i THE NEW "Senorita" Shoes Are Keyed to Tweed Here's just the right footwear for your tweed cos-, tume. Crushed Kid for the new knotty tweeds. Suede in the new bark browns . . ."You'll wear -them smartly .... and,cheerfully, because, like all Senorlta:Shoes -these newly smajj shoes are made, first of all, to fit you ... to bring perfect comfort in all jqur walks .of life. Come in and try a pair today The Family Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. HUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, .by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor -1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00; For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week ....... jo By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and "United States, paid in advance, per year , ;3.o0 By mall to all other countries, per year $.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local leaders, per insertion, per line 55 Classified advertising, per word, per Transient display advertising, per inch, Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone -6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION AUDITED CIRCULATION At considerable expense each year the Daily News ,-se-i cures the services of an auditor through the Audit Bureau of Circulations to make a thorough check-up of thecircu-j .lation of the paper and the statements issued to advert tisers. This auditor represents both the national adversers and the newspapers of the. continent. On the days the auditor was here the total press jun was 1875 and 1850 respectively. j The onlv British Columbia .audit of their circulations are c . . i.i t r ? i m oun, me v lciona 1 lmes ana uolonist, the Nelson News arid Ihe Prince Rupert Daily News. From the very fact that they undergo ne circulation audit and that they .belong to the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association and are members of the Canadian Press, they rank as the most important daily papers in .the province. . RUPERT AS AIR CENTRE Jdrthe present Prince Rupert may content herself with being an airport with only accommodation ior seaplanes. Eventually she will have to construct a landing field ior lnd planes but there is no pressing need for :it just -now. Possibly toy the timeltisifeeded planes yvill be built jn such awannerlas not to require so large a field. '..It is father interesting to remember that the lirstlatfe to come to Prince Rupert was a land plane. It landed -pn the baseball ground at Acropolis Hill but the runway is too small for large planes. If Montreal Heights should be converted into a golf course within the next few years it is possible that it might also be used as a landing field for airplanes. Announcing the Opening of Vane Home Arts Jn the Capitol Huilding Monday Afternoon, Oct. 15 Fancy Work Novelty 'Gifts tHand-made Tallies and Place Cards Gut -Flowers Homemade 'Candy and Cooking to Order Mrs. W. I). Vance Shoe Store Phone 357 Insertion 02 per insertion 1.40 Monday, October 15, .1934 I the Vancouver ... . . Province and y es Miss Muriel Vance FOR POLLS G. M. Hunt Appoints Enumerators Throughout Riding; to Prepare Voters .Lists The registrar for the district, Q. M. Hunt, has completed the work of appointing enumerators throughout 'the aiding to prepare the list. of voters :as provided by the new Elections Act. The lollowlng are the appointees: Alyansh Harold .Gray. , Alice Arm (Not In yet). Anyox ifeeach IAU.) Geo. ;Roots. Anyox Beach (M-Z) Harry Self. Anyox Mine iNot In 'jet). , Allison Harbor P. -B. -Woodford. 1 Atli "'Inlet Don L. -.Ritchie. Atlin Paul Eggert. i Amesbury J. Wilkinson. Bdbihe-Stan F. Horning. ! Bella Bella Oscar Ualnbrldge. j Bella ;CoolaC. A. Brynlldsen. Blimbre Tony Hnlllca. j Bib Bay-Felah Sanbury. I Bear River Wm. S. Orr. Big Missouri Frances H. Hoad- ley. ' Burns Lake Thos. Ed. Taylor. Butedale-N. A. Nelson. Casslar O. S. SnidaL Cedarvale A. S. Tordlffe. Ciaxn-Angus Currle. Colleymount Clas. Robt Hun ter. Coppejr'Clty L. G. Skinner. Cumshewa Jnlet A. ,P. Allison. Doreen ;C. H. eLake. Dawson's Landing Jas. E. Daw son. Dease Lake A. J. Marlon. Dlgby-R. G. Emmerson. Endako John Samuel Ross. Evefyn Fred Rosberg. Flrvale Albert Hammer. Francois Lake Jacob W. Henkel. Glentana Mrs. K. Chapman. Georgia River Mrs. Nellie Harris. Grassy '.Plains Wm. Blckle. Hagensburg W. H. MacKay. Haysport N. Brew. Hazelton W. Grant. New Haaelton W. S. Senkpiel. South 1Iaaelton--W. Saunders,-Houston Harold H. Sllverthorne Inverness Frank Wilson. Jap Inlet Mrs. J. K. Murray. Klmsqult-3ercy Gladsen. Klspiox-iL. Mero. Kltlmat C. Carlson. Kltsumkalum Lake John Cou ture. Kltwanga Roy Moore. Klemtu Al. Noel. Kwlnltsa John Yogas. Little .Canyon Emll Asserude. i Lawson' Harbor E. ChristensenJ Lbckeport-peter .McLeod. ! Lakelse J. Bruce Johnstone. ' Lowe Inlet Len Weaver. ; Marmot River (Not In jet). Margaret Bay-R. t. Whlesslel. Masset W. .8. Singer. M6ricetown-,J. ;H, Atrlll. Mill Bay W.J). .Noble. .Nadlna Mortln Jiewgard. Namu U. .J. Morehouse. North Island W. s. Singer. Oceanic-James Clark. Ocean Palls (A-J) Cyril Jenkln Hague. Ocean .Falls fJ,Q) F. T. Sher- bourne. Ocean Falls IR-.Z) Art Noble. Dona Jtlver J. Hadland. Ootsa Harold Bennett. Qsland Frank Crookal. Pacific T. M. .McCubbln. EaUlng Wm. Saunders. Pprt. Clements Mrs. E. if. ,rMni. lory; Port Esslngton-I C. Hunt. MADS IN CANADA THEY current You C A N A Ltt A N 1 CT -ULU g Taidng a S1 Jjr Miss Evte C.t . a ap.ai. n mu New SouUt Wales girls basketball team, uimna. pas .v. . game at Sydney university. Sydney Austria P.ort Simpson G. P. McColl. Premier Mine Not in yti. , Queen Charlotte City Dr. G. A.: Charter. Quick E. M. Barger. Remo Chas. Lindstrom. Rivers Inlet G. A. McAllister. Rose Lake Dave Sturgeon. Sandsplt John Mathers. Sheraton-rRAdovan Saranovlch. Smith InleU-R. T. Whlesslel. Skeena Crossing D. C. Pratt. Skidegate Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre Smlthers A-Ll Wm. Grant. Smlthers tM-Z Harold Mathews. , ,V .'.,.! f ; : (:r - Southbank J, H.'Keefe. South Bay Dr. O. A. Charter. South Bentlnck Joe Fougner. Stewart f A-L H. Campbell. -Stewart M-Z K. Gray. Surf Inlet Etl.-Klnder. Surf Point Jimmy Fnrquhar. , Tataloose B. Hougen. Taku Wm. Strong. Telegraph Creek W. H. Tipton. Telkwa Geo. Gllmour sr. Terrace (A-L H. HalMwell. Terrace (M-Z) Wm. J. Robinson. Topley W. E. Holms. Tlell Mrs. C. M. DenhoJme. Tyee ,Hugh Deerlng. Usk-J. Gall. Wark Channel C. B.Flewln. Wadhams Donald McLennan. Wistaria W. B. Kerr. Woodcock W. C. Little. Walcott-Jos. O. Clarkson. Prince Rupert E. W. Tucker. Geo. Murray, R. Mortimer, Jack Al lan, M. Macleod, Gregory, D. McD. Hunter. S. Murray. W. Wllliscroft, ; rrom Queen. Charlotte Waitdsi-W. Wilson. O. L. Antonelll, F. Mc- j Oct. 11 and 25-ss. P. John 4 pm Donaia. E. Hudson, 8. A. Bird. W. j v , kodd, j. Mcorejsh, L. F. Turgeon,; J. o. Williamson. T. Johnstone. 8. P. Woodslde. s. P. Peficock, Chas. Barker, H. Peacock, a Dbcon. f nw- 'tjs. Charles Graham, whobas heen on a visit to Vancouver." re turned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. OF WASTES CURRENT may look alike hut one is n "nnmcIcBs'' lamp of inferior quality. It will give you far less light for llie consumed. The other is an KDISON MAZDA Lnmn. can depend on it to give you all MrSimjVCX High One ' BASKETBALL TIME TABLE October 15 C. N. R. A. vs. Grotto; Grottettes vs. Annettes; High School vs. Warriors; High School vs. Scythians. October 18 Moose vs. O rot to; Legion vs. Warriors; High School vs. Qrottettes; Scouts vs. Scythians. Steamships Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala a:30 -p.m. Thurs-ss. P. George lOiBO pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena midnight Oct. 5 ss. Prln. Louise 5 p.m. Oct. 1ft ss. Prln. Louise .... 6'p.m. Oct 25 ss. Prln. Jforah ... i6 pjn. from Vancouvrt . Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed-ss, Pr. Oeorge 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 4 pm. Ss. Cardena p.m uci. ii ss. rrin. Louise .... an. Oct. 21 ss. Prln. Norah i.m Oct 29 . Prln, Norah ajn. For Anynx and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Wednesday ss. P. George 4 p.m; From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 ajn rnursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn. For Naas Hlvrr na Port ftimpaon-, Sundav ss. Catala r nm C. N. TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Prl- . tfays . 5 ;30 p.ro. lYomithe.Eait ' '.,-' . , Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays lOrls p.m. THESE LAMPS the light you pay for C-O-rt Limited St Johnstone In Soccer League ! I Victory Over Ayr Give Tram I'lwt I'lace Arsenal In Tie For Knclish Honors ; XONDON. Oct. 15: CP 6t. Johnstone moved Into Uic leadership af the Tlrst Division nf the "Scottish Football League Saturday by virtue of ihelr victory over Ayr United by a score of four to tnll. rmsilng the Rangers who iutl no league game scheduled. Arsenal, .winning .over -Manchester City. In the English League. T'rst Division, tlx now tied 1ar first place. Canadian Football Hamilton Tigers 8, Montreal 8. Toronto Argonauts 12. Ottawa 1. University of Toronto 34, University of Western Ontario MusUwks 1. Queens 5. AlcQllI i. St. Michael's 1). UoiuileiUtacli 12. Hotel Arrivals Knot Ole Johnson and John Johnson, city; F. C. 8cotU Jtesjna and Geo. tiOoMes, Vancouver. fixvoy A. Mclwr, Arrandale. PrlnfeRuiert Mr. and Mrs. Sunbury, Georgetown; O. Woodall.-CJj.n.; "Mr and Mrs. M. McCowan. Premier; C. H. Bawle. New Jlasclton: 31. M. Powell. Vancouver; V. VanHres, Premier; Mr. .and Mrs. P Jensen, city; J. D, Campbell, Vancouver. LOCAL NEWS Miss Mllllcent Osborne TtK. who has been on a Uiree-wecks' trio to Vancouver, tutned to tlie .city from tthe south an the Catala Ust evening. Constable Pomeroy ol Prince Rupert has been transferred to Prtoce Oeorge and Constable iR. Soles of that city comes to Prince Rupert to take his place. William Crulckslunk, ON.H. city ticket agent, will entertain mem-bm of the Oyrp Club with scenks moving pictures at tomorrow regular weekly lunchton.' Provincial Constable O. 8 Blaney. who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Nan-almo, was a passenger returning tq Anyox on the Catala last evening Mr. and Mrs. -McOownn Of Premier, who were married recently at Smlthers. returned to the city at the week-end and proceeded to their home on the Catala last evening. Everything For The Hunter Arc You Heady? TheSeason Opens Today for .Ducks, nnd .Oeesc 8hot Guns from $14.50 Hard .Hitting Bhot Shells. You get your birds Cfl box pf 25 for 1,D No extra cost for BU and larger Don't forget' to load the flashlight with Eveready cells. We sell so many pur stock Is always "fresh, Kaien Hardware Phone 3 FJtESII WHJK AND CREAM. DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY i Phone C57 iFOUnil&T class i Shoe Repairing ' Sec SIMPSON Fifth Avrniif and Mrllrlde .i Good Values In Used C ars 1M2 Chevrolet Sport Rumblo-Seat 500 1028 Ehbox Sedan S125 1H:I0 Chevrolet Sedan 300 7028 Chev. $135 volol Sednn 1M0 Chovrolrt 1 Truck QOT price 00 Pacltnrd hV-lSltll ...... Coach NsiKh 160 Kaien Motors Li mi led Hours: S A.M. to 8 I'M. Phwir 55 Weekly Specials AVer k of October lr.th Shnmjioo and M.mvl or Finger Wave Nelson's Reality .Shop Phone S55 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day 'or Night Always fresh Using thr E.irx method Doing away wh y with metal taste, stale fLivnr Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore -Cafe Furnish Your Home First Ilcad tills column and you'll save money every time t ;u read It. Spartan 0-tube Hadlo S18-50 Fnda C-tube Kadio $20 00 OablnetVlctrola $150 Heaters, up from ,oa I). BLIO Furniture Exchange Auctioneer Qrcen 421 Wc Still buy r. MotOrS Truck Molt'" 'Bultttble for fish boats also speed boat moton $35 up Christie Truck & Car Paris 1030 W. 1st Ave., Vancouver WOOD, COAL GRAVEL f or Sale Wood Hauling General Transfer HILLY HAC3SHAW Phone Hlrfck