p to U c pAoy rotm T3S DAILY NEV7C SPORT MOOSE WIN HOOP FINAL ! Defeated Grotto Lait Mint to Take I Leaeue First Half Honors I v i l$5 The most practical Christmas Gift for a man is something he can wear. Not only is it the most practical hut also the most appreciated when it 'is selected at a store such as ours where men are accustomed to buy their TIES SHIRTS HATS CAPS SOCKS HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES MUFFLERS UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS BELTS BATHROBES DRESSING GOWNS SWEATERS GARTERS SUSPENDERS DRESS SETS CUFFLINKS TIE CLIPS SLIPPERS SPATS ETC. Just look over this list We can htlp jou with your Christmas chopping. Com in and let us show you how we can serve you. Our stock ot Gift Merchandise is now complete. It has been selected solely with a view to plea sin? the men recipients and yon can abtain suitable gifts at prices (rum 51 cents up. Wc are open until 10 p.m. every night this week Lambie & Stone I'HH'K LIST OF SELECTED w 1 3f e s axd li quo its The following btuvk art alxiM at CntiMnl Laor Scorn. Mail ordm fvould U mmt to Mamt Viajor, t m Mail Ordr Dpt, Liquor Control Board, 87 BMtn Sc Vancouver. B. C Antiouarr Calona a'e'ar Calona Red ... Stinger Logan SJingrr't Grape SCOTCH WHISKY (Imported) Grand CHd Parr , J. R. D. Private Stock Sandf Macdonald Srrt'i "Oram of it Barlo"- W rutriey'. Hem of Lords" DDA vrw f - limnrmfi Thr Star $5.00 HOLLAND GIN (Imported) Vol.'. Schnapps 26-ox. CHAMPAGNE (French) tu G. H. Muaua Co'i Eatra Dry . . $3.75 G. IL Mumm X Co' CWdoo Route 4.25 (Soon Vuiirol D QilmpagM Sucrmmr) CHAMPAGNE (Canadian) Calona Champagne, Large Bonk . ... SPARKLING nURtll IN'nv Calona Sparkling Burgundy, Large Bottle VERMOUTH UaJooa, hrmth and Italian, Bottle CANADIAN WINES $2.85 $l;45 2.S5 1.45 2.65 1.45 rri.; i j . . . ..... 1 ins au vmiscmenc is not published or dlsniayed 1 voniroi uoam or th Goveiriment of British $4.35 4.60 4.00 3.85 3.65 .. 4.00 75c 75e U-M. $2.65 $3.75 $2.00 25 $1.90 -$1.75 -$1.2S 50C 50 50c COc inn atlverM.enu-nt n.,t puMMic! ..r d.fuve-Tl-v the Liquor t-ontro! !!,,ar.l .r h the ;.,v rt.r.rnt or Hn-.tb t olumbia. Iniltt on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Orl.ln.i tMlnt Board. SI7 Be.tt, Slml, . Jl ITS AGED MELLOWNESS AND RICH HIGHLAND MALT CONFIRM ITS GOOD NAME JEST PROCURABLE a ' the Licuor ilumbia. FIRST HALF COMPLETED .Musketeers Winning, in Bridie League Last Mint's Scores Bridge League Swift's 6605, 5440. Grotto 73S9, Musketeers 6575. Ramblers 5C26. Musketeers Swift's Orotto C . N. R . A. Ramblers Canadian Legion results lasr night: Canadian Leglori "Rupert Brand" C.N. R. A. 6748. P. TS A. 10 64MS 57233 10 62343 54014 10 5M70 59615 10 5S6t8 62143 10 52659 55183 10 5058$ G6052 "Daffy" Dean Takes Bride Younjer of Two Famous PiUhlng Hr other Married Yesterday In Arkarisas. . ST. LOUI8, Dec. 21: Dean, youneer member of th noted St. Louis Cardinals nttehtn brothers, was married yestrdajr In Arkansas to Miss Dorothy San-dusky. It was ahonunced HereJian I night. Tlie- couple had been en. gaged only a lew days. Hockey Scores Montreal 1. Detroit 1. Chicago 4. New York Rangers 1. Toronto 1. St. Louis 1. Hockey Standings I International Division W. D. L. P. Toronto 12 Maroons ,7 Americans 5 Canadicns .. 3 St. Louis 3 2 47 5 34 7 28 631 12 22 American Division imcago 1 3 32 Boston 8 0 A 34 Detroit 6 2 6 43 Rangcri , i 0 ifjfa A. P. 30 25 25 15 34 12 28 49 19 (91 28 16 27 14 ii 8 I In the play-off final for Senlr I League first half basketball honors. I the Moose won ovrr the Grotto last night m an exciting game by a score of 46-44. The play opened test and the Grotto broke Into the lead with , lUtchford sinking a few long one. ; The Moose overcame the lead and a ding-dong battle was fought until the breather when the Grotto ledtl to 17. In the second half Mitchell and ' Wlngham ran In some baskets to' ghe the Moow a lead of eight points. The Orotto soon overcame this lead and, with four minutes to go, had a six-point marstn. The tobacconists seemed to have the game on ice but the Orotto guard. Morrison and Morgan, let the f Moose forwards through to score six points. R. Morrison sank two penalties to cinch the game for the Moose. Mitchell and Wlngham were outstanding for the Moose while "Bd-dy" Ratchford and "Ban-Jo" Otitis were best for the Grotto. It was first class basketball all throoah rand the teams were evenly matched. Armstrong and his Canadian Le-gion team took the Warrior in an intermediate exhibition game 27- 20. The Vets had the situation weH In hand at all times. Half time score was 17-10. It was far below the usual thriller that Is sencralrT put on by these cagers. The, stars of yesteryear In the Ladies' League put un a briHtentl dpUy of hard body checking! wnich almost led to their downfall The up-and-comlngj staged a good' battle and extended the -ha hwni" fto the limit. Eva Morris and Sue Boddle put on a sideshow for the amusement of the soectators. L. Lowe came on In the second half and led her team to victory, scorine six points. The Morris sisters werej . ui uie opposition. Enyd Morris led the parade with ; eight points while Lowe garnered six. The losers were robbed of victory as the "old timers" scored four points after full time due to an error on the part of the timekeeper. Individual scoring: ' : - Intermediate Eshibitlon Canadian legion 1 27 Armstrong ll 3bke 3. Chrktlson 2, Ivarson 5. McPhee (6). Palmer. Warriors 20 Comadlna 6I, Miller . Olllis, FlUpatrlck. Nelson 5. Naylor. Vlereck 1. Domlnato. Ladies' Exhibition Has Beens 16) Boddle 4. Ir-rlne (4), Steen, Morgan 2). Mc-Leod, Johnson, Lowe 6 Annette's Enyd Morris 8. Stone 5). Eva Morris l2l R.iiehfnrrf Brand, Rivett, Stamp-Vincent. SenUr League Orotto 44 Ourvlch '9. Stalker li, Morgan 5. Ratchford 12 1. Scott (21. Murray, Olllis 10. Morrison 5. Moose 46) Arney 4;, "Wlngham 'liTfMltchetl 19. Menzle 2). Na- Jcamoto 2). Vance. R. Morrison 2. P. Pierce (6. svirs;sE:asxsx3KiBTiiBi ! GROTTO Cigar Store j Wholesale and Retail TobaeconUt For Fresh Tobaccos, j Cigarettes and Cigars I come to the Grotto. ( Lowneys Chocolates ! Riley's Assorted Toffee ! Made in England . I 2 Taxis at Your j Service F 456 and 99 Celebrate Century-Old Holiday: with Famed Old Brands . . . Times and living conditions hnvc mntcrinlly changed, since the days in which the Yule Log marked the beginning of the Christmas and New Year's Holidays. This joyous season is, however, still the most important of each year. The following famous brands are suggested as important adjuncts to your holiday festivities. SANDY MACDONALD Special Liqueur Scotch Whisky 26or.$3?5 BC I Ancient OLD PARR Scotch Whisky - . VICKERS' Finest London Dry Gin Sir Robert BURNETT'S London Dry Gin - SEAGRAM'S "83" Rye Whisky . . . - 26JOZ.5460 . 25 oz.s2H 13oz.$15 25 or. $251 16o:.$2!2 25 or. 5315 This ad.erusenioui i. iut pufa.unea ,t , .r ,jHUt ow ,y. .. .... t Of JtriM ' ..Irirrlhis r eachers Aged, blended and bottled i Scotland Popular the world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. Whisky 3 This advertisement is not published or d. 'Jved br tlx Liquor C.onirol BoJtd of by h Government o( Br Colunbu d :w Your Christmas Gifts AU Wool Wen s Dress Heavy 811k White Scarfs-Reg $1 75 now Men's Dress Otove-Lined now Droadcloth 8hlrt in white, cream Phone: Rlack 321 At the B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. For Men's, Ladies' and Boys' Apparel 8111c Tlev- Fine pattern now 25c Hand Made Silk In plain and striped QQ pattern, rea. 75c. now OuL Men s Dress Sox Fine patterns now 23c 39c 95c S1.25 $1.00 Stanfield's Combinations 82.25, 2.45, S2.75 Oold Flnece Underwear-In all sties, buy now! Men s Fawn Trench Coats qm ftr. Reit $7 50. now 3tIJJ Black Rubber Coats now Men s Assorted Overcoats now . . , Blue Melton Overcoats now Men's Fine Dress Suits $14 50 to Boys' Iong PanU per pair 85.95 S12.50 S13.95I $16.50 S1.25 Boys- Blue Lumberjacks All wool 1,99 Boys' All Wool Tweeds-Reg 3.00 J99 Boys' Towers Slicker Coats Tint tl 44 nnn S2.25 own Boys' Oreb Boots Solid leather CO 79 $2.40 to Men s Felt and Leather Slippers- Ql 95 from l IK Next Door to Frizell's MarKf