l' a P i S tsm Third Avenue Solve Your Gift Problems By Giving Footwear You will nere find a nipre practical or ideal gift than a pair'of shoes or slippers for faitn or her. A gift so intimate so personal! HOSIERY -Always Acceptably A complete stock of Semi-Service. Chiffon or the An New Crepe in all the seasonable shades Shop at- The Family Shoe Store LIMITED UNFAIR COiPETITIOX Phone 357 Where Service and Quality Excels j I B r i ii r r i t if f i it i i r i i e f r bi i i ia j THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday, Dec. 21. 1934 '; It is easy to understand after reading the account of the ' investigation at Ottawa, why Quebec firms were able to ! compete successfully against anything that might be at-' tempted in the west. In the silk mills they were paving ah! average of $12.28 a week to their employees with some as' low as two and three dollars. How could it be expected that a silk mill could be operated successfully in Prince! Rupert if the average wace naid is to be twelve dollars a ! .week 7 It could not be done. s , We know that Japanese wages are much lower than those paid in Quebec but we are protected against the Japanese manufacturer by a duty. We are not protected against Quebec competition which, if the evidence given in the inquiry be true, is most unfair. THINKING PEACE Too many people are still thinking war when they should be thinking peace. In Britain it is particularly noticeable that the leading men are talking more of peace than of war, with the possible exception of Winston Churchill. Everybody wants peace. General Smuts in South Africa favors peace. Most people who have any authority are working for peace although a few mistakenly injure the cause they espouse. Let us try to get rid of the spectre of war by thinking peace. Possiblv in this wav we can infhipnre thP that seem to be inclined to favor the method of settling; Intel-national difficulties by process of war. j . FINAL APPEAL j Thfc Salvation Army has not yet enough money to carry ; but its plans for providing hampers and at the same time : purchasing clothes for those cnrelv in riPPfl Tn tha vhqV. nf' - - H VIIV I UC1I Ui ' j ' J - L.iirirnaspreparations some nave probably forgotten to; fe'endpthreir contributions. There is a real need and we I im " I Phone 62 aaaaaw Tavavau aaaavaaai LAMB Legs, lb 22c Shoulder, lb 15c Stew.-3 lbs :25c Shamrock Eggs Op Processed. 3 doz. Veal Rumps, lb. . . 15c Phone 63 We Have a Large Selection of Hulklcy Valley and Alberta 25clb. TURKEYS 25clb. Chickens, lb 28c I Fowl, lb 25c D"cks, lb 25c I Geese, lb 20c ALUA. GRADE BIRDS.. SIIAAIROCK O A C HALF 27c lb. PREMIUM HAlYlO WHOLE 25c Hl BEEF Rib Roast, lb 15c Pot Roast, lb 10c Brisket, 3 lbs 25c Eastern Oysters As per pint UvC Leg of Pork, lb. 20c CRANKSHAFT Christmas Meals IS BROKEN In Dining Cars Excel of Petersburg Picked. !L'pny: Lysekil After Mishap Having In tow the Petersburg halibut boat Excel, Capt. John Mc-Iver, which she had picked up in Queen Charlotte Sound off Egg Island following the breaking of the crankshaft of her 75 h p. Atla-Imperial diesel engine, the Prtivw Rupert halibut Doat Lysekil. Capt. Al Woie. arrived yesterday after-; noon and continued last evening to Ketchikan with the disabled vessel. j The Excel was on her war frotai Seattle to Petersburg when the mishap occurred. The Lysekil was on the way from Prince Rupert to! j Vancouver to spend the winter J when she encountered and rescued the disabled vessel. After delivering the Exeel to j Ketchikan, the Lysekil will proceed ! to Vancouver. Mrs. A. V. Fisher of TWkwa ar-j rived In the city on last night' train i to spend Christmas here. Mrs. Fisher f ormerly resided here but for some years has been engaged In farming in the Telkwa district. Miss A. Longworth, who teaches! school at Terrae. arrived In the: eitv from tli intoHnr night's train, .sailing on the Prince! George for Vancouver where she; will spend the Christmas and New ! Year holiday season. j 1 T?&kefVfa jftaVrl'M Yuletidr Xl VANCOUVS: Dec 21: Holldaj travellers may have their share oi an tbe gojrf things to eat pertaining; to the festive season while en-rotite tor iifrtaajr nd U the trim-tohisafwiU be the feature of Christmas and New Year meals on the dining cais. of the Canadian National Raufeiys. several doeen .vlump birds having been selected and prepared for the delectation of thoee tm must spend part of their holidays on trains, according to plans announced today by O. A. M -Nlchott. general passenger agent. In keeping with the practice idopted some time ago. which, has greatly popularised the dining car Among the travelling public, meals will be served at fixed prices In addition to the regular a la carte service. These will be featured on a holly-bedecked menu slip and will include. In addition to the traditional turkey and trimmings, old Bngltoi plum pudding or mince pies fahiontl from a famous old English recipe These holiday meals wiH be on the menus of all dining cars of the Canadian National Railways from Dceraber 21 to January 2 Inclusive. T. W. Sllversides sails tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver 1G oz. $1.75 25 oz. $2.65 BMHBBBHKlatBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED UTABLISHCO mi W5 tnU advertisement la not puDllstma or djplsyea oj the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. To all our customers and friend; we extend our best wishes for A Merry Christmas and a Happy and 'Prosperous New Year PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. y 1JIT Till 1 1' U M BMP - HK"1. W . HVU l.f " " : .:. . urn. i I ,N . . Jit .. bh .v iua i iiaa . i i m am auaaawi a k a i mj m w m w tor i UB tllll' II I 1.. L 1T1 I I 1 I I iVAT AVI t aw BBBWV I M & 9 I , J m TL- v .J ,k JkfVkuraBBilD "WBBBBP WTV kl Z vtifiMBis Jeftfil I lit . 5 m m la ;s s .5 9 2 ai B Bright Stars In a Mans Christmas Things to wearpractical, useful gifts that he would like to have in him a;i.vI. robe but probably wouldn't buy himself that's how to please a man at t '.( : 1 mas. Our selection of haberdashery and apparel for men's gifts has nevr - so complete at such attractive prices. We suggest an early inspection. Forsyth and Arrow Shirts QS) AA at up from Forsyth Pyjamas, attrac- CO A A tive desiirns. un from V,"" r i Currie, Forsyth and Arrow Neckwear, up from Tie & Handkerchief Sets at Suspender Sets at Belts & Buckles at WFjmwauanMZB'jViUzuiwiwiru j i Just Received Complete new stock Hudson's Bay Blankets, Teas, Coffees and Genuine Satsuma Vases containing one pound of Fort Garry Tea Von cannot purrliaie a nirer ChrUtmas (1ft than a pair of ItudMin's Bar KlinktU or a SaUuma Vase Come In and look them over HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY sua KBam. uraai uijui LARGE STOCK of - - Linoleum & Congolcum Numeroui fattrnu to Choose From. A Complete Full Line. Prices will more than meet the prices quoted In eastern catalogues. Customers will be well advised to make an early call and Inspect what we nave. You make a dollar when you sell! Why not make another dollar when you buy? We with all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year lf Furniture DUI HL1U Exchanje I'lione Green 421 Itox No. 96 Still Muylnc Old Gold 50c Penman's Fancy New Qi A A Wool Hose, 50c to .... Currie and Forsyth Wool Q4 HIZ Mufflers, un from Frenchmaide House Coats 7.50 Currie Hrace?, Armband anl jar tens in attractive Bet. Hickok Tie Clips, Hickok Belt ,.:!, the new Zip fastener. Galebert Sc Gallin Glove-s at up from . $1.50 Jantzen Sweater, all styles ir. r. est shade and style QO Aft up from ?OtVU Great West Garment Sport Jau:c Frenchmaide Gowns jQ QQ Gifts For Boys 75c 50c e Warm Lined Leather Gloves Arrow Shirt & Blouse Q4 A A un from OX.UV Leather Aviation Caps with Goggle Complete stock of Sweaters, sorrv with Zipper fai-iener Q4 C A at $1.00 Bryant Company Ltd. The Shon for Women who Shon for Men $1.15 v vr ------- - -4. m irarBiarBiBiflrBrajra 'LeiiflsiBfarTTiflvatBiBiBivtBrBtBrBniBtB BiBifl'Baia Christmas Cards 5c, 10c, 1 fa up; Special 10 for 35c Christmas Calendars 25c to $1.00 Tags, Seal and Wrapping. Personal Christmas Card printed injnuruown plant on short notice) C$,oxcf (Powtm &oOalla cQltmleil PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Besner Block, Third Street s at at t ANY DEBTS OWING TO G0LDBL00M by trappers will not be collected until after fishing Send your furs to him. He guarantees top prices. Will wire money on receiving goods. Must fill order for 10,000 mink. Interested in all kinds of furs. a I ii