VH2 DAILY KSWS Monday, July so. H34 WESTMINSTER ; How Streamlines Are Affecting Modes of Modern Transpprtation Visit Qur WINS SOCCER Defeats Prince Albert Two to One In First Game of Dominion , Bargain Department ' Semi-Finals' ! PRINCE ALBERT. July 30: Cf A splendid group of broken lines and samples, styled New Westminster Royals defeated for street wear and for other occasions. These are Prince Albert two to one Saturday better grade shoes taken f rpm our regular stock and night In the first game of , the Dominion soccer semi-finals. priced To Clear at $1.95, 52.95, $3.15 Baseball Scores The delirium which seized Eur-rope hi the feverish days towards .the end pf July 1914 was height-ieneti py the baffling complexity of the elements entering into the International discord. A tiironology of political and military activities , discloses how undfviating was the ;path which led to armed conflict. .On July 28, the day that Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia, , the German government rejected proposals for an international conference, made four days previously by the British foreign secretary. Sir Edward Orey. Hoping for the best tut fearing the worst, the British Admiralty ordered the First Second and Third Fleets to their war bases. From then on war measures developed with bewildering rapidity. On July 39. the 'day which saw the bombardment of Bel-grade by the Austrian army, Russia ordered 'j, partial mobilization against the Dual Monarchy. A "warning telegram" was sent to the British fle.ets; the Wr Office ordered a precautionary period" for the fcvanny; peimany still believing that A wonderful opportunity for those Hearing the smaller sizes. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS, rRUs'CE RUPERT - BKITIhU' CyLUMBiA Paoilibed Jtrery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupfr Daily News, Limited. Third Jytout' H. r. PXJLLEN Managlng-Iditcr Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' TtJeplione L DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation n it Monday, July 30. . Canada $t War Twenty Years Agp (Written for the Canadian Press by Captain W. W. Murray, M.p.) (Copyright, 1931) "What .does that amount to?" declared Rt. Hon. U- H. IsqaUh, then Prime Minister pf X?reat Britain, in the House pf Commons a few .days later, "in the first place, it meant this: That behind the back pt France ave should have given, if we had assented to that, a free licence tp Germany to annex, In the event of a successful war. the whole extra- European dominions and possessions of France. "What did it mean as regards Belgium? When she addressed, as she has addressed in these last few days, her moving appeal to us to fulfil our solemn guarantee of her neutrality, what reply should we lave given? We should have been obliged to say that, without her knowledge, we had bartered away to the power threatening her .our obligation to keep our plighted word." In return, said the British prime Minister, for the betrayal of France and Belgium' the Germans were to give a promise "a promise, be it observed, given by a power which was at that very moment announc ii'tyftyMtab nMsht be induced 1 ing its intention to violate Its own tt5f(-kJ.eP0Ut V-toe Impending treaty and inviting us to do the a?. maae a ma lor .British ' ' rJeuiralUy. , In brief, Germany proposed that ,she would seek no territorial ex-panslon from France Itself should she emerge victorious from a conflict with that republic. .Germany, however, would give no similar undertaking with respect to trie French colonies. The integrity and the neutrality of. the Netherlands would be observed, declared the German note. The document had one important omission it made np mention whatever of the neutrality of Belgium. samcv. , Germany's proposals were unacceptable, and the British note, delivered by Sir Edward Gpschen, ambassador in Berlin, to Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg, said so. P. W. Forest well known representative of Kelly-flouglas Co.. Vancouver, was z passenger on bqird the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon returning south after a business trip tp the Yukon Territory and Northern British Columbia. FREE TROUSERS!! FREE TROUSERS!' For everybody who orders a syjt from the House of JMberjjn up to Augyst 3rd, ANY STYLE BJG SELECTipN FIT GUARANTEED Prices from $25.00 to $39.00 P.rdrr today! Only iye days leftl Measurements taken by LING, THE TAILOR Jjc cojid &ymyt. Cprorr across from Pout Office SATURDAY SCORES American League Cleveland 10-2, St. Louis 8-3. Detroit U. Chicago J. Boston 6-1. Washington 3-2. Ne.w York 3-2, Philadelphia 4jl. National League St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 5. Chicago 2, Cincinnati 11. SUNDAY SCORES National League 1 ' Brooklyn 2-0, Boston .$-1. (Chicago i-2. pncinnatl 5.-4. 1 Philadelphia 4-fi. fVey Yprk 22. j St. Louis's, Pittsburg 5. I American league pevndil'..uU. 1 New ycrk 3- Philadelphia . petrplt pfecsQ ih6- 1 The ocal basebaUers were out in full f,orce yesterday in preparation for tii? trip to Smithers this ppadfit week-end when they 111 tangle with the cream pf fjie Buikley Valley, it was the irst time jWs Rea son that a game had been played here and, ppnslderlrig the lack of practice, the boys .looked as UiQugn they might still show the Interior athletes a thing pr two. Today's er Terrace Clear, pajm, 8. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 8. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 55. StewartHCloudy. calm. 52. Hazeltpn Cloudy, palm, 56. Smithers Part cjpudy. calm, warm. Burns Lake-Part cloudy,, calm, 55 Of Festiye Air TERRACE, July 30: Saturday, July 21. to Monday. July 23, was a week-end all alive with the holiday feeling at Terrace. The railway had provided special excursion rate s and a large number of coast people took advantage of this to make the trip here. The .weather was all that could be wished for. Thoae who fancied it went swimming in the jvarm .waters of Lakelse or indulged in a pleasant time at boating and fishing. The hotel at Kalum Lake made special arrangements for visitors, 01 wnom a consiaeraDie numoer fpund their way there. In Terrace the Orange Hall was thrown open on the two nights where an augmented orchestra sup plied music for dancing. Father Bonlfacp, Roman Catho lic Church priest from Vancouver, after a visit of a week or so in the cjty .sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday evening on his return south. J. C- Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, sailed this morning on the Prinpess Louise for Skagway tnroute to the' Atlin district on an official inspection tour. Clarence Thomson, who has been visiting here fpr severaj weeks with his father. S. C. Thomson, sailed on the Prince IJunert Saturday evening for Seattle whence he will return to San Francisco. M. E. Collins, assistant general manager of the Northern Alberta Railways from Edmonton, and Mrs, Collin, ater a .weeje'g yislt In the city; sailed on the Prinpess Char iotte Saturday afternoon for yan coyver jvjience tjxey will return home. STILf, ON STRIKE CHICAGO, July 30: Not a single Hqw th trenu plane automobu; y-f'i stream .xc... u enveloping transportation is demonstrated in Uu.- UW h. and f.rin a;, compare-? . rne new streamlined modes of travi : us Uv ai. gj. the ia,; ' f 7 ll I The Letter Bqx Wpjw STATE JIJKLCTJON VX . Editor, pally News: yes, Mr. Editor, there must be a change. All common sense people agree with the conclusion of your editorial regarding the North Van couver election, but hqw is it to be? The prists Is nothing more or less than the finish of the old mode of capitalism wltlUts liberal economy. The social proDlem perplexes the politicians, absorbs and obscures politics. What is the way out? So cialism? No! It is in fragments the world over. What then? Briefly and clearly it is: Liberal economy, versus directed economy 1. The main problem of the modern state today, is distribution of wealth. It Is obvious that in order to do so, the state must intervene ifi priyae economy, discipline it. and dominate as rationally as possible the forces of the market, for the economic forces left to themselves can solve no .problem and will only increase chaos. 2. The modern state must cons-cienclously, become the centre of the economic reality and. with laws and regulations, establish the mobile equilibrium of prices, products and consumption so as to utilize the immense energies possessed by humanity and the natural forces and .exercise' them In the Interests of the national and world collectively. 3. The professional and trade categories constitute the realty of economic life. They, undisputably, fprm the rational management! 1 industry, therefore, the modern j state must organize them to become the super-democracy and! form the self-government of Industry. Labor of hand and brain must cease to be a mere instrument , of exploitation and become the sub-1 ject of the whole economic and so-! cial structure. i Mr. Editor, Russia shifted the means of life from private hands to ' the one of the state and obtained 1 not Communism but a capsized form of Socialism, namely, state' capitalism, but Is her social problem solved? Far from it! Have the advQcates of the C. C. F. reflected on that experience In socialization of industry? V. BASSO-BERT. Speaker Black Here Today On Way to Yukon Hon. George Black, Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, and Mrs. Black were passengers animal has been sold In the bigeest aboard the Princess Louise this livestock market in the.world since 'morning golngthrough to Dawson, the strike commenced several days They will spend Ihe summer in Mr. to. I Black's constituency cf the Yukon. 1 ... ; .pc- tf arrows v anu b tuit. TTERE'S "cooncerel for wtxm - weather. Crisp, cruocbr, puQeJ grsiot that will tempi jour ppttitc and supply the energy needed for ..L. ' a.lntm. I .u - Quaker Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice with fresh ev) (is fruic tberv'i nothing so delirious or refreshing. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 np 60 Rooms, Hot Si Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 HOLIDAYS For Adult? or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach t'Milnc. Itallilnit, lUitintnlPff, l'Irnl(-t. hrrtile l;rhr. Mixt pg J11 1 tie p.in. Unit 9 iyJly liirnMifJ coltacr pt Siuicnn K.htr For full particular apply MRS. DUNN Mrssett, Il.C. COFFEE De Ljixe Scrycd at All Time;? pf Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe THE DUNES For a Real Vacation Visit Tlell And Enjoy Fishing - Tennis - Bathing All the Comfqrta of Hpme Meals to Tempt Yput Appetite Special Catering to Children Milk to Prink Whenever You Wish Make a Foursome at Tennis and Take Advantage of Special Hates For Parties of Four or More 'rUe or Wire lor Reservations MADAMK UAJAUT, Tlel, f)XU. Sail on Prince Charles for Port Clements THK CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKLTINfi COMPANY OF CANADA, IJMJTEP TftAII.HRIfSII COLUIIHA Manufacturers of Producers St Refiners of ELEPHANT TADANAC Brand Brand CIIKSIICAL FERTILIZER ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium I'liosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superpbo plutes Complete Fertilizers .Lead.ZIno Cadmlum-Dlamutb