Monday January 22, 19U ,xbx daily mnn ".ii L.J Famous "Mate" Bound For England Theo Collart returned to the city on the Catala last -fvenln? from a! ll LOCAL NEWS NOTES two-week' trip to" Vancouver. i . t j'.c. Aairr: K'Tple: : jorkey. teeuing his w & Mate aboard toe 8S B icr..iria. on rou.e to i wiicrc the famnus tHir'H!hbrd mil le iw ii in action on turf Ormes ltd. 77fir. Piontcr DrtAqejists fhr Retail Store rhonrs: 11 t SI Writing Pad and Envelopes Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder and Klcnzo Touih Itruslt Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder and Jasmine Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each This new har contains the vitamins equal to one toaspS-on&ful of COD LIVER OIL Get This Antiseptic Special Mi ;n Mouth Wash, regular 10c Mi 31 Tooth Paste, regular 50c Mi HI Shaving Cream, regular 25c The Three For 82c UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER nrara rv rw All Meals PROM PRINCE RUPERT 3u"" RETURN nnd Off OC Bertn FROM PORT SIMPSON OD03 RETURN Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver lso apply from Intermediate point. Tlrkrls.on Rule Between November 10 anil "V 2 1H3I Inclusive Good to llehirn Up to March 31, 1931. Children Half Fare STKAMI US I.KAVK rillNCK lUtPl.ItT Altlt. VANCOUVER SS. CATALA TUKSDAY, 1:30 P.M. TIU'R-SDAY, P.M. SS. VI'.NTimr. ntlDAY, IS MOT. MONDAY, A.M. Tickets and All Information From 'flnce Rupert Agrhi, U. M. SMITH. Third Ave.. Phone 5C8 or .Pursers S.8. Calula nnd S.S. Yen lure Basketball tonight 7 o'clock. VVe buy anything in cold. Premium priori. Max Helibroner, jeweller. W A. Laughlin, A. E. Sykes and P. Mice arrived In the cttv on the Catsja tact evening to Join the tfry Miss Frances Cummlngs of the; I Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Uo. ! Office stafj, who has been on a 'vacation trip to Vancouver, rc-I turned to the city on the Princess A6elalde Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Smith, who! operate the well known Klrmess curio and souvenir shop at Skag-1 way. were passengers aboard thej Princess Norah Saturday going! through for a trip to Seattle. I Much Interest was taken by local people in one of the items In the Mctrotone news reel at the end of the week In which Premier T. D. Pattullo was photocraohed and epoke In connection with assuming the premiership of th- province. The retiring Premier. Dr. S. F. Tohnle. was also shown extend-, in? his congratulations to Pre-: mler Pattullo. ! Richmond Mortimer, called home on account of the death last week !of his father, the late E. H. Mor timer, pioneer real estate broker and Insurance dealer of this city. arrived on the Catala last evenine I from Vlctorvlllc. California, where i lie has boon for the past few .months visiting with his brother-i in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs. Paul Yclton, while rccupcrtiUng ! from a recent serious Illness Jones' Family MEAT-MARKET Phone 1).")7 Pot Roast of Bit-f per lb. Boiling Beef 3 lbs. Prime Rib Rolled per lb. Lamb Chops 3 lbs. Pork Chops 3 lbs Stew Lamb per lb Leg of Lamb per lb. Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Stew Beef, 2 lbs. Kidney, h Liver. 1 lbs. Kidney. 1 lb, Leg of Pork per lb, Shoulder of Pork 4 lbs. Phone 957 10c 25c 18c 50c 50c 10c 20c 14c 25c 25c 18c 50c it mmrvturmKWKB mm mtm m n Toe H bridge Jan. 23. Win the mystery prize. Vj F. Patterson, well known Porcher .Island mining man, who has been Mrs. Herbert Omon anc cautn- Announcements Hums' ItanaueL Preshvterlan SffTTTluiatiiKft Clmttl Hall. January 25. Elks' Dance. Friday. January 26. United Choir Concert, Jan. 2G. Scotch Dance Seal Cove Parlsn Hall, January 26. Vardcn Piny January 20. Prince Rupert Badminton Club aancc, Elks' Home. Friday, February 2. Annual St. Valentine dance. Cambral Chapter. I.O.D.E.. Feb, 14. Pioneer's Banquet March 9. Moose Hall Monday. 22nd lUsketball games commence 7 pm. Artmllon iia and 10c. Tuesday. 23rdClinpter 211. Women of the Moose, meets. Installation of officers. Wednesday, 24th Moose Lodge meets. Thursday. 25th Basketball. Boost Prince Rupert Sport i J f . Thrie boys of Juvehne age, wno pleaded guilty a week" previous to charges of discharging firearms! i within the city limits, appearing before Magistrate McCiymont in, city police court Saturday after-' ion a trip to Vancouver, returned noo or sentence. Ttiey were or-' Mr and Mrs. John Clausen and 'to the city from the south on the J dered to pay damage occasioned Mr and Mrs. E. Pcderscn. who Catala last evening. jby shooting at street lights, am- have been on a trip to Vancouver, ountlng to some $3 each, and al-' returned to the city from the south Charles Hattrick, well known I lowed to go with a warning. , tn the Catala last evening. Ketchikan merchant, was a pas-' ... .. sender aboard the Princess Norah Tom Olanacos. Juneau restaur- Saturday going through for a bus- nnt nnrwwiMj-ir wri rmopnter ineSS Uln to Seattle. ! - r tr' . t - aboard the Pri? Norah Satur- "T day going through on a trip to Capt. W. P. Armour, head of the j ' Want Ads Seattle. Armour Armour Salvage Salvage Co, Cp, who who has has been been UtUt C a l C on a two-weeks' business trip w' R hard ilarde&stle, well known Vancouver, returned to the city rpecial . ..u.-..v. - w-J"" u"' w" WJl ers and female. $4 and $5 pair Norah Saturday going through on u trip to 8?attle ' J 4 re throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on M W VapoRuh Sister Mary Desttheus of St j Anne's Roman Catholic hospital at i Juneau, was a passenger aooard the Princess Norah Saturday going j through on, a trip to Victoria. Roller Canaries. Sing- Ship any distance. Rand Block. W. Huston, ter of Stlietatc vfn have been;F'011 SALE Large circulating vlrithrg In the city for the past! heater, store and window electric two weeks, sailed by trie Prtnc.-l lighting fixtures and two show Jchn last Friday on their return cases. Rose. Cowan It Latta. tf to the Queen Charlotte Island,. gALEl fX)R Htw. Mrs. D. C. Schubert, who was called to AimUrong recently on account of tt e serious illness ana rubtequcnt death of her mother, returned to the city from the Ok-anagan town on the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon. More than thirty-six hours behind schedule owing to having been delayed on the way north by heavy tnowstorms, CPJt. steamer Princess Norah. Capt William Palmer, dock staff here as steel workers or . finally arrived In port at 9:30 Bathe steamer Prince George repair turday morning from Skagway and Job. otter northern points and sailed an hour later for Vancouver. For Miss Nellie Worn;, well known i many hours northbound, the ves-tocal Chinese girl, returned to thelsey lay at Juneau waiting out a (city on the Princess Adelaide Fr: storm. She had 37 passengers on day afternoon from a trip to Van- boarc. on her arrival here from the ruuYrr, accoinjraiuru uj- ncr uro- none iwu aisemoanung nrrr t tner. j while three boarded her for the 1 south. "Build ItC. Payrolls An Effort Rewarded rHiJi The perplexity of our long trials! to make vacuum packing possible Is more than rewarded when a grateful mother writes to tell us that an ailing child has ceased to suffer and has found health through Pacific Milk. We might add. for mothers wish to know, that vacuum packing retains the needed vitamlnes which their children's growth requires. Pacific Milk '100 It C. Owned and Controlled, PLANT AT AnriOTSFORO foundland pups. Ideal pets fo. children or sleigh dog. Apply Oordon L. Little, Terrace, B.C. 23 FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment for rent! Phone Red 444. 20 ' VERNON Apartments housekeeping rooms, newly renovated, 141 ' 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. FOR RENT Newly renovated flat I central, 3 larje rooms and bath, I private entrance. Including hat,j hot water, electric range. Phoni 4S9. l& nAIRORESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BFAUTY KHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar, jackpir.e. Furniture moving, tf FOUND FOUND Keys in case. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this PAINTERS in Mtonxii: I -1 P AINTINO and Paperhanglng Holler. Phone Ree 802 MMSaSWSSaSWBWSMSMSMSSMSMSSMSMSMi Court of Revision Prince Rupert Assessment District NOTICE IK HEREBY CIIVEN that Court of Revision nd Appeal uiicrth :v:o. ct tha Taxation Ar- i n-.rnln:nit thmcf ur.d "Public S.-hco'.s Art" ipectlcg the roent rcll f:r tbe Prtnce Rupert A- "m'nt D' '.rtot for the year 1934, will fe held lit the Oour House. PrlnreRu-c. B.C.. en 'WMBeWay. the lth Any of February. 1034. at 10 o'clock in the J. C. UrLEJWAJf, " Ju> of the Court ol RertsJon and Appeal Da'rd at Prince Rupert. DC. January 17th. 1934. in ruoiim: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IX THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACr and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACOB ADAM KLICKER, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Order of W Honor. W. K. rtoher. the 17th day of January. A.D. 19.14. I wa appotnU-a Ad mlnktrator of the estate of Jacb Actum Kllckcr. dtceiwd, and all pamen hav-lng claims atint the aald estate are hereby required to furnish, aame. properly verified, to me on or before the 23 nd day of February. AX). 1934, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount oX their Indebtedness to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR. Prince Rupert. BC. rutwl the 22nd day of January. AX. 1934 n the prrne Caurt f BfllUh OJiiinhlii In I he mailer of the ".IdiulnMriUon Art" and In the mutter of the r.-tate of Miliim Taianu, Heaeil. Inlrllr TAKE NOT1CK that by order ot till ikmor W. E. Ftoher. the 5th day of Jamiary. A.D. 1934. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate ot Rhlruw Takuma. deceased, and all partlea hat-lnf( rlalma against the said estate are hereby required to ftirnlsh aame. pro- verified, to me on or before the rerly th Uy of retomary. A.D. 19.14, and all pcrtle Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Offtojol Administrator. Prince Rupert BC Dated the 8th day of January, A D. 1934 , i A IDGE ccessones Tally Cards, Score Pads. Playing Cards, Card Tables, Serviettes, Prizes Make your bridge parties yield double pleasure with colorful equipage. Special reductions on novelties for bridge prizes. Sec our window. New 1934 Culbertson Contract booklet now on sale. Price only ISc. FURS WANTED Trappers, Ranchers and Collectors We want your Mink Marten, Flshrra, Wolves. Lynx, All Foxes, Otter and all your o' Siei furs to fill in our orders at once Our prices can not be 0 aten. A triai shipment will convince you. John Clones - Prince Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 36? Third Ave. & Sixth St. Phone 532 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY , OF CANADA, LIMITED TIM II JIKITI.MI COHMHIt Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand C'lll-MIC AL ITUTILI:S Producers & Refiners of TADANAC U'in.i n.r.fTitm.TTic AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AALVIOMA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINL CADMIUM-BISMUTH WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS iSTA-coiior RFPI FNKHINfi roll . I PHONE US verywrill We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD , Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C The AUCTIONEER Packing Cra tlntc Wrapping Ss Ocneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Itlack 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet lUys Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Oreea Exchange Block