Sop It h Found America's Cup Serie Run as Big Bulnes, For Which He, WaiJs'ot. Prepared May Re-Challenge Taken Personal Kenponslbllity For All Mistakes Made In Recent Racing BRISTOL. BRISTOL.. RJ-. tta.. Sept. acjik. 27: i. w. CP- sonal responsibility for all mlsUkcs made during the America's Cup race scrle. absolving his amateur crew. Ocean Falls Man Was Accidentally Shot by Comrade John Wldsten of Ocean Falls Is a patient in the Ocean Falls HosplUl recovering satisfactorily from Injuries sustained In a hunting acci dent near the paper town on Sun day of this week. He was strucK in the right leg by a bullet which rico- nhnlivi nff a rock. V " BAR SILVER .iwr M nuoted at 49?c on the local metal market today. ii of an inquest conau afternoon by Dr. A group of beautiful English girls photographed in London. England contest to select Miss England' for 1934 to represent the country i the tiUe of "Miss Europe ." New Scenic Roadway is .Being Developed, by City West From McClymont Park to Cemetery As a result of work which has been in progress for the past six months with use of relief labor, almost half a mile of roadway has now been built by the city west from Mc- UrulC oiled. mvii& mc uunro w iuna nmrrNted todar. 11-J U.. nl1fn TVia iilfiinnto nVilAPtlVP IS tf 1)10- lanUc Ocean. Skipper T. O. M. SoP-lTfinif HIS with decided he would leave open. VVIV lllU of whether or noi ne the question A1iriT rpp would again challenge for the cup. J I I W PJ I I H ft snu-lth declared that he was, J IT 11 UAX. X-l "disgusted with the spirit In which International racing is conducted here." -i found the races were run as a big business.- the British sxipner said, "something I was not prepared to ' contend with. - Robert Ellis. Aged 26. Employee rremler Co., Administered rotasslum Cyanide to llltmelf STEWART. Sept. 27: (Special to ,iir nalK, New.,uicide by Uklng tir Tn. rn r inti the death of Robert :"-;Zfa Barton Ellis whose body was i found iouna ay mum'"' rvn4 uhn was 26 VCtUS Of Wvvuwvu, " I VANCOUVWt, tkisrruwn Sent. orpw 27: (CP) - Weather Tomorrow's Tides Todays mm High 4:34 am. 17.8 4 Prlnc Rupert-Showery, calm; 16:16 pjn. 19.3 ft. i barometer 30.00; temperature. ; Low 10:20 am. 8.7 It. sea smooth. 23:15 pm. 5.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 PRICE: FIVtf CENTS Vol XXIV No. 225. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., RECIPROCITY IS AGAIN BEING URGED CONSEh $ TIVES ABOUT TO START ELECTION CAMPAIGN Commerce Chambers of United States Seeking Canadian Trade Pacts Secretary of Slate Cordcll Hull Asked to Open Negotiations With This Dominion at Earliest Possible Date WASHINGTON. D.C., Sept. 27: (CP) Secretary of state ( ordell Hull was urged today by Henry I. Harriman, incident of the Chambers of Commerce of the United Slates, to open reciproval tariff ncRotiations with Canada at the earliest possible date. Mr. Harriman declared that a joint committee comprising members of the Canadian Lid American chambers had recommended such a course. Mr Hull replied that the matter would likely be considered at an early date. Today's Stocks Vanreutrr Alexandria, JOUi-. B: Tlcw .024 B. C Nickel. .66. Bis MiuourL M. , Braan 2 50. Bralome. 14 50. t -. B. RCuns.10. BIX .65. CiwbJO Quartz. 125. Dc : :nia. 53. Dur.wel.. 18. Oc ;gU River. JOl. C'l'-on&A .30. Hi r jlps. .03. ItltM, 01" j. Mint 19, Mi ti'ian 12. Miming Star. .15. inal Sliver. ,03. Ni;blc Five. JM. Oreille. .50. r-;-r Idaho.' .08. frrmlcr 127. Reward .05 Rf;;t .82 B..;r Crest. .01 VJ Baimon Oold. 50 Task). Ta; .or Bridge, JO. Wayside. .09. Wi..:ewatcr. D5. Waverly Tangier, .01; United Empire, 21. Toronto C:'.ral Patricia, 1101. Cnlbougamau, .11. " Lee Oold. .10. Oranada, .55. Inter Nickel, 2455; Macassa, 2.68. Noranda, 38.75. Bhearltt. .45. E.xo. 2 55. Thompson Cadillac, .47. Ventures. .00, lake Marort, .05. Terk Hughes, 4.09. Sudbury Dasln, 1.41. Columarlo, .25. Smelter Gold, 28, . " Can MatarUc. .65. Uttle Long Lac, 6.50. Astoria Rouyn, .00. Stadacona, 21. Maple Leaf, .18. Pickle Crow. 1.70. long Lac Lagoon, .20. Manitoba & Eastern, .30. Oils A p Con,. .08ft. Amalgamated, ,07J2. c & E .05. ? Calmont. .05. Dalhouslc, .25. ' Fabyan, .oo'B. Fffchold, .07. ' Mland, .21. Mar Joun, .lo3,;. Unlted, .05 (ask). BRITISHER i ! DISGUSTED! Lovely English Girls Vie For Beauty Honor j they entered the finals of a n.t-!ra agonal repetition for iPASSINGOF - SCHOOL BOY Albert ObaU, Ared Seventeen, Passes Away Today Albert ObaU. seventeen-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. ObaU, well known members of the local suddenly at Z Japanese colony, died two fr-i-S - fiM Cup cnaiiengcr uhibhwu. ram to ramtw - - Drri.,r. Av-nue folio foUowln in Third Anue hftmerd voyage acroas the At-i - iThe route u a delightfully scenic i Uy ; home on i hriei krtar i! mness. inpec iuc i riR it(i iuu uau iia.u. uiA a - a one what with ne : ,ol"d but nad been able to attend waterfalls and picturesque ntav. He took a sudden vistas. Charm ng nooKs ror picnic. d fataL will be openea up ana, wneu , oleted. the road will undoubtedly be ' BPt J J-JR"1 . , 'unuaieu t,iiimicio mwj,,. 0( a most attractive anveway. I Vancouver. Albert Obata had spent . Use 15 belnB maQ.e. ail his life in Prince Rupert. He re- the wooa usen out , m cu.B -, education here and was erations on the right of way. Gar- ""JfSn! Hlah School bemgusedforfliungup : having "received grade as wel as " nd cndel Sta public school training at Bor-The route Is entirely over city SP nniwnt in his UCU UklVkb tV-vrw O- ... . . . .tl- T T t MAcclntr . in wlLll ma Acun jafc. Oldfleld to tne ski has s cast a gloom ov er the school he branch off from this road which, at Tl ; attended and his family win win have have : in mcir uit- eenerai sympamy . , . . . . j ajmp InHh tiim.nnt hptnc nrovided at on the dumo of Camp Four jester-; "nt- intrvfll tnr fnr Min nasslnp cars. age. arrived here from YorKwn, nn i fit Sask.. last February, having oeeni UI111C1 lficiiiuut wi I employed since then at the Premier . . r- mine, lie was smgie " LiCKlOltttvii v iiv,o Lnt metric in Yorkton. Interment will be held In Stewart Cemetery, next Sunday. VANCOUVER WHEAT - at 79c on the P. 2 ,CP)-CapUln h Albert Wheat was quoted former member of local exchange today. viritrn was hunting mountain r . W1 goat with another Ocean Fulls man "" COAL MINK Harold Sydney Ciaric. inry..!. st,kf. IS POSSIBLE i . f I nnri lYIICCIVl I. , a goat ana dovu mvu uu 4..-v. 221 :r.S LONDON, Spt. 27: (CP. and struck Wldsten. Tne jnjurea --v- man wns nsslsted by his companion to the beach and Ocean Falls. for1' Settlement 'of a wir.w YORK. seuv. W llri T ' ",v - . n a A h threatened walk-out or hu.uw Welsh coal miners on Satur- 1 day were laid before rcpresen- I tatlves of the miners and op- ' erators today with hopes of Capt. Albert Ruff Passes Away at Albernl at Age of 86 Years ALBERNI. Vancouver Island. Huff, aged 86, I J the fcitv British vot Columbia Legislature c t Soviet Lumber Is Being Disposed Of In addiUon to his parents, the vouth Is survived by an elder bro- thcer. Roger ObaU, attending Uni versity of British Columbia. The father, who is secretary of the Ca-1 nadlan Japanese Association, had don. been In Port Esslngton on business and Is returning to the city this afternoon. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. 7 . 'for Cowlchan-Albernl, Is dead here. mn STILVMSHIP STK1KE Dominion Organizing For Polling Contest Will Soon Commence Tories Considering Possibility of Dominion Convention Wtih Alternative of Provincial Gatherings to Make Organization Plans OTTAWA, Sept. 27: (CP) Shortly after the return of Prime Minister R. B. Bennett from Geneva where he is attending the League of Nations assembly, the Conservative party will launch a systematic organization of the UUlllllliyjll 111 JJICJJUiailUll 1UI Hie ll.b wvvvv, u is learned here. In some circles it is considered possible that a national convention of the party will be called or, perhaps, a series of provincial gatherings at which organization plans can be completed. DATE OF CLOSING IN JAPAN TIIKE.Ttbii t KOBE. Sept. 27: (CP-A strike 'threatening to tie up Japan's largest steamship lines 4. hoorpo-nUnBr 250.000 tons and trans-Paelfle ShlD- in DUCnOS HireS- plli? was ann0unced yesterday I uniMi innm.inles ncree to NOW SET UUUbut Fishing la Area 3 - Cease October z Bringing Season to End Area So. 3 will be closed to halibut fishing midnight Octooer 27, it is announced by the International Fisheries Commission. By that time it is estimated that the quota for the season will have been exhausted and. possibly, passed. The closing of Area No. 3 will mark the ending of halibut fishin on the North Pacific for the 1934 season. Since the nearer Area No, was closed on August 19, the Am erican fleet and up to a doien or the larjer Canadian boats have been operating in Area No. 3. SUTTON IS PRESIDENT lowing officers were elected: President. A. Sutton. Vice-President, Miss M. C. Dl- 1 mock. SecreUfy-Treasurer, R. O. Oor- Plans for future meetings were discussed. These meetings will be held alternately at the school and at the homes of members. At the next meeting Arthur Sutton will clve a talk on Federation activities. The meeting wIU be held at the re sidence of Miss M. Delaney. SKEENA IS HIGH PACK Has. Put Up 268.600 Cases Out Of U07.010 on Coast This Year " " UUIVJ M.V V ... I ' I furnish bet- VANCOUVER. Sept. 27: (CP) good market for lumber from So- ter rations and provide larger ,The British Columbia salmon pack t - i. nA wace scales for the 1934 season to date is i.- ironfinr. n,.rina the last fPW riavO fnr enalne room crews. 007.000 cases, official figures show. lhrp million feet of Soviet spruce and pine has been unloaded here. HAUftMANN INDICTMENT Must Take Trial on ExtorUon Charge More Ransom Money Found - NEW YORK, Sept 27:vfCP Bruno Richard Hauptmann was yesterday indicted by a New- York 'irand Jury on the charge of extor tion as being the alleged receiver of the $50,000 ransom money in the Lindbergh kidnapping case. He pleaded not guilty to the indict ment-and ball was fixed at $100,000. The police discovered an addi tional $600 of the ransom money in Hauptmann's garage yesterday. .: iSTEWART IS BUSY Portland Canal Mining Camp Due For Biggest Boom in History, Declares W. Goldbloom The mining camp of Stewart is i due ver ysoon for the biggest boom IU history, declares William ... T...i,r'!in Northern High L o School u i Teachers relation Hojds Meeting fof a Tew da7, to that The Northern High School Teach-' tov: t. crs- . Association . .ii uu held i. Its first irct meet- trAof. Tney ' nave goi me ha-iri-- uuun uictv vs . . U 4 Via . dUU Wit J iia 1 v wvU...0, ingon Leanesaayauu.u , ..Tnere u not an idle man In the town. Money is free and the people are buying." As the price of silver advances so will Stewart expand in mining activity, asserts Mr. Ooldbloom. Gets One Years Suspended Term, Leaves For East Having been found guilty the i day previous on a charge of ob- taming relief fraudulently from the 1 city. Fred Gamer was given one year's suspended sentence yesterday afternoon by Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court. Garner made restitution for relief scrip he had received from the city and. left on last evening's train for Sarnla, Out. NO HALIBUT IN No boats being In with catches, .The Skeena River is the high dls- there was no sale of halibut on the t .trlct with 268,000 cases. tea fish exchange1 thu morning. 't k ' '4 I