YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from OF.O. F. DAVEV, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner T1,c l'iJ.cwe,cr Beautiful Tlell . . . Fly Fishing Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modem Conveniences Milk from Government T.B. Tested Cows No Flies No Mosquitoes. $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Kate MADAME RAJAUT THE DUNES For' drunkenness, Ole Hanson was fined $25, with option of seven days' imprisonment in city police court this vnornlng. The fine was paid. PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream V, pint Whipping Qream 1 pint 20c 35c Dominion Dairy Advertise in the Dally News. Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 648 PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made cn the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 HOLLAND IS 1 DESCRIBED Mrs. R. P. Steeves of Vancouver Is Interesting1 Speaker Before Canadian Club Her subject being "The Ooldcn Age of Holland," Mrs. R. P. Steeves lng of ladles under the auspices of the local Women's Canadian Club. In developing her theme, Mrs. Steeves gave an outline of European history and affairs in the Seventeenth Century when Holland played a leading part In trade, most of the shipping of that period from "TILLIE THE TOILER" THE DAILT NEWS. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront After this week, the Union steamer Catala, southbound from here to Vancouver on Tuesday afternoons, will suspend making the scheduled call at Ocean Falls. With the Ca- of Vancouver was a pleasing andlnadlan National Steamships giving Interesting speaker Saturday eve- j two. calls weekly at Ocean Falls nlng In the auditorium of Booth each way during the summer, It Is Memorial School before a gather-1 considered unnecessary for the Ca- tala to make the call. The Cardena will continue to call at Ocean Fulls northbound. s Operating schedule. C. John, Capt. under new summer N. R. steamer Prince Edward Mabbs. left Vancouver last Saturday evening Central Europe coming down the! Instead of Friday and Is expected Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse Rivers to arrive here late Wednesday night through the Netherlands. Holland or early Thursday morning via the was also the centre of the Protes- Queen Charlotte Islands. Under the tant religion at that time and was new schedule the vessel will leave active In war. It was the first coun-, here Saturday night at 10 o'clock try to have a national bank. Pic- j Instead of Friday night on her re-tures were used to illustrate Dutch turn to Vancouver via the Queen art of the period. The cleanliness i Charlotte Islands, and iridustrv of the nponlp u-pre Hp. i scribed and the speaker told how Af?aln delycd on account of ex-even 'tra fre,ght handlir? on the north-the then, as they were doing now ern Cnd of the run' Unlon steamer Dutch had retrieved land from the sea. Beautiful bulb plantations Cata,a' Cant- A- E Dickson, is re-were described and mPntlnn mart Ported due ba a 'dOCk this of the clear transparency of the air aflerno"n Anyox. Stewart In the picturesque little land by the'" " ' pons ana wm Zuider Zee. 1 53,1 soon thereafter for Vancouver Mrs. A. E. Parlow. president of 1 and . A . V(6Cl madc a the Women's Canadian Club. was , fecial call at Big Bay today to load in the chair and a vote of thanks xcs fm, th! ,cAfe? a"d Sun" mlH for deIivery to ButedaIc was tendered the speaker on mo-bury tlon of Miss E. M. Earle. County Court To Sit at Smithers Man Committed For Trial Charge of False Tretences Youth Also Coming Up Edward Alvln Dieter has been committed for trial by Harvey Da-vles J.P. at Smithers on a charge of obtaining relief by false pretences, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised. Dieter, It is alleged, obtained relief by declaring he .was destitute when actually he had done work during the month 'of March which had brought him in $90. Judsje W. E. Fisher left on last evening's train for Smithers to conduct a session of County Court at which Dieter will come up for elec tion as well as John Morland. a young man, who has been commit ted for trial on a charge of holdine up a Chinese restaurant keeper. L. w. Patmore. also leaving for the Interior last night, will act as crown prosecutor. There Is also a case coming up In which a farmer is charged with sowing noxious weeds on the farm of a neighbor. FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 McLEOD'S Shoe Store New Location 3rd Ave., op. Besner Bk. REPAIRING Phone: Blue 90'J laiiiicijr. j Sixteen passengers embarked here aboard the steamer Princess (Louise yesterday for the north. There was a party of three prospectors for Atlln. four for Squaw Creek and a provincial department of public works survey party, headed by Charles Ellison, for Ketchikan enroute to the Unuk River mining area. Hotel Arrivals Royal B. Clode, Vancouver; J. Hauten, city. , Prince Rupert B. L. Tingley. city: Dr. and Mrs. a H. Haugh. Port Simpson. Central L .C. Wilson and R. Rover. Carlisle Cannery; Nels Floe and J. Jorzensen, city. NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and sec us Acrws from the Power Co., Third Avenue SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK Pittsburg. W3XAL Koundsbrook, NJ. YK9IR Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this Information Second Avenue Si Third Street CANNERY WAGE UP Alaska Workers Will Make Much More This Year Under N. It. A. Code KETCHIKAN, June 19: Cannery workers In the northern district of Alaska will, It Is expected, earn 47'"; more this season under National Recovery Act code than they did last year. Workers In the northern districts will make 47 more Standards of quality will also be regulated further under the canned salmon code. French President In Bordeaux For War Dedications BORDEAUX, France. June 19 President Lebrun Is paying a visit to Bordeaux to dedicate a number of war memorials Including one commemorating the landing of th" first troops from the United State-for service in th- Oreat War WE WELCOME The Opportunity TO SERVE YOU With Quality Goods at Low Prices IU.C. PANTRY SODAS OQp &JK 2-lb. pkg l , ALLOOOD SOCKEYE 9Cp 0 ,J SALMON, t's, 2 tins FELS NAPTIIA SOAP Qf 10 bar to carton, per ctn."'' I JELLY POWDERS Any CQn Flavors, per dos. ROMAN MEAL P pkg per pkg Full Steam Ahead I I k . - . . 1 ; - -r- - r 'if PirsCH i AUTlrT If 77 "i Vfi &v L v 34c I We Carry Dr. Jackson's Other i HEALTH FOODS. Ask for 1 them. I EDDYS OWL MATCH EO-3 boxei to pkg.. per pkg. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN 27c 19c EMPRESS TEA - Your last chance at this price. Buy a ! few pounds nowl AtZn per lb. ID I ( PALMOLIVE SOAP OQf 6 cakes t7Uj Wr carry a full supply of IKI'Slll FRUITS &. VIT.I.TAULES In eaMin, at reduced prices MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollar Have More Cents'-317-319 Third Avinue West P. 0. Box 575 Phone 13 COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Uulkley Valley, Wr also ell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. II Thonet (SI CCMcarzATUL ArrOMS, w. MAC WOVt CX3 I'M MJO FECI. IkAaaV'M' vdo suae vou'uhI neat Ov-A.y ?czr" I -ACM, - Tuesday, JlUii 1J( ,' "HI l H M-UH-L-Hi- l . . HER ART WAS PLEASING MEN! She climbed to fame on a ladder of men ... as even brothers betrayed each other for her beauty. THE BRIGHT NEW STAR FROM RUSSIA ANNA STEN PIWQ V In the Samuel (Joldwyn Production of "NANA" . . . Suggested by Zola's immortal classic of a voluptuous daughter of the boulevards' With LIONEL ATWILL, RICHARD BENNETT PHILLIPS HOLMES, MAE CLARKE Begins Tomorrow Showing at 7 ::i0 and ! ::J0 im Ends Tonight: "My Lips Betray" plus "Lazy River" B-H ENGLISH PAINT rov Caw AHOAh PIT! : -TWC ATT U AMI K c i'ry .TVi.B,' -v I 'TZcZ" VA.lO'VlB . ' Why an Easy? ? Scores of different washers are on the market Scores of others have come and gone. Not one employs the same principle they used ten years ago Easy excepted Cylinder. Oscillator. Dolly Agitator are all obwlete today The Easy do. has ued and developed the vacuum cup principle for 57 years All others force the clothes through Uic water Easy forces the water through the clothes. There's a difference. A factory representative will be with us during ic week. Easy Washers and Easy Ironcrs will k demonstrated, Call for demonstration, Your presence will be appreciated. eMaeSmMd ! jj It pay to use good paint One gallon of B-H English Pain r m cover approximately twice as much surface as chup paint and iB give you jears more protection Good paint cuts your paint b;u 5 In half For best paint values and sound advice consult I GORDON'S HARDWARE "Hi j Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised. -By Westover i