y June 19. 1834 ' " e - ' i l ii. , M, SPECIAL C J w7 Wvte Frce wit each lCoz. bottle of PLY KIL n Price bUC t Destroy Uie flies, mosquitoes and other disease carrying insects about your home. YARDLEY SPECIAL A miniature jar of Yardley English Complexion Cream Free with each box of Yard-ley English Lavender Complexion Powder fihndes, natural, light and dark Q4 A Rachel and English peach, price VA.IU Ormes Lid. Jfi Pioneer Driu&ists Ibe Retail bUsrr NEW ROYAL HOTEL Zarelll, Proprietor " "OMR AWAY FROM HOME" Ratea fl.tO 10 Roomj. Hot & cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. 281 P.O. Uo 199 Phones; g tc tt CLOSING OUT FUR SALE As the Raw Fur Season is About Over t ire rioting out ur local branch (or the summer months. Ha. llirr than take ur trk away. r are selling out at reduced prim and n trainable ffe n will be refuted. Wonderful Opportunity For Prince Rupert People rr rt.i r n ...... i iu viuam nvsi iUBiuy rurs ai utile lost Jock consist of Natural Muskrat, American Broadtail, Cararul and Lapin Coats in latest styles, aiso jnrquctlos, Capes and Neckwear. QUALITY AND PRICKS CANNOT RE R EATEN HIT NW AM) SAVE! COME EARLY! A deposit will hold any article until rcqulrrd. PAPPAS FUR STORE Third Avenue ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Scratch Pads Sealing Wax Seccotine Second Sheets Serpentine Shelf Paper Shipping Tags Show Can! Hoard Show Card Colors Sponge Howls Twines Sponges, Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Rooks Tissue Paper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 The Westholme Rooms Close to Drpot And Harbor View. Single and Double Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. Located at 611 Second Are. Trlnce Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver a7 ,CATA,'A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 TM arriving Vancouver Thursday afternoon, T88. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY .M1DNK1HT W?,vlng Vancouver, Monday AMI, "J Hlliim, to fort Blnvjwop. Alice Arm, Anyos, Btewsrt nd Nasi rur, . r W, Iar prince Rupert Bunday. P. , . ""nr Information regarding all lalllngi and ticket, at-- rlNC MI'ICWI irvNCTi Third Avenos. Wi t kit on last evening's train for Terrace whence she wtll proceed to , other points on her way back to (Vancouver . j Misses Kartna reterson and Agnes Scmba of the Prince Rupert 1 General Hospital staff, after hav- Ing been on a two-weeks' fcottday trip to Vancouver, returned to the . cfcty from the south on the Oatala i Sunday night Tonight's mixed tram, the first unuer summer time table, being scheduled to arrive at 10:20 pm Is forty minutes late so wtll not I be in until 11 o'clock. The first mixed train out under the new land Trtli leavei'Dri time-at 6 pin.. I it wat f.ned this morning. Miss PeggX .Anderson, daughter of Xfr and Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Oraham Avenue. Westvlew, returned home on the Princess Louise yesterdsy from Vancouver. She has been attending Provincial Normal School in the south and was successful In graduaUng. Charles Thibet of Dease Lake was fined $120 and costs, with option of four months' Imprisonment by snpenciary Magistrate McDca-vitt at Telegraph Creek on June 8 I on a charge of having four beaver j pelts In his possession during close season, district headquarters of the I provincial police here have been advised. I east I vli the great lakes For an extra ton do 11 cos you can rid 543 milM oi Tour trip East on luxurious steamers (mals and berth Included). Canadian National trains make direct connections at Port Arthur to shlpelde. GLOW SUMMER FARES to choose bom and a cool route throuah Jasper National Park. " V-1J44 Canadian national Write CITY TICKCT OITICK 528 3rd Ave. Trlnce Rupert, Jl.C. . . . - - s . . - THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE MID-MONTH LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are itill buying old cold, Hulfer's. ati CL.DL. whUt drive and dance tonight. OenU 25c. Ladle 15c. 142 You can rent a Car at Walker'i aa low as $1 a day plus 1c. a mile. tf Enjoy all the comfort of home with the freedom or a hotel Rates most reasonable. The Knox Hole! tf Tea and sale of home coo kin will be heUi in Presbyterian Church Hall Wednesday, June 20, 3 to 6. 142 Charged with operatlne a mo- torvehlcle without a driven' li-i cence. Eric Oustalson and Stanley Veiu-n were each fined 15 bv Ma- jejlatrirte McOJyment In dty police court Fred Murphy appeared before Magistrate McClymont In dty po-' lice court yesterday on a eharae of drunkenness and was fined $25, with option of seven days' Imprisonment. He U serving the time. Mrs R P. Sleeves of Vancouver, who Is o na lecture tour of the dls-trirt in Ue Interest of the Co-op-, .endive Commonwealth Federation. We pay a premium for gold coins and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Eox 477. tf) Hi. Rev. Joseph R. Crimont OJuI. I, Roman CathoHc Church Bishop of Alaska, was a Dassmeer aboard the Princess Louise yesterday re turning to nis ecclesiastical head-quarters at Juneau alter a triD to Seattle. Mrs. Frank Boyle, wife of the territorial auditor of Alaska, was! a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yetserday returning to her home. In Juneau after a trio south Mr. Boyle returned to Juneau last' week. mm Ttientholaium PRU1SES JSPRA1N&. TIRED FIFf. A. LeSage of Calrarr. insroectori of railway transportation for tfcej Board of Railway Commissioners, wUI arrive in the city on tonight s train from the Bast, being here to discuss the question of nroDOsed reduction on automobile rates on the railway between here and Ter race ana Hazelton. Mr. LeSage will leave on Wednesday evening and will visit Terrace and Hazelton to hear representations there on the subject. He will ge into conference with the hlf hway committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of 'commerce tomorrow. 21. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea. Mrs. Rorie's June Canadian Legion. B. E. 8. L. picnic, June 24, Digby Island., Eastern Star tea June 28. CathoHc Ladies' Tea at Home of Mrs, Ward. Atlln Avenue. Tfcurs- 1ay. June 28. MOOSEJIALL DANCE Friday Night Welle's Orchestra 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission 25c COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe PARENTS School will soon be 'out. Your son must look to the future. Diesel Engineering offers won-derfulopportunlties. Olveyour boy a chance. Our summer class commences JULY 1ST Special low fees. Class limited. CALL OR WRITE HEMPHILL DIESEL ENGINEERING SCHOOL 1013 W Pender Doug. 136 Vancouver, B.C. SHOES at Low Prices Men's Work Shoes S2.25 & up Men's Oxfords at $2.75 & up Bargains going every day which appeal to men, women, children and young ladies. All lines of footwear selling at such low prices that anyone can buy. We have eliminated the era of high shoe prices and still lead the way in giving best values in the city. Look over these prices and then call and see the shoes. Good assortment of Valentin's, Leckie's and other leading makes included at these prices. Ladies' Shoes at 1.95 Children's Straps at 95c AND UP AND UP Clearing Out Summer Lines We are clearing out our stock of running shoes and summer shoes. The holidays are approaching and all young people will want runners or beach shoes. We have made the prices on these very low. Try on a pair and see how you like them. We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE 6-hole McClary range. gooa shape. Phone Black 322. 144 FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet Coupe In excellent condition. Easy terms. Apply Nancy Rorie. Phone Red 513. 142 QILLNETTING or trolling boat for sale, 5 horsepower Yale engine. $250.00 cash. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. U. OFFICE DESK, chair, typewriter desk. Tiling cabinet, dining table, .chairs, dressers, cupboard, etc. Mrs. McMordie. (145) FOR SALE 1 large Ourney Electric Range. Also coal or wood Jacket heater. Apply D. Q. Bar-land, Capitol Theatre. 147 FOR RENT FLAT, good view, central, 4 bedrooms. Mrs. McMordie. 145 FURNISHED Apartment for Rent for summer, central location, Box 208, Daily News or Phone Blue 637. 146 WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Good wages. Replies to Section Foreman, Cedarvale. B.C. 144 WANTED Set of bathroom scales in good condition for cash. Ap ply Box 211, Dally News. ,142 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red E02. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf LAMl ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Piirrhsoe 1-snd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range four Coast District. and situate about five miles from the I mouth of the Khutsc River on the iUat fork. I Take notice that I, Frederick Shelly, lot Vancouver, B.C., occupation mine operator, intend to apply for permia-mbwlon to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ofte foot dlntanc from the witness pout oc the West side of Lot 172, thence West-erly 0 chains; thence Southerly SO chains; thence Easterly 80 chains; hewce Northerly 20 chains and con-tauu2 100 acres, more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLY. Dated loth day of May, 1834. Adrerttst is tut Dally Newt LOST LOST Brown Leather Purse containing $15 cash, keys and papers. Please return to Bulger's Store. Reward. 143 BLACK Umbrella with grey lines in mistake for one rather similar from Mrs. Cripps' At Home last week. Please Phone Mrs. Rorie. Red 513, and exchange. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; ' Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 6HOPPB -nOVEHXMEVr LIQl'OR ACT-NOTICE or applicatiox ior a cxrn LICENrC NOTICE Is hereby gJTea on the i-piratiou of this advertisement the un-drgtied Fraiwr Social Club Intends to (WJ w e uquor ixmtroi Board lot a club licence In respect of premise 1 situate on the east aide of Klnsway . HvdPt Bfi luirm taiv4 rt.nrrll 1 ... lLot 40. Block , Plan J231. Subdivision I of DtrtUlct Lot 4044, Casslar District I Prince Rupert Land Registration District in the Province of British Colum-' ola, to entitle each member of the said club to keep on the premises a erason-I We quantity of liquor for personal ; consumption on the premises In ac-jcordance with the provisions of the uwTrrawni uquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder DATED at Hyder, British Columbia, this 28th day of May. 1934. FKASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. Pram. Secretary and Manager nsn ACT Notice of Intrntlna to apply to I.eae Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dtotrlct tit Prtn nun n n .... (uite In Qlawdneet Bay located at the . ntu ui oipnma isiann. Hangf 3, Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, BC occupation rish Packer, intends to apply for a lease of the fallowing described foreshore: Commencing at a pn planted at the S. W. corner of a small island about 8 chains S. E. of ATery Island thenca 8.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 6 chains; thence N.E. 8 chains more or leas to high water mark on the N.E point ot the Island: thence S, E, direction 8 chains mote or lens following high wtr mark to nolnt of commence ment. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April 18. 1834. IN ritOHATR IN Vint SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIN1S. TRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. O KELLY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TARE NtTTTrfK tK k nM.. n 114. Honor V7.E, Fisher, the 14th day otMay. nxi. twos, i was appointed Administrator of Ue estate vf Michael J. OTCel-ly. who died on the 29th day of De-rembet, AD. 133, and all parties hav. thg claims ajralnst the said estate art hereby required to furalsh same, property verified, to me on or before the 21st day of June. A TV im uvt ti parties Indebted to the estate are re- quiraa ro pay in amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Dated Uu..fy.H.Maj,i,;l I MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE River FractionsJ Mineral Claim, stt-uate tn the Atlln Mining Division ot Calar District Located on left hunt nt k. T-..,.. c quah Hirer. T.VIZ NOTICE that H. McN. Prutr acting as Aeent for Taku Mines Company limited. Free Miner-s Certificate NaTw- rarao, 00 aays irom date hereof. tO aDDiv to th Kflnlnv . Certllkiate of Imsrovementa for th purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above -'i'n And further take notice that action under section 83. must be commenced before the Issuance 6f ncCeruncat of Improvements. Dated this 26th day of April, 1934. H. McN. Fraaer. A rent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Land in Prin; t t ... Olf.rictof Prince Rupert. BC, and alt- """iwi uay located at the N.W. end nf si i.i..7i" . Coast District. Take notice that Johns Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C . occupation Fish ckf r-. lteiida to apply tor a lease ot the following described lands- iAnmencing at a post planted at - - - -... . w m ."Tin iaiailu about 8 chains 8 E of Avery Island thence NX. thence westerly, southerly and easterlv. fminvimr t,ih L to point of commencement, and containing 2 acres more or leas, and Including the entire area of the said Is- Dated Aorl J 18. When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You j We meet all trains. Freight & , passenger service anywhere. boat H. A. S. now la service n i on ine iace. j Fare anywhere on the lake, i one idulL U M' ti tn . additional. No. crowd too big. No Job too small. riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY The AUCTIONEER Parting Crattog Wrapping St General Furniture nepaln List your goodi with mi Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Ray Intra Red Rays M assart All at Reasonable Price W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chlropractcr) 4 Green til Phone Greea lit Eiehaife Block