30. THE PAILT OTWg 1 tw-- lappff- - : P.valopig ''r WA TiKrWltia Printing movies! o Daily Service Films left in before noon finlsljed the same day. The Hesall Stare- QF THE TRIP make the fit n last Cf-IP a CinMvodik JEigbt J into jfhe Pocket of yopr car and you're ready to capture the weck-end'ii fun in movies you'll be proud to show. Expensive? Not a bit. Mov-lei qt a vr rage pcjvs-rccl length cost less than 10c a scene to make, and it's all so simple. Just aim the camera and press the button. Stop here and see this Cine-Kodak Eight. Ormes Ltd. i Pioneer DruqejistJ: Phones; II & aBcanssBsar Prevent Forest Fires Et ( FORESTS are a source of great revenue to the Province. B.C. FORESTS provide employment directly and indirectly for n large proportion of the population pf the Province, B, l . FORESTS provida a-sanctuary for, the wild life of the Province. B. f . FORESTS provjile a natural playground Jor British Columbians and visiting tourists. When FOREST FIRES OCCUR THE LOSS IS YOURS BE CAREFPL WITH FIRE IN THE WOODS B. C. FOREST 5ERV1CE - - - r-zr J 5" Tl FLOOR COVERINGS ' Wo nwi AnvM.Miw n crnnrl V.lfiptV of lilloleUm floor pnvurinrrs nnd Coniroleuni Ruire. Drop in and R fee the patterns and let us give you a price on covering your floor, GORDON'S HARDWARE K."i ta&aaua mmmmtMsmitmvMxutMTmxmsa rnxu trnzmsn tj Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNI0PJ STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver-T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.8.S. CAHDENA EVERY FltlDAX MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. kli mUiiu to Port 8iuioD, A1W Ann. Anros. 8lwMt md , Hlvr poinu. Lmtc ITlhc Rupfrt evndy. 8 pjn, Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at raiNCI Bl'rCRT AUBNOYi tlr4 A?no. rnoot We are Ulcer's. LOCAL NEWS NOTES still buying old lu. lire CfiUfivat had a call a' 3 40 yesterday afternoon to a lowing the destruction by fire last week oX the cold storage plant which hl company was using. sold. You can rent a Car at Walker, it; J an low as $1 a Jay plus 7c. a mile t; Qne pf Wit periodical trips to interior on official duties. TrfnlDH property which Mr. Camp-! 4:0 uraf- bell will Inspect for Interests which j officials called to Claxton on ac- unt pf the cold storage plant lire tefc Mr. McKay will return to Sylncf Rupert or steamer. Mlsa M. E. Easson, formerly of thl city and Xor the last several year resiamg in rercxojrougii. On.. arrived In the city on Saturday af ternoon's train In the course of a western vacation trip and is ihe guest of Mrs. J. w. McAuiey. FourUi Avenue Wet. Mis Easson is receiving a hearty wejeome back to Prince Rupert Xrom numerous old Xrlends. In the absonce Xrom the city of Magistrate Thomas McClymont. a. H. Munro J.P. and Indian Ageat W . Colllson shared duties In presid ing over city police court sessions this morning. Mr. Munro dealt with the following cases: Frank Fits-. gerald. driving a motor vehicle without licence plates. Xlned $10; John Hakalla. John Sepalla, Paddy Fowler and Tommy Woodhouse, lined $25. with option of thirty days' imprisonment. lor arunKcn- ness: John P- McCasklll. inree months' Imprisonment at Okalla without option of fine for his third ( offence this year on a charge oi drunkenness. Indian Agent Colllson fined Herbert Bryant, Indian, $23 and costs Xor having liquor In bis possession and Maude Venn, Indian, $5 and costs Xor drunkenness. Notice Taxpayers please note that Wed nesday. August 1st. 193. is me last day Xor the payment o: uen- pral Taxes to avola penalty. 177 Announcements Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 ana 11 Moose Hall ItENTAL KATKS Concerts 2500 2000 Dances Public Meetings IS-00 A room suitable Xor smaller meetings is now available on the ground Xloor. rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red .412. Ben D'3&rno returned to th chimney fire at the restaurant or city on Saturday afternoons trail. LouIh Rosa on Third Avenue. No damage was done. Jrom too. A a brief trip to Port Easing- Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace and M A. Uurbank. divisional engl- lamuy or Anyox, wno nave oeen i titer for tfce inaiHan National on a inp u wiwrei. n v- i Railways, return ial to the dtv on LsenRera aboard the Catala last ev- , Halitrriav ai timnnn'i raln from lenlne returning to the smelter ! Mrs. Sam Massey sailed this Mrs. M. Anderson pf Medicine ' morning on the Princea Louise Xor i Hat. who has been vlaltlne here Xor Ketchikan .where she will meet re- the Dart three weeks with Mrs. Theo laUves Xrom Scotland who are mak l Collart. FiXth Avenue West. Is leav- ing a trip to Alaska on an American ) tng by thji eyenlng's train on her uer. i return to her home on the prairie. I ' Miss Edith Walton returnei to I A O. Brueger. well known Wran- the ty on Saturday afternoon's gell XUh dealer, arrived In the city train after a trip as Jar as Wmnl- peg wtth her sister who was re- burping p the Qld .Country after from Alaska, being here on business !ne deiiverles havin a vIsIt here in connection with oX Alaskan fish which he Is making to Skeena River canneries. , " . " "5" tex. Ml Alice Spencer, whq have I Robert E. WWker of Edmund. & Walker came north ray af- accom. -" i J 1 ... C ...1 . U .1 1 I 1 J" VJ OIJCHW wu u ton. belnit there on Miss Evelyn Falrbaim of the student nursing staff of the Prince Charles M. Campbell weU known ;Rup1 General Hospital sailed on Vancouver mining engineer, and.? P P"1 8Jr nht K Dryburgh dlsembarkeo. from thePr the south. She will take up a 9 rriatnn vtrrtav after-1 course In tubercolosls nurs- nwn ,nrf MPro mri there bv Oco. ln at Tranqullle Sanitarium after she will to Vancouver VrlzzeU wfco ta taking them on np 1 go ;uenerai nospruu xor a aieteucs renretienta. ! ' iaJ"ui u ,-"uuilj1' i,cuiils,ui' , . who Is making a tour with motor- Johnny McKay, mechanic for the I cycle and sidecar, arrived In the Rupert Motors, left yeaterday for aicuy irom we east by train satur- flight to Vancouver aboard the Boe-!?ay aiternoon ana sanea wis tiig Xlylng boat which Xlew north morning on the Princess Louise Xor from Vancouver at the end OX the ' .eicmitan wuence lie ww proceea week 4tH rannirv and Insurance to vawez. Aiassa. He intenas to nae his motorcycle Fairbanks. from Valde2 to . P. E. Peterson, well known Van couver mining engineer, was a pas senger aboard the Princess Louise this morning going through to r)awson to pay a visit to property there In which he is interested. Mr. Peterson stated that he hoped be tore long to start operations on Fiddler Creek property near Pad XJc in which he is interested. "Build B.C. Payrolls' Surprise That Pleased 2ljMLlSJ A lady told that Pacific Milk adds enjoyment to a cup of tea took the suggestion with a little surprise. But when It flavored and pleased as promised, she ad mltted with appreciative candor that she had no Idea it would go In tea though she uses Pacific Milk in nearly everything else. Pacific Milk '100 U.C. Owned and Controlled'' PLANT AT ABBOTSFORO The Commpd9lre Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards Xree oX charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner .ui iff m t su m.-M lU i fishermen: Miners: Loggers: trunks and valises. Classified Ads FOR SALE MODERN House, close balance easy. Uart. FURNITURE Xor sale at Avenue near Fulton. in. 616 HAIRDRESSER $200 tx. 6th i ti! COTTAGE Near Salt Lake Xor sale or rent cpeap. ParKln. pnone ' " ' Black 148. 179 FOR SALE-rOarage building 50x40, on Third Avenue yjest. to oe removed. Apply Mitchell & Currie. (182) EIANO. cabinet radio, dining-room suite, carpet. Apply Mrs. O'Brien, 308 Filth Ave. West. Phone Red 403. 1TI PQR SALEHCxpwn Grant umoex land. Location Lakeise vauey, near Terrace. BC For Information write to Marchle B. Boyn-ton Box 187. Juneau Alaska. 187 FOUND FOUND In Xront oi Post Office Masonic lapel Emblem. Owner have same by applying to ony Police and tminz Xor this ad vertisement. PERMANENT WAV1NOI Ouster Cnrl; Latest Stylet NELSON'S BEAUTY BHOPPB PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging MoUer, Phone Red 802. NOTICE LAND REOtSTOY ACT Ret Certificate of Title iswi. to Lot 1004, said to contain acre", more or tm. Lot 1413. said to contain S18 acres, more or less, and Lot 134, said to contain Tl acres, more m- 1m All in Rime S. Coast District. wirmjr.AS woof of loss ot the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name nf rmMt Hellfaah and Alonao McDoa. aid has been Wed in mi ouicc. uuww U hereby given that I ahall, at the e-tlralkm ot one month from the date Of the riret publication hereof, tasu a provisional QrrtUlcate of TlUe In Mu nr mii lost certincate. unleAs In th( nvealvUtrw valid objection be made to in m'rltlnir. OATSD at the Land Registry Office. Princ Ruoert BX:.. this 23rd day of July. ' AD. 1934. I ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Reelstrar of TlUea. Adrcrtlie in the Doll Ni 'AGENTS WANTED i t ass ar.au .irvTB rava &a .a ywaaumai RUPERT TRADING Co, 1 Opens Opposite Rupert ICpmplete Stock of Merchandise THE J-Jt. WATKLVS COMPANY HAVE a very excellent opening in a nearby locality for an energetic man to handle the sale and distribution oX their well-known line of house-bold and farm products. Mut have car and a Bttle capital preferred but not abso-i lutely necessary. For lurther In-(XormaUon apply 1350 Hornby St., Vancouver. B.C. 173 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phon,e 177 Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tX MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Rlrer Fractional Mineral Claim, alt- uate In the AUln Ulntng DlTUlon ol Caviar District Located on left bank ot the TUlse- quah "RlTer. TAKE ritriius mat i. cn. "m aotlng & Agelt tor Tatu Mines Com-acting as Acent for TakU Mines Company Limited. Free Miners ceruneaie no. a-408d. intend, 60 diy rrora daxebereot to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a Certificate of Improvement for the purpoM of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under auction 65. must' be commenced before the Issuance ol such Certificate oi improvement. Dated wis zotn day ot Apru, ivit. H. McN. Fraaer. Agent. Etwt fork. LA NO ACT Notlre ot Intention to apply to rurrhae Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range four "Coast District, and situate about five mUes from the mouth of the Xhutze River on th Take notice that I. rredertck Shelly, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation mine operator. Intends to apply for perml. mission to purchase the following de scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on foot distance from the wttnedi post oc the West sld4 of Lot 172. tbence West erly 60 chains: thence Southerly 20 chains; thence Easterly 00 chains: tbence Northerly 20 chains and con tilnliur 100 arm. more or less. Dated 10th day of May. 1934. Tl.MKKK 3.U.E .'-i:il There will be offered tor sale by Auction at the office ot th District romrter at Prince Rupert, B. C at noon on the seventeenth tlTth) day of August 1934, the Licence X-17110 an uated al Powrtvco Bay. Lyell Island. CI . to cut 2.780 MBM Of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock. ProVld4 anyone unabl to attend the Auction tn person, may submit a sealed" tender to be opened al the hour of Auction and treated as one Lbld. Two years will be allowed for remo val of this timber. Particulars of ChW PoreeXer. Vic torla. Dlntrlnt Tottsttf. Prlnc RUtiert, of TUnger 'J. B. Soott, Lockeport, Q OX Hotel Men's and Wpmen's Ready-to-Wear ALL KINDS OF FOOTWEAR An invitation is extended to the people of Prince Rupert and surrounding ,dU-trict t.o visit this new store. We have a large stock and we propose U) .sell at such prices as wijl open Me eyes of the people anfi prevent tnern germing out oi town for their needs. We have a wide range of nien's and iypnjen's wear and shoes, We want to see you xyhen you pojne jn. $Iake ths your headquarters for purchases. Come in and see us and let us talk oyer your needs and. the prices you need to pay. We specialize in Leckie's Jogging ppots and. in clothes suited for your work and a)sp for your holidays. Railwaymen; You can't beat the prices we avp quoting you. tl Prince Rupert is going tp be busy pretty sooq K. We are prepared to meet the rush. Do not he misled fey anyone but cpme and see S i the new store, compare prices ana oe CQnyin.cea yve nav .me gu.uii, yuu uave a the money. Lret ps do business. TIMBER SALE X-UI09 There irtU be crflred lor aal by Pnb- Kc Auction t the otnee ol It District roreaier m pn&c Hupert, B. c. at Doon otx the seventeenth (lTtht day-Ot AUiTJat. last, we Licence Jt-iuu hi-tiate& on XyeU Wand." C.I, 16 cut 2,- C77 MUM oi spruce, cedar and Hem lock.. Provided anyone unable to attend the Auction m person, may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the .hour ot Auction. an4- treated aa oni bid. " Two yean yIH be alloved for jemo-al - " f-Particulars oX thU tlinber. of Chief Forester. .Victoria, District Forester, Prince Rupert, or Bsm&T J B. Soott. Lockeport; q.CJ. Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Rates $2.50 per day Special prices by the .week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars .write to R. XV. RILEY, TERRACE, B.C. When Coming to Terrace or Lakeise Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. Tp Greet You We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakeise Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, S3.00; fL50 per head additional. No. crowd too Wr. 'No Job too smalL PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY Summer Long.-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS. JQ0RESf So why not give that set its long needed overhaul now? phone Blue 320 and get the most oiit of your radio for this coming season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue k Third Stmt as, - m a i 2 3 4 3 3 a m JA S X 3 t a 3 r s 3 a 4 I'B 11.71 4 v