a_i { rHE WEATHER — —— NEXT MAILS , » hours ending 5 a,m., fon souk we A ene , » a bevedbosees Sunday, a.m. vaxyremh MITE 99970 ~ 01 aren NOUS e neess Royal..... a ——E { F ormerly The Prince Rupert Optimist —_—_— — — — ———e RES —————————— VOL. I, NO. 18! PRINCE ‘RUPERT, B.C., Fripay, Avausr 11, 1911. ORD’S VETO BILL PASSED IN THE LEADING MANUFACTURER ENDORSES RECIPROCITY r. James Ramsay, One of the Best Informed Com- mercial Men on the Coast Says It Will Be Good Thing for the Province--An Interesting Interview | BASEBALL, SCORES | Northwestern League THEY MADE JOBS re May be No Council Alderman Smith is goung Lazy Mexicans Started Forest river. Fires to Make Work below Aiderman Morrissey National League Chicago 7, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 4, Pittsburg 3 No other games. of laborers who you never can tell. want to make the job last was the substance of a report which Ranger were the work Wireless Rreports Fog Recipt will be a good] very rapidly once the inrush of]Seeley made to Forest Supervisor - oe Bullets flew through the Windsor But that ended McCall’s mark- ; } . ; on ; Pacific Coast League Wireless stations along the coast ; 3 ; province. A free; population starts, Charlion today. When these men, Frade Hotel Bar yesterday evening. No|manship. Surrounded and seized | : ; Los Angeles 2, 'Frisco 1. report a good deal of dense fog : 3 : f{ natural products] Plunge in Old Timers |all of whom were Mexicans, were ; ; Ney - one was killed but a $200 mirror|he was overpowered and the rifle ; | A . Portland 1, Oakland 0. which will delay shipping. The}. . ,. 3 4 { hbors across the “But i : \ ‘ill ke | dismissed, a marked improvement 5 Ct ae is in little bits. After promising|taken from him—one loaded shell ut the men who will make cea Vernon 6, Sacramento 1. S.S. Empress of Japan has been s sick ; . i order will be good for both of} ip. vs iI] hably be the| 2S made, said Seeley. pre to be good and go back to his|remeinirg in the magazine. Ar- { pene Money Will propsoly” Deru ochibipabha adie American League spoken by Triangie in Lat. 49.48,| |. ‘ ; Mr. James Ramsay one}, = ; ee a s ; ; . Fee ; i .., | Ship James McCall the seaman who}j rested by Constables Merritt and $ newcomers, nor ola umers. An English aviator keeps his New York 12, Detroit 5. Long 134.12 east bound. She will | pee 4 ; c " known manufacturers | -p) 4, » exteriende in’ Van- ‘ ; a ; ‘ was suspected yesterday of having|Swasey at 8 p.m. last night the j lat was our experience in Van-| feet warm while flying by an Chicago 5, Philedelphia 4. be in Victoria Saturday p.m. Smoo- | ‘ ’ 1 B Columbia to the News] we id I kl: ; . Ee “SR ; ; deserted from the Rupert aiong|redoutable avenger of his mate's couver real estate, am “peak ingenious arrangement of pipes| Washington 9, St. Louis 8. th seas are reported everywhere | i ; Few men are more|, a? ete We tan dale ; ‘ | with his mate Jack Hart, got/arrest colled his heels in the Hotel ; as an ola timer e had te) from che engine and radiator. | Boston-Cleveland; no game. or: 7 4 iar ; : better judgment | pp. pinch as the city went up | pai ___ |fampageous and made a_ noise} Vickers until today when his case : oie j He es ae, te ohn golly: awe |like a sailorman painting a twon came up tor preliminary inves- Br aetit Wand wil” Win doen “alah “atraid ever red. ‘ tigation. director Of] time she went up ae dha sani’ Rifle Meant for Constable —— Trust Company, 8n}eome down again. And whil ee a wee _ —_ ANOTHER PAPER ] Vancouver City . forth in search of Constable Ham- la most of us old timers ) ‘ mer: ol; ANG Teas ale eheviiw comers ol ca s |blin who had arrested his mate FOR HAZELTON B f that city RIC | Sn git on . iin Tica ne in the morning. He supped at ra a resident |the Butte Cafe on Eighth street,| Up River Town will now Rival . Has Done Well : is thorough|y * |and then refusing to pay for the Prince Rupert Not that r. Remsay has Te nmerciel cor - : | meal, went outside presented arms aaa : ee ae eve “s| Magnificent Meeting Held in McIntyre He Hall Last Night---All were |and threatened to shoot the place] A third newspaper is to be Not a Politician SSO When ne started m vancouver las full of holes as @ pepper pot top.|started in Hazelton. An exten- from any party|i® the confectionery business he Unanimous in Endorsing Reciprocity, in Praise for Hon. | Jaimie ‘wea full oF ‘Ugo sadMiiees (lait pabehaacd bo Sccane : a .|had only one man and that was ° jany little thing took off his at-|K. L uk A Gt DAN Pcie a When he bet a -helpe Wm. Templeman and in Favor of Mr. Duncan | . ing K. L. Rauk and A. R. Macdonald ‘tics all my life. | Dimsell ) go per, - : i | tention so he suddenly turned tojis now o- its way up on board the ir man only, |@%d another d sroth es Poday | Ross as His Successor in Comox-Atlin. |the palatial Windsor Hotel win-|Inlander. The plant includes a sell them, and |i" his large factory edjot ing the | dows. cylinder press, and while at first , sell us, and |Suger refinery he gives ‘ mploy-| FOR SIR WILFRID LAURIER Fired at His Own Face will only turn out a weekly paper, in erecting | Ment to a staff of one hundred “That this meeting go on record as endorsing the Reciprocity Agreement and as Reflected in 2 mirror behind|will be capable of producing a erchange of nat-|* ad twenty-five people, end his expressing its confidence in and hoyalty to Sir Wilfrid Laurier as a leader and statesman. ithe bar counter “he ceught sight} daily newspaper-when the field~ business extends all over the por- “And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Sir Wilfrid Laurier.” |of the ugly face of a sailorman|warrants the change. Grow Like Vancouver Vir ce - eer inret erties RRA | with a gun and without aninstant’s}| The new Paper will be called \ ; havea eat Enjoyed the Trip FOR HON. WILLIAM TEMPLEMAN | hesitation he fired at the reflection. | ‘The Omineca‘Miner.’’ Both Mes- t \ re going to| Strengely ecrough this is th ‘Whereas the Liberals of the City of Prince Rupert have found their late member, 'Bang! Crash—end $200 worth/srs Rauk and Macdonald are well rade of the/first time Mr. Rems:y hed com the Honorable William Templeman, as a man honorable and honest, and as a member ‘of silvered plate glass shivered|known up river and are both ing to give|so far north on che s Prince faithful and persevering, in the performance of every duty and trust imposed upon him | to fragments while bar tender and | practical printers. Mr. Rauk wor- It, but we] Rupert, and he ard his wife greatly and more particularly in the discharge of his duty towards the riding he represented, customers ducked to dodge the|ked for some time on the Omineca lation laidienjoved the magnifi er they therefore in General Meeting assembled desire to express their keen regret at the second shot which ploughed past|Herald. He also helped to get You will 1 tl m joyed decision of the Honorable Minister not again to contest the riding of Comox-Atlin in the the cash register and plugged ajout the first copy of the Prince done, | tl i approaching Federal Election. They further desire to express their utmost confidence | pumpkin pie on the buffet. Rupert Optimist. ss in the Honorable Minister and their hope that he may decide further to serve his country SS FIFTY DOLLAR FINE As our old friced the Empire cs a member of the Cabinet and of the House for another term and they request that a Rupert's Pull Out Morse Creek Water says, General Superirterdent Me copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Templeman." | This morning the S.S. Prince City Engineer Davis reports CCP ;.|han and party returned last night = : < Se ee | Rupert pulled out punctually with|that the Morse Creek Dam is , erry #0) eeom the end of steel with pews! An enthusiastic and harmonious|look as if there was not a Con-| passed emid appleuse. While the |her usual crowd of passengers for|mow repaired, and the gates up. EE is progress on line construccion, | meeting of the Liberal Asse ciation’s | servative in Comox-Atlin. |ballots were being counted the;the south. Her Stewart trip con-|The dam is storing water now, but Indian found ——$<—— was held last right in the Mc-} Praised Mr. Templeman | meeting listened to a short address | tinues to be well patronised during|}when the pumping engine and Phillipson to have Water in the Skcena River todey | Intyre Hall under the chairman-!| Warm praises were bestowed|by Mr. J. S .Cowper. }the mid week. pipe will be ordered is not yet in his house! only one foot five inches over ship of Mr, A. J. Morris and}upon Hon, William Templeman, | Endorsed Duncan Ross —_— —_——-—___—— known. It is up to the city , i zero and is tionary The river | delegates were ; ppointed to attend| the retiring member, and great| After the delegates were ap- | Judge Lampman was engaged |} council. COURLTY : - . . . ps : | . . . : \ boats are making good progress| the Provincial Convention at Na-|regrets were expressed that owing | pointed the question of instructing| again this morring hearing the > hne ol oe to and fro now, and probably will|/naimo on 19th August to select}to the size of the constituency|them came up. It was decided | case of Boscovitch vs. MeMordie,| “Alderman Ramsay of Vancouver was the punish-| until navigation ceases for the|a candidate for the Comox-Atlin|he felt obliged to ask them to|not to tie the hands of the delegates | a station gang dispute with the}went south again with his wife crime seeson. seat. select a younger man instead. lby making any resolution limiting | contractor, by the Prince Rupert this morning. ANT TO PROCURE A NEW MUNICIPAL CLAUSES ACT “Presentatives of British Columbian Cities Are in Victoria—Claim That Present Act is a Failure Will Get a New Act Drafted By City Soiicitor : Press Despatch) Mur‘cipelities so that the body who said that no part of the whole Sir Willrid L autier’s seine erent portion of the constituency | (Canadian Press Despatch) \ 11.—More Gp toleanif it deems is advisable, take | Dominion needed reciprocity so} the ee Sn. 1€ | made him an entirely desirable Valdez, Aleska, Aug. 11.—At- ) permit of better |action along similar lines in rey gard | much as Northern British ( ne other saa ne me i ian Oe Len ee tracted by signals of distress from he government|to municipalities other than thos |bia to meke her prnterronts. anc meman 1OF Me m - . EvTEES eg oc ; | Bardwell Island, a barren rock first Claas than detok’the frat class lthat at election day, it would | the constituency were unanimously CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 | near tha: aAteie nis ca Deembaetinn : he existing Mun- It was also decided that the| meen marion csrmines ae | Saxe the steamer Berth: on August \ct, which, it is|committee should wait upon Pre- | ro oOveveSUseseevedves »|2 sent a small boat to the island of date, and has|mier MeBride and inform him}. | and took off we ragged and ed to be almost!of the inteation of the committee | ¢ w | starving men, Charles Alexander F Keble, is the eaim|wich the object of obiaining his | @/and Anes ere who _ committee, com-|appreval. The solicitors of ® been on the is wnt for two months i : : se : titut | — @/and who must have perished but 7 : VOR of the city respective cities will conaptutt wis (Canadian Press Despatch) - the Bertha. \ ter te emeraamemen memualttee. (2 So cine | P ier Asquith's G ent which represents the Demo- | Boat Capsized I ( Privee Ru-|dreft of the propéscd legislacion | London, Aug. 10, romper squit + overam P *| ni Oras a gai ly et Vicor: for the consideration of the com cracy of Great Britain tonight enforced its will upon the Peerage by the narrow vote re men sailed from Kodia A mittee. Another session will be] « of 131 to 114. : jon May 11 in a dory on a pros- , ion on i a Samntrow: ly By this vote the House of Lords decided to accept the will of the people and adopted »| peciing voyage. About June 1 a islacion for che Viscount Morley's motion not to insist upon the Lords’ amendments to the Parliamen- » | scorm upset their craft off Bard well Kies of the first | All Going to Hazelton tary Bill which practically limits the power of the House of Lords to a two year sus- w Island, and all their provisior s ; rd Cluiior i p-| Alderman Smith goes up river} pensory veto and vastly increases the preogatives of the House of Commons. | outfit were lost in the sea, Phe y Morely’s sug-| comorrow to see about the building | The great constitutional struggle which began nearly two years ago when the pi managed tO get ashore, but wth ps be teken’ 2h lof. the Foley, Welch & Stewart's House of Lords rejected the budget of Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer i is @ | practically nothing but their clo.h- isleion plore the| new offices at Hazelton. M. Shea-| 9 ended, for a time at least, with the greatest change to Great Britain's working con- w\ing. The next day the tide washed \ resolution was!dy aceompanies him and Mr. A.| s sittution since the passage of the Reform Bill. @ ashore the boat, sadly battered Di | Copy of the resolu-|Stewart also, J. C. Sbeppard) @\and with all but one of the oar- the Up ‘led to the Secretary |returns to Hazelton with this : ° locks gone, The oars also drifted ion of British Columbia! party. le SSSR SHHTHTHHHHTHSHKHSYEHT HHH HHH YY YY ow we w oY w|to the island, The men, who had | well expressed by Mr. Alderman Newion and Al- derman Clayton are going down FIRED INTO San Bernadino, Cal., Aug. 10.— in the East. The Mayor is at Th: B: Spokane 8, Vancouver 5. + ; y y : That the forest fires, starting up . Victoria. It doesn’t look as if Ln ; Seattle 5, Portland 4. ; : mysteriously each time the rangers ; : there would be a city council z Victoria 9, Tecoma 8. ‘ re thought the flames under control, meeting on Monday night but ip Clean Sweep Promised “The best that can usually|their freedom, but a re solution | Vengefully With Gun. Charge To-day. ON RAMPAGE WITH RIFLE WINDSOR BAR James McCall, Sailor who Deserted from the ‘“‘Rupert”‘ With a Shipmate Went after Constable Serious ceeeenseeereceneee] As the issue is being fought out|be said of a man is that he is as|was unanimously’ passed by the exclusively on the reciprocity issue,| good as his word. But of Mr.|mectirg expressing their ‘ns LIVED FOR TWO MONTHS all were admitted to the meeting | Templeman we cen say he has been| confidence in Mr. Duncan Ross | who were prepared to pledge them-| better than his word,” said Mr.}as candidate for Comox-Atilin. ON SEAWEED ) AND CLAMS selves to support the pro-recip-|G. R. Naden, referring to the way! The entire expression of opinion | rocity candidate. As a result}in which the retiring member a was that his Parliamentary ex-| Pitiable Plight of Two Castaways on Bardwell Island, several who do not usually attend| worked for the development o | perie nee, his knowledge of the | iberal meetings were present. the constituency. | district, his grip of the reciprocity | The feeling of these was very Two Resolutions | que sstion, and his personal popu- Tom Dunn, | Two resolutions, one endorsing! Jarity throughout the entire north | / A laska—C. Alexander and A. Anderson After the Wreck of Their Boat Almost Starve—Res- cued by Steamer Bertha |a few matches, lived for a month mussels, clams, young gulls, seaweed and wild herbs which they cooked. The wrecked boat leaked so seriously that while one man labored at the oars the other was obliged to bail out the water, yet it enabled them to travel about the shores of the island in search of food. Bitter Disappointment - After their matches gave out, about July 1, they were able to go.ber ihe same sort of food as bcfore, buy they could not cook ix, ord iv wes urpalatable and in- digesvible ard the men felt their sreng.h feiling erd had begun .o despeir, Their wretchedness wes ircreesed by the fact that two vesscls had pesscd the rock and iihcr overlooked or disregarded on the sig: els of che castaways. The Bervha's officers clothed and fed the men and brought them to Valdez, where they are recovering. hte “i ee,