,v June 7, 1M4 THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREB-: KAlHOU rLhUG DLtnU SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens NOW IS - - - xr 1VO 1 ime Lwk Lye $1.75' rownie Cameras, No. (20 $3.001 Irownie Cameras, No. GIG- $3.75- Wt PnckPt KodilK S Xri.tlir 1. w...- - T It. ,. T"r.nt.W lann ttR'AM' 110 JUUiin, I'Ulll'ltl. UTIIO .. f 1U.UU k Jiffy Kodak . . $8.00 fa Jiffy Kodak $9100 h K ulak 0.3 lens $17.50 1C Kodak GSl lens ...f $20.00 del 20 Cine Kodak 8 : $39.50 I !cdd 2it Kodascope for above $45.00 Kodak 10 m.m. with carrying case 15 lens $75.00 Idcl D Kodascope for above $76.00 levolopinR & rrintlng of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. "Jfnt Pioneer Druq&iats The 1'esall Store rboae: SI it W FULTON CASH & CARRY VJh Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadio R0CKRIBS; VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITAL IAN OHS, MACCARONI, t'HKKSK, hiu. fur Jones' Tent and Awning Co.. Vancouver. B.C All sizes .3 und Mountaineer Sleeping Rober Every descripUon of Clothing and : Prospectors and Fishermen's Dryback -) RcouUltes TenU, all sizes. Best quality. Lowest prices. C li and inspect Prompt attention to country orders, hone 75G 1 lwx 10SE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Notarial Seals Office Pins Order Books Paints Paint Brushes Paper Napkins Paste Pens Pencil Clips Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Penholders' Perforators1 Playing Cards Receipt Books Roll Call Books RuMxjr Bands Rulers Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 ITS Ml Ml mVTWKWRlmVSWX -XB'X ISM-w " SHINGLE STAIN with Linseed Oil Shingle Prme and beautify your shingles RUIn, guaranteed to last. Mixed in any shade desired. Greens and Greys, gallon . . jJ.J Black, Browns and Reds, gallon lt0 For best paint values and sound advice consult- n w GORnniM'S HARDWARE XIX. i titic iwcitinnis ggjiWJaiiwt:rt mtu UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 6tm,r. 1v. Prlnenupert for Vneoufrc!- ! CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 VM afternoon. US. CAKIaA EVERY FRIDAY MlDNWIlT rRlNCS Rt'VtKT AOBNCTt rhon MS Wer are ilUl buying1 old gold, balcei'ft (tf IVmtt lit train, due from the east"; I at 10' o'clock, was reported this morning to be" on time: George for Vancouver where she will meet Mrs. P. O. Dawson ana son who are coming north from California and with whom she will proceed to Summeriand on Oka-nagan Lake to spend the summer. Miss Ruth Wilkinson of the stu dent nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday after having taken special coursese of tuberculosis nursing at Tranqullle Sanitarium and dietetics at Vancouver General Phone 953 Princess Soap Flakes per pkg. I7c: Phone 953 De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials ., i Crest wood Creamery 70C Butter, 3 lbs Smyrna Figs 3 lbs Fry's Cocoa uer i-lb. tin Chocolate Eclilrs per lb. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, per pkg Snap Cleaning Powder per tin Lux Flakes Small 3 pkgs Pearl White-Soap 6 bars- - Fancy, Roman Beauty Apples, 3' lbs Oranges Large size per doz. 19c 21c 23c Malkln's Best TOMATOES Size 21j. 2 tins 25 c Essex Sweet Corn 2 tins 2Ic Swift's Frankfurti-m tins. 25'C Ideal for picnics, per Un Canadian Cheese 18 C per lb. Ready-Cut Macaroni- OjC Bulk, 3 lbs. Malkln's Best BABY BEETS Size 2's. per tin 21c Special attention given to'out of' town orders- H.wr SfndAir; aeeounttinr of fit vrness cannery, was a visitor ii. tXv city on cannery business. Miss Wllla Dyer sailed' yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah Parent-Teacher Tea Sale or for a trlri to Vancouver' and ci$ei Home Cooking at home of Mri where In the south, jCox. 533-tttl Av. W., Friday. June 8, Oame Warden Ed. Martin who has been on trip' to the Stlkine and Ittktf River areas on- official tausir.es, returned to the-city from the north on the Princes Noron yesterday afternoon. Provincial Constable and Mrs. D. from Prince George for duty with the city detachment. Palm1 Coffee" Shop To Open Saturday Meals 11:30-to 2 and 5 to 8 Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Arross from the Power Co Third Avenue 131 Rev. and Mr. Henry B. Cross and daughter were passengers a- i board the Princess Norali yester day afternoon bound from Juneau to Seattle. We pay a premium for gold coins W. Taylor and' family, will arrlve-jind old scrap Bold. We ask out of in trie' Cliy on tonigms tram town customers to give uan na. from Prince George. Constable : Phone Black 324i D. C. Clothiers Taylor having been transrerreo -Ltd. Box 477. lti ! Sealed Tenders will be receives ! by the undersigned up to noon of June 21st for tweivr Hospital Spring-Air Mattresses, Specifica tions obtainable at Secretary's office. II. W. Birch, Secretary. Misses Josephine Tupper and Ethel Starr. Alaskan school' teachers, disembarked- here from, the ss. Princess Norah yesterday afternoon ,and went East by train, the former) going to Winnipeg and the latter . to Chicago. Mrs. William Sherman Jr. will I tall on the Prince George tomor- "1"'" morning for Vlctorla'to attend Miss Jessie Rothwell will sail to- Kkzh 0d( "-morrow Wod 15 to Prince I ' .aIs?.going morning on the ss. Victoria as delegate to Oddfellows' Grand Lodge at the same time. Archie Sullivan. Vancouver con tractor, who built the new hospi tal at Smlthers for the Sisters of St. Anne, arrived in the city yes tcrfcay on the steamer ss. Prince George from Vancouver and proceeded by the evening train to Smlthers where he will attend the ofnclal opening of the hospital, re turning to Vancouver via Jasper Park. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Prince John yesterday from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Is lands on official duties. He Jn speciea ine new Dridge across Delkatla Slough at Massett which has Just been completed. Foreman E Woodsworth and some of the members of the bridge building crew returning to the city on the same boat COFFEE IS A DELIGHT , ir made by the Silex method rrreniiy insianea ai ine Commodore Cafe No metal taste, no stale flavor. Fresh Coffee all the time insured. Good at any time of day or night. Perfectly harmless. Always refreshing and Announcements St. Peter's picnic, Grassey Bay, June 9. Alberto Guerrero, master pianist recital, June 13. Presbyterian Tea, June 20J Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorle's June Presbyterian Picnic Junf23. Canadian Legion, B. B. S. picnic, June 24; Dlgby Island. Presbyterian Pall Bazaar Nov. t. lVToose Hall Frldiy, Next. June 8 Moose Dance Commencing 0:30 PAI. Mrs. Illack's Orchestra Admission: Gents, 35c; Ladles, 55c LOCAL NEWS-NOTES' . I rTTTp QJlfWC I You can rent a Car at waircer in I. I.mi, H H I VI' ' ; PI I : tf I a. b i i. m m i w m m w w m m- w- w ii i I . . iw v i - n BY ALL THE LEADING CANADIAN MAKERS. LATEST STYLES! LOWEST PftlCES! ALL NEW STOCK! - Tennis Shoes For Holiday and' Sport Wear! All tHe very latest and' smartest styles. Children's Runners, all' colors. Sixes 4 to 103 Special, 69c CLOVER' HONEY Marsh all's Ontario, 2i-lb. tin SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg ROYAL CROWN SOAP per carton CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin SODA BISCUITS McCormlcks, per pkg. TOMATO JUICE Libbys No. 1 tall tins, per tin Proctor Si Gamble Soap Deal 3 Bars Ivory Soap O C p for - 1 pkg. Ivory Flakes FREE ; JELLY POWDERS Nabob ju. Fmnress. 4 okes. 18c LIFEBUOY SOAP 1S?P 2 bars - PITTED DATES Glasslne Pkgs.. per 1-lb. pkg. STRAWBERRIES Arriving direct from the farm Friday pm. IOC price per box prtce 2.15 , per crate TOILET TISSUE Paragon Large Rolls, per roll ENOS FRUIT SALTS per large bottle Ten & Coffee Deal Special' Advertising Offer I lb: Fort' Garry Tea, value 55 1 lb. Fort Garry Coffee, value .50 Rubber Apron, well made choice of- four colors, value .50 Total All. for ... Value - $'-55 CRISCO The Perfect Shortening, per 3-lb. tin RIPE OLIVES 9-oz. tin SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES FOOTBALL BOOTiS We have just received a shipment of Football1 Boote' made' in England Boys,7 $115 Men:s$j,5U See our windows for the very latest, attractive styles in Women's' Shoes; suede, kid, calf and patent' leather to suit every occasion at Special Cut Rate Prjces Wo Accept City Scrip 10c 79c Sf.25 GnXNETTlNtf Boat t6r sale. 72c ASSORTED BISCUITS - Weston's Piccadilly per 1-lb. pkg; GRAHAM WAFERS Red Arrow Cello, per lb. pkg. LARGE PRUNES Santa Claras, 2 lbs. cello FANCY CROSBY CORN- Royal City. 2 tins 27c 22c 28c 25c 22c Watts Grocery IMIONB 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" Cheap for' cash. Apply' Seal' dove- Post Office-. tf HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Apply Macphalh 1609' Eighth' Av-enuc East. 132 FOR SALE 15 M.-p. Union Delsel with. Shaft propeller, all complete: Price $950.t cash, terms can be arranged. Harold Sinwn-sen, Box 681'. tf- FOR RENT. FURNISHED Apartment for Rerit for summer, central location. Box 208, Daily. News or Phone Blue' 637. 132 PAINTERS' PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. LAND ACT Notice of Intrntton-to-apply to Lrak. Land In Prtivee Rupt lnd Rcordln nutrirt of Prim RUDert. B.C and tt iiat In QU-d7t Bay locaii ai ine N.W. end of Stephens Ialand, Range 5. Ooaat Dtotrtot. Tke nonloe that- J Win uiaueen oi Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Flh Packer. Intends to apply for a leaee of the following described' lands'- Coounenclng M a paw pimwxi t the S. W. corner of a amaU Island hntit r rhiinx s. E. of Averr bland thence NJS.. thence weotertyi aoutherly antfi easterly, following high water man to point of- commencement, and containing 2 acres more or leas, and including th entire, area of the aald U-land. JOHN-CLAU8EN Dated ADrtl 18. 1B3V MISTRAL ACT CEUT1F1CATB Or' IMntflVF.Mr.NT8 NOT1CK dim. rnu4icmd xilrwral Claim, sit uate In the AUln Mining DlTlston of CtvMlar DiAtrlrit. Located on' left bank" of the Tulse-quah Rlter. TAKB NOT1CK thftt' III McN. lYaser acting as Agelt for TUku. Mines Corn-acting as Agent for Taku Mines Oompeny Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No. 73 40d. Intend. 60 days front datenereoi. to apply to the Mining Recorder for' a rvrtifkxibi. nK InmroYwnpnts for the purpew of obtaining a Crown Oram or thm s.bovf claim. Ahd further tAke notice that action. under section" 8S raunt' be" conunenren before, the twuauce. of such ceruiioaie Dated tnu actn aar 01 ap. " t H. McN. Fraser. Aeent. "lilMl ACT Notice f' Intention' ' apply lurehae land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range- four Coast District, atvf situate about nve mUes from the mouth of the Khutze River on the Ea fork. sr&mt roys'! YOUTHS'! Extra Heavy Hard Wearing Runners..We,.selll3S less than anywhere in the city. Boys' and Youths.' QCn 03l up. from CUT RATE SHOE STORE 'PHONE SERVICE When you order from us you; are assured of quality, price and service in your food buying And what trouble it' saves- let order by phone. Week-End Specials 33c 11c 21c 7 c 17c 9c Classified Ads for sale j htelf wanted YOUNG' woman for housework out of town: Apply Dally News. Box, 209: A TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer: Phone 177. Birch.. Jackpine. Cedar. tl lfAfRDRESSERJ PERMANENT WAVING f Cluster Curtt Latest. Styles NELSON'S fiEAUTY 8HOPPBV "OOVERXMEXT LIQI OK ACT" , vmcil or Ai'PLmiTio fob aclib LICBNt-B " ' , i NOTICE 1 hereby glren- on the et- plratton- of this" adtertteement the uil-depstaBWd Waser1 Social Club Intends , to apply to the Liquor Control Board tor a club licence in respect 01 premises situate on the east side of Kinaway; Hvderi BO. upon lands' dcrtbet.-as Lot 40. Block 6, Plan 1251. Subdivision of District Lot 404. Casslar Olatrtct., Prince Rupert Land Registration District in the Province of British Colunt-bla. to entrOe each member of the aaio club to- keep- on the premises a erason-able quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the pretnlseB lm icv cordance witn the provmona oi me "Oovernment Llauor Act" and the re- ' gulatlons promulgated thereunder. f dated at nyoer, omun this 28th day of May, 1934, FRASER SOCIAL CLUB ' By a: A. Pranel', 4w Secretary and Manager KASft ACT Nntlee of Intention to apply to'. I.rae Land .,' In Prince Rupert Land Recorddftj Pltfrict of Prince Rupert. B.C, and attt aate in Qlawdzeet Bay located at the fiSN. end of Stephens Island.1 Range ' '" 5f. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Print "Rupert, B.C.. occupation Fish Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the- following described foreshore! ; Commencing at a pan pianiea i the 3-' W. corner oi a amau isuna about 8 ohains a. c. 01 .nrrj-thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 8 chains: thence NX 8 chains- more or 'eee to high water mark on the N.b. point of the Wand) thence S. K. direction 8 chains more or lews fallowing lil&h water mark to point of oommence- mnt' ' JOHN CLAUSEN. pated April 18. 1934. in PHon.vnr IN THE SUPREMB COURT OF BRXTIBH' COLUMBIA IN THE MKTTER' OF THE' "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IV THE M ATTER OF TIIH ESTATE Of MICHAEL T. OTCELLY. DEOJ4A8ED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of H Honor W. E. Fisher, the lth day of May, AD. 1834, I waa appointed Adounlstra Tike notice that I. FreA-tlck . . Shelly, tor ot ine estate or of Vancouver: BC. occupation mine ijn wnu owu w !2rZS land.- . PJHST'lL 21??SL Commencing at a post pjaniec, ' 'V'-,,'-. . . n ,m. ,.1, 'all AD. 1934 and of June. foot dtaUnee from the wttnea post ou ,21st day UeWest aide of Lot 172, thence weet- pwuee .unru " erlvl 80 chains thence" Southerly 20 ciiams; thence Easterly 60 chains: thence- Northerly 20' chains- and' con talnlng 100 acre, more or less. FREDERICK K. 8HKI1Y. Da.tea.10tU day of Uiy. 183 1 qolred to- pay. the Knount of' their In ueDieaness to me roruvwun. NORMAN- A. WATT '. ; Official Administrator, Prince Bupert, B tf. Dated &f Xita tUy of May. k&, ItH. I Ts-BI a x J i 1- 41 1 i