5 OME ioe THE DAILY_NEWS SSS re Pa ‘i s Br EE net ORERGATES eo a “The News” Classified Ads. Kenteihd teaek Peas tan e ews assl e Quilldrivers ‘Beat the Maple Leafs Last Night by a Score The Delegates 30-28.——A Record Game. Following is the complete list == (ne Cent A W d h In rtion== Bencck Pa: re sc bas of the delegates elected to attend or or ac se O NI H | 1 out adoubt e best indoor : . . ; F the Nanaimo Convention: A. M. —- Pe ] baseball game ever playeci in Prince} yfanson. A. I. Monta: T. D THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER I -= ( . ! Rupert.”’ This is tie comment Ratuillo, F. H. Mobley G. R. a i today on last night’s great league | Naden }. S. Cowper Dr W S, ~—t match between the Quilldrivers Hall D McKinnon F WwW Keel ee and the Maple Leafs. The match J. M. Lynch, S. P. MeMordie,| ol PAs Lost and Found ulele all 5 Usi¢a omen (0 resulted in a win for che Quills!" J. ‘Sican. ‘The following were|{ 1M@ Insurance People ||*~~~~~~~~~~~ by the narrow a of tW0! elected as substitutes if vacancies Fire yy a. Ty on. Bowers Oe S| qcpeicaseoreeiieclsbenrallleiitineas PEOPLE 30 points, the score standing 30-28 | occur: H. F. McRae. H. Campbell, slates genset a, apne nog in their favor at the finish. A} Robert Ross, P. W. Anderson and Accident ee st] ® pane record crowd witnessed the match, Minin. iSiiahone oEiability Money to Loan and the rooting was something Mr. Morrison Honored ! Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Rc on. | marvellous. As many varicties During the evening Mr. D. H Policies Prepared While You Wait. Money to"Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. | THE of hoot, aac a as there! Morrison was honored by being Mack Realty & Insurance Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 983 ee fron. orse WeTe | elected to the executive of the ‘aeatiia ir: tf-181. tried with variations, and every Liberal Association to fill the P.S.— Houses and Rentals. » Bia uti a. mamma kind of brazen instrument from vacancy created by the resignation “*CUPID’S HANDICAP " A Musical Comedy in Two Acts Ray eS = Si For Lease | Do away with this. Patronize a white a trombone to a fireshovel added! Mr. T. D. Pattullo to the encouraging din. " be 5 F h FLOWERS prt rermermnsemsrmnermesemnsemesymesrmes laundry, White labor only at oe played well all through. CANADA AND res Tyg lots, stumps cleared off, best view in city, of | ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 - ulto e lumber p | aple Leafs after the third in On 5d; Pelee ieee baearmbene seaentias on them is for sale, ‘host C Yaptain i. ning showed splendid vim and BERING SEA| ARCTIC STUDI yi Ave, Law Premier Hotel. 2t-180 | ‘Seeman preeeeeeeeneseee ere dash, and had almost recovered ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION GORGEOUS COSTUMES AND ELECTRICA! things are cut down, in some . have been funnier than the per- has ,agreed to proyide a_ patrol PET | For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house: | one of Chief Vickers’ officers. eo sseseessescpscpasess formance of Jack Westerman and | hold goods, Near Prince Rupert. A snap i on the eve of the greatest mining sessestessesstssecesseaseaseasccstcsessess activity ever known and to meet| vessel. taken at once... Address Box. $08. tf As Britain acted for Can- | their loss at the ninth inning. ‘ : ee eee ee leases below cost. Some’ of the Leafs’ leeway jis Yc gt ore ae SCHYKUOHKEHHMHOYe YY | For Rent | You would save money by care- NO INCREASE IN PRICES . : e ex alin, ason attributed by the section of players) Waters 7 ® °|> ‘fully reading Jabour Brothers’ full] 50, %c and $1.00 Seat sale opens Thursda and fans to unfortunate decisions} Under Texms of New, Naval] . THE RAJAH w ‘page adverttisement on another aL ay: on the part of Umpire Sidall in Agreement. fe ® © | the wreck. Tether ye bet | Special rates by | | page of this paper. ' ouse. . the first few innings. Nelson 7 Vey se eo & ww & & W w| Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred.— ———__—___—___—— Dunn, the other lion-heart who| Under the terms ofthe naval re tal tand mes yorne toni, FOUR MONTHS sll ’ . La: dared to fill the onerous post|*8™eement between ‘the Imperial | Cleveland Company Score An- Splendid ‘view of harkn Gentlemen onl. epaepaspaspscnncpacmacens BESREMESESSESSERESS ESE tascaetssesee y % i d i overn- fe x 164-t | FOR STE L NG PS ee on the diamond, was thoroughly paver gine. ropapiieveahss~ A sont other Clever and Amusing Melntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, | A I ws approved. ; geo ; ai ' Hit with Crowded Audience} |’ ae oe ee : Rowers, phone 116, § . e ice Furnis! . j ean conference the sphere of action a Last Night in the Empress. Seek Sahara ee Cent, Ate | Tom Westerman Took a Kit 3 ' the Canadian Pacific warships is ee | New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser | Bag, and Now Takes a Trip 3 * j . a month. 8 -O, box 852. MONEY FOR placed as follows: : The Canadian) Rich in color, light, song, and | io x852.| Below. Six Months’ Sentence | 3 8 Pacific station will include the}, a. ee eal SUI Sal cpl, yo esa Awaits “Doc” Wilson. E waters north of 30 degrees north laughter last night’s performance ] i . ” . | anaes | . -,,,|0f ‘The Rajah” by the Cleveland Help Wanted : . ead % arent latitude and east of the meredian |“ "7 ; 7 { | Police court business yesterday | §% i Spokane Fair Superintendent |°f 180 degrees longitude.” This Comedy fader ire poe a a oe tee oe | afternoon consisted in the senten- Floor S ace or Rent 9 paw s . > ° oo . oe i ¢. | sphere includes: the waters as far} V2Y 2 Splendid show. rank TUN | wy, .ted—Good sized boy to hély in kiteh lcing of Tom Westerman to four p oa rete inom Sout as lower California and|@!! the way through kept the rake himself eeneraly aveful. apply James iol } imprisonment at New i aif a « $ j o t s ‘ : ae ee +¢,.| packed house in the very best of ee aoe ; . in the Hart building, corner of ‘ ing Activity. about half way across the Pacific ; ; | Seoten Woman wants work, housecleaning, wash- | |Westminster for theft of a_ kit] Sesnid Awe, and Sixth Street Mi es and northward to the Arctic, | 7U™0T- 1 SS, ae onto. fork taken home if/ tag, and the issuing of a warrant | rH} . dine Bering Se Musical numbers throughout the | and McBride Cee Ln ae | s '" , j j j ‘inont ei Mr. L. K. Armstrong, super- ee ee evening by the Prin Ruper | wanted Man t te Soda Fi A Coe en oe dubious | C bes USINESS LOPNer In Frince Rupert. F * ' ae . “ve Z Vv Se ce ert a 0 operate Soda Fountain. pply intendent o i .| Under the terms of the sealing ’ : | Orme's Drug Store, Second A etre | character who skipped out rather dent of the feet depart o. ie se : Orchestra were splendidly rendered | ” fat ee Pt , ” ment of the Spokane mining fair, |48reement 1t 1s anticipated that 1 ; ‘a | than face sentence for frequenting. | } eo evecer o . ‘ : : f ‘ .-|and accompaniments to the songs to es rt | s sent o the station will have hereafter , od A six months’ term awaits him ates @ ae fe ‘aves re to provide the patrol vessel to go Dy ciate s ASR. SARE bias For Sale should he ever show his face ee ae & “After a 1 i the|yearly to Bering Sea, as Great Drena Mack as ‘‘Lydella’ and | § in Prince Rupert. Tom Wester- J . h H Ki l ] f a ‘ a careful canvass of the Les Ma tails Gicaine aa 4" % _ ~$ | : . | d situation among mining men, the Britain, as one of the signatory | Frank ac. a eee Tine aid {© kine anes abd Kites F ‘ ately man went down below today by eremta " ug Cr, ad ° 5 fe z ‘“ rere ax celle OO chen Furniture. z : management decided that we are|nations included in the treaty were excellent. othing Could |’ Gor. sth and Cotton Streets. eet ithe Prince Rupert in charge of | ‘ 3 ‘qs +44 | 1 ) 1 t Harry B. Cleveland in their parts] po: sale—Owner will sell four good lots Nos. 23,| If you want money apply P. O, the demand for information, it is|@da in the agreement and Canada : ’ ; , een ” z uS Saeed” > 1¢ | at 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 6, Taylor street, is to receive the advantage de-|** PUL ame severe, the two . | : s ze 41x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable | Box 933. aeroplane sailors who tumbled into terms, "Apply Box 900, P-0., Prince Rupert. | 16~ their intention to call on every district to be repr rived it is expected, says the : : ay presented’ at the the Sacred Garden of the Rajah’s Spokane Interstate fair, to be “Victoria Colonist,” that Canada . : Piece tt Parte t tsar re re os held next October, from the 2nd|will have to supply the patrol Bath, made, the: acquaintance a Insurance Do Véur Shoes ? : a able «aa | his numerous charming wives, and | to the 8th of that month. and next season will probably see ed ‘Need Repairing “Money for mining, develop- the Rainbow started for Bering | : : space as Rajah and Secretary. | OU R Companies are noted for prompt and just | MUST BE SOLD Three lots in Section 6, half block from McBr from School, price $600 each. $100 cash even usurped his throne for a} ment and equipment is easier to Sea on the cruise similar to that |* a ees el settlements. We write every known class of | ; » , secure than for any other purpose now being undertaken by H. M.S. | n_ her part as Fatima the Insurance, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co | NEW STA ND them and balance on easy terms. Will se! Teale ct gs Bs : Rajah’s first wife, Miss Pearlita | at this time,” says the Circular, Algerine. r J nee. ; Ss = ” 6 ed 9s 9 Ps 9s os pc md Pe Third Avenue, between ‘ M CLYMONT Te tar Shik detahileh ment” of 3 |kept the audience in fits with her | 7th and 8th St. We See Cc : ; gests as | marvellous make up and mann- Business Chances have moved from the Office ( te Bar Hart Block | : : ice Opposite ba lants for the manufacture of saberrie r ea ; = we te , Gooseberries larger than olives | lerisms. Encores were demanded | #7 emer emermermermerme med | slay oducts, etc., it shou » 2 { aie , , e and as sweet as cherries with 50) | for the ae by Miss Jose phine Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A errs equally easy to interest capital.’ . party to start mo ict ne P | qually y apité pounds to a single bush have been lc xerrish as ‘‘Salome,’’ Miss Drena} Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davie. | renee grown this year in Summerland, | Mi ack as “‘Lydella” Frank Snyder, Watertown. ‘Wis. ater hn as $ Cash will ee an une lot in Fresh watermelons came in yes-| Okanagan Valley, by Mr. G. W. as ‘Captain Tiney"’ and the funny | Jo Kadak 30 ee” Kt on | terday, muskmelons too.—Ideal | McLaren, a brother of Rev. E. D. | sailormen. A clever quintetie by YOUR CHANCE | Third Avenue Bet. 7th and 8th Sts, Lots 15 and 16, Block 49, Section 7, | or a e Provision House, Phone 190. McLaren of Vancouver. |Messrs. Westerman, Cleveland, | ; = each. $150 cash, balan | HAS COME | Lots on Sascae Avenue at $500. Easy = ae = | Snyde r, Kemper, and Perkins in terms, the second < as 0 1 fo POL ICE W A TCHES } Apa ent fo 2 $20 a mo lice : a The Bin call had 4 | 'No Excuse for Either Ladies or ~ ie : Get Lot I times. The fifth call had to be a len ss cs gratefully .but resolutely declined.| Gents Being Poorly Dressed. |g All Varied in time in Police ee Aaa a eae 65 $2 Miss Drena Mack's white costume Court the other aay. If 8 | Lots in Fort George at $10.00 cash and)» 014 4 . : j ou carry a : ; 6 | in the second act displayed’ her} Sharp at eighi o'clock tomorrow y y _ $10 a month, For free maps ; 9 ‘ an and information see me. Now |7 7 and charms to perfection. The dresses | morning, Jabour Brothers, the well | Reliable Standard Watch is the time to buy lots in Fort ‘ . > i a | Cc » in ar “ of Miss Gerrish were also very | known dry goods merchants, ladies You would always iave the George. ome ze e pe is C A li Lib | ° | becoming, while the nine merry | and gents clothiers on Third cve-! Correct Time: ; : JOHN DYBH A VN : omox- t In 1 era Convention little ladies of the chorus set off}nue between Seventh and Eighth Only reliable watches are — kept in stock by the G.T. Ee Pattullo Block. their costumes and parts in first| streets, will commence their third | . F i I nh is fixed for and second acts most attractively. | annual summer sale. Some siart-| eee ee e me GC R. NAD!: N COMPA SATURDAY AUGUST 19TH wo ne ling bargains are announced among | 000000 Tenders. 9 Gone on Holiday which should be specially mention-| R. W. Cameron & Co. rrr ; Rupert, BC at Nanaimo, B.C. The two Misses Barbeau left|ed the valucs in ladies’ silk and|% Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue. se Rates kag TEE tor ciao one arerean | anend Ave- “er this morning on the S.S. Prince| white lawn waists, underskiris PHONE 82 | water) in the old school building, Second Avenue, 3 All del h iy h titu ill 1 d b , z ; A 4 D ‘a Plans and specifications may be seen at the City ; . USERS. ; elegates throughout the go wil please endeavor te be Rupert for Seattle, Tacoma and|children’s and boy's clothing, etc. | Engineer's office. wth Waseda TO W: R 4 other points on a few weeks’'| As an inducement to men all |7 == = | 2t-181 Seo. School Board holiday with friends. lsuits and men’s weararereduced | Seat Tend : ; Pais eh es 95 5 aan oe ea * en ers. , reity { water BUSINESS — Selection of a candidate to contest seat in Dominion Par - fe cent. Boots and shoes in FOR RENT On accout F between th | 4 r . ta ines are > , i ice the supply w ring liament for Comox-Atlin Mrs. J. H. Kugle r left for the witt9 aes are reduced in price Store Building om Second Avenue and Ml n5. 4.05 vis bx reserved by che undersigned up et Pp * m, during (Signed ) H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chai an south this morning. very considerably. All raincoats Seventh Street. Low Rent. to Tuesday, Aug. loth, for the painting id a}dry weathe: ne ohsohic ‘ . nid . al te ¥ | room in the old schoo! ng on Secon ve. wi 18 ace ’ ’ rm RE iy Bo MEE ‘ are reduced 20 per cent. Prices : Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. 8 ssifleations may be seen ot the Clty Bnginesr’s WM ON DAY ot p Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, "Phone 4, in hosiery end a hundred and one ot-let ‘Sec. School Board. | 177-tf Ya soemmemsion ———— — — — - ! 4 paeraek’ seseeaneneeneesecnt (0H ‘ ie we ene ] it INVESTMENTS i [gems |i JEREMIAH H. KUGLER ASK UNCLE JERR) He sells Buildings —_He sells Contracts Special Bargains in He buys Leases He loans Money ee ; ' \ He has Houses to Kitselas Lands Francois Lake Lands Lakelse Lands e . \ . f % . Rent Hazelton District Lands Bulkley Valley Lands He has Farms For Sale TUN rH ‘He buys Lots : Kispiox Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands y He builds Homes Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits He sells Houses He rents Stores . - anil List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler - Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. stnntmoenenenenenencis oe