machine .ind several other household KOOCJi for ale. Hyde Transfer, tf DIAMOND Pin for Ira than wholesale. An apprrciatlfe Xms gift. Keed cash badly. Apply Box 229. Dally News. 283i FOR KKNT HOUSES for rent. Hart. PERSONAL At CTIOS ! U.K tf. FIVE-Room modem house Phone Bbftc 9X '287 LAPP Block modern four-roomed aparienenU with range Reduced to 11159. IS 00. $11.50 Hefeerson limited. 287 LOST UJ6T Lady's jydd wrist watch with initials on bock C M I. Finder plcaje return to Daily News office. Rward. PAINTERS PA IN TIN Q ana Paperhangln MoBer. Phone Red 801 PRIVATE Home Kinden artrn nay We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten IiuUtu. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Bookie. The M-CjCU4. Winnipeg RELIABLE man to take cart tfdre route. Distribute and collect New procuct Protected territory Bam excellent weekly Income Borland Nut Co . St Paul. Minn. (N the surnru cocirr or British COUJWBIA iv rninuTE tM Till! MATTER or THE -ADUtXIS THATJOS ACT" IH Tilt MATTtn Of THS E8TAT Of MATT V1DBCK. Dee iravr.-.- w urvrtv iht fcw tittwt tit Tin ll mour Jix)t ntm Ucl JAc otM ... . UMIUh RnlUIBOtt. v. ' ' nuurTnw jvr . tntOt ihu 17 U All ct NeTnlr 11 , 1 m appotmrd AdmiuUihvjr w i... . . .un.ilu4 did. All , K..I.. MSltMt U Mlfl Slt i ixmbr 1M OtprUon Of U WU4 U' 7 niM! vntuiH rrr lbrUi lnuHlo to tlx mm ", ;f7 rutrl to par th mm M iwr irwfbiKiiK. to ro fortius SOrOIA." A. WATT. n.n.i.1 Ai1mlnlartor .v.m pin Rupert. DC ohmj uiu rrih ay x rfcwffnwr iuji ih thr HcrwcMB vovivt ornnrTiMi COLUMBIA is moimr. IN TJIK MATT1R Or TH -ADMISIS- TKATION Atn- IV T1IE MATTKR Or TUC ATTOT KJITIIER BOUCIE. DCCEA81U. iniw t . nr" wvrtr Kt h tadrt f Hi inn v. . . . - - tlunor. W. E. rvliee. thUHyof R- mber. A. D . 1934. I pi""'""" AflmlaMrMM rwf Iha lat Of Mt&f Soucle, dmied. nd U partle uiUiX (Ulma MUWit tb Mf tt t liereljy reqturea vo lunww. prnierl veiifleO. to me on ' ?7 ttv nUi dtv oT Drnxmber. AD. iih. ..! .11 n...!. ln.lKlM lit U tA'( re reiilrl to pay Uie wnoiini f their OtnclU Almlnlrior. Prince Rupen, nv htitetf the 79th rtT of NOtember. AD. 1934 Timber fcJ Xllt Ttvr will be offered for V ' nrtt dy of Deremher. 1934, in th at fit of' the DUtrlot FT.t". Prtw Rurt. B.C.. the Ucenct X17IM. toeut, S.250.0O0 feet board meuiir. trf fP: 0.rv mtf llemtoek on u re u vw t the hrad of PowrlTCo IViy. Lyell Und, Qviren CbukM lUrd Und DU-Wet. . . ' Tw wtu be Uorel foe the iy mori of timber. , . .Ml- U tteini r-rovidei ui one muibU the .ucilon In erou nj ubmit leivder to be opened t the Tiour ol rrcjin Um. Chief hVrftr. Vk'.torl. no. nr DiAtriet rireter, itiw n"C" " " FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN" DAIRY Phone 057 Orade C, doz. Emperor Grapes, lb nailer Fancr cartoned, lb. Pumpkin, lbv. Onions. B. C7 lbs. Garlic, Imported, per lb Cabbage. local, per lb. .,- Egg Plant - BrusselTs Sprouts, lb. .. Lettuce. Cal- head 8e to Wheat AlbrrU Feed Bran v-- - Middlings - ShorU - Oats . .i. are as Cauliflower. large, B.O, I5c to .36 .45 31 27 , Apples llelntosh, fancy wrapped, Wt lbs. ... 55 Box 2.50 Yellow Newtoru, fancy wrapped 3i lbs. 1 25 BOX S.75 &pltzcnbergsjfancy wrapped 3'z MM. . 25 BOX 2 35 Rome Beauties, bulk, 4 lbs. 25 Box Jonathons, fancy, bulk, 5 lbs. Box Grimes Golden, bulk, fancy 175 25 1.B3 a ids. . 25 Box ... .... 1.65 Delicious, fancy wrapped. 3 lbs. 25 Box , ::. 2.7$ J Bulk, 4 lbs. 25) Bo .. 1 fit! Winter Bananas, S lbs. ., . 25 Box . 1.60 rmiu Cranberries 20 Lemons, doz. 25e to .40 'Japanese Oranges, box .90 Bundle . 1.T5 Ormnres. doz. 30c to JJO OrapefruU. cal.. each. 5c to .... JO Grapefruit. Florida, each 10c to .15 Bananas, lb, .15 'omegranates.'each 5c to ro . 20 ... Jl No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. SO Lard Pure. lb. , '7 Verrtables Potatoes. No.T Terrace, 12 lbs. 5 Sack . - t ' : I 63 Ashcroft, 10 lbs. : 5 Racr . 2.00 Southern B.C.. 15 lbs., 25 Sack 1.40 J05 2 35 .04 25 Tomatoes, hothouse. lb .20 Basket Parsley, bunch Carrot. 10 lbs Turnips, uprlver, 10 lbs. Beets, bu k. 8 lbs Celery B.C.. head .10 to .15 nreen Penners. lmDOrtcxl. lb 20 .... r. - - - . , Spinach. B.Ch 3 lbs. - Hubbard Squash, lb - Leeks, bunch Pine Oat Chops - 2.45 Crushed Oats 2.45 tltrUv Z.1U f-ivlnr Mash - 2.75 lrtvtv shell - 1.65 .Meats .UTtlQV .K .95 .06 25 25 25 25 .08 M .15 .10 ... .10 2.15 ..... 1.80 2 DO . 1.80 230 Turkey, lb 3& cs,a l Nn 1k tb. V There U) be offered for 1 t Pnb-llr Auction. t noon on the Third r 193S, the of ice of the of Jwiurr. in; uVr.e X10TI1. to em 4.36oo Sc oh w orei . .HiuU on Murettleon WMid, Queen Chwtotte 1- ""-rTVu. be flowed for re- morU of timber. "ProtldrU ny one u""",'.r ...Vvm.t . . (. Mmn mil ftUDullX tender to be. opened the hw of uctlon id tretea Roasting Chicken, lb. - Ham. sliced, first grade Ham. picnic, first grade, lb Bacon, side, sliced, best grade Pork, shoulder, lb. Pork, loin, lb. Pork, leg, lb. Pork, dry salt. lb. Veal. loin, lb "TILLIE THE TOILER" I 16- Honey' 2i .45 20 .48 .18 .25 25 f 20 3eef, pot roxst, lb. 10c to .15; Veal, shoulder, lb.- .12U Beef, boiling, b X8 Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 18c to 20 Beef, steak, lb. 20c to .25 Lamb, shoulder, lb. .18 Lamb, leg. lb. 25 Lamb Chops, lb. .25 Halibut, KldlUtWfr. lb IU Fith rxtrtcted Honey, per Jar 20c to 20 Cnmb Honev - Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 25 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb .43 Almonds, shelled, lb. 45 Hoar Flour. 49's, No. I hard wheat Eecond Patent Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to - Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. .... Dried rrolts White Figs, ib. alack Cooking Figs, lb Dates, bulk, lb, 8c to Smyrna Natural Fhjs, lb Lemon and orange peei Citron peel Prunes, 30-40. lb. ... Prunes. 40-50. lb Prunes. 60-70. lb. ... Raisins. Australian seedless, lb. Raisins. Cal, seedless lb Currants, lb. . Apricots, lb - Apples, dried 14c. to Peaches, peeled. 16c to .. Sngar White. 100 lbs. Yellow. 100 lbs - Chee Ontario solids, new. lb. Edam, lb. Ontario, mature, lb. tlUon. lb. Roquefort, lb. lorgonwla. lb. ... . .22c & C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays. Wednesdays days t ctot tt liov. TO UBT MS OOVAJNi TONK3H.T, if 1 HIM VOU'Vi V V K. Vf w u ft ft 4 N t- .12 . 10 .IS .10 23 22 . .16 . J4 12Vi .14 .15 .15 20 .17 .19 020 5.70 25 .45 5 25 .90 and Frl-SO p.m. From the Fast TiteerHv. Thursday and Satur days 4V: PmV THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FIVE Royal Family At Scottish Gathering The Marquis of Aberdeen greets Queen Mary an her arrival at the Braemar Royal Highiand Society's gathering at Aberdeenshire. Scotland. The Duke and Duchess of York and Princess Margaret Rose and Princess Elizabeth can be seen leaving the carriage. LOCAL NEWS i That passengers travelling on the cheap excursions to and from Van- couver be given the option of com-. tne throuKh Prince Rupert by pay- , tag the extr, $13 differential Is a 20, . Ia tr ha tv)co nn ill I A 111 Uh tUUI W uxwu w -mv the Canadian National Railways by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The matter came up at the mectrf.g of the chamber last night. The Prince Rupert Chamber Commerce, at Its regular meeting last night, pasted a vote of thanks to O. W. Nlckerson. Olof Hanson M. D V D f4"!!if fpnr nrt Ppfe TjiUp . ., .... . ..ww...y - - - i Smoked Kippers, lb. . 15a and 20 for their efforts In forwarding the Salmon, freth, lb. .. ,, . .20 log shipping: movement. Special At the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce meeting last night Pre- ,naving uiicivjcwcu vaiwun " ; 15!tional Railway officials, in regard -q to an excursion from the Interior I j with the result that a cheap rate Is iln effect, arriving here next Tues- j I j i.t.. J ...t .Via M. i aay iiigiit uiu icvutituis " lowing Friday. He also lnterylewed fishermen using the floats. The light was In place within a few daysT Steamships Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. . P. Geprgc 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena midnight December 20 ss. P. Norah 5 pm. From Vaneouvci Sunday ss. Catata ..: 4 p.m. CHAIN STORE HEAD HEARD. General Manager of Thrift Stores Ltd. Appears llsley Believe , System Bad . OTTAWA, Dec. 8: CP The general manager of Thrift Stores Limited of Montreal, appearing before the mass buying and price' spreaas commission yesieraay, 'mltted that branch managers were held responsible for stock shortages which were deducted y from their commissions. He defended the chain store system, however. J. L. llsley. Liberal member of the commission, declared that the plan lot holdine branch managers re ,nnrt ntheraof.triniiifi roiJneratlonl SDOnslble for stock, shortages4 prdr - ... ..Li. J '-fifWA a omnffiOon tn shnrt ti-elcht UI ilk. LmUWIC. I m ..' " o customers. C.C.F. Nominating Convention Put Off Till Later The federal nominating conven- tn of the Co-operative Common-the the city commissioner in regard to the'"! Federation for Skeena rid- Installation 6f a light near drv dock for the benefit of the 'U1 "- Wed.-rs. Pr. Oeorge 10 ajn. Friday as. Prln. Adelaide 4 pm. Ss; Cardena p m Dec. IB and 30 ss. P. Norah a.m. Fr Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pm. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pm. For Naas Klver and fort Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas Klver Fort Simpson . Tuesday-rss. Catala 11:30 cm. r. n.iMn PlmrlnM IktinH , , v. ... .... - -t Deif 7 nnd 21 ss. P John 10 pm been Indefinitely postponed and may not now take place until February. The reason for postponement l of the convention was that some J proposed nominees had not yet been j considered by the district executive. Mail Schedule For the East Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pm. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days For Vancouver-Mondays (train) Tuesday Wednesdays (train) . Thursdays Friday A Dressed-Up "Dream" . 10:15 pjn. Radio Department Heads Visit City 4:30 pm. 12:30 pm. ! December 20 - 4 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday Tuesday (train) ..... Wednesday i i Thursday (train) ... ! Friday Saturday (train) ... I December 16 and 30 General Superintendent From Ottawa and DUlslcnal Sopeifn-trndent From Yieloria Walter A. Rush of Ottawa, genera! superintendent of the radio departmem of panada; and E. 3. Haughton of Victoria, auperlnun-dent of the Pacific Coast division, are visitors in the city on official duties. They arrived this morning on the Cardena from Vancouver and will be- here until Tuesday afternoon when they will sail by the Catala on their return south. They visited the Digby Island wireless station this morning and while here. It Is understood, will he Interviewed in regard to radio reception locally. 4 p.H.;B 10:15 p.m.ig 10 a.m.g 10:15 pm. j j 4 p.m.!iv 10:15 p.m,ig ..: o.m. f .4 MRS. DIQNNE IS HONORED passed by Arthur Brisbane Among CtJfanam? Women of 1334 NEW YC3K. Dec. 3: (CPj-Mrs. Oliva Dionne. French Canadian j. stair oi Ontario, who presented . u vcrid and an astonished ht-aani Uttle girls at one time a little over si months aco, was given a place of honor ' among outstanding women 'of 1934 by Arthur Brisbane, well known American editor and commentator. United Church At Port Essincrton t Be Opened Sunday ' A delegation from Port Simpson Dead Tree Point-Cloudy, fresh ! consisting of Rev. R. J. Love, Er-sduUieast h" Dudoward. D. A. Johnson and wind; barometer. 29X6; ..swell. Jcob Morrison i? In the city today temperature. 44; heavy Trip.le Island-Overcajt. Keht aooaro u ga-ooa. iiuuc ic easterly wind; sea moderate Langara Island Cleiar, light easte"rly wind; moderate swell. Terrace Clear, north wind, 24. Anyox Clear, cafm, 32. Stewart Clear, calm, 29. Hazeltoiv Clear, calm, 12. Smlthers Clear, ealm, cool. Bums Lake bull, calm, 13. Adjutant Eva Layfiock, officer In charge of the local Salvation Army denies reports which! have been In the way to Port Esslhgton where they will attend the formal opening and dedication tomorrow at a new United Church building. At the meeting of 'the Prince Ru- ,pert Chamber of Commerce last night, the grain committee was authorized to draw the attention of the Alberta Wheat Pool to the fact that It had not carried out the provisions of the lease of the elevator br marm?r the grain which has been circulation,.- the sale J clothing (stored there since last year. Protest 'nnt'rt mr roiuf f.HrnrL. Mnnov ' will alo be made against the recent has, ori occasion, been offered but has at all times been firmly though politely refused. lowering of rates on grain to the eastern seaboard while leaving the western rates thesame. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, RC. ILiK! KIK'XIC 12 B m',Ml KiBUKXSXBV BUM lllti '. UIU IKS Kt"' Give The Daily News For Christmas J Most people are puzzled at Christmas time to know jj what to give ns-tjie most aeeepiauie seasonauie pre- jjj sent. Here is,a suggestion. Send them the Daily News for a year. Oh gift, subscriptions we are maldng a o.nU) Mia nc fnllmwf Tn nnt.-nf-t.nwn friends-if 4.30 pjn.!g sent by someone who is already taking the paper 9:30 pm, 3 . . " A 11C pilLC i Ifj ixiis tywuv vr j In the city a subscriber may give a paid in advance subscription to a friend who is not nqw a subscriber at a special rate of $4.00 a year or $2.00 a half year. These prices are. good any time between now and , Christmas Day. : ri vi i ra a ; a . i - .. I V.H" OP " "bo ( t 'KWn 1 I frfN e 1 gggS i t ( cou wotA f tT M,jKT .M!! OM,,VJ SSP jS5o'Ji5S?T ft veJ 5ai that cSOirJe? To ' ' Y J rCZ?Vtt'xo voo-fte the faAT 2sT T,' ' y- 7 HT't ' wewr WBiooesT r.,-' fc3 -veu. xim most bEAtfr-BA J r . 1 a IBBT. riBB J i I 111 1 1 1 K OBTT I I UIC" ' II I mmmmm 1 V I I X TV I L i pi k - ll iu smxmxu tm imtBia :m -mr.Btmi sr By Westover 3 e I t r i 3