FrMay. December 21, 1934 Want Ads! FOR SALE FRESH Flounder and fioje Io?i -.1. UtAmn T fju tiw ' I ' vt www , . a FOR BALE- You nt roller canary sinner and female, per pair $3.50. Phone Dlue 63. ' 3P0 j rTTClI for sale 12 psrfeet Breed-; edi (or $40.00. 10 perfect portr able h?m, for value of material. Oconee Kane. Prince Rujwrt,, 30oi ; von rent ; HOUSES for rent. Hart. . tf., HOUSEKEEPING RoomHl B-' rntl Avenue. Phoocjied 21, tl. ' MODERN Houw to rent, i rooms, bathroom, bowraenl And large attic. Close to town Phone Oreen ' 548 or write Box 102 tf PAINTERS i PAINTING ana Papertanrtag , Moller. Phone Red 802. in Tiir 8orKi54t. court ornnrnsri COMTMMA i inoiim: IN THK M AITSR Or TJir -ADMINISTRATION ACT" i IN THE MATTER OF Til WTATS OP matt vinrxnc r!. ntdt.. TAKE NOTICT tht bj ot&tT at Hit tioMMir JlKif " Jtldf of U Buprrmr owirt of Brtltah OUuraMit' niidr U flui dr of Nowrotxf J14. 1 v w pfoMrl AdmlnlrtrMor of IN- E Ubi of tb too-rMarorl i)w4. AH pmorui hrtif rutrn H "" Uvf Dti r ruMd to fttrnlati Uvwn t tnr property rrtflrd oc or bff Ibt 31 t dT rf rxlbr 1934 oUxrwV' (Mpw4tMn of lh Aid but U1 l" m l(hou rfrd tbrnxo All Pr" W ito(j to ?h Mid rc tx-rrbj r,uird to par lh Uvunt ot Mwxt ntMiDTM to me torUiiih. NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdmlotoVir, ITS? Ruprrt, BC Datfd i! 27 h d of Nowmorr l4 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j Z re 111, PxoprletOT -A IIOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates I1H m M Rooms. Hot Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2l P.O. Box 116 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, AlbcrU and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, W also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat, OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. , SI Phones 5M COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh-Using the 8Ilex method-Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flaw. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Mail Schedule For the l'at Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays :30 Pm- From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8atur- 10:15 p.m. M For Vancouver-Mondays (train) JO Pm 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays (train) .... 4:10 pxn Thursdays - P " Frldav It Pjn- December 20 PW- From Vancouver Sunday 4 om Tuesday (train) 10: Pnv -J,- Clip this list 9 for reference I New Low Prices 11 EC EM II E El, IV'M Here ure Wvntcrii Cuiiariu'tt ftnorile (Jins mid Hyrtv at prices that look more friendly tliHii ever. Truly an intrrcstiiif; uiiihmiih'C-incut with ClirihtmiiH and its nt'i'd for iood cheer just a frw Mt'tks uwuy. It in u hint vorth herding, for thul dcMndul)le oUl U.U.I quality rcmaiiiH the anip. GINS S1LVE1C FIZK IA)NI)()N DHY GIN A Cln vj quality at a rmf ecimtunicnl price. M HANUV MI IN "Till fOn'LAR CIN 12-OZ. 1.15 2.25 MISTLETOE LONDON DHY GIN i netllum prlcrd Gin that trill mthy the moit l!20 25-OZ ilmcrinttnaltng. 1.30 2.50 S1LVEK SLIPPED LONDON DHY GIN Qtutlity lht trill the mott crtlicul Judgment ,' itf the cinfMi'iir. 8 a ,M 12-IIZ. 25-OZ. i t "2.75 RYES IUM . TIIOK01IC9EUEIB FINE OLD CANADIAN , 4 Hyr V hi$ky of high qtmlity and mlinfying 25-OZ. , . . . . 2.25 U.IKL. SPECIAL OLD HYE WHISKY ' 4riWiWKyil'n7f'ielli'rri-ilnrffiijf fnf(P. 8i rf ? pr l-OZ. Z. 1.1a? 2.50 "The Choice of Connoisseurs , ' - t- -.i i i... .1.. t TBUWvtrtue'nc" is not puunsnca or uispiaycu uy mc uhuw Control Board or by the Government of Ilritish Columbia. 1 TI Alfonso of Spain yesterday an- SnatllSh aw. Heir nounced that his second son, Don upaiuou bpcome engagfd to ft Tfi Rp WpHflPn yun French woman of royal des- i v cent Don Juan wno was ner pre. sumptlvc to the throne of Spain af-Fniaiement of Don Juan (o French tcr the Duke of Asturias. his older fcn' .. . - -. i. brother, renounced Uie right of Announced succession on morrvlng ajmj moner. Is a midshipman lh the LONDONfpe; 21 : Former King British Wavy. H THE DAILY NEWS PAGE, FIVE !1 . ' XMAS TREE THREE DEAD OF EAGLES IN RIOTS Santa Claus Visit Chifdren of .Mob Breaks Loose In Tennessee ''lII:eWeniBcrif Novel Enter- City in Attempt to Get Necro ' ' ta!nf Enjoyed " Who Assaulted Girl WetanestSiyJ night the- local Eagles t$de held 1U annual rchrutmas Tree entertainment. Iftany novel J futures were lntro- iduced anl there -follows: were about one hundred kiddie in attendance. Fol- I vlrft frnm Rnt-f Plans who distributed gifts from the Christmas tree to all the young sters present, the children and their parents sat down to A delicious supper which had been prepared by Mrs. Prank Ellison, Mrs. Frank f ilzgeraid, Mrs. William Robb and Mrs. Fred Monkley. Then the prize Christmas Tr?e W. P.;HalL Olen Ulebb and Henry, Smith. Decorations .and Lighting W Hutson, William .Robb and K. Marr. Program William Robb, Frank Fitzgerald, Henrjr.mlth, Mrs. James Feasby and MrsLen Breweribn. Refreshments -4 F. Ellison. W. Hutson, Len Brewerton, R. McKay. ' Glen Hebb, C. V. Symes. P. Roman 1 lk. W. J. Gardner and S. Cy Ayres, Ticicets peter:. oamuia, -a. mc I Lcod, James Brown and Fletcher i - Hemmons. . WHIFFLET s From the Waterfront There were eighty passrngers aboard the C P. R. steamer Princess afternoon southbound from Skag way to Vancouver. Nine persons disembarked fron the vessel while four enibirked for the south from here aboard her Union steamer Cardena, Cpt. Georgeson, arrived In port at 1:20 this Rftcrnoon from the Iv.-Mith nnr? iftl! ! hours ahead Jof regular schedule at 6 o'clock UiU evening on her return outh, b?nx due to arrive lh Vancouver early Sunday afternoon. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In port at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the south' and will sail at 10 pai. on her return and waypolnts. SHLLU'VILLE, Tenn., Dec. 21 iCPj Three men were killed and seven injured and the $150,000 court house here was destroyed by fire when a mob ran riot In an attempt to seize a negro charged with attacking a young white girl. The! ralUtia was called out and opened fire on the mob in the attempt to save the building after the negro had been secretly removed. Later the mob destroyed four trucks which had been used to, carry troops to the city. drawing took place, the lucky num- Tf 1 P l bers being: first prize. $25. No. 620. laeiHUClS 01 VaSl ! second, 315, No. 12; third, $10, No. 470. The respective winners were Fletcher Hemmons, Tony Busanlch and Joe Martin. One of the novel features of the evening was the telegraph apparatus by means of which telegrams were received from Santa Claus periodically during the program, Henry Smith and William Robb assisting Father Christmas. The program was as follows: Remarks by chairman, Frank Fitzgerald, worthy president. Tap dancing, Eileen Mair. Musical numbers. "Mexican Kids." Vocal solo. Bobby Houston. Recitation, Cecil Hemmons. Piano solo, Venetla Feero. Russian dance, Joyce Gawthorne. Recitation, Zelda Hale. Piano solo, Bonnie Perkins. Highland Fling. Jean Ayres. Mrs. James S. Black was piano accompanist for the evening and was in charge of the dances. Committees in Charge Committees' in charge, were as And Orchestra At , Play Entertained' Due to inclement weather, coun ter attractions'and other circum stances, there was not a large crowd In attendance Wednesday night at the third presentation by! 2 the Prince Rupert Players' Guild at g the St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall of the mystery drama "The! J Voice of the Swamp." The enter- 2 tainment, however, went off with- out a hitch and was greatly enjoyed by all. Following the play, members of the cast and orchestra were enter- alned at Toe H Rooms. A. J. Squire. ! president of Toe H. expressed ap- ireciation of the effort and S. P. la. Woodslde, director of the play, re- plied. DETAILS OF COLLISION (Continued rrnm page one) broke. The steamer threupon ran into the 6tern of the cannery boat, :utting right into it. There were nine men asleep on board at the time. They were immediately roused Ana, by a-iuepoai irom the Cardena which then pushed the inking tender ahead of. her into a nearby bay where she sank about forty minutes later. The P. W.'sj masts are showing and she is sal'' vageable. After beaehing the P. W.. the Cardena returned to the Namu dock where she discharged her cargo and made repairs to the telegraph wire before proceeding on her northward voyage. In iome ways, the accident might be considred to nave occurred in a fortunate manner. Had the P. W-been struck amidships, the steamer would probably have gone right through her and all on board might Ncrah which was In port yesterday j hve been lost. Had she been struck In the bow, the results might also hare been much more serious. The sleeping men were all forward. V ancouver Wheat VANCOUVER Dec 21: CPJ Wheat was quoted st T74C on the local exchange yesterday. There was no change today. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wylle of Vancouver, who have been spending the past few weeks In the city. Mr. Wylle having been relieving as B. and B. master for the Canadian National Railways here, sailed by the Prince to Vancouver j George last night on their return to Vancouver. TheFisk ivjiich made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" BLACK COD Prepared Dallr By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. CPRINCE RUPERT, B.C. .Vjyj;wyJr ditinut arrive, telephone, the office IPS Hi THE PERFECi DRY COCKTAIL TpHE Nrm Mmibh osfiilinf If proridf thr thrw Mtntiih of h (xrett cocktail . . . aiootk-lrr-p(ct . . J tk cott ii M Dttla, M miw W. mioy jou Mm. Try ikli MSML7e Dm COCHAlL pwt llJUa rrWataW by cxnvKo brewing co., uxrrrn Vafm, B.C. 041 Cuaai Miwl Ujavar Storw) 1 A THE SPIRIT OF THE FJNEFcbCKTAIL us udveruseneut a not published or displayed by the Uquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. i i bib j ai tti b:i b. r wnrxi art bib t BiBrosvx Btami bxb;i Gift Suggestions 1 That Will Make Mother's A Happy One Christmas 52-Piece English Dinner Sets, open stock g-l Jw.OO x u in attractive patterns, $10.50 to 97-Pieee English Dinner Sets $18.00 to Odd Cups and Saucers from 25c to . .'. 825-00 $1.75 Be Sure to Visit Our Crockery Department We've a Host of Splendid Values on Display GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride St Phone 211 B si i BXBi'B t a sjs ib za -jbt.b xbib::b rar b rBTaratBiasa rmmxutmmrM m ss A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to the people of Prince Rupert Bulkley Valley Coal Mines HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580-Phone 1 Birch Wood Jackpine Cedar Kindling Pembina, Jasper, Egg & Lump Coal. Furniture Moving CANADIAN PACIFIC -I'itlNCESS NORAir for Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway. Dec ICth, 30th. Jan. 13th, 27tn. FOR VANCOUVEK direct, Dec. 20th, Jan. 3rd, 17th, 3 1st. SS. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" for Vancouver via Ocean Fall and Way Ports, every Friday 10 PM. Winter Excursion Fares to Vancouver 00 ROUND TRIP , Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1934 to Feb. 28th. 1935. Final return limit March 31st, 1935. . Yoi tickets and reservations N j, w ! COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, ttC. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamsrs leave Prhice Rupert for Vancouver TJSS. C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 ?M Arriving Vancouver Tliursday T.Si. CAKDENA Special Xmas sailing Friday, Dee. 21, 6 p.m. Arriving Vancouver 8unday afternoon. Wttkli MUint to Port SimpMO. Altcx Ami. unyoi, mewm and H&m lUTfr point. Ur Prlnc puprt fluntuy, a pm, Further information regarding all sailings and ticket at v-SPEClAL HOUND.'TUIP FAUES'TO VANCOUVER Return limit March. 3lst PKJNCE KUTEBT AOF.NCTl Third Affnne. $32.00 rbAD. MS