VI t 'HARTT Have Already Found Their Mark DAILY EDITION 9 SHOES ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING- FEATURES OF HARTT SHOES To consistently maintain their reputation as one of Canadals best sellings lines of men's footwear, Hartt Shoes must offer the utmost in style; quality and value. Be sure to see a Hartt Shoe before buying your next pair, at The Family Shoe Store Third Avcnur. LIMITED Exclusive Arents for Northern B.C. THE DAILY NEWS. fKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 337 Published Ever; Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlnc Rupert Dally? News, Limited. Third Avenue'. a. r. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Thursday. June 7, 1934 GENERAL APPROVAL HERE General approval seems to have been registered locally of the action of Great Britain, Canada's senior partner, in refusing to make debt payments to the United States until a general discussion and revision of the whole debt structure had taken place. Some of the European nations are not paying Great Britain or United States and the people of those countries are not taxed anything like as heavily as are the British. It is ridiculous to think that ono little nation should carry the whole cost of the war. All inusi uu uicii sum c. BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT Some Prince Rupert people complain that business has , , , . - A. ? 1 il jl t not improvea wnn mem, at least not enougn to mention, while others say business is well on the up trend. A review of the financial situation arriving by mail states: "Canadian business on, the whole has been risiner from the de pression at about the same pace as it fell in the last stages of the decline." The review says that recovery from denression is usual ly marked by sharp upward increases and occasional stability or minor declines which at the time are regarded with apprehension. Business recovery to prosperity levels is seldom uninterrupted and the revival in Canada to date has been of that type. The pace in Canada has been unus- l.nll.. unnM L..! 1 lj ? A A i ' , uuiiy itijjiu uul uneven arm suDjecu to interruptions. The review points out that nerhans more than anv other single factor m bringing about improved conditions was the example of Great Britain in stabilizing government UJ J i1 1 1 tli. 1 ,m mm convening tne national ueDt. Canadian ana other market's responded. Another report coming from Montreal shows that the Power Corporation of Canada subsidiary concerns all report increased business. Included' in the list was the Northern B. C. Power Company which reported a very considerable increase! We have been told that we are too optimistic but we are in duty bound to tell these things and we hope to be able to be more optimistic before very long. Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping; St Oeneral. Furniture He pa Irs LUt your goods with me' Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Healtlr Chiropractic Ultra, Violet Rays. Intra Red Rayi Massage All at Reasonable Prices VV. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Gretn 141 Phones Oreea Oil Exchange Block ruKtHer Garner In Tennis Tourney .Matches in Ladles' Singles and' Mixed and Men's Doubles Played Further amines in the PrtnerR't jert Tennis Club's handicap tour-.lament'Jiave resulted as follow: 5:30 p.m. Mixed doubles' final. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett vs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. 6:30 pjn. Men's doubles, semi finals, J. H. Horton and R. D. Ore-gor vs. Alex Mitchell and Bill To bey; 7:30 p.m.. Percy Mclntostrand Bill Lambie vs. W. L. Stimford and! L. H. Haworth. 6:30 pjn. Men's singles, semi finals. T. W. Brown vs. C. J. Nor- rlngton FOOTBALL! Tonight LKGIO.V vs: KF.CIMKN'T Aeropolis; 0J0 p.m., Adtit. 25e. QUEEN .1 IS DEPOSED Ada Matkenzie-I)efeatedby MrsMi Mcintosh in Kl-htli Round of Ontario Championships KITCHENER. Ont., June 7; Ada Mackenzie's long reign as Ontario women's golf champion ended yesterday when Mrs, M. Mcintosh of Waterloo County Golf Club de feated her three-two In the eighth round of the provincial title I. PAGE Two THE DAILY NEWS -lW WUfrfw. June 7 iWi WKIFFLETS From the Waterfront Due; no doubt, in some measun. ; to Uvc Kaa4flc Coast longshore-1 tsm"& strike which is forcing; some , of Uie Alaska vessels In here with ih;r catchor which they cnrmotl in r tt a in MavlfArt nnrfk' nurlniv t n 1 Ladies' singles-Mrs Q. P. Tinker . . . )Mn, ...r th . i deal Miss MonyDelane 6-5 2 6. Amerfcan 8-5: Mis. Q. P. Tinker Irene- Mitchell 6-4, G-2 figuring a tfood deal more import'- nntlv than (Tnnirtlnn nn thln?nl4 Men's doubles- R: D. Grcor and Yester-1 fr ctuise recently. J. XL Horton beauK. M. David and dayy mvoT p(Jimds of naUlm, O. W. Laldler 6-5, 5-6. C-5; J. H. herc at frora 0-5Ci and to1 Norton and R. D: Oresgor beat T. t&k. and 5c. Canadian Ilsti Ws Brown and v: S. Moore 6-5. totbjied buU 23600 pounds' f6r 6-4; W. L. Stamford and L. H; Ha- wrjlch 5.5r and 5fc to 57c and 5e worth beat N L. Freeman and Dr. was paj B. II. Bedford 6-1, 6-3. Mixed doublesMr. and Mrs. c. P. R. steamer Princes Norahi tobert Bartlett beat J: O. Johnsand. capt. William Palmer, wtilttf was. Mrs. A. E. Parlow 6-5. 5-0, 6-5; Mr. jn port yesterday afternoon south-; ind Mrs. Earl Walker beat Alex bound from Skagway to' Vancoa'- MlUrttell and Miss Laura Frizzell venbrousht In 154- ptMwengcrs of 6-5, 6-4. whom eleven disembarked herc Men's singles C. J. Norringlon while three sailed on the vessel beat Earl Walker 3-6, 6-1. 6-4. from this part for the south, Ladies' doubles Miss J. Edg- . The Alaaka Southern nmhe- nnrt Kris m. Delanev- beat' Airway Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mrs. lane. Chicagoffrplloted by Bob E,1U- r,,ve dl1" at 3:20 P0 W. M. Blackstock 6-5. 6-3. iQay anioon irom Ketrntxan Today's Play The following play Is scheduled j w"h 'art' of tK- hopplnsr for today ' n iriuni nuiiu. 10:30 a m. Ladles' singles final,: . , , . Mrs. O. P. Tinker vs. Miss Laura, -j Ppjjjjpjj boat, having on board ita owner ana pilot, r: w. Graham, and Mrs.; Graham from Sheltoni Wash., iinv! in here from Alert Bay to spend the night: The pttne moored at the float of the Union Oil CoM hopping off this morning in continuation of a flight to Alaska. The Seattle yachr Courser, hav ing on board W. E. Cox and parly, arrived In port this morning on lU way north on an Alaskan cruise. I v". which tied 7- ,,h,.. n.i up overnight l thp of tn Armour Mrs. Earl Walker and Miss Laura "f1? Salvage Frizzell vs. Mlw J. Edgcumbe antfi?" to "'tnoon for Mi. Xfnllv nplanw ..fc..Mu .u .lunvmuauun O. UK I cruise. BaseBall Scores National League Boston 2, New York 6. Brooklyn 4 Philadelphia 12. Pittsburg 3-5. Cincinnati 1-1. Chicago 12: St. Louis 6. American I.ratur New York 15-4. Boston 3-7. Cleveland 1. Detroit 2. St Louis 3, Chicago 2. RKOISIEXT LINE-UP The following line-up is announ ced for Regiment for this evening's senior League football game with the Canadian Legion. It being the final fixture in the Oilhulv Cun series: Armstrong; Veltch and D.v vles; Hill. Kelsey and Wlngham: Wilson, Nakamoto, Campbell. Cromp and Comadlna; spares, Eby and Lindsay. GIMIDLY CUP FOOTBALL W. D; L. P. A. P. Legion 2 1 0 7 2 5 Merchants , 1 2 2 7 9 4 Regiment '. .0 112 5 1 The supper lor LITTLE FOLKS ClflLDHEN always love Kellog'H Gm Flakes And there's nolJiin l)ttcr for their evening meal than u bowl of thin crisp, deJicIouwxcreu! witli milk or cream. Ilieh' in energy. Easy to digest. Ihvitct reHtfiil sleep. Kept oven -fresh by the lieat-nvnlcd inner WAXTITEHug. MudehyKclIoggiiiLondoinOnU FOR FLAVOR CORN FLAKES I luuww IL ljlll.firT,7-a"iralrV m WHV. MARY THAT SHORTCAKE LOOKS POSITIVELY DELICIOUS. BUT ALL THAT WHIPPE0 CRfcAM" MY DEAR I KNOW IT A1AKE5 THINGS TWICE AS GOOD,-BUT DOESN'T IT JUST WRECK -Tv YOUR WEEKLY N. .-.v. . . $ vv X BUDGET? I'M GLAD TO SEE yOUVE REVIVED MY OLD FAVORITE -"JELLY AND WHIPPED CREAM"- BUT I THOUGHT YOU TOLD ME WHIPPED CREAM WAS A LUXURY WE COULDN'T AFFORD LOCAL NEWS R. E. Moore, local manager of P Burns Co. Ltd., sailed on the s Prince George yesterday afternoon to make the round trip to Ketch) kan, Anyox and Stewart on basinets. Wlllard L. Phelps, well known Whltehorse barrtMer. and Mrs Phelps were paaaengen aboard the Princes Norah y est e may after noon going through to Vancouver wlienee they will proceed on a trip to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. 6. E. Oulick' sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince aeorge to make the round trln to I J Il....v. Ill 1 mf 1 W Mi Ketchikan, Anyox and Stewart. Mr. I Oulick making the trip in his ca-1 paclty as local manager of 4the Swift Canadian Co. ' Michael Mlchelson of Stewart, pleading guilty before Judge W. EX Fisher In County Court yesterday afternoon to a charge of carrying concealed weapons, was sentenced to ten days' imprisonment dating from the time of hU arrest. He still has four days to rerve. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 The Children's Guest Home Sixth & Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. ITS N0TA LUXURY ANY M0RE.DEAR- SINCE MARy EXPLAINED HOW TO WHIP NFSTLE s EVAPORATED MILK. IT WHIPS BEAUTIFUllY WHEN YOU FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS 1 " Mlt. r I I no, jane dear, that's the lovely part of it. Nest lev evaporated milk whips perfectly WHEN yOU KNOW HOW ANDTHE COST ISA MERE TRIFLE Mrs. B. Fltzpatti.'rlt who hx: bee. pu:.1ng a vU-Jt to iie rlt jailec by he Piw.trc Orcvw V Ufiday afternoon on return to Anyox Notice Auction Sale OF LVritYTHINO in stoki: I have Ix-ni a drifted to handle only (lutidl by Auction so In fu lure I will have weekly Hale' Days, and will sell every artlde in ttote on 8ATIJUDAY. r.TM.N. IN(1, comrarnring at 7:15, June 9th. Consisting of beds, dressers, showcases, electrical goods. 1 buffets; folding couch, kitchen tables, fire grate, chairs, cnina cabinet, linen closet, linoleum rugs and linoleum, 2 steamer trunks, library table, cash register, sewing machine, etc. N OTB If you have anything In your home you want to dispose of send It to the store before Saturday Noon of this week, or Phone and we will call. Under no obligation unless goods are sold, G. J. Dawes TIIK AUCTIONnnt IllSrk 120; Red i3i Van's Bakery Opposite Hottm Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Ororers Labelled itn Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 THREFCHFrBC FOR NESTLE's HONESTLY, MARX 115 REMARKABLE THE THINGS THAT YOU CAN' DO WITH THAT WONDERFUL MILK Ditttiion for Whipping Stl?t fV-t, MTTt lt MS ( l-MMTM (W (f "J . IkwiMr .bill mtlk iil ii . "-r -I - ." i (if IIV fnu4 tlr' Milk iil ta l-ik b-a Wm4 ll ntm UawW a tluU If ana I' ,it j i ruaJ twrrlMv aM HnMt (full hj.i Tka - I ba Iruil i it aa 44x1 MtlMB 4 Mtllal ,.p( tmtt p-r. 4 aiaw ta u imn bm a-xl "-a'llf aa a.itnalk. Nrall' Krpf' atrd Milk ttrmtr-fully i'lrrlrd mar' mik. nuxir WWr hek bf ronr titration, tbrn itrilnet ami pMlni ia Ml (tr-tifht rab for mail-, Btia aatrty aml Vn-Asst qiulfUr. Nestles ? .; r.j Tt!LiZEO '"OHATCO aai 14 oi HE$TL'$-W.rlJ'i Lirttit f rJutri .nW Self r ( CanJtnitd ana! CviparaUd Mila. "THE BON" After the tyle of my formf "THE Ulfi FURNITURE STOKE" Receiving used furniture for sale or for storage F.W.Hart Mrrkrr Itlk. Third ATf- When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Mske Arranjemrnts With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, R.C. To fireel You We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere Lakelse Lake and Lodge , new boat ill. A. S.i now In service on the lake. Tare anywhere on the U. one adult. $3.00; $U0 P hd additional. No. crowd too Wt-No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES KVFItY SUNDAY SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set H'BXK Pittsburg. W3XAI. IlouiidlrKik", NJ; VK9DK Winnipeg. W2XAI' Schenectady-, NX Enquire at the- SUPERIOIt RADIO-ELECTHIC for this information Second Avenue fc Third Strret 1 t.