AMI TWO OAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCK RUPERT - KKIT1SH COLUMBIA Published Every . Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PUULEN - - - Manttnr-EdlUr SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week ......-. By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - By mall to all other countries per year . . ADVERTISING RaTKS Transient display advertising, per lnch per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion , Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone . Adverlisine and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations TRIAL IS RECESSED Dr. Alice Wynekoop in Hospital and Heart Specialist Called CHICAGO. Jan. 22: Dr. Wymrkoop, 62-year old woman physician, was removed to hospital last week and a heart specialist called In following her collapse in the courtroom where she was being tried for the murder of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rheta Wynekoop. Her condition is described as dangerous. The trial was recessed until today and will probably be further adjourned. During the trial an officer fled that Dr. Wynekoop had made . a , statement , to him thai her daughter-in-law had died as a result of an overdose, of chloroform and that the shooting had occurred after death. BOMBSHELL IN HEARING Keimlion Sprung at Mrrllng Tariff Board by Holler Manufacturers' Representative JtUIDGE STANDING of OTTAWA, Jan. 22: A. R. Goldle. representing the boiler manufacturers of Canada, exploded a bombshell In a tariff board hearing here when he read a letter the purport of which was that consent of Page-Hersey Tubes Limited of Toronto must be secured before boiler tubes could be imported into Canada from Great Britain. f. Xk-';: THE DAILY NEWS Monday, January 22, 1934 8 SS -'I C Ail M.UV I Boer Farmer Is Calm About His Sudden Fortune Elandsfontein and sold it for $350.-000 plans to continue farming on a larger scale but first will buy himself a silk hat and frock coat, he says. MailScheduh for the Fast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pjri From the F.ast I i ' ' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days :.. ; 10 pjn. For Vancouver . Tuesday ....L 12:30 pjn. Thursdays "'. 9:15 pjn Friday v...:.....:.r 11 pjn Mondays, and - Wednesdays ibj train) L.Jk... 4:30 pji..: rom Vancouver Sunday . ' . . - pjn weanesaay io a.m. Friday p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (by train) 10 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday .,... 7 pjn, Wednesday 3 p.m. Basketball Standing Senior League W Orotto 2 ONJI.A. .2 Kalens 0 1 Ladles' League Cardinals .J I Comets i The standing of teams to date In 1 High School the Prince Rupert Bridge League! Intermediate League is as iouows: G. Grotto 1 Swlffs 1 Cold Storage 2 Oddfellows 2 High School 3 TU. Ave. Warriors J . 7397 1 7397 Merchants ;.;....!... 6697 697i Junior. League 10249 6125; Scouts .....2 0915 4958 Flashes 1 : Trojans 1 Advertise in; the pally News Scythians .0 L, 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 NEW LINES OF CITRUS I California Navel Orange In Ja maica Tanjrrines Popular Grapefruit Kxcrlleitt .10 i California navel oranges are now arriving in fine condition here and 3.0U 1 many good values In this fruit are 9.00 to be seen in local store. A short , supply of Japanese oranges was HQ cleaned up during the holiday sea-5tson, there having been no new 02 ; stocks since mid-December. Ja-. malca tangerines are a new citrus Mine to recently make their initial appearance here and they have I been proving popular and meeting i with ready sale. Considerable Ja- Monday Jan. 22, 1934 ' m:ilca erapefrult of good quality Is 7 being sold here. Florida grapefruit "" tne finest quality In years Is be- CAN ADA Oil RUSSIA "'mI- Calltotnia BrapfruU U As a result of the Imperial Conference and the pact that !TrA?' there the of timber from husna was signed imports toIneetlnf u1lh a Xalrsalf prlces United Kingdom are to be reduced m order that .Canada. in- a ntUe more reasonable than may benefit. tor some years. This Dolicv of favorinir Canada in the British market is supplies or Urittsh Columbia ve- workiht? out well for the Dominion and is one that should1" 'T ,rac"ai'f " u,e 0 ,. , 'mirirpt .!tH thA t-cii1t I Vint- nn v be followed up. Canadians cannot compete with the nus-' J sian cheap labor with its teribly low standard of living. at h, her Drlce& nriusn uoiumuia ami me utispaicn reuenuu oauuuii seems to indicate that the benefits to Canada will increase, at any rate so far as the lumber trade is concerned. EDUCATION FOR UNEMPLOYED Rather belated efforts are being made in the south to provide educational facilities for the unemployed, espe cially to the young men just out of school w ho are unable to secure employment. Turnips, 8 lbs. luce is available' We do not want to have to try to no it. ine preierentiaii Apples are now down to the win-j Empire policy gives this country a chance to keep up the-ter keeping varieties, eari.v line standard of living and provide a market for the British Irving ben pretty well cleaned up. Pnliimliin nrnrliinr Sn fnr it hns worker! nnt verv well for In th staP,e ,lnps- Prks: n 1 V....i. .1 iu o i 1 liave been lower for the past past few weeks. Butter Is very YegeUklet Potatoes, Ashcroft, 9 lbs. ... Back Potatoes, Uprlver, 10 lbs. ... Sack, $2.10 to Carrots, B.C., bunch 10 lbs. Sweet Potatoes, lb firm and flour Is advancing. j The tea market Is ejccepticnally firm with wholesale pricts higher and the retail prices expected to advance soon. An upward trend In the coffee market Is also expected in the near future and it U being suggested that now might be a .good time to lay In supplies of both Conditions in Prince Rupert are somewhat similar to! tea and coffee." . . m It i 1 1 - ' - I those m the soutn. it some system 01 tecnnicai evening ntun prices currer.: here are as schools could be worked out it would be of trveat advan- follows: tage to the young men who find themselves in such an unenviable position. At present there is a night school operating in the city but a charge is made for tuition. For the unemployed tuition would have to be free. Whether anything could be done to meet the situation we do not know, the department of education is ready to meet the local authorities in the matter of contributing to the cost. Parsnips npriver washed, C lbs, Celery, Cal., head .25 2.50 .25 2.40 M 25 .10 i Spinach, imported, lb. 14 Cauliflower, lg Imported. j each. 25c to 25 Vegetable Marrows, lb .01, JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, 'Spanish Onions, lb 10 i Jan. 22: (CPJacobus Jonkher,-Beets, bulk, 8 lbs. 25' AiiceBoer farmer, who last week dls-1 parsley, bunch .07 ' covered a 726-carat diamond near .25; 25! 20 Apples Wagner, 4 lbs. 25 Box 1.75 Spitsenberg, bulk, 4 lbs. .25 Box - 1.85 Rome Beauty, fancy bulk, 4 lbs. 25 Box - 1.85' Delicious "C" wrapped, 3i lbs. 25 Box 2.C0; ' Fancy wrapped, 3 lbs 25 Box Bulk, 32 ,Cox .... ... lbs. Cranberries, lb. Hour Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat Second Patent Pastry Flour,. 10 lbs. 45c to . Aust. Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. ... Honey 2.75 25 2.25 Yellow Newtons "C" irade, 3i lbs 25 Box 2.60 Fancy, box 2.60 Wlnesaps, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. .25 Box 2.80 Fruits 1 Cal Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to .75 Lemohs, Cal., 002. 25c to J5j Orapefrult, Cal., 5c to r. 10 1 Jamaica Grapefruit, each Cc to .14 : Florida Grapefruit, each 12c to .15 Tangerines, Jamaica, doz .40; Rhubarb, hothouse, lb. .15' Bananas, lb .15; Emperor Grapes 20 25 j 1.85; 1.70 j .50 1 25 Kxtracted Honey, per Jar 208 to .30 Comb Honey 25 wnjie, iuu ids 7,7s Yellow, 100 lbs 725 Eggs B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 34 Local new laid, dot, 42 Fresh Seconds 2i Preserved Extras, dot. JO Btter Fancy cartoned, lb 2i No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs, ,94 1 tard I Pure, lb, 17c to JO A Brilliant Save A brilliant save during the game a'. Stamford Bridge rrcently between Chelsea and Man -hMor City Scenes like this are common In Old Country sorter Ncmindei must be right on their toes to block the efforts of enie rprlsin ? forwaros who need little urging to snap up every opportunity thai comes al jng wuh cup ties due to get under way in the third round Old Country fans are in for many thrills surh as the one depicted above. B00KMAKING j IS GENERAL' More Than Thousand in "Business" In Toronto, Sportinf Club Head Says urusseiis eprouis, jo m TORONTO. Jan. 22: A. M. Or Brussells Sprouts, Cal, lb. 18 1 pen. former sporting club head. Onions. 8 lbs 25 stated in an interview that, when Leeks, bunch .05 j he started In the "booktnaklng bu- Oarllc, imported, per lb .35 siness" more than forty years ago. Cabbage, B.C.. lb .06 he was the only one but now there Cal. Head Lettuce, Sc to . .12 are more than a thousand books" in the city. This, he claims, accounts for the current situation among gambling houses. SPORT CHAT New York Rangers took tempor ary exclusive possettlon of first place- in the American Division of the National Hockey League by winning a shut-out victory last Thursday night over the Chicago Black Hswks with whom they had been tied for the supremacy. The Detroit Red Wings played a draw with the Montreal Maroons at De troit and Joined the Black Hawks In a draw for second place In the American Division standing. Deciding on Standard Baseball Officials of both American and National Baseball Leagues met in North Philadelphia to study the old anc the new baseballs, Left to right William Harrldge president of the American League; John N. Heydler, president of the National league, with the old and new baseballs, while visiting a sporting goods plant North Philadelphia Saskatoon Hockey j England Wins Over j? Ouakers Suffpr First t Tour at I In nil 4 of Defeat Berlin Cardiff Saturday Aggregation CARDIFF, wales, Jan. 22: (CP) England defeated wales by a score nf nine tn nnthlmr on S.lturdnv In BERLIN, Jan. 22:-Thc touring' thc fIrst rrgular international Saskatoon Quakers, Canadian hoc- rugby malcn of tne scaso before key team, suffered their first de- a crowd of mty tnousand pcrsons feat In the course of their Euronean , tour yesterday when they were' beaten by a Berlin team Uirec to ! one. ; AdrertUe In the Dally News BRIDGE 1 January 25- Grotto e. Swift vs, Cold Storage. I O, D. F THREE WAY PUCK DRAW Chicago, Rangers and Detroit Even Terms For Leadership of American Division DETROIT. Jan. 22: CP As a I result of week-end play. Detroit Red Wings, New York Hangers and Chicago mack Hawks are now In a three-way tie for first place in Uie American Division of the National Hockey League. The Red Wings defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs here last night while the Black Hawks played draws on Saturday and Sunday nljht with Toronto and Montreal Maroons respectively to draw up with the Rangers who last to the Canadlcns ut Montreal Saturday night after having been temporarily in the lead. The Americans defeated the Boston Bruins in New York last nlyht 10 advance to even terms for Uilrd place in the International Division with the Montreal Maroons. Week-end score were as follows Satnnlay (la ran New York Rangers 4, Canadlcns '5. Chicago 2. Toronto 2 Detroit 4, Ottawa 5. Sunday Game Toronto 2. Detroit 4. Boston 2, New York Americans 4. Montreal 2. Chicago 2. Hockey Standings International Ditt'len W. D. L. F. A. r. Toronto 17 e 5 102 52 40 Canadlens 11 4 12 50 5 28 Montreal 8 8 II 51 C3 24 Americans 9 6 12 CO 70 24 1 Ottawa 8 5 14 60 74 21 American l)ivlin Chicago 11 8 9 48 42 30 Rangers 12 0 9 54 50 30 Detroit 13 4 10 &9 63 30 Boston 9 3 18 55 72 21 jLegion Wins In Billiards Two Deferred Games flayed at End Of Week to Complete Last ThrMlij Fixture Two postponed games from last Thursday night's Billiard League fixture between Canadian Legion and Grotto were cleaned up at the end of the week giving the Legion m aggregate victory of 1117 to 1033 to retain its supremacy in the second half of the season standing The individual scores for the two deferred games were ns follows: Alex Murray, Canadian Legion, 132; George Howe, Grotto, 200. Alex Harvey. 200; Bert Morgan, 134. The second half standing to date Is as follows: O. TU. Ave. Canadian Legion 2 2270 1135 Empress 2 2209 1 105 Elks 2 2177 1089 Orotto 2 2144 1072 Billiard Averages O. 8. D. Macdonald G) 2 M. McLachlan (Em) 2 J Sutherland (Emp) 5 P. Prltchard (Em) 8 D. Brown (G) 8 J. May (O) 8 Roy Fog (El 2 J. Judge (CD C. P. Balagno Elka C. Baptie (CD W. Wllllscroft (Era) O. P. Tinker (CD M. M. Lamb (CD ... J. Dohcrty (Elks! . J. Saunders (Elks) B, Morean p) L. Raabe (Emp.) ... H. Menzle (Elks) A, Harvey (CD A. Murray (CD ... M. E, Young (Em) E. Morris (Elks) A. Beale (Emp) W. Lamble (Elks) . A. Zadaroskl (O) .. 8 8 6 8 6 6 E, Batt (O) 8 a. Howe (Gi 7 F. Aldrldge (Em) 8 W. Stuart (Elks) 8 C. Youngman (CD 7 1. uuiKi-t iblUf . .0 i" f 1' 117 1 n 1 iW. E. Hutaon IO) 0 T earn is Defeated Wales lies in in Rugby Kuebv at at iw nance cl i TU. Ave. 400 200 400 200 989 198 1572 197 1550 194 , 1540 193 386 193 1 385 193 ! 1338 192 j 1534 192 1144 191 1529 191 1122 187 till 185 1470 184 1283 183 1450 181 1432 179 1245 1781 1412 177 1038 173 172 172 1210 169 1329 108 160 100 1308 104 1132 102 1127 101 1200 161 1C0 1C0 305 153 287 144 138 138 IflLLIAMI) SCHEDULE January 23 Grotto Vs, Elks, January 25- Legion vs. Empress. m 1 934 It's Time to Itcptacc (he Hnrd Worked TUBES In Yoiir Radio Don't Take Our Word For It See Them Tested At No Cost to You Kaien Hardware SatKfartnrv Place to Shop PHONE: 3 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs moun ted in any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaran teed first class. FURS MADE UP Wrile For Prim K. Dix, Taxidermist Tr rrare, H.C. S. It. s. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY 0:00 Baron Manchau; . KOMO, 7:00-South Pole Broadly KOIN, 8:00-Moonllght on the Pu f lc, CFCN. 8:30-- Thc Northern Me & ti ger. CFCN. SUNDAY 0:0-Scvcn Star Revue. KOIN 0:00 Patience. Ollbert ai: . Sullivan. CFCN. CRCV 7:30HaII of Fame. KOMO. B:S0--Britlsh-Amerlcan O! History. KOMO. MONDAY 7:00 Carnation ProRrarn KOMO, 7:30 -- Deml-Tasse Revue KOMO. 8:30Flrrtbne Hour with R! chard Crooks. KOMO, 9:0O Side Show. KOMO, and Remember We offer you t modern, efficient and re. liable Radio Krrvlre 1. ,, Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320 33C 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone XS4 FRESH MILK AND 'CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone C57 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and BulUey Valley Coals arc guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. t Bulkier Valley, we ;lv sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co.( (I rhones 158