paqs rotrs V 8PP 0 If You Have U$ed Furniture- TO SELL Oet in touch with D.Elio. 3rd. Ave., opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything tv i it; swot Quakem Puffed Wheat-Puffed Rice 11 Tsste just toif ...the fresh crispnesj ... the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat. There's nothing like these crunchy toasted nut flavoured puffed grains to tempt your appetite and make you ask for more. Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat is "shot from guns", to make them instantly digestible, and hurried piping-hot into packages that are triple staled ... to assure you of that right-from-the-oven freshness. Get a Package today. IP? YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who. for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner The pPZe26.cwc,er BICYCLES We are noncarrying the C. C. M. line of bicycles. C. C. M. bicycle parts and'epalrs and Dunlop bicycle tires and tubes'. We cordially Invite you to drop In and inspect our stock. J GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St rarrBtBrrBrarBEBi:BrB r:a rm ra tjubtb tu m : j h r re m lb re zm n Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 TlieFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Albert and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. I Prince Rupert Feed Co. ' II fhczt III ."-J3TS GET A REAL REST And Chance of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnie's Camp Lake Kathlyn i - TRIBUTE TO MME. CURIE Was Discoverer tf Iladium and a Great Benefactor to Mankind Followed Traditions of Science D ALLAN CI IES. France, July 19. (CP) Madame Marie Curie, aged 66, co-discovercr with her husband, the late Pierre Curie, of radium, who died here recently following many weeks of treatment for an anaemic condition, throughout her life preserved the best traditions of science. Fame came to her threshold, but she shut the door of her workshop In its face: wealth was hers for the asking, but she turned all money prizes back Into her chemistry or gave them to hospitals for cancer ! research; luxury might have been jher lot without reproach, but she I spurned it and lived frugally on her 'modest salary as a teacher In the j University of Paris. I She consented to take but a mite I of the huge debt owed by the world for the Curie gift to mankind in 1S98 of Uie substance which en riched many persons and brought; relief or cure to countless thousands j Its use In the treatment of cancer i was suggested In 1910 and physicians have employed It with Increasing success, especially on external growths that have not de-', velopcd to a critical stage. I Mme. Curie spent more than 20 years of her life In the research that i ended with discovery and Isolation I of this substance. ! She was bom Marie Sklodowska in Warsaw. Poland. November 7 1867. Her father was professor of mathematics and physics In the University of Warsaw and her mo ther directed a school .for girls Orowlnjr up In' this academic at,-) imosDhere. she earlv determined to IntinUft- as toarhir Cfw p, pied all ber waklnz moments. I n layojsne married Pierre Curie, a young'French scientist:. hut man-1 g I aged to. -keep houe, continue her I g! studies and teach a class-of girls. I h j The cares of motherhood were ad-1 uiu w U1U itlUKlAlll ill lO'JI. OU1I , she continued pjrsujt. Of her doci4. toraie and it was while working on BUY and SAVE Our Prices Always Right Mother Mix Biscuits-Bakes in Jiffy, per pkg. Llbby's Roast Beef ls per tin Jello For your dessert per pkg. Pearl White Soap 4 bars for Lux Flakes 3 pkgs. Fry's Cocoa ,i-lb. tin B.C. Granulated Sugar (20 lbs. limit) 10 lbs. New Potatoes 15 lbs. Economy Brand Coffee-Fresh Oround, lb. 26c 17c 6c 14c 25c 21c 63c 25c 27c 3 lbs. 79c Wesson Oil For your salad iOp r. ner tin Corn Flakes All varieties per pkg Llbby's Pineapple Juice per tin $ Soda Biscuits per box Economy Butter A-1 per box Carnation Milk per doz Bananas 2 lbs. 8c 13c 39c 69c $1.13 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables At Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Wollars Have .More Cent" P. O. Box 375 Phone 18 317-319 Third Avenue West THE SAXLT JiCWa Thursday, j, DICK NEEDS ATONIC CVse him wirviiM- wm4 pMfU 4m iat ks her thesis in the fuiiowtnp year that investigation of pitchblende revealed two new substances--pola-nlum and radium. In 1906 came tragedy. M. Curie being run down and killed by a truck on a Parts street. After this his widow lived practically cut off from human companionship except for her daughters. The elder became her mother's chief assistant In the laboratory The younger Is a planiste of some renown and has given several recitals In France. LOCAL FISIir.ll.MAN IS . nUKNKl) IN EXPLOSION oi cancer sunerers Dan Stevartr local fisherman 1 Twice she was a winner of the was brought to the city aboard the Nobel prize for chemistry, the first provincial police cruiser P.M.L 8 time in 1903 as a partner In the re- last night from Port Edward suf-. ward with her husband: the second fering from burns sustained on i time In her widowhood In 1911. Both Monday night in a gasoline explo-j awards went back into the research sion aboard his boat In the vicinity .work. of Port Edward where he wax cn- I The medical world has estimated gaged In fishing. He was quite scv -that radium saved 50.000 wounded ely bumed but Is expected to re-imen from death In the world war. 'cover. ' C. N. R. Trains for the East-Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pm. Prom the East Mondays and Saturdays 2:15 pm TueSdays and Thursdays. 10:20 ' pm. Phone 933 Phone; 953 De Jong s Cash and Carry Real Bargains For Friday & Saturday Oranulated Sugar 'Limit 20 lbs.), 10 lbs. Bentwood Peas No.'5's 2 tins Nabob Strawberry Jam per 4-lb. tin 62c 21c 46c Malkln's Best TOMATOES Size 2's. 2 tins 25c CORN FLAKES All Brands, 3 pkgs. 25c C it B Assorted Soups per tin Our Own Blend Coffee per lb. Swansdown Biscuit Mix per pkg 9c 27c 29c Purity Oats Coupon pkg. -f Cp XDlx per pkg Malkin's Best CU8TARD POWDER per pkg. 10c Canadian Cheese per lb. 18c Salada Tea per lb. Snap Cleaning Powder per tin Aylmer Peaches per tin Ensign Crab Meat per tin Royal Crown Soap 6 bars P. O. ftOHJ) o cakes m MB We carry a lull line of t-rrh Fruits and Vrfetables i i 49c 13c 19c 21c 23c! 31c LOCAL NEWS D. J. Baitlett of Vancouver, In- i spector of weights and measures,' who has been a visitor here for several days on official duties, left on last evening's train for Terrace and Hazclton. Ray Commons, accountant in the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, has returned to the city from a holiday visit at Smlthcrs where Mrs. Commons is remaining for a while longer to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mcln-tyre. John Daniel McCaskell and James Duncan Cameron, for second offences on charges of drunkenness, were each fined 150, with option of ten days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday. For hU first offence on a similar charge, John Devlin Campbell was fined 135 with seven days' option. Bob Friers, hitch-hiker from Saginaw, Mich., who went from here to Ketchikan with a view to continuing his trip into Fairbanks and central Alaska., returned 'here last Saturday afternoon aboard the Princess Charlotte. He has given up the Idea of going further north and will return home from here He has been writing articles on his experiences for the Detroit News YOU SAVE Every Day at the Thrift Low Regular Prices Real Specials COFFEE "Thrift Blend" per ib. per tin Lynn Valley Peaches per tin Cooked Spaghettl-Catelll s per tin FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, per lb. RUM it BUTTER TOFFEE 2 lb. TEA Supreme Blend We recommend It. per lb. COCOA per lb. SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg liiX'WLJf'J 31c 'Money back If It fails to please HONEY -Nalley's 12-oz. Jars, per Jar PURE STRAWBERRY JAM Empresfc New Hack, per 4-lb. Un 49c CHATEAU CHEESE--h-lb- JJkg. ... MACARONI Long or "Cut 1-lb. pkgs. 2 for Limit 20 lbs). 10 lbs. SCOTTS EOOS Grade "A" Large, per doz. ALL BRAN per pkg. TOILET TISSUE-Paragon Large rolls. pr roll GINGER SNAPS Red Arrow. Fresh, per lb. Canned Foods Spec Tomtoes Royal City No. 2Vfe tins, per Un Spinach Royal City No. 2 tins, 2 tins Super Six Peas Large and tender, per tin Corn Delmalz Nlblets 18c 15c 17c GRANULATED SUOAR f uui; 33c 21c 9c 14c ials 12c 25c 13c 14c 15c 9c 10c 13c 45c 14c 10c BACON-flwlIt's Diamond OQ0 "A," per lb. PORK 6c BEANS Royal City n p 18-oz.. per tin . CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP, per tin HOTHOUSE TOMATOES 2 lbs. LAROE JUICY LEMONS per doz. BUNCH CARROTS St BEETS 2 bunches 10c 25c 32c 7c Thrift Cash & Carry Thone 179 101 Third Avi.. -CARRT AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront On a regularly scheduled voyage, C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Edward Mabbs. arrived In port at 3:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail baturday night at 10 o'clock on her return south over the same route. The vessel brought In a fair sized list of Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess left yesterday for Newcombe Harbor, Pitt Island, taking out J. D. Motitelth. well known district hand logger, and his camp. The Princess Is due back in port tonight Imperial OH Co.'s tanker Imperial. Capt. A. 8. MfOaw. arrived In port early this morning from loco with a cargo of fuel for the company's local tanks. Dally Newt Want -Ads satisfy. lONKillT LAST TIMLS ON THE STAtiK " At 7 10 and 9 15 CHARLIE IIAINC's "STROLLERS' 7 People 7 Featuring .One Solid Hour of .Mini Dartclnc? Mirth! Mile. Leone, wr i k -CJOR Crystal Oaz t answer a limited r.uu.j-questlons free Fir flrat -ierv' ? o. Tin: sciti;i;, At 8 10 and l : .J 7.ANE ( KEY'S The Last Trail' An oui-door a manr.e with a .:cw with clokoi: oimitiN EL UltKNDll. claim: tiilvoi: SAVE - with a Modern Singer Smooth, Swift, Quiet, Beautiful in De f-Easy to Ojivratc, Sews Forward or Hack ' He sure to see the New Singer S Machines See McRae Bros. Ltd. Special Trade-in Allowance on your old r2 phinu. Payments a low as $3.00 per r t; . Fpr the balance, - NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and 8ervlce with a Smile Call and see us Acroi from the Power Co., Third Avenue eMcuMvsMd Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Kalum Lake Lodge Now under iew managrmfnl Kates $2J0 per dar Special prices by the work Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars writ" to il w. kilp.y, tlkkaci; rvc When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 618 1 PHILP0TT, EV1TT & ,C0. LTD. Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar