Today's Weather I'rjncc Rupert Snowing, light northerly wind; barometer, 20.70; temperature, 33: sea smooth. Vul. XXIV . No. 290. New l-rjMallon to be Enacted II) Parliament on llrfonimcndation Of Committee M)NtXW. IX" 2rrTrtc Partta-ni uv law relations commute i i onmmrnded that husbands lr e at liriuln be no kmer held re mslblr for debts Incurred by thet (mot to marriage or for nils uruiiois on the part of thel c vc L !slaton making the ne ary amendment! to existing v, will be introduced HUGE HAUL WAS MADE, : Bandits Tay ViU to Electric Company Oliltes in Philadelphia And Take $10,000 j PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21: CP -j vf armed men invaded a branch! fti'-c of the Philadelphia Electric yesterday, ncirtped up between SW.uOO and $48,000 In cash and fled. Bobby Naylor, Philadelphia hood-m who U wanted In connection Kith four murder Is believed to REFUNDING City Commlvsioncr Alder at Pre-M-nt Going Over Ills flan With Government In Victoria VICTORIA, Dec. 21: (CP) Unless it later elects to reduce the sum by use of sinking funds and holdlnt of Us own securities, the city of Prince Kupert will place a Jl.X0O.O3O refundlne loan before the Legislature at Its session nest month. Cltv Commissioner W. J. Aider of Prince Kupert stated here yesterday. Legislative details re now being gone over with the government. Cltv Comnilvsloner Alder has already secured the consent of more than fifty percent of the city's debenture holders for his refunding and Interest reduction plan. IS RAMMED AND SINKS ,vc been the leader of the hold-up ,,ltch Unft fjM,s I)own ,fter Being inir unvoys Beg Of Prajadhipok To Return to Siam LONDON. Dee 21 Envoys com . V. ..... l'..l.l.l.r. All Are Saved MsnoN. Dec. 21: The Dutch Iner branla sank off the coast of Portugal yesterday after having !een rammed by a Portuguese .'rciehtcr. All the passengers nnd :rcw of the Oranla. totalling 230. acre safely rescued. all the way from Siam knelt be- ( q.. 'ore KIiir Prajadhipok heir jester- J OUIlff I llOt IS riiu lr. t. v.hitlf nf thr nfHltllc 3 Hat Uie diminutive Oriental mon-, ir h not abdicate his throne as he i ' as threatened to do following enrolment of his absolute rights. Kings Son Seeks Jockey's Li cence '"ke of Gloucester Plns to T!" Part In New Zealand Steeplechase WKI.LINOTON. N.Z.. Dec. 21: Duke of Gloucester, third son ' f King acorge. who Is on r tour New Zealand, yesterday applied ''r on amateur jockey's licence. He I'liuis to take part In n steeplechase r' New Year's bay. Killed in Crash i.nirnnl Italdwln. Aced 22. Lost Ills Life In Airplane Accident at San Diego Yesterday SAN DIEOO, Dec. 21: Stanford Baldwin, 22-year old pilot, wnoso home Is In Massachussctts. was killed In an airplane crash here yesterday. New Post Office In I'ittshurjc Is DETAILS OF COLLISION B. C Packers Cannery Freighter Rammed by Coastal Uner at Dock at Namu Dark and Raining Nine Men Sleeping Aboard Smaller Vessel at Time MUM Have Been Serious In regard to the accident at on arrival ai prince Kupcrt mis afternoon, reported that the mis hap occurred at 6:30 In the morning at the cannery dock. It was dark and raining and there was a south east wind blowing. The direct tause of the accident wa the leaking of the steamer's starboard 'legraph wire as a result of which .he engine room was unable to respond In time to the astern signal. The P.. W. was lying alongside the lock at Namu at the Ume. The Car-Jena was making the landing on her regular northbound call. II was when Capt Georgcson rang the astern "signal that the telegraph wire from bridge to engine room (Continued on page five.) German Rescuers Will Be Honored! I Fatherland Proud of .Men Who Saved Norwegian Ship Crew j in Mid-Atlantic I BERLIN. Dec. 21: The minister i of Interior of Ocrmany announced! yesterday that German life saving j medals would be awarded to the j captain and members of the life. boat crew from the German steamer i New York which this week rescued ; the sixteen members of the crew of, nnACf inn nf Jnrlinn the foundering Norwegian steamer ( UCDUUU MX 111UIU11 SMolia""a"""n- i Schools Discussed SIMPLIFY ! TAXATION Eliminating Some of Over lapping t ! I f WASHINGTON, DC. Dec. 21: Bccrctary of the Treasury Henry Monccnthau announced yesterday OlR'll to Public lhat he had been instructed by Pre- rif federal, state and Conference on Matter Yesterday In Office of Premier Dennett OTTAWA, Dec. 21: There was a conference In the office of Prime President Roosevelt .Moves Towards , Minister R. B. Bennett yesterday on the question of Indian schools. 'omul Sterling and municipal I hilum of 1 15-lGc on the local for NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1934 British Columbia In Need Of New Economic Deal; Is Being Milked By East Now VICTORIA, Dec. 21: (CP) British Columbia is working its head off drumming up business in foreign markets, which is then poured back into the protected markets of Eastern Canada with the result that this province has an unfavorable trade balance with the east which amounted last year to 90,000,-000, Premier T. D. Pattullo declared in a statement yesterday rapping back at eastern critics of the province's attempt to control interprovincial export under marketing laws. The whole business showed, Mr. Pattullo said, need for adjustment of the economic relationship of the province through a change in the federal Body of Slain Indian Child Brought From Port Essington; Inquest Opens Here Todayi? Inquest into the tragic death in the graveyard at Port Essington on Wednesday of Wilf rid -Fred: Spaldingr-nrai?orWr- ........ .v., , , -T. 0 ,,. . 11 TJ when the B. C. Packers power nionin out son ui iMiiu ojjuunug, iiineiuen-yeiir uju liiuiau freighter p. w. was rammed and girl, opened here this afternoon before Deputy Coroner sun ny me union oieamsmp w.t ,j. Lancaster. Alter me oouy oi me nitrn-aecapuaieti coastal liner Cardena. Capt. Ernest , chjj(j ha(j Qen vjewe(i nm statements of the mother, who Ocorgeson. master of the Cardena. -Kisln - His In a a semi-conscious semi-conscious condiUon condition in in OCTOBER ELECTION Political Observers Expect Federal Contest Then Tory Organizer Is Named OTTAWA Dec. 21: (CP) The Conservative party will start preparations for the Dominion election campaign soon after the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is believed in political quarters here. J. Earl Lawson K.C. M.P. for West Yotk, will be the party's new Dominion organixer, it was learned yesterday in unofficial but reliable quarters. No official announcement has yet been made of the election date but it is said in well-informed quarters that It has been tentatively fixed to take place early In October. Much, however, may depend upon what happens at the forthcoming session of Parliament. There are possible developments which may bring on the contest much earlier. the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital following an operation for abdominal stab wounds, and the doc tor who performed an autopsy this morning, had been taken, the in quest was adjourned until after the Christmas season. It is alleged that the young mother killed the child by cutting Its threat with a butcher knife, which weapon she then turned upon herself. It is expected she will recover. She Is under guard of n police matron at the hospital. Inspector J. A. Fraser, provincial jwllce, returned to the city last aight from Port Essington where he completed the police investigation into the tragedy. lie brought in tht Ixxiy of the child. It had been the Intention, to Jhristen the child on the coming Sunday. The coroner's jury consists of Ben Ferguson, S. E. Parker. J. E. Morris, T. N. LePage. James E. Parker and William Gilchrist. The body of the child will be sent by the B. C. Undertakers tonight to Port Essington where the funeral will take place. Unemployed Plan March Upon City Five Thousand Jlen to Demonstrate Against "Black List" It is Re-portcti in Vancouver VANCOUVERrDec. 21: It is reported here that five thousand unemployed men plan to march upon Vancouver unless the provincial government abolishes its "blacklist" in connection with distribu tion of relief. Pittsburg Company Gives Month's Pay Ponus to Workers Canadian Dollar ; PITTSBURG. Dec. 21 : The Pltts- NEW YORK, Dec. 21: CP The' burg Machine Works, one of the Canadian dollar closed at a pre- city's largest Industrial concerns,! yesterday announced a Christmas places the unorganized forces of the railway on the same basis as those organized forces with whose unions an agreement was recently concluded. Where a fifteen percent deduction, from the basic rates of pay is now effective this will be reduced on January 1 to twelve percent and to ten percent effective May 1. Where deductions, lower than fifteen percent are in effect, the re- storatlon will be In the sanie nro- The restoration will not apply to supervisory and other officers re ceiving more than $2700 per annum. Personal Xmas Cards of Chief Executive Out WASHINGTON, D.C.. Dec 21: Personal Christmas cards of Presi dent and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt to.their personal friends went In the mails yesterday. Containing a simple message of greeting and a portrait of the chief executive and his wife seated on a davenport be fore the fireplace in the study on the second floor of the White House, the card measures eight Inches long and six inches wide. Gunwoman Fails In Hold-up Plan Female Bandit and Maie Caspan-ion Failed to Get Safe Open In Seattle Theatre SEATTLE, Dec. 21: A fur clad gunwoman and her male companion held up employees of a theatre In the University district yesterday and endeavored to obtain the combination of the safe from them. The pair left without booty after evl-dentfy satisfying themselves that the employees did not have the combination hhd. '. therefore, could not open the safe. Insurance Office In Seattle Robbed! SEATTLE. Dec. 21: Miss Nelson, cashier of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., was held up lu the company's office here yesterday, $125 being taken. POUND IN MONTREAL MONTREAL. Dec. 21: (CPJThe ,',' off ire construction taxes with a view to eliminating at clgn exchange market yesterday, present for Us employees In the British pound sterling closed at '"T1 . :.,M.t v romnlelcd least some of the overlapping which.: The British pound sterling closed form of a bonus equivalent to one, j $.89y on the local exchange mar-VwXS 'nowcxlsU.. jt$4. Wh'spay kct yesterday Today's Tides High ...... Low . 1:45 am. 19.2 ft. 13:17 pjn. 21.7- It. ..7:29 a.m. 8.8 ft. 20:10 pjn. 2.5 ft. PBicr: five cEN-ia GREAT DUTCH PLANE IS DESTROYED CANADIAN NATIONAL EMPLOYEES TO HAVE PAY RAISED Seven Lose Lives In Machine Which Raced Second to Melbourne (iiaut Aircraft Was Struck by Lightning in Iraq Victims Included Three Passengers For Java and Crew of Four BAGDAD, Dec. 21 : (CP) The Riant airplane "Uiver," lntk of the Royal Dutch Air Lines, the same machine, which was ued by K. I). Parmentier and J. J. Moll to win mml place in the London to Melbourne air race in the fall, was destroyed during a heavy lightning storm yesterday. The machine was found wrecked and burned with all ' - Hits seven occupants ten miles from Rutba Wells. Iraq. The vicUms In- 11711 ft" n 1 UTT A A I and four llrS v I eluded three passengers If 1 Y JuU rAjU of a crew enroute to Java. I HUSBANDS; ready FOR ' ETHIOPIA IN REPLY .Makes Counter Charie Aralnst Italy of Illegal Entry of Its Territory OENEVA, Dec. 21: The dispute between Ethiopia and Italy Is assuming more embarrassing proportions. Ethiopia has replied to Italy t claim of wrongful invasion of Ita llan Somaliland with a count r claim of Illegal entry of Its tern tory by Italy Part of Wage Cut To Be Restored As From January the First Upward Revision Will Apply to Those Not Covered By Agreement as Well as Those Who Aret MONTREAL, Dec. 21: Extension of the restoration (of three percent on January 1 and an additional two per-j cent on May 1 to the wages and salaries of employees of the Canadian National Railways and subsidiary corr-inanies in Canada including Canadian National Tele graphs not covered by wage agreements is announced in a circular Issued at Canadian Na-u 1 'i ' 1 ' . tlonal headquarters today. This! Speeding Up On Contributions To Christmas Cheer Contributions to the Salvallm Army Christmas Cheer Fund liave been speeding up today and it luoju. as l! by Monday provision , may, be made for, all pressing cases. How-. tverr4hererJlAnoty.ct5U3lHrndnT althougTT contributors are doing very well. Foircsrlng arc t'.ie recent amounts sent in: Previously nccncr:tsscu Mr. and Mrs. J. W. H. 7i O. W. Nickerson Co 5.0) ' Anonymous .'. . 5.0) Mrs. O. Smith 5.01 R. G. Emmerson 10.03 Phllpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. .. 30.00 Anonymous 10.5J F. M. Dockrill, 1 ton coal. Liquor by Drink Is Now Legalized Amendment to Keeulatlons Cover-in; Consumption of Beverages Effective in California SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Dec 21.- -The sale of liquor bv the drink In the State of California became le gal yesterday. Henceforth, drinks may be served with rccaiv In the state or may be drunk from a bottle In public. Kay Francis And ina Claire Are Finest Dressers NEW YORK, Dec. 21: Kay Francis was yesterday voted the best dressed woman on the serpen. Ina Claire was 'voted the best attired actress on the stage. Douglas Aircraft Boosts Pay Rate I Two Thousand Employees to Five Percent -More After New Year Ci: LOS ANGELES. Dec.. ,21: The Douglas Aircraft Co. yesterday Announced a five percent wage increase for all Its 2000 employees effective as from December 31. ISA II SILVER NEW YORK. Dec. 21! (CP)-Uar silver closed at tVic per ounce im Si '4