PAGE SIX as UP TO DATE Fine quality tea has a flavour Railway Town Has All Modern and a fragrance that common Conveniences Lighting Except Street teas do not possess. ' For true enjoyment in tea buy Salada. Clear and bright as amber in the cup it has a richness unknown to common teas. CliARITY-BEGINS AT HOME dfwilitt m Bj Appuiauucnt in Their . M ItllKici the Covrntor-Gtnrril M Cmmmt of Brslxirauth ) mJm THE WHEN YOU GO ABROAD Carry your money In a safe, convenient form by uiingTravellen Chequei. Theie may be purchased at any branch of The Royal Bank and are negotiable whereyer you go.Trovellers abroad will find a friendly welcome fh the Bank's overseas offices. R O Y A L ,B A N K O F C A N. A D A lit A TEA Why send fuel money away when nature gave .the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first -try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you. 11 1 uy DuiKley Valley COAL BE CONTENT WITH NOTHING LEtf THAN (UUNLUfl Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm. 48. Aiyansh Cloudy, south wind RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and hate an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, AJbertfc and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try too of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We 10 sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley Prince Rupert Feed Co II Pheaee Uf ,! 48; Anyox Raining, calm. 48. Stewart-i-Misiy, calm. 46. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 43. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 42. Dead Tree Point-Raining, calm; barometer. 2958; temperature. 54;, sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; small chop. ' Langara Island Overcast, calm: tea moderate. Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 1-30 nm .From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-; " - 10:15 pjn.i 'or Vancouver-Mondays train) ' 4:30 pjnj Tuesday i2;30 pa! Wednesdays (train);... 4:30 pjn Thursdays , .9:30 pjn. 'Friday n pxa Saturdays .9:30 pm. Sept 6; 14 and 24 .4:30 pm. From Vancouver .' Sunday I ;.;JW.V.; p m Wednesday 10 a m. Thursday-(train) 10:15 pjn. Friday :.r.....,.r. ... 10 ajn. Satarfiay (train).' . 10:15 pjn. Sept. 10 and 20 m For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sunday 7 pjn Wednesday o nm From Anyox and Alice A rm Tuesday u:30 a m Thursday a nm For Stewart and Premier- Sunday 7 'pjrtJ ' Friday g nm From Stewart and Premier Tuesday . 11:30 ajn. Saturday a nm for Na!i River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pJn Tom Naas Hrtt and Port Slrnpsor-Tuesday. u-ao .m For Queen Charlotte Islands Sept. 15 and 29 o n m From Queen Ctiarlotf Islands- Sept. 13 and 27 am For Alaska- Sept. 10 and 20 ajn (By H. F. Pullcn IcrWelscvllUl' tip.tnt on ne Canadian'' National Railway about half way between Prince George and Jasner but the resi dents pin their faith chiefly1 on th agricultural possibilities of the fer- tle valley of which It is the centre. Being near the national parks there: Is an overflow- of the protected ?amf hrfH tn thi nnrVs anH n a result ft should be a good big gamje nunung centre. The place was IncorroraU'd as J east and wert are still dirt roads, almost impassable In bad weather. I The villaze Is administered bv a iboard of commissioners conslstin Of Samuel Birkenhead 'chairman i. H. E. Edgar and Charles McNab wltfiGeoT Gettle, village cierk. Thre is also a board of trade presidec over by W. A. E. Wall and with G. T. Holdway. secretary and W. J. Payne bank at the time of writlnz. Loral Utilities The villane owns Its own water system and the electric light is sup plied by a' local company in co operation with the railway com- nany. All that is needed is street Jlehts to bring it right un to datei AIcBrlde Is well served bv a two- roomed nubile school and bv three churches-Ahglican in charge of Rev. E. Reader; United. Rev. W. Mi Cameron, and Catholic, visited by Rev. Father P. J. McGrath O. M. I. On October 28 the newly consecrated Bishop of Cariboo is to visit the Anglican Church and administer the rite of confirmation. Two miles east of town is a Do minion Government Illustration station' 'cofiducted by J. T. Oakley. He has a fine farm anri ha cood work In testing Vhe various kinds of eraln and nroduce and Ap. cidlng which are best for use in the district. He Is very enthusiastic over tne possibilities of farming In the valley. Jimmy $aikcr And Wife Considering Offer of Sennett LONDON, Sept. 27: Former Mayor Jimmy Walker of New York and his wife, the former Betty Compton, are reported to be ser iously considering an offer from Mack Sennett to play in screen comedies. M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the EWtric Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just In, Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing. Have Your Radio Tubes Tested Free Ask for safety carrier and carton and stickers to show which socket tube belongs in. There is no cost to you at Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop. Try It! Don't Foruct Light Globed , .,....., 1l.uiill has been pioving out through this point stcaaiiy inis summer irom the nmlneea mlnlne country as the result chiefly of the opcraUons of the Germanson Mines Limited and the Consolidated Mlnlne and Smelting Company both of which are conducting operations several hundred, miles to the north. Shipments of bullion have also been fcadf torn Vital Creek and Tom ureeK wnue two uroiners, nnan- a villas In 1932 and the residents j outm and sUUlng an art uslng say they have had more work done, alrplane8 from Takla on the streets since that time than4.! . J; they had done In all time pre- ' :. .. L,v.-n- k... .,. ,... a" some 350 men have been em- ployed during the summer on all the mining operations, large and small, In that part of the country. 7he Consolidated is developing a lode mine at Aiken Lake and using llrplanes for transportation. R. C. McCorkell came out last week from Germanson Creek. He says his outfit and most of the others are operating night and day His concern had to put in a flume 1 no debt, and .the commissioners nlne miles long to get water for the nt" somemmz luce siaoo in me 1 . . ... . ;'mhuh jiativ. incjr aic nut using airplanes but go In and out by tne water route and by the use of tot- teams and pack trains. The plant is to continue operations un- u he freeze-up in November. The Consolidated invested some- hlng like a million dollars In plant and development before they could besln to get any returns. There are three or four mrtto broadcasting stations operating In me country, one of which u at Takla Landing. The country around Vanderhoof is looking well. Crois have been tood and. the price of grain being oeuer, farmers will be better off this year than for several seasons Amnesty Granted Ky Italian Kinp To Many Prisoners ROME. Sept. 27:-King Victor Emmanuel celebrated the birth the this week of his granddaughter, the child of Crown Prince Umberto and Princess Marie Jose, by granting amnesty to thousands of mm. tary and civil prisoners. Advertise in the Dally News Our Confectionery Store Is Where People Like to Deal MAPLE BUDS per lb. PEPPERMINTS per lb. CHOCOLATE BARS Assorted flavors. 3 for ASSORTED CREAMS . per lb 27c 29c 5c 29c CAKES PIES COOKIES Fresh Fruits Casaba Melon ' whole, per lb. Peaches per doz 9c 35c Fresh Pineapples 40 C Fresh Milk. Whipping and Table Cream, Buttermilk MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe Til DAILY KB 8 Thursday, September tr. M'BRIDE IS SHIPPING MUCH GOLD Mines North of Vanderhoof Sending Out Steady Stream of Precious Metal VANTlEnHOOF. Sent. 27: Gold FREE TICKETS! tj! T-r?&?lZvr-r, with Dick Powell, Glnier Koien, Pat t)Bricn, 1 Mills Bros, and lUdio Itotues ENDING TONIGHT Sir Guy Standing in lhe Wilrhlnj Hour 'Starts 8 07 & 10 27. Plus nUItNS and ALLEN In "3lany Happy Ke urns" 17 00 & 0 : Watch For Your Phone Number On Our Screen Tonight' THE FAMOUS Easy With the Vacuum Cups Seventy-two times a minute, smoothly and ttctiUy, the "Human Hinds" of the Buy Waiher move up and dovn. a: i and around, flushing clean air and hot sudsy water through ;:s fabric of the clothes. Make the EASY tet iftyo home. See the EASY wash clothes without wear of any kind. You can trust your motdeli fabrics to the EASY. See the EASY aplndry remove the water frem your ckc without squeezing and creasing. EASY Washers to suit everyone, sold on EASY terms. $84.50 to $174.00 Phone 6 for demonstration in jour home and be coir.,.: about EASY EASY IR0NER, simple and efficient Irons your EASY wash. A worthy companion Q4 Ol A A to the EASY Washer $124 UU MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom Suite Vanity Chiffonier and Bed Stead $74.00 FELTOL KUOS, 6x0 feet, $tJ; 7x9 feet, $6.00; fixIO feet, $T5 Phone 775 Prince Rupert 327 Third Avenue The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACKXOD-1 Prepired Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.