PAGE FOUR Accept Times are still bad but they will be better soon. As long as conditions remain like they are today we shall continue to sell our footwear at away down bargain prices. We have just received a large shipment of Leckie's Boys', Misses' and Children's Boots in oil tan chrome leather tops, solid leather soles. Every pair guaranteed and stamped by Leckie. Also men's work boots, solid leather soles, oil tanned chrome leather tops, absolutely waterproof. We also have a big assortment of handmade logging boots made by Storey & Campbell and Paris. Men's, boys,' youths,' women's, misses' and children's rubbers guaranteed. 35 LESS THAN ANYWHERE IN THE CITY Come in and inspect our stock. All rubbers are bought from Goodrich and Miner the best makers in Canada. Ski Boots Men's and Ladies' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. So better values than this have ever been seen In Prince Rupert. WOMEN'S CUT RATE SHOE ECONOMY SPECIALS PRUNES 30-40 25c ; 2 lbs iKLIM 77c i : 1-lb. tin HAPPYVALE SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES 29c per quart INSTANT POSTUM 49c large, per tin GRATED PINEAPPLE 2's 25c (a real buy), 2 tins PILOT BREAD 49c 3 lbs TOASTED CHEESE THINS 13c per pkg MINUTE TAPIOCA 13c per pkg CORN STARCH l's 19c 2 pkgs. MANY FLOWERS SOAP 25c 4 for : TOILET TISSUE Large 32c Reg. 15c, 3 for FELS NAPTHA SOAP 7.0 per carton MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' M7-19 Third Avenue West P.O; Box 575 Phone 18 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Dockt Total capacity 2I,0M tn( Shipbuilder an& Ship Repairer fr Bteel and Wood Vessel lrn and Bra Caiting Ileetrlo and Acetylene Welding II-Ub Derrick for Heavy LIIU lawmlll and MlnlngMachlnery Repaired and Overhauled Overshoes Special, Women's Rubber Overshoes, a clearing line QQr OUK, regular $1.95, at Salvation Army Revival Made Larfife lVleetini?S 5 O Another Eood-slzed crowd was In ii.. ... . auciiumitc ai. me oaivawuu nimy revival meeting last Thursday night when Capt. A. Coxson, local 1 commandant, was the SDeaker. The I campaign continued Saturday night with an Illustrated lecturey , Staff Captain Joseph Acton of! ,Wrangell and was brought to a J icuuciusiun wun special meetings Sunday. Canada's fertilizer law, enacted in the year 1922 and amended In 1928, comes under the criminal code of Canada and Is effective all over the Dominion. "TILLIE THE TEU ME THAT VAI IMDQVM AMp m i if- ' Script Zippers Special, Women's Black and Brown highest grade Cash mere Zippers 1.95 regular $2.95 at STORE Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert M. M. Nichols and H. P. Cahlli, Vancouver; W. Lalng, Victoria; A. (Sinclair, ss. Albirtollte; H. B. j Thomson, Blake M. Wilson and W. ' H- Benolt, Vancouver; M. Martin, jSmithers. Royal O. E. McQuarrle,. D. H. Burrows and - Mr and Mrs, C. O. Stevens, Vancouver; L. Bonduk, Phelan; A. Bourgeois and Ray La bo, C.N.R.; A Carlson, Ottawa. Central J. Hadland, Oona River; Charles Wilson, Smlthers; A. Laughlln, A, E. Sykes and P. Mace, Vancouver. KODert ar.ruDsaii, wno nas Deen i .TE DAILY K2W3 Monday, Jumry 22 111? MELODRAMA LOG CAMP MONDAY and TUESDAY Wednesday & Tburdj,1 ON SCREEN STRIKE ON TWO Admission SHOWS 13c 7 St St 50c 9 "Penthouse" 5 I of the masquerade. ! " Others in the cast include Halli- r well Hobbes, David Torrcnce. Helen ' Jerome Eddy and Creighton Hale. Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei iTiesaay cataia l :30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 pjn.' Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.tii. I Ss. Cardena mldnlghl rom Vancouvei j Sunday ss. Cataia ...... pjn Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 ajn, Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide .. pjn . Ss. Cardena pjn For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Cataia 8 pjn Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Cataia ...11:30 a jr. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert . ... 8 p.m for Naas River ana Port Simpon- Sunday ss. Cataia 8 pjn. Prom Naas River Si Tort Simpson Tuesday ss. Cataia .... 11:30 ajn 'or Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Cataia, 1:30 p.m. : Thurs.i-S3. Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. ' Friday- Prln. Adelaide 10 pjr ' '"rom Ocean .falls Wed. si Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. J ' Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide p.m. S. Cardena ip.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 17 and 31 ss. Pr. John ajn. From Alaska from Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena p.rr With a fair-sized list of passen gers, Union steamer Cataia arrived In port at 6:30 last evening from ) Vancouver and waypolnts and i sailed at 10 pjn. for Anyox, Stew-' art and other northern points! whence she will return here to-1 morrow and sail at 1:S0 p.m. ror the south. Capt. A. E. Dickson, veteran coast mariner. Is back In, command of the Cataia after having taken his annual vacation' ashore In Vancouver, being re ( What Did A.T - S. THe OH. MO- I paying a. visit to Vancouver for the Heved by Capt. James Flndlay. past several weeks, returned to the j. city from the south on the Cataia' Buttercups are strongly acrid last evening. 'and blister the mouths of animals, TOILER" wjoicic ABOUT THE Bl-CVAJ GOT THE you RXiM D . a tm lis VAIWA MATT6B. V r ,r l pAPeraa-1 nopri 4 i. i ' m f '.Masquerader," Featuring Konald Colman in Double Kole, at Capitol Theatre A famous stage melodrama comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week in "The Masquerader" with Ronald Colman, playing a thrilling dual personality role, heading an excellent cast The story is that of a young Ca-. nadlan Journalist who, finding that! I'rovncial Police Officers Arrive at Nicholson, Ont as Loggers Depart SUDBURY. Ont.. Jan. 22: Nine he is the living Image of his dlssl- lumber camps of Austin and Nichol-pated drug-crazed cousin, an Eng-1 son Limited at Nicholson who went llsh politician, agrees to assume on st?lke a week ago Sunday have the latter's place during a great cri- arrived at Chapleau and It was rx-sls. An adoring wife, played by El-' pected that a total of four hun-lssa Land!, and a Jeal6us mistress ' dred would have reached here by whose part is taken by Juliette j today. The strike Is still on. Compton, take part In the exposing MR. NAJOIIM- r T V. a I 1 1 CHECKlnia UP TO SEB SUPPUC?J LA. provincial police officers from this, district have gone to the scene of the lumber camp strike near Nicholson and six more constables from Haileybury subdivision have been brought bere Meanwhile. 125 men from the This 'Hospital-Tested' Remedy Is Needed By 'Tired' People You may be one of those very numerous people who feel tired out. always exhausted, run-down, nervous. If so, the trouble probably Is that there Is not enough vital oxygen being carried from the lungs or enough nourishment from the digestive organs to build body cells normally and to clear the system of poisons. In a word, you nave a low blood count." and need a tested restorative. Thousands of people have this condition without knowing that It can be quickly and easily corrected. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is a "hospital-tested" blood builder that will benefit you as It has helped others. A recent "blood-test" clinic of 40 people at a leading Canadian hospital furnished scientific proof of the remarkable efficiency of these pills in restor-, lng health, strength and vigor. Among the 40 people who were volunteer, tested patients, was a young woman whp was In evident need of a blood-builder. Her blood count was low. the red corpuscles i being not only too few In number I but also too small-ln size, and the ; haemoglobin also was below normal. Although, she didn't know It, these were thejbause of her cx-: hausted feellnp; lack of pep, ner-1 vousness, lmpah-ed appetite. With 39 other patients she was given Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a period of five weeks. At the end of that time, this young lady's blood tested 10 per cent, higher in haemoglobin, the red blood corpuscles were greatly "increased In number and were of normal size. She had lo$t her "always tired" feeling and her nervousness, her appetite was sharpened and she was feclina full of pep and energy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had restored her blood stream to, a normal, healthy condition. It had done as much for the other patients. It will do as much for you. Your druggist has this "honl-tal-tested." proven blood-builder. Start vour treatment today. At all dru?8lts 50c a nackagc. Authentic renort of this case, certified by the hospital pathologist, is on file. Mac Learn? f vai6'(2S . I H-M- IBbg . -V. lime 'J6 fzrvr GOT -VAJBU.I I II AM TO -w- . 1 A I ' . lOH a, )TO MR T74k If The Missing Paper ,-.Jt- kkpkkkHkFki I I kkkm -KS-N irl aTOc: I M V ,.irV wrm iii-i i vj m i i n iti . i i i mi. i ... i,.i., iw n tw i i i i r ry gf0 THE MYSTERY MAN OF THE SCREEN AT HIS ItEST Ronald Colman in "Masquerader" With Our Own ELISSA LANDI. A United Artists Release (7:10 L J:j-j II ,tflilvffl Pain hv f.lvlnr I. If. A I'anlakllf a lit ci, ' J Musical Comedy "SEASONED GREETINGS Cartoon -nUDDY'S DAY OUT Novelty TKEClSlo.y Potlatch to Pulpit" Henry Pierce been creatine such tnl Interest, which Is strictly limited. about local people and placet. $1.50 Tribal Customs. The Comlnc of the Men. The Work and Influence Among the Coast Indians. Sale Only At ' AND STATIONERS flttner Block Prompt Attention. Ittpald, "j "From a s Hy William The new book which has and the edition of Written by a local man Price, Down Many Trails. Old White Alan. The Old Medicine R of the Missionary m tm m For tm m m u PRINTERS w m m mi llowii Stairs Mail Orlrre OUen la Coal Minl'lieac! Efeg Coal Minf-'head Uimp Coal Penibina Egg Coal Stove Coixf . , ...... Goal in Dry Shed HYDE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A IIO.MK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up Ml Rooms, Hot At Cold Water Prince Rupert, D C. Phone 281 P.O. IJox 199 t-00Mc5 TALK Prices j $12.30 $12.50 12.00 i $11.50 anil Delivered Dry TRANSFER-PHONE 580 HO A DaOhO . . . . 1 f vmoob MrwMN . ABU .iy I PlMtSMBO so A J ftfcApma tt V L i I ii. tern i in t Central Hotel . American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 By Westover.