4 ON INSPECTION TRIP UP LINE Gen. Supt. Mehan with Right- of-Way Agents and Party Left on Special This A.M. Return Tonight. FOR THE CITY Austin Brown Starting a Har- ness and Saddlery Manufac- tory on Second Avenue. A new and important business— that of manufacturing harness and saddlery—is to be started in the A special train pulled out early this morning with General Sup- erintendent Mehan and party/city this week by Mr. Austin on an inspection trip up line. Brown, whe is an experienced Mr. Mehan was accompanied] harness maker by trade. In his by G. H. Pope, right-of-way agent, and his assistant, W. H. Dempster, also Messrs. Oglivie and Lamonde. Mr. G. McNichol also went out with the party which will return with the special train tonight. workshop on Second avenue be- iween Tenth and Eleventh streets a complete outfit of harness making machinery is being installed, en- abling him to fill all kinds of special orders. He will have a complete stock of finished goods and will do all manner of repairs. There is a good field here in the city to supply the needs of team owners and a still bigger field in manufacturing harness and sad- dies for the up-river country. Mr. Brown should be able to build up a good business here at his trade. BRIGHTER CITY HALL Miss Unwin Stenographer there Triumphantly Rears Nastur- tiums. This morning the City Hall— in the little corner reserved for Miss Unwin the stenographer—is brightened by a window show of radiant nasturtiums. The pretty blooms were reared by Miss Unwin herse!f and survived quite a host of vicissitudes. Rats nibbled the seedlings—frost nipped them, small boys meddled with them but Miss Unwin nobly defended them and is today rewarded by their refreshing display of color. Two varieties, dwarf and climbing nasturtiums, are growing together in the win- dow. NOTEWORTHY CLERICS Attending Synod of Caledonia This Week The following tending the Synod of the Anglican Church now in session in Prince Rupert; Ven. Archdeacon Col- lison, Rev. Canon Keen, W. Hogan, R. W. Gurd, T. J. Marsh, A. E. Price, T. C. Des Barres and W. J. James. Letters of regret at being absent were received from Revs. J. B. McCullagh, T. P. Thorman, F. L. Stephenson, F. Sweatman, and T. Field. clergy are at- Cetriana’s Indian Crowd The S.S. Cetriana came in lasc night with a full cargo of general freight for Prince Rupert and way points. The Cetriana leaves today via the west coast to pick up a party of 460 Indians at Rivers Inlet Cannery and take them to their own domain. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clements have returned to the city after a two months’ trip up river. == —— ATi denustceteanait adie NEW INDUSTRY THE DAILY NEWS ee es et Plate Glass Employer’s Liabilit Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty. & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. Seoveuvuvvsvy ods vos ey wy AT THE THEARTE YUVV HH BHM Hw Good Ship Nancy Lee Had Cargo of Fun Last Night “The Good Ship Nancy Lee,” loaded to the gunwales with laughs and fun sailed into the Empress Theatre last night and during the two hours an half she was tied up there, the captain and crew, who were the Cleveland Musical Comedy Company unloaded their cargo to the delight of a crowd of people who were there to welcome her. There were lots of infectiously tuneful songs and churuses and lyrics that were regular care scare- rs. Jack Westerman as Adolph Guggenheimer and Harry Cleve- land as Dooley were on deck most of the time unloading the bales of hilarity. Captain Andrews (Elton Ralston) came down from NOTICE! Comox-Atlin Liberal Convention is fixed for SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH at Nanaimo, B.C. } | | | | All delegates throughout the constituency will please endeavor to be present BUSINESS -—Selection of a candidate to contest seat in Dominion Par liament for Comox-Atlin H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chairman (Signed ) > | | | | Notice to Liberals A general meeting of the Liberals of Prince Rupert will be held in the McINTYRE HALL, 3rd AVENUE | | | | | } on the evening of THURSDAY, AUG. 10th at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of electing delegates to a Convention to be held at Nanaimo on Saturday, Aug. 19th —_———— THIS MEETING IS NOT CONFINED TO MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION BUT IS OPEN TO ALL LIBERALS P. W. ANDERSON, Secy. | | | j | | } j | the bridge several times and sang some excellent songs and Mate Collins (Frank Snyder) who has become a favorite here, sang two songs in a way that brought de- mands for encores. That sweet voiced Miss Drena Mack, was encored every time she sang and Miss Gerrish was similarly complimen- ted. The number that pleased most was ‘Whistle It,”’ by Cleve- land, Westerman and Ralston. It was immense. “The Good Ship Nancy Lee” was one of the most delightful of the musical comedies the com- songstress, pany has put on. Tonight “The Rajah’”’ will be} given. ADVANTAGE TO CITY New Feed Store Opened on Third Avenue and Eighth Street. What will surely prove an ad- vantage to many merchants, car- tage contractors, and others here is the opening up of the store of the Prince Rupert Feed Com- pany on the corner of Eighth street and Third avenue. At this store Oats, vegetables, butter, eggs, cheese, hay, straw, etc., will be sold. The proprietors of this new enterprise are Thoinas Trotier and L. Dusseult. The store is now open. Headmaster’s Hoilday Principal Hunter and party left this morning from the Davis float on a fishing excursion to Sha- om os + Phone 150 Lost and Found bemermmermns ee The Insurance People —— Fire nok Ladies’ Gold Watch. Reward by re- Life ig to News Office. 5t-180 Mari For Rent ; ~+ Furnished rooms with bath, the week. Talbot House. Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Large well furnished recom, private family. Splendid view of harbor. Gentiemen only. Apply P.O. Box 1519, 164-tf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. Be cytes New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser street. $25 a month. Phone 8 or P.O, box 852. 180-tf Special rates by 165-tf 4 As PS Pt eg Pe Pt Pt Help Wanted Riad ee Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitchen and make himself generally useful. Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. Scotch Woman wants work, housecleaning, wash- ing or fancy ironing. Work taken home if and McBride 176-181 Wanted— Man to operate Soda Fountain. Apply Orme’s Drug Store, Second Ave. 178-tf For Sale Preece mse srmerstmede oem Cooking Range and Kitchen Furniture. Apply Cor. 8th and Cotton Streets. 1580-4t For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. For Sale—Owner will sell four good lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 5, Taylo: street, terms. Apply art P.O., Prince Rupert. 76- a t ne OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co, Insurance Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown. Wis. 137-wi watlans Lake. FOUND GUILTY OF STEALING Man Named Weaver Will be Sentenced, Perhaps Heavily, This Afternoon. Took a Kit Bag from the Grand. Today a man named Thomas Weaver came up for sentence at two p.m. before Magistrate Me- Mullin who this morning found him guilty on his own confession of having taken and sold a kit} bag from a guest at the Grand Hotel. Weaver was arrested yes- terday afternoon by Chief Vickers on information furnished by the hotel The bag had been sold to a second hand goods proprietor. dealer, and at first accused tried the fi court to shift the blame for the on another man. In today, however, he thought better to of it and admitted guilt. His sentence may be a heavy one. City Solicitor Peters who iook care of the ease desired the Magis- trate to impress on second hand | dealers in the city the advisability | of notifying the police very quickly when any ridiculously cheap bag- gains in the way of portable goods are offered them under circum- stances in any way at all suspicious. eee “The News” Classified ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A GAREFIJL LOOKING a Apply James | & tf | desired. Apply Apartment House, Ist Ave. | a ened size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable | Se Ads. Empress : Theatre TO-NIGHT ! Cleveland's Musical Comedy Gy —— PEOPLE BAAR gids OVER— ek oe PS | PO OO | 30 | | | | | “THE RAJAH” A Musical Comedy in Two Acts Do away with this, Patronize a white | laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 | ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION GORGEOUS COSTUMES AND ELECTRICAL EPFE I's lw | SHIPPING REPORTS o wo " © Seo: . NO INCREASE IN PRICES 50c, 75c and $1.00 o ¥ Seat sale opens Thursday oomee & yu vy > © oO xX » & | | Wireless Stations in Touch with | a Lot of Vessels | The weather is reported foggy lat Triangle and overcast at Estevan reports speaking the steamer Sum- | Estevan |following vessels: leric, 150 miles from Cape Flattery i GROUND lat 8 p.m. westbound; Mexico | § Floor Space for Rent | Maru at 2 p.m. if Triangle spoke Princess May off | Pine Island at 8 p.m. last night, | 4% |g eamer Monteegle at mid- ; ae und . : e i i in the Hart building, corner of | night. Second Ave. and Sixth Street Cape Lazo spoke the steamer The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert. +eeeeees Apply as Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. oPaere reenact Peo CER ETO ELE shashaseeekss Al amada at 8 p.m. SYNOD NEWS ugh Granted to Rev. A. E. | Price of Gitwingak | The other evening the Board of lthe Church Missionaroy Society met at Bishop Du Vernet’s. A furlough of a year was granted to} | Rev. A. E. Price of Gitwingak, and | Furlo sec 0c soesoezecaoasecsecaoczecsecaecsecaecaecsecaeszecseeseclt SRESRESRESSESSERES ESET ESET ES HSE EES ; 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | his work will be taken by a former) | | worker in the Diocese, Dr. Adagh, > 9 who is now in England. * STAFFORD S WHITE PASTE i a — . | Mr. F. F. Brown, of Victoria $ bee has. been in: (he city. during | : Is the Perfect Paste for all Paste Uses | the past we k representing the 3 Always Satisfactory a firm of Radiger & Janion of|% Vancouver and Victoria, will leave | : for the south tomorrow morning 2 oz. Bottle 15c. 5 oz. Waterwell Jar 35c. on the Prince Rupert He has} 5 3 oz. Tube 25c. 8 oz. Waterwell Jar 50c. |lhad a very successful business 8 ° ° arr) ‘ 7 5 | trip and is delighted with the many $ : ; things of interest he has seen in > M RAE BROS L d 4 the city. > Cc °9 imite ig Everything for the Office. 'é ° 000#0000: 0000000000000 POLICE WATCHES | Saab « : Rese a Do Your Shoes $50 Section. Price si Ba All Varied in time in Police a6 | monthly ; Court the other day. | @ | 15 and 16, Block 49, Section you carry a : : : 'Need Repairing Lots $275 Ss “7 0 cash, bala . | } easy y ni Reliable Standard Watch | If so bring them to our | Lots on Summit Avenue at $800. Fi | te Nin You would always have the NEW $T AND pions he . ; oth, Ie Cerrect Time : : Third Avenue, between view ae 7th and 8th St. We | For Fire, Life and A ral ' Only reliable watches are see have moved from the j | kept in stock by the G.T.P. Hart Block ! Lots in Fort George at $10.00 cash a Official Watch Inspector. | ° ied $10 = mont For free me and inf i gee as Port | eeeeee othe tis buy lots in For | Georgs i'@ R. W. Cameron & Co. | John Kadakas ake Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue. JOHN DYBHAVWN | PHONE 82 | Third Avenue Bet, 7th and 8th Sts, | | . | | Pattullo Block | ” eee PIANOFORTE LESSONS TO WATER USERS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils — | FOR RENT On account arcity 0! we ~ between We | Store Building on Second Avenue and 5 the ly will be by | Seventh Street. Low Rent. Miss Vera Greenwood : ee at p.m n, during 4 | Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Herlin. dry weather bye Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. @| _— "y WM. MAHLON DAs |Room 28, Alder Block Upstairs | 177-tf ans Carpets, Curtains, Sole Agent for Famous Ostermour Mattress. “THE BIG FURNITURE STORE” Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Phone 62. O * O + O * O * * O O * O * O ° Drapery and Stoves. fOKOK OKO OKOK ORO OKO KOKO OK OKO OK OOKO KOK OHO KOKOKOMOKOKOKOKOKOKOH OKO OH OKOKO KO HOM OOH OH ROKOKE We beg to announce to the Public that we are going to remain at the same old stand corner 6th Street and 2nd _Avenue For the next two weeks we will occupy the entire Hart Block and during that time we shall offer some Great Values in Furniture and Home Furnishings GRAND 15 DAYS SALE OF FURNITURE F. W. HART. sO so" QkOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK OKO KOKO KO KOHOHOHO HO KOK OKOKOKOOKOKOHOKOKOWOHO KOKO KOHOMOMOKOOKO KORO ROROHOM! a at 8 We carrry a full line of Carpet, Lincleums, Crockery, Couches, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Baby Carriages, etc., ete., ete. i 0 t # 0 * 0 t Watch Our Show Windows fo i Startling Values. 0