tct.e Crow. 1.44. L r j f Lagt-on. .34, M . ' b At Eastern, llVt'. Bru.'irne 15.75. D:.r- 300. l 17.M. Mdv-vre. 43.75. t takf hore. 50 00. T :r 1135. W- M Itargreavt 855. B'b n 5ti D.RX, 1.08. Vanroum Alexandria. .03!i. . lew. J01 V. B t Nickel. .70. n:j MUmurl. .30. Braiorne. 15.75. Bi cIrc rtlver Con .15. B. R X , 1.05. Bu't 1 XL- 13 Cailbou Quartz. 125. l?;n well. .14. Georgia River, .01. Hercules. .03'. '4. Indian, .03. Mlnto. .18. Meridian. .UV4. Morning Star. .14. Native Bon, .02. National 8vcr. .03. Noble Five, MVt. Tend Oreille, .58. I' r',er Idaho. .08. Trcmler. 120. Beeves McDonald, .13. He ward, .05. Reno. .88, E.iver Crest. .02. Ealmon Oold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .42. Wayside. .08. Whitewater, .OlVj. United Empire, A2. Uentonla. .45. New York Auburn, 17. Baldwin, 7l8. Borden, 24t. C P R., 12. Chrysler, 34t. Oeneral Motors. 20!i. Inter. Nickel, 24. U S, Steel, 35. BAR SILVER new YORK, July 30: (CP) Bar 8'lver was quoted at Wc per ounce n the local metal market today. Dr. Kurt SchuschniKg Succeeds Kngelbcrt Dolfuss as ChancellorI )isjrruntlcd Nazi Soldier Confesses Having Committed Assassination lor. Prince Er rut von SUrhembcrg wmmWRncerlr' AuthortUea today announced that Otto Planetta. dlserunlled former Army sergeant, dismissed because - Hif Nail sympathies, confessed to firing the shot last Wednesday uhlth killed Chancellor Dolfuss. Week End Developments Week-end developments in the Austrian situation Included Uie fol lowing: Great Britain. France and Italy, It was reported, might demand that Chancellor Adolnh Hitler dissolve the Lesion of Austrian Nazis In Ocrmany. Another wave of Italian troops Warted northward Saturday to support 48.000 now concentrated on the Austrian border. A strong police cordon was placed around the Ocrman embassy at Rome when a large crowd gathered, apparently bent on a hosUle demonstration. An official Belgrade communique lutely necessary lor Ausirw unu game. Hungary. Party of Buchanan Boys Going North Thirty Lads From Detroit and Else where In East Here lonay, Enroule to Alaka An "On to Ahska With Buchanan" party of thirty boys passed through the city aboard the rrln-m ionise this morning enroute north. It Is an annual excursion for nrrd hv Oeorge Buchnn nMmlt rnnltallst. The boys will H o. Vuikcr Is leaving on this go' Into the Atlln district and will MVBt,l...i. a i ... . ... ...t 1,K-iinri LONDON, July 30: (CP) Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, acting Prime Minister of Great Britain, informed Parliament today that there is no immediate danger of war in" Europe despite the difficulties and perplexities of the present situation. Later Sir John Simon, Foreign Secretary, reiterated that Great Britain has no present intention of Intervening to preserve Austrian . 1 Independence. from Austria . ' Report smn n n n Indicate that the smoke of civil A I I K V W war there U lifting and that a new) IV 1 lVLiUU war has been averted by the victory of Austrian government forces against the Masts. VIENNA. July 30: CP A new Austrian cabinet was arDolnted J aster clay with Dr. Kurt Schusch-nlgg, an ardent anti-Nazi, succeed ing Engelbcrt Dolfuss, as chancel IS DEAD Marie Dresler, Beloved Figure of' Stage and Screen. Passes Away Saturday Night Was Sixty-Two" .Middle Age is Bet Part of Life. She Fatuid Had Great Surcess Late In Life SANTA BARBARA. Cat, July 30: (CP) Marie Dressier, veteran Canadian-born stage and screen actress, who had been ill for the past two months wiUt a compllcaUon of diseases and whose recovery was despaired of some weeks ago, died here Saturday night She was 62 years of age. having been born in Cobourg. Ont. November 9. 1871. Marie Dressier was Hollywood's "grand old trouper," although the stage also claimed her for Its own. The veteran actress had been everything In the show world, from chorus girl to screen star. Although success came to her late In life and after years of bitter struggle. Miss Dressier made no cmphaUcally denied as without complaint of a long period or unem-foundation reports published ployment before she became a film abroad that Jugo-SIavlan troops sensaUon by portraying Marthy In were being concentrated on Uic "Anna Christie. Austrian frontier. , "Middle age is me dcs. par. u. Rumors were current at Steenoc- life," she said alter ccieoraung ncr kerzcel. Belgium, that Former Arch- sixty-second birthday. "You don't duke Otto von Hapsburger. pretcn- really begin to live or to appreciate der to the Austrian throne, and his Ufe until after you're 50." mother the former Empress Zlta,' "One of the most tragic and pltl-, r.-tMi to reach Vienna ' ful sights In the world Is a middle s,ortiy ,agcd woman who feels that life Is r,.n Ricmv. leader of the Hun- over for her. and looks and acta ac- garlan Royalists. In a statement at cordlngly. They are such fools. As Budapest on the Austrian situation, soon as their families are reared said that restoration of the Haps- ahd their hair Is turning gray, they burg monarchy had become abso- fold their hands ano give up mc "Why. if they only knew It. life is Just beginning for them. They can start living for themselves In- stead of thinking about omcr. people. Their responsibilities are over. I didn't really begin to live until I was 50, and I honestly feci : younger than I did at 25." I Born Leila Koerbcrg, Miss Drcss- ler's father was Alexander is.oer-berg, an officer In the Crimean War. Anne Henderson Koeroerg, her mother, was a musician. Miss Dressier spoke appreciatively of her Canadian birth and up- on Saturday the age of five In -'vmi.ho vrain 0n one oi ins per- dc nere . . .. i: . . Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 4:28 am. 19.2 ft. prince nupeiv vici, nun, ua- 17:00 p.m. 20.0 ft. ronieter. 30.zo; temperature, 7u; "'b Low 10:41 am 5.0 f. 'L if a smooth, 23:24 pm. 5.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIV No. 178. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JULY 30, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTO Vv NO DANGER OF WAR NOW IN EUROPE LONGSHOREMEN ARE RETUMING TO WORK DOWN COAST Austrian Situation Quietens Down As New Anti-Nazi Regime Takes Over Responsibility of Government Today's Stocks Toronto Cti"ai Patricia. ,M. ( i "-.uKamau. .10ft. l- Oi-ld i4. I Nickel. 38.40. Mi a.-SJ. 2 4J. N (nda 39.25. 8i;. n ttt Gordon, .69. Six- 2 60. 7 nipson Cadillac, .t5Vfc. ',:i.,re .78. i...t? Himn. .01. T k Hughe. 8.70. Baaln. 1.40. ...j a rio. 22. Sgi:er Gold. .23 tj. icjian Malartlc.. 63. L' if Long Lac. 6.60. A. j Rouyn. 12. f :'' ma. 354-. .. Gigantic Tennessee River Project The first airplane pictures taken of Wilson dam at Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee river, showing the dam and nitrate plants, are shown here. Top, the vast ouUay ..of plants downst&aim from the dam are shown, BeJow, a new of the-dam and nearby industries, with a lanre power house in foreground. The project, long regarded as a "white elephant", soon will be working for the people of the United State. Man Injured And Three Jailed As Result of Fight Harold Way is a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital suffering from severe injuries about the body and head and Victor Johnson, Domer Johnson and Ronald Phillips are appearing before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police Court this afternoon on charges of assault occasioning actual bodily injury as a result of a melee at Oceanic cannery early Sunday morning when, it is alleged Way was pulled out of bed by the three other men and attacked. All are cannery workers. The police boat was called out on account of the incident and brought he in Jurcd man as well as the three ac cused to the city. MONTREAL MAYOR HAS COALITION PLAN FOR c DOMINION IN CRISIS e MONTREAL, July 30: Poll- tical circles are buzzing with 4- discussion of a plan of Mayor Camilien Houde of this city for the formation of a coalition eovernment to administer Canada in time of crisis. Mayor f Houde was formerly provincial leader of the ConservaUve party in Quebec. FISHERMEN REACH LAND HALIFAX. July 30: (CP -Adrift on the Atlantic Ocean for more than five davs and given up as lost. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilding and nine fishermen from tne wrecked sin sailed on the Prince Rupert schooner Astrld W. reached Arlchat Saturday evening tor a vacation yesterday after rowing 120 miles in trip to Vancouver and Kamloops. a dory. Shipping Tie-Up On Pacific Coast Ends Pending Arbitration Stevedores Going Back to Jobs Although Other Marine Workers Arc Remaining on Strike Meantime x t T..l..or. rn rru.. XT.,n1 T . J I i IXJ M It ,1 . I I ,1 .1 1 1 I L I II . W I I III 1, .11.11111,11 1J1IIIL-' bringing, but on occasion sne ne-i un. .v . t. , t V ......... i. iih RiniM citizen-' slmm Board announced last nitrht that the lomrsnoroninn i : BALL PARK HASBLAZE Con Jones' Athletic Resort in East End of Vancouver Visited By Flames Yesterday VANCOUVER, July 30: (CP) The grandstand and other buildings at Con Jones' Athletic Park, at the east end of the city, were destroyed , by fire yesterday. The loss is placed at $35,000. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 102.000 pounds, 7c and 5c to 7.4c and 5c. Canadian 33.000 pounds, 5.6c and 5c to 6.3c and 5c. American Gloria. 13,000, 7c and 5c Cold Storage. Oceanic, 16.000. 7.2c and 5c, Paci fic. Friendly 17,000. 7.4c and 5c, Atlln. Rapp III. 9.000, 7.4c and 5c. Atlln. Bravo. 12.000, 7.3c and 5c Booth, j Strlus, 17,000 7.4c and 5c. Cold; t Storage. Gloria II. 10.000, 7.3c and 5c, Pa cific. Wabash, 8.000. 7.3c and 5c. Pacific. Canadian Morris H.. 13.000, 5.6c and 5c, Booth. Signal 20.000. 6.3c and 5c. Cold Storage. on the local foreign exchange market Saturday "d the United States ship with characteristic vigor. strike was ended and that the men would return to .wprk d0'i" Rtv?tc The actress' first ' ance was as cupld on m British Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange MONTREAL. July 30: The Bri tish pound sterling closed at $4.95i pnbU I dXTt tomorrow morning at all coast points pending arbitration SXSMi hnrrii thea- ,)f their grievances. Other coast marine workers remain pn the lopa, forelgn exchange mar- eB at mhnnnr. Cobourg. on strikeout it is G,pected that the tie-lip of the past tWO, kef Saturday and the Canadian odlcal business trips to Smlthers afternoon of next week aboard l,w,"2 Kurl months will shoi'tlybe completely romoVcd. nuu in nrr iiiiiin awit.M am flt wm .nil iiil isu 4v tuibviiui yutuwii riiiiiiw 'dollar at $1.01" RAINVILLE IS WINNER Captures Canadian Tennis Singles Title by Defeating Texas Op-. ponent Vancouver Women Doubles Champs TORONTO. July 30: (CPJ-Mar-cel Ralnvllle won the Canadian tennis singles title on Siturday, Ideating Hal Surface of Texas University. 6-3. 7-5. 6-0. Miss Caroline Deacon and Miss Sleanor Young of Vancouver won the women's doubles, defeating Mrs. H. L. Beer of Ottawa and Mrs. Hope Salmond of Toronto 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. Miss Deacon defeated Miss Young., 'n the all-Vancouver women's -ingles final 7-5, 6-3. U. S. STILL HAS CHANCE American Players Win Doub'es In Davis Cup Tennis Britain Saves Perry For Tuesday WIMBLEDON? Eng.. July 30; (CP) George Lott and Lester Stoeffen of the United States defeated Harold Lee and George Patrick Hughes in the" Davis Cup doubles today 7-5, 6-0, 4-6. 9-7 to give the Americans a fighting chance in the five-match series. The last two singles will be played tomorrow with Great Britain two matches ahead. It was decided to leave Fred Perry, the British star, for the singles competition and today's defeat was anticipated. German Textile Firms to Start British Plants LONDON. July 30: Nineteen German textile firms, after negotiations lasting three months, have been granted permission by Sir; John Gilmour, Home Secretary, to establish factories in Great Britain. Wheat Prices Winnipeg July. .86. October. .873i. December, .88 ,. May. .924. Chicago July. .99s 4. September. 1.01 'ii December, 1.02Ti. Time is Short For getting the most benefit from the price of $1.50 for - - The Daily News From Now Until Christmas Mtny have already subscribed. Every day sees a number taking advantage of the special offer. The best time to do It Is now I