Mi 31 Antiseptic Mi 31 Shaving Cream Mi 31 Tooth Paste Large These 3 at a special, 82c Rull-Up Rule Willi Lavender Shaving Cream Special at 63c For Your Dog Ask for Noma Worm Capsules. (let a Descriptive Rooklct If You Are. Taking Yeast Try the Brewer's Yeast Flakes In 40c or 75c Sizes (A df bldrrlrrd ami non-fattening form nf jrnsl lonlcl Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c The New Vitamin Bar McClary I Ranges Ural for anv home. A kplenJid rooking range and a marvellou bakrr. Prices range from $50.00 rp Pilncc Itupfrt Affnti Gordons Hardware Phone JJI Mrliridr Coal Prices Minchcad Egg Coal -j0 Minehead Lump Coal 12.50 Pembina Egg Coal ?12-00 Stove Coal 51 1.50 Coal in Drv Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK 0 Prepared Daily Ry Canadian M & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Tlie AUCTIONEER Packing- -Cratlng-Wrapplng & General Furniture Repairs Llat your goods with me rhone iJtsck 1ZI OEO. J. DAWES - - ! For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Itaji Intra Red lUjf Massaie All at Reasonable Ices W. C. ASI'INALL d.c. (Chiropractor) (Ireen til rhones dree n 5s F.srhanxe nlock In addition lo thoc mentioned , in r.nnouncmcnU Jock Melville ' Joe Slagfard and Harry Astoria ...411 I J I n U. Will IJIUTIUC CTUClbUIIJIIltrill. 411 VilC ! Moose Hall this evening, which will 1 conclude with a dance. Music by Mrs J. S Slack's orchestra. Ad-i mifslon to dance only 25c. On a reftilar voyage to Skatrway 'and other Alaska points. C.PJI. steamer Princeas Norah, Capt IvTfniam Parmer, arrived In port at 1 1 1 :45 yesterday morning from Van-; emiver and sailed at 1 pjil. for UW north The vessel had on board a i small list of fourteen passengers of whom three disembarked here, i five persons embarking from here I aboard her tor the north. The PrtneeM Norah is due to touch here 'southbound on Thursday afternoon. -. Relieving for two weeks on the V.irfouver-Prince Rupert - Any or Stewart route while the ateamer Catala is withdrawn for annual overhaul. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 4:30 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p. m for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning ana sail at 1:30 pm. for Vancouver and waypolnU. After the return of the Catala to servise, the Car- Mr. and Mti who have bh tn Vancouver toy Mnitfar February 5, 1934 . AQ3 .TSB9S Ormes Ltd. 3tff Pioneer Druqgiats I lif Ki-xalt Store Phones! 8i ft 82 (I LOCAL NEWS NOTES N We have Just received a large; jihlpme.-.l of new spring hats.i ANNETTES. Olof Bemhoft. well known Ketchikan fish buyer, was a passenger aboard the Princess Noran yesterday returning to the Alaska port after a trip to Seattle. Charles O. Nelson, assistant passenger agent and port steward of the Alaska Steamship Co. from attle. was a passenger aboard Princess Nprah . yesterday gotni: . through to Ketchikan on com pan business Hi'.:. We buy any thin f In gold. Pre mium prices, Varden's Lars Anders pole Hall, Fe passengers retu: on the Princi mornlne. Pol V9 rSJSlix em warn? Heilbroner, ahd Comedy; Anders. Metro- ds Checked By modern vaporizing iiUlUI AiVXll AlrVVfV USUI to Ocean Falls. wnrf they reside. aboard the steametjaajderta this week. They have ver where their passed away. David W. purser of Y Route river formerly Mts3 eron. a White! were passeng sess Norah yei Whltthor. wj up residence f mon trip to married rece41; beeh btfllsnrf 1 1M4J rd mm route on wwen tr.e steamer ven- 'J JnvaluaWe ln lire Is being operated meantime i Hotel Arrivals Royal Crek: A. Wilejto. Kwlnetsa; R. M. Shepard. Juneau; J. Hanaoi, city: A. RourteoiJ. C.N.R Central j. Pedersen. Prince Rupert. Prlnee Rupert E. C. Olson. Spokane; Joy, Vancouver. C. N. R. Trains 'or the F.at Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl days - 5:30 p.m from the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satut- Announcements n m n a hrltlffo Enisles' Hall Writing tn dena will revert to her own, ntn on Newg. I r ;ii-.- tt-ij iviTriri iiuc ni3ii 't,on mm renenraiflc svhr.iirv n , Round StfuK. 3 IDS, J JlBes' Supper. United Church. February 13. Annual St. Valentine dance Oumbral Chapter, I.O.D.F. Feb. 14 Elk' Radio dance Feb. 23. Pioneer's Banquet March 9. St. St. ,1 March arch carrous. a io Pot Roast. 4 lb Turnips, 5 lbs. Soup Meat 3 lbs. Pork Chops per lb Veal Chops I 2 lbs 1 Corned Beef. 4 1 3 Patrick's fiuppir and Concert 17. 1 , ... ' - , St. David's Tea March 1. trfc Vancou- rtfcently j well know White Pass Hi oricfe arrt t. Cim- achool teachor. the Prin- retnrnlng tol tfcn the Dally Rising remit Lnfis subserip Jhit-h rinri with the newt 41 ths city and. district Rev Pttt r . M. Lerayj IO.MI. formcrlj a Stewart and inow sUtlonefi Uttl DaWm. tell- iof extremely' ctrid' ivMMier i: ihi Yukon city this miter, the ther N Molnle. O. Olson. J. SoMe and ; mometer havlnf ijMereH bctweci jR)y La bo. C.NJI ; William Davta- 53 and TO below mtQ for thirty on. k. HikKio anc r. unasni, ciiy; iour aays. oeinp T Dlpple, Edmonton; S. Bergdol. : Year's Day. Fa Terrace: Frank Redmond. VrWiiae remembered Prinee Rupert. ci.unniM bekrw on Net Utroy asks t friends in )FFEn An unusually good 0(fer to se-1 cure the Daily Newj and two high George !c Wustrateci majazinex for only j I fifty cents more train the regular j price of the NewM. Call at the Daily N?ws office artd sec copies of the magrnzines PlotorSil Review and National Home! Monthly, tf SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET Fifth Ave. East PROV PT i)i:Livr.itv 50c 50c 25c A charge against Ivan Mahood oi i theft of lead from a trolling boat; on the local waterfront was ais-j missed by Magistrate McClymon: in City police court' Saturday af-' ternoon. Reino Flnnlla, cnarged witn damaefhs the property of the Royal Hotel beer parlor by brea.t-j pin. Aam. 35c. 'ing a window, was fined 523, wltni 32 j option of fourteen days' imprison- j i mem. in cuy uuiitc ttiui t ouiuiuaj , Silversldea ' afternob,h and ofdered to pay $15 acatlon trip ria. were the city ran ycster&ay damages. 20c 35c 50c 25c St Fcter s Church Sale April 19. j Pay Ca h anU Pay Less TONKiHT! At 8:30 pm. Sharp In Moose Hall KXiiinnioN noxiNti bhtick Hlckey vs. Dan Perrln Ulllle Uanshaw vs. D. Oomcz John McLeod vs. Jack McEvoy A. N. Other v.s S. M. Other UKISTMNO Jack LtBlanc vs. Maxie Cros-man. Jim Tardys The Canadian Bear'' will take on anyone at 175 lbs. American Free Style, lUNCi: FOLLOWS Main Floor 50c. Balcony 25c Ladies especially Invited COAL! COAL! Our FamouslEdsoni Alberta and Uulkley Valley C.ll are guaranteed to ghe, satitf action. Try a ton of No. t Hulklej Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oat anp Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. SH - Phonri SSI Royal M. Shepard, uneau raft- ng engineer, and FrarTk Redmond' itrrived in the city oa Saturday i right's train, having come out oi the Vital Creek country, to Fort St. James and thence to Vander-hoof over the snow. Mr. Shepara, who operates a Vital Creek placer omtment-j Just rub on ; property on lease ifom local own- L m B VWS ers sailed yesterday morning on irV7 W ioi-oi the Princess Norah for Juneau. JimVVZrM.UMM Mr. Redmond is registered at the Royal Hotel. LouLs S.-imrr cle.lt In the Can-j . ,,k . T Fra"k A" ,GroundIw)?1 Jackson. adlan adUn Pacific ladnc offlcr oiittr 41 at Skairwav Skagway. k prospector oi was a passe ger aboafd the Prin cess Norah yesterday returning to the Cassiar district, who has been j in the city for several months re- trip to Seattle and wtere in ' hlt arm niled on e Princess Norah yesUrday mc.ning ... , . . . ,, ' ' (for Wrangell whence it is his in- miamr- u. u. auiu f i. W'iujuuii, bis- i ters of Commander u L. Johnon. tentlon to proceed up rne Sukine DS.O are maklns th round trip j Td?grapn Cree'k he to an up the Stlkine. he may go in overland from Skagway via AUin. The Blush of Health a honey- They were Whltehorse. "Iluild IJ.C. Payrolls" lis When other foods failed Pacific Milk blushed the cheek of childhood with roses. Mothers tell us in their letters and lavfSh praEs. We ae grateful for every baby, every grown person benefitted. Pacific Milk '100 R. C. Owned and Controlled PLANT AT ABB0TSF0KD PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone Z3t S. R. S. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY 8:30- Jambourcc. KOMO. 7:00- By rd Expedition. KOIN. 8:30 Northern Messenger, CFCN, CRCV. 9:30--Frank Wright's Orch.. CFCN. CRCV. SUNDAY 0:00 Seven Star Revue. KSL, KOIN. 7:00-Rose Ponselll. KOMO. 8:00 Black Rhapsody. KOIN. 9:00- -76 All Star Revue. KOIN. 9 30 Old Pacific History, KOMO. MONDAY 7:00. Carnation Program, KOMO. 8:00 Shell Show. KOIN. 8:30--Firestone with Lawrence TibbetU. KOMO. 9:00 NBC Dram Hour. KPO. Watch this ad,, for further details. and Remember We offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 3:0; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR TIIK TOWER Askfc or N ESTLEs STERILIZED EVAPORATED MILK 1 i WORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Chesterfield Suite, covered all over in Mohair with reversible cushions, Reg Stld.00 Floor Lamp; walnut Stand and silk shade Reg. $21.50 Sale Price, Chesterfield Suite and S135 Lamp complete 321 3rd Av, Prince Rupert, Phone 775 Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Fumed Oak Dinjng Room Suite and giass ba;kea side-board. Phone 530. 3i SPECIAL Roller Canaries. Sing ers and females, $4 and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Hutson, Rand Block. FOR RENT VERNON Apartments hoosckcep-t in rooms. nrwly renovated. 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Or RENT March 1st, 7 room house. Westvlew. Write A. Prince. 3150 Davin St. Victoria, B.C. 31 WANTED CANVASSER wanted by local firm to cover city and district on commission. Leave name and qualifications with Daily News. PAINTERS PAINTINO and Paperhanglng Holler. Phone Rei R02 iv mourn: IN THE SUPREME COUIIT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF JACOB ADAM KIJCKER. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order ot Hfc Honor.. W. E. FUlwr. th nth day ol Jnuary. AX). 1934. I m appolntnlAd mlnlKtrator of the lt oi Jtcoh Adn. Kllcker, Jecul. nd all parttoi hat Ing claims against the aaw estate ar-hereby required to furnlah name, property Tfrltled. to me on or before the 33 nd day of February. AX) 1931. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to puy the. amount of their iDdebtedne to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. OmCIAt ADMINISTRATOR. Prince Rupert, B.C Dated the 33nd day of January. AX). 1934 FOUND FOUND Keys in case. Owner may have same by calling at bally News and paying for this HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BFAUTTJ SHOPPE TRANSFERS CARD tables, chairs for rent. Cameron's Transfer. tf GARDEN SEED HAVE A GOOD GARDEN. Plenty of everything to eat fresh and for winter. McFayden's Seeds cost so little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet Big Oversize Packets. New Crop, Fresh, Tes ted Seeds. Over 150,000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FREE or send 25c. for 10 Big Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c. on first order. (Coin preferred: stamps accepted. McFayden Seed Co., Princess and Market Sts., Winnipeg, Man. 66 nOVKKVMKNT LKlVOK ACT; t KrvrtPR u herebv ulTwi that On' the jFttst Day of March nett. .the iti4er- algurd intends to apply to the Liquor Contra) Biard for Licence In respect lot premises beliw part of the buUdlnsj Known as Marmot nui. kiiuhc corner of Fifth and Columbia Streeta. Village of Stewart, upon the lands described as Lot No. 906. Block No: 10, Map No 818A. Prince Rupert Land Rettfatra-tto-i DiMrlct. in the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the gUv or by the b tUe for consumption on the premlsea or elsewhere. I ntd thin 33nd dar of January. l34. I MARMOT HOTEL COMPANY LIMITED per Oeorg I Mardonald. Marumer, j Applicant UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Vinter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER S32.00 FROM PRINCE RUPERT RETURN FROM TORT SIMPSON $35.35 RETURN All Meals and Berth Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between .November 10 and Februaiy 2, 1931 Inclusive Good to Return Up to March 31, 1031. Children Half Fare STEAM KRS LEAVE MSCK RUPERT ARR. VANCOUVER S.S. CATALA TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. THURSDAY, P-M. S.S. VENTURE FRIDAY, 12 .MOT. MONUAV, A-M. Tickets and All Information From Prince Itupert Agent, It. M. SMITH. Third Ave, Phone 5C8 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Venture 4 1 M 5!