Toil Vol. XXIV No. 132, lions with Prime Minister R. B. Bennett. Mr. Pattullo said: "The Dominion naturally expressed the deatre that we hold down our deficit at much as possible. I find no fault 1 with that. But in the final negotiations with the Prime Minister the question of the province's autonomy never came up at all and we occluded in the utmost goodwill." Pnlr Pattullo added: "It was never contemplated by the British North America Act that the Do-mifrttrrfsho control the expenditure of a province. There Is not tiny control by the Dominion over expenditure within our jurisdiction. Prime Minister Bennett had said in the put that the integrity of Oanada mast be preserved. In that British Columbia joined him. This I province's delegation to Ottawa did I not propose that, through lack of txtttonee or forbearance, British Columbia should be the first pro viae to knock the props from un fta- Canada's financial Integrity. He believed there was another way out. Premier Pattullo re-stated his be hf that sufficient currency should be Issued to create a credit of $200,' 000,000 to start a public works pro I mm In Canada. The money should be loaned to the provinces without Interest and repaid through sink lne fund within the life of the works undertaken. "I don't want to Inflate. I don't want to take a dollar from the man who has it but he it going to lose it If present conditions continue." A public works program would be the only way to take up the slack of unemployment and stimulate Industry. Through Industry Itself the depression would be solved apd the government Intended to devote Itself to finding markets for it. Touching on International mat ters. Premier Pattullo stated that no matter what the Canadian atti tude towards the United States might be. If that country failed wmimlnallv. Canada would be seriously affected. Premier Pattullo's address was i broadcast. j Maharajah Owner Of Derby Winner Windsor Ud is Property of Wealthy lllntlo Sportsman Hidden By Smlrke EPSOM DOWNS. Eng.. June 7: Windsor Lad, winner of the 155th. runnlne of Uie English Derby yes- teidav. Is owned by the Maharajah of Rajplplas and was ridden by jockey Smlrke. Enton. the second horse, is owned by Lord toil, l ... KNOX HOTEL Tomorrow's Tides ( M;W M.INAOKMENT ft Of. Hli Hot null (old Uilff, High 10:57 am. 17.0 ft. 4A'!,MV(I ROOM -, 22:25 p.m. 20.3 It. Low 4:47 a.m. 4.7 ft.'l. , 'tor 16:38 p.m. 8.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1934 Stocks Start To Move Up Again Prices Recovering In New York After Descent to Lowest Levels Since 1921 NEW YORK, June 7: Stock prices have begun to move up here after having descended to the low est levels since 1924. Volume of trading was again extremely light with but 360,000 shares turning over,. The. Industrial average at closing was 92.73, up 132, and rails. 42.24, up 36. Silvers, hides and silks were substantially higher while general stocks turned Irregular. Freighter Grounds In Lake Superior Coastguard Cutters Speeding to 'Rescue of Steamer Mariposa . In Distress DULUTH, Minn.. June 7: Three United States coastguard cutters were speeding yesterday to the rescue of the freighter Mariposa of Duluth grounded and in distress off Lamb Island In Lake Superior with a crew of 24 men. Unauthorized Use Of Ford's Name In Anti-Jewish Book WA8HINQTON, DC. June 7: It has been charged before the United States House of Representatives commllon Investigating un-Am erican activities In the United States that unauthorized use of Henry Ford's name had been made in an anti-Jewish book published in Oermany this year. Aide-de-Camp To Governor General Engaged to Marry LONDON, Eng., July 7: The en gagement has been announced of Miss Jean Barbara Denn of Staple-field, Surrey, to Ed. Colvllle. aide-de-camp to Uic Earl of Bcssbor-ough, Oovernor Oeneral of Canada. Wheat Prices Winnipeg July, .77. . Olctober, 79?8. . Chicago July, .99. September, 1.00. Y NORTHERN POINTS IlAv. rLT STE. STE. Mi MARIE, r: 7: 7: Hearst. Hearst, Tr; E SNOW SAULT Ont., June franz and Oba reported snow) yesterday with temperatures ' of 24 at Hearst. 31 at Franz 34 at Oba and 35 at Hawk Junction. The cooler weather has reduced the bush fire menace. ! ; 4 SCALING IS FAR AHEAD Output in District so Far This Year Twenty-One Times Greater i Than in 1933 t I njn.. n,.A t . .w stry district for the month of May this year totalled 12,495.183 board .'eet as compared with 217,997 board feet in the same month last year. bringing the production for 1934 to' late up to a total of 21.435,783' joard feet in comparison with 1,-1 J05.638 board feet In the first five months of 1933. Thp rtr srcilf rvpr rnHptip this - r ' j. r-" ear-ws as foLkrws?r - - nr. iw.oio Doaraiicei. Cedar, 87391 board feet. Sprace 6,l57,85i b6ard feet. . Hemlock. 5257.077 board feet. Balsam. 609.182 board feet. Forest Products The output of forest products In he district in May this year was vlso increased over last. This May rales and piling totalled 55.536 lln-al feet 48.010 lineal feet in cedar nd 7326 lineal feet in hemlock as compared with 38,708 lineal feet in the same month last year. Jack-pine tie production this May total-'ed 20.126 pieces as against 15,078 oleces In the same month last year The cordwood count this May was 312 cords as compared with 285 cords last year. Mrs. Mary McCrea Has Passed Away Wife of Andrew McCrea Dies Alter Week's Illness in Prince Rupert General Hospital The death occurred at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the Prlnc Rupert General Hospital where she had been a patient for one week of Mrs. Mary Kathleen McCrea. wife of Andrew McCrea, 1930 Seventr- Avenue East. Deceased was born in Ontario 57 years ago of English origin and had resided in British Columbia for 22 years of which time a goodly portion had been spent In Prince Rupert. Besides hei husband, the late Mrs. McCrea Is survived by a son and daughter. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers nnd Interment will take place Saturday afternoon. SON IS BORN TO BELGIAN QUEEN BRUSSELS. June 7: CP There Is national rejoicing In Belgium following the birth last night of a son to King Leopold and Queen Astrid. The 4 royal mother and child are re- ported by their physicians to be doing well. BUSINESS WAS HUGE Financial Affairs of Robert Simpson Co. Ltd. Disclosed Before Stevens Committee OTTAWA. June 7: The mass buying and price spreads comrnit Fullerton Deems it Improper Enter Controversy With Bcatty Over Amalgamation less proposition. The net earning power, he continued, is at the present time obscured by the depression and unwieldy capital structure. Mrs. Lawrence Is Being Honored At Farewell Affairs The Ladies Aid of First Baptist "Jhurch, meeting at tea yesterday ifternoon at the home of Mrs. Tuitable remarks in so doing. On Tuesday evening Mrs. W. P. Armour was a bridge c hostess hostess in In' honor of Mrs. Lawrence. ce tatlon was also made rence on that occasion. Lily Pons To j Marry Doctor, BUENOS AIRES, June 7 Producers of gold received an- average during 1933 of $28.60 perf , line ounce so that their total rer! turn In Canadian funds on account of gold was $6,955,716. This ts an Increase of 107 over the returns; of 1931 when the 'premium" was' price: five cents PREMIER PA TTULLO TALKS FINANC PROVINCE MINERAL PRODUCTION LAST YEAR INCREASED B.C. Prime Minister Still Thinks Works Program Is Way Out This Province Has no Intention of Knocking Props From Under Canada's Integrity Industry Needed to Solve Depression VANCOUVER, June 7: (CP) "British Columbia in tends to pay one hundred cents to the dollar on principal of her debts but we believe we are paying too much inter est," Premier T. D. Pattullo told a joint luncheon of the Vancouver Board of I rade and Canadian Club here yes tcnlay. He believed both the Dominion and provinces Today's Stocks C'iurty 8 D Jotuxo &-J Vancouver Alexandria. .03y LjjvJcw. .014. U C Nickel. 1.03. Ill- MlMourl. 21. I'r.iiornr. 13.73. I) n Cjn.. 31. n n x m. llufp I X. L . .!. Duiiwell. 23. Kwrul It. .01. ti'-ikonda. J8. IniH in. .03. M nto. 30" Mi:itlan, .12. Morning 8Ur. Na ivr 8ol). .04, National Hllver. .MS. Noble Five. .09. FoiW Idaho. .09. Pmnler. 1.27. Reeves McDoMW. .16. Howard. .00 lleno. .93. S.Jvcr Crest. .CHti. Salmon Gold, .20. Taylor Bridge, .72. Wayside. JOVi. Whitewater. .03. Wavcrly Tangier. .02. United Empire, .16. Dcntonla, .62. Toronto Inter. Nickel, 25.70. Central Patricia. .73. Chlbougamau. -15 Vi-Lee Oold. .124. Oranada, 61. Macassa, 2.58. Noranda. 43.93. Bherritt Oordon, 100. Blsco. 232. Thompson Cadillac, .47. Ventures, .90. Lake Maron. .08. Trek Hughes. 6.80. Sudbury Basin, 1.71. Columarlo, .35. 8mclter Oold, 38. Canadian Malartlc. 38. Little Long Lac, 5.45. Bagamac, .12. , Stadacona, 38. Maple Leaf, .41. I'lcklc Crow. 1.10. Long Lac Lagoon, 39. Manitoba & Eastern, .22. Dome. 41.25. flcad-Authlcr, 1.18. St Anthony, 56, Bell, 1.10. v r n.. i54. H Walkers. 35. Ford A.. 20',,. Shawlnlgnn, 22 !b-II. A. Oil, 14a- New York U 8. Steel. 40i. General Motors, 31'i. American Can, 93. Allied Chemical. 131. U. 8. Smelting, 120. Schenley, 27',i, " ' "wouic nave 10 reiuna meir qcdu. Speaking of his recent ncgotla CARDINAL IS HEARD Vllleneuve Given Civic Welcome And Speaks From "Throne" at Toronto Meeting TORONTO. June 7: His Eminence, J. M. Rodrlque, Cardinal Vllleneuve, O. M. I., from a special 'throne" erected at the head of a banquet table at the Royal York Hotel yesterday, addressed six hun dred laymen and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church and was previously given a civic welcome at the City Hall by His Worship, Mayor Stewart. ONTAUIO Value of Output of Mines In 1933 was Well Ahead of 1932 tothTiioofmrn'omTdei Gold Again Led the Way With Silver Down Somewhat f fTM t!11! T tl 1 1 1 1 -.halrmanshlp of Hon. H. H. Stevens, j minister of trade and commerce, i vosterday heird evidence as to the NOT GOING TO ARGUE Over Three Million Dollars in Dividends Paid VICTORIA. June 1: Gross value of British Columbia's financial operations through which minerai production for 1933 was $30,674,4S6-an increase SET xm Zl of comSny of $-M32,868 or 8.61', over the previous year. The 1933 reached a neak of $48,000 ooo in the gold production of the province of $5,027,530, at the boom of t323 and in 1933 amounted standard price of $20.67 per fine ounce, is an increase of !to $37300,000. 22.6', over the 1932 output and 51.9', over that of 1931. HAMILTON to Small. i.i r. , r , . i.,i These figures show the 1933 gold " . ' . . . . . . . . . . . cial , , Minister , and Sheriff of in Canadian funds ever recorded! in the and establish gold! PASSES IN Hamilton, is Dead HAMILTON. Ont., June 7: Dr. uunn'1' -U1,C 'T""" V; as the leading mineral product of. . , ;' Fullerton, chairman of the board of Jr,uv, rv,iMa Leemlng A. Carr. sheriff of Went- ' . ' . worth county and former minister '.t. .t. With the maintenance of the ... Railways, yesterday expressed the pnUwpxldold priceotag:2 LSJ . option- that U-WHiTd be .Improper- fMTtouSe'SSarf31' rfffltSor:a noon y- wnncuusiccswrawmwdcuii- nroduptlnn mav well rparh an atr- iroverey uver BugKUu5 lor -mi.- gre?ate Qf $llt500iooo In terms Of gamauon puonciy aavancea Dy t,. Canadlan doIlars. W naHrlf f. nrpslrfpnt nf thi f!a. nadtan Pacific Railway. ' U1" "r1 " ' , Chairman Fullerton says that he 0 . the Canadian National Is a hope-!prev year AliClCddC ill Dr. Carr was born December 21. 1862, at Olenford, Ont., of English and United Empire Loyalist par ents. He was educated at Hamilton Lollegtate and Toronto Nnivcrsity from which he graduated as a Doctor of Medicine. He also took un world price of j post-graduate studies at Edinburgh gold has established many mining Jand Giasgow. A conservative, he p rope rues, mine no oi aououui interest, as economically attractive propositions. This has broadened first entered public life when he was elected to the Ontario Legislature at the provincial general election the field of development work while 'of 1923 Some years a?0 ne waJ ap. eswoiisnec proaucers nave oeen.pomted sheriff of Wentwdrth able to materially expand their oreiCounty He an 1. reserves. Married in 1886 to Kate Anderson Silver output for 1933 was ; atEverton. Ont ..Dr. Carr lc-a vm tn j slightly lower In quantity but had mourn passing, besides his wl- aiuc ui i.wu.u. an ui dow one OT l. Anderson Carr, 17.3 due to the higher average and two marlred daughters, world price. received for the metal., Lead and zinc productions show small increases in quantity and Vranlr MnrrU hnnnrprt Mrs 3. D. "lu,c imj.urCiiiCiii m Lawrence who is leaving the city' al":ulbecausj;tl of th5 S"11 'niltnlAi AnnHitinn nf tna matvar hortly. On behalf of the ladles' a;""" , ' """7 ;llt was presented to Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. F. W. Dafoe. who mace . 1. . a presen-; Anglican Meeting tn Mrs Tjw- O ! Opens in Toronto ; : i TORONTO. June 7: For the first Lily time In history of the Anglican ons. operatic star. Is reported en- Church In Toronto, a clerical con- Ontario Girl Is . I Victim of Malady paid dividends totalling $3.034.484' jmdrrtl Abbie narrson of Peter (Continued on Pace Four) boro Succumbs to Leucocjthe-mia For Which no Cure Is Known PETERBORO. Ont., June 7MJ1- red Abbie Harrison, aged 22, vie tim of the strange malady known to medical science as leucocythe- Gathering In East Is Discussln; mla and for which there isnocure. Problems of Religious Educa- Is dead here. The virtual effect of tion For First Time the disease Is the changing of red -, ,X 1 A. ...U14- aged to Fritz von de Becke. Oer- ference on religious education was man ship's doctor on the liner Cap held in Maurice Cody Memorial Arcona. Hall of Si. Paul's Anglican Church, . Rt. Rev. D. T. Owen. Bishop of To- MONTRKAL-NEW ronto. opening the session. YORK EXCHANGE MONTREAL. June 7: The Brl-; FIHHT FOR .1.1 J.M,nii.inih1. v w yesterday and the United States dollar at 99 7-16c. NEW YORK, June 7: The British pound sterling was quoted a. $5.063s on the local foreign exchange market yesterday and the Canadian dollar at $1.00. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE WATERWAY Noted Canadian Specialist Dies Dr. Carl A. Iledbloni, Eminent Pul-1 monary Expert, succumbs To i Heart Attack In Toronto TORONTO. June 7 Dr. Carl A. Hedblom. aged 55, recognizee; is one of American's greatest chest surgeons, died In Toronto Oencrai Hospital yesterday from a heart Roosevelt to Renew His Campaign attack. For Construction of St. I 1 - Lawrence Project j NO FISH LANDED ! No halibut Is being landed at this WASHINGTON. D.C., June 7: port today. The Canadian boat ' President Franklin D. Roosevelt Cane Bealc left for Butedale v?lth MONTREAL. June 7: CP-rThe will renew his fltht thla summer tm pounds and the Ternen Is Canadian gold price was down 13c construction of the proposrd Oreat iioldlng over until tomoirow 74th per ounce today at $34.50, L;kcs waterway to Uv sa 10.W10 1. ui,u fa