n - - ..f I a - rrire wmr hrlpful nteuon in ine y w. wrarlnc apparel. SI.MMKRY VOILE FROCKS :: x .if floral votle made with puff . , . flared skirt and cleverly finished ..: ulUra. CQ AO I 44 WHITE POLO COATS . sleeve styles double -bnaAtcd r . M, one well lined QC Ol1.t f... 14 to 10 Women's While Uncn Sandals ' -.-wear for hot day Mean weave "u' 1.50 8 Hosiery u. tashionto siJivicr. wi:i(iirr hose t r..r ,j service vrr!M hose of pure j Uioed with f;nc llic welt and Uudes if manoa bl.ine. spicr-bnd gur.me'a: 7Qf Pair 0L1DAYS Adulli or Children on the Imous Graham Island iorth Reach rutblnt tta'mlntofi, nlc Itrhrs lhH-X In Ihf tawn. M Kantin llhrr pi ;-ulr apply L'NX MtMrtt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamer lenv Prince RuDert for Vancouver Art.vinz Vancouver Thursday S. CARIirMA I'vvifv viifniv MinVir.llT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. - ' u Port BlmtMuO. MX Aim. nnywi, oi" Kiirt Dolnta. Imh Prlnca IluDrt BundiT- J,In' "uurmaiKm rrgaruuig uiuij - "MNfB HirrKT AOEMCYt TlilrS ?nof. fHon 8S Bargain SMART SUMMER DRESSES ''rock 'hat are Jie last wyrd in summer smart-hv1 There are new field floral print, pastel and a bite crept. Becoming styles for both matron ind mtai! Hiit 14 to 30 and 18 to 44 inrin.r trliifn nnrl nastcls. Sizes 14 lo 41 v r 7 ivuiui iik . --w. - - NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pi op rift or "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes 11.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, BXX Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M YPI TRITON Canadian Pacific SS. Princess Adelaide To Vancouver and Return, $24.00 Leave Prince Rupert Friday, July 20th. burning Irave Vancouver Wednesday, July 25 or August 1st. for Reservations W L, Cixitcs, Gen, Agent 85.00 WHITE SUMMER SWAGGER SUITS :ieverty tailored of all-wool basket weaves in aglan-sleeve styles with neat skirt and three- quarter or full length coats Q1 A QC 7A1eJJ Stoes 14 to 20. 8pectal Women's Shoes $2.95 A splendid showing of seasonable footwear pumps, ties, gore pomps, sandal straps In new leathers . . calf, suede, kid. They're better-grade shews reduced for this big clearance. Sizes 3 to 8 in the lot LADIES BLOUSES Attractive, new tuck-tn waists of summery material In a good range of shades Q-f Aft Ol.UU SU. 14 to 38 EXTRA SPECIAL -Annette's Anniversary .Special HW SUMMER DRESSES in novelty self-colored ccla $2.00 Sale Starts Friday, July 20 at 9 a.m. Annette Ladies Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Batting Suits all reduced U-'C'S, TRIANGLE TOUR J3765 Wal 16 Mrs. W. A. Campbell and two daughters Violet and Cora May. who arrived in the city on Tuesday i night's train from Winnipeg, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince llunart for a visit to Ketchikan. Mr Campbell Is in the service of the Canadian NaUonal Railways at Winnipeg. O U T H on siinvs to VANCOUVER From Prlncs Rupert, cstlins t Octsn F.lli and Powtll River. MONDAY 3 P m- SATURDAY 6 p.m. For ANYOX snd STEWART, ttsvlnj Princt Ruptrt every Frldsy st 3 p.m. 1900 milt. o d 1 "' "J kl iA boat Prlnc Ruptrti P.rV. t S J.iptt Htfol CANA1H NATION AX AL 528 Ard Ave, Prlne e Rupert, H.C. LOCAL NEWS Last week of Wallace'! July Sale We Are OVERLOADED! sat -3 NNETTE'S 197 r t We are till! buying old gotd, Buyer's. (tf nniversary niner on I our Special In Welldrest Hosiery, 75c Demers. 168 You can rent a Car at Walker' as low aa $1 a day plas 7c. a mile. tf Dance. Moose Hall, Friday from 10 till 2. Demonstration of Cartoca Dance. Admfawlon 35c. ' We pay a premium on goid coins l and old gold, teeth, chains, watch-jes. etc. Phone Black 324. B. C Clothiers Limited. tf. Charles Oraham, Inspector of mines, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip Into the AUln district an official duties. July Clearance lace's windows. Sale, see Don Sutherland, district agriculturalist at Smitbers. arrived in the I city from the interior at the week- j end on his way to Victoria on offl-i cial business. A boy of Juvenile age. charged with theft of a rowboat and a watch, appeared before Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday and was remanded until Saturday. Summer Clearance of Hats, half price at Wallace's. 167 James Martin, veil known Mas tt merchant, Is paying a brief business visit to the city, acccm- Ipanied by bis daughter Mrs. A. -Oraham, and granddaughter. UUls Miss Dawn Martin. They arrived from the I&lnds on the ss. Jftkce Charles this morning and vV be returning home on the same I Those rn attendance at the .regular monthly meeting of the board lot directors of the Prince Rupert! ,Oeneral Hospital were: O. V. Wil kinson, chairman: W. M. BrownJ Fr jik Dlbb. S. D. Macdonald and j Norman A. Watt, directors: H. W. I Birch managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison RJf. lady su-. perlntendent. Dresses. Coats and Suits at remarkable reductions. Wallace's. 167 Announcements Eagles' picnic. Grassy Bay, July 23. DANCE Stroller's Radio Orchestra MOOSE HALL Friday, July 20 ' Demonstrating the Carioca Dance Vocal choruses by Mile Leone and Lilian Burlette Admission 35c COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe UNt ACT Nattfr of Intention to apply to rorrmw i.no In Prlwo Ruprt Land Rortng Dlatrtot of Rn tour Cot OUtrlct, nd altutte bot tf mtleo from the month of the KhutM Rivm on th Et fork. Tk notlc th I, rtwKTlek Shelly, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation mine nMMtA. it,tnM a fttmtY tar nermla- mtaMlon to purchaae tho following (J-irrlbrd. liuvla: rvunnwivrJnar at a boat Dlanted on foot dlaUnca from the wltneaa port on . . a m - a. a aM a a. a a u'tMaT. una m I jtic lii. i-iiarju-ar nrsi erlr SO ehaliiai Unc Soutnrny 0 tlieoice Northerly 20 chain and con at Inlr J tM SMAaM nm IsaSaaT. UPlUUIfl W a?n-ai-v aaa-w ar " ' ltKDKHICS. K. KUBXT. Dated iota oar, oi With FOR SALE MODERN House, close balance easy. Hart. in. $200 tx FURNITURE for sale at 61 6th Avenue near Fulton V FOR SALE Crown Grant Umber land. Location Lakelse Valley, near Terrace. B.C. For information write to Marchie B. Boyn-toa Box 187. Juneau Alaska. 187 FOR SALE Lot on 5th Ave. W:. with one 4x rooms and one five roams bouse, fully modem. Price $2,800.00. $500.00 cash balance to arrange. With complete furniture m the 6-rooms house. Including piano and radio $3,250.00. A snap. Apply: Collart & McCaffery Ltd. ICS FOR RENT FOR RENT Log cottage near Ka lum Lake. $30 a month, with use of large row boat. R. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. U WANTED WANTED Salesman young man preferred, erperience not necessary. McRae Bros. Ltd. 170 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglrr? Moller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. tl HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! ClmKr Curl; Utest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTT SHOPPE SJIHERAIj ACT rr.RTincAir. or improvements NOTICE River PtacUonal UlnrU aalrn. alt- uata In U AUln Mming uiti . Crar Diatrlot . . LocaMrd on left wuui oi toe -rivw vvrirn that M. UcN. rraset aUn u At for Tlu Mine Oobs-acttufaaAcentfor TaW Ulnai Uanpan j Limited. ITT uiner a wrairaw iiu.i in,.n Mn aa rrom data hereof. to awly to 'the tuning c?r?',A Oertintwte oi inpn '-' "", purpuM of obtaining Crown Grant of tne aoove cuuin. - . ...k v rtfttiM that SotlOCl AUU luium - tinder aecUon 83, rmiat be twnnafflaeadi hn tha ltauauca of auch CartUloaU of jBvpwyementa. 4 1L UcN. rraaer, Asnl Tn mfinif mntiitiir hrvps have been nurchased and W J Jfj a- aa w w mm w f we plan to give Prince Rupert people an opportunity in Wiit? til, fitipat itvaVp at nrices that elsewhere lrnnlrT hctvo tn ha nuirl fnr inferior CTOOfL?-. ThfOUffh nnr nlan nf mvintr ntir customers real values in all kinds of footwear we have built up a clientele that returns to U3 again and again. Whv Not Buy Your Rurak Shoes Today? We have them in most of the best . makes . and styles - T" -f it 1 and the prices talk lor themselves. Lrrop in ana iook them over. COMPARE OUR PRICES Child's sizes, 4 to 10J 69c Misses 11 to 2 89c Youth's, 11 to 13 J ...85c Boj-s,' Itoo 95c Ladies 3 to 8 79c Men's, 6 to 11 99c ' Summer and Holiday Footwear WTo. ova cnaniaWitKT in thnSM HfiW STiaDDV HnCS Of summer and holiday footwear that add so much to holiday enjoyment and loot comiorv si amazingly low prices. D p, We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE and Daily Service Films left in before noon finished the same day. THIS week-end You May Need Window Blinds ....20c Plant Sprayer 20c Picnic Basket . . .$1.35 Frliit Jars from, doz. $1.35 Lawn Rake 15c v Preserving Kettle from 70c Canning Racks 45c Chair Wax 50c Cups.& Saucers, 3 .25c Tumblers, 6 for ....45c Fishing1 Rods, from . 95c Lines, from 5c Kaien Hardware Phone--3 Want Ads MOVIES Ormes OF THE TRIP make the fun last SUP a Cine-Kodak Eight into the pocket of jour car and. you're ready to capture the week-end's fun.in movies you'll be proud to show Expensive? Not a bit. Mov ies of average news-reel length cost less than 10c a scene to make, and it's all so simple; Just aim the camera and press the button. Stop here and see this Cine-Kodak Eight. Z7fm Pioneer Druggists bt Rexall Stori Phones: 1 & 82 , ill "Best Holiday We Have Had" That was the expression used by a visitor last year to "The Dimes" at Tlell, Queen Char lotte Islands. It was the best holiday because It was differ ent. i The steamer leaves for the Islands Saturday night Fly Fishing Sea Bathing - IlunUng Tennis Badi mlnton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modem Conveniences Milk from Government TJB. Tested Cows No Files No Mosquitoes. $1750 per Week Children Under 12, Half Rate The Dunes MADAME RAJACT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands r .am w a ;7i n; i -it iiv j ... u-Ji. ..'. J n .. - t'.ti! i Jirti I - mi iy ... i iT 3,-tf : II." 'V Ml