She Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 7:14 ajn. 14.7 ft. rrince Rupert-Part cloudy, 19:27 pjn. 183 tl. light westerly wind, barometer. Low 1:03 a.m. 12 ft. 2998. temperature, 55: sea smooth. 12:48 pm. 83 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ISRITLSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER sra V XXIV No, 167 f'RINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS WHEAT DEMAND LONGSHOt&tWS STRIKE SEEMS Wheels of Business In 'Frisco's Metropolitan Area Commencing To Move Normally Again Today - SUBMARINE ROAD OPEN in Indff Water Tunnel Between Utrrpool and Blrkrnhead Was Lnormou Prnjeet 'TYERPOOL. July 18 'CP- -The v ingest under-water road-t -if sum new Mersey tunnel ,. Liverpool and Bitkenhead. t f ttiully opened yesterday by K . t!t.rf T mnel haa (our vehicle law t : i,irt Mflal)u It roat $15.-W ':: and took nine years to com- Today's Stocks If irt.j S 0 Jn0 ftol Vancouver x.iKtna. M. l ifw, .014. L ( Nickel .7. tin; Miwourt. J4. L. .'rne. 18.74, E P m. .19. D If X . 1.29. B'i'fc 1 X. U. .11 f-witwoOotd, m, Dri.t.mU. 49. r it. wt-ii. .16. Oroista Hirer. Mb-O 'lmiMia. ,40., lltrrulea. .04. I'.'lun. .03 (ask). Nuve Son, .02. National Silver, .03. N-ble me, M. PtkI Oreille. .62. P-'rter Idaho. X9. Premier. 158. R'fves McDonald, .13. IWard. .05. R'n. 1.04. Rnver Crtt. .Mtt. f.lmon Oold. .12. Taylor Bridge. .40. Wayside. .07. Waverly Tangier. .01. t'ntted Empire. .15. Toronto Central Patricia. .89. Chlbougamau, .13. Lee Oold, .10. Granada. .GOV. Inter Nickel. 23.40, Noranda. 43.00. Sherrltt Oordon. .81. Bisco. 2 43. Thompson Cadillac. M&. Ventures. .82. Lake Maron. .09. Teck Hughes, 0,75. Sudbury Basin. 135. Polumarlo. 55. Bmelter Oold, 32. Canadian Malartlc. .00. Little Long Lac. 7.50. Astoria Itouyn. .13. Bladacona. 39 tj. Maple Leaf. .40. Pickle Crow. 1.45. Long Lnc Lagoon, .40. Manitoba it Eastern. .32. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. July 19: (CPl-Bar silver was quoted at 48c per ounce "n me local metal market today. m . . . ..... .iin l"K)lc "vr" for or 'iridic !nnrTinr nnc-w "ayVS Mi xtyl. w meui' Magistrate Strike "Strategy" Committee of Alameda County to Vote Tonight at Oakland on Proposal to End Walk-Out Confusing Statement by Strike Leader SAN FRANCISCO, July 19: (CP) Wheels of business San Francisco's metropolitan area moved again today and, under pressure from federal, state and city ments, the general walk-out gave indications of collapsing rapidly. Street car systems were operating today with shops reopened and the food shortage disappeared. Gaso- M'DONALD IN CANADA .o Brithh Premier DUmbscs Report Of Earlr Election Retire ment U Humored of QUEBEC. July 19: CPI Prime MinMrr J. Raimay Mac-Donald and hi dauthler. Ithbet, arrived here this morning to upend a !o monthi' vacation In Canada. They will proceed to the Kncky Mountain. Premier It. It. Dennett greeted them. The RriUh Premier declared talk in retard to an early general election to be "rubbish." Premier MarDonald did not offer comment In retard to a report that he was about to retire a Prime Minister and would be succeeded by Former Premier Stanley Baldwin. Lord President of the Council, who U acting Premier during hi absence. Farley Continuing As Party Chairman postmaster General Denies Humor Of Resignation of Democratic National Committee WASHINGTON. July 19: -Post master Oeneral James Farley denies that he U resigning as chairman of the Democratic national commit- tec In order to devote his entire time to the affairs of the postal department. ARE FINED $300 EACH DWrlct headquarters of the pro vincial police have been acmsco. that two men. whose names have not been transmitted here, were fined $300 each at Rivers Inlet by stlnendlary Magistrate O. H. Hill of Ocean Falls at the first of this week on charges of supplying ll quor to Indians. Halibut Arrivals Canadian North Foreland, 5,000, 5c. Cold Storage. nr Fred G. Kergln of Toronto ... - 4 1-. a artivrllrftr 111 the reeular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru- ,-- v I i..k ii h mnimnnntv pen v udhi iui t nun was was in in the SUxk c '' "a there "ri was " a me stations and restaurants were functioning freely. Some confusion resulted ia.- night from a statement attributed Harry Bridge, militant-leader of the striking longshoremen, that the general strike Is over." Bridge - later officially denied making the, statement to four newspapermen. The strike "strategy" committee Alameda County, with a popula-i tlon.of halt a million people, will vote tonight at Oakland on a proposal to end the walk-out. The outlook took on a much more favorable prospect for setUement of, the dispute today in spite of a statement made1 last night that negotiations up to then had met with little scucess. It was also stated In some quarters last night that a general strike would be called in Portland almost momentarily but It was thought today that this might be iterted. TO BUILD NEW MILL Great Central Sawmills Limited to Construct Plant on Vancouver Island VANCOUVER, July 19: CP-Constructton will start on August 1 of a new mill and wharf for the Great Central Sawmills of Port AlbemL Vancouver Island, at a cost of $000,000, furnishing employment for five hundred men. tWf ii ii kYPANlllNl, UiXl ill 1JLX1 1 V AIR FORCE Great Britain Plain to Add live Hundred New Ships Over Nest Four Years LONDON. July 20: (CP British plans for a huge expansion of the Royal .Air Force were outlined in the House of Commons today by Acting Premier Stanley Baldwin who declared that the Force would be Increased by five hundred machines spread over a period of four years. ALASKA BOUND AIR SQUADRON OFF FOR LONG TRIP TODAY WASHINGTON. DC. July 19fc; (CP) Ten American bombing planes enroute to .1 i r-j n,.. Amikca via cuuiuiiiuu ' .... . . . a iiaToiinn imnoed off from here thlsn.ornlng for Dayton Ohio. . WILL Just One Guard Jo; F J) teraa 3:a7 kno wj- fr ocl f in jlii by a United tradition to Ej2srvd. is shown der private guard agauhst gangsters. LOG SCALE FAR AHEAD nritbh Columbia Timber Production This June Highest Since July 1930 VICTOHIA, July 19: (CP) The lumber scale in the province of British Columbia for the month of June was the highest since July 1930 with a total of 118,500,-000 million feet. The first six months of this year shows an increase of 260,-000.000 board feet orer the same period last year. RESULTS OF EXAMS OUT Interior Pupils Succeed in High School Tests No Local I Names in List VICTORIA. July 19: (CP) High ; School examination results issued todav show no IV Prince W w Rupert VHffvvw stu-l ' I dents In Grades 3rades Nine, Nine. Ten or Ele - j ven. most of the students there it ( I imfliMtiuvl TiaHn Man irrt. moted by recommendation. The following were among sue cessful students: Burns take Centre Streatham School Grade Nine. Monica A. Rlst. Tintagel School Robert W. Mur- J ray. Prince George Centre . Tabor ureeK stnooi Myrre u. i . Oabrlelson. : VANCOUVER WHEAT PRICE IS STRONG 1 VANCOUVER. July 19: CP- Wheat was quoted at 828c on thei local exchange yesterday, advanc lug to 81c today. Dr. and M It. O. Jnhn" and ch'M. who haw bfn snejidlnn a holiday vlsltlne at Tlell. returned to j,.hc city from the Qaeen Charlotte' on Dullness Wednesday, having Islands on the Prince Charles this 'made the trio on the company's "C " SV mC C0Urt' a IT few guests. I nln. QualU Tin EQUAL SUPPLY ABOUT TO COLLAPSE After Another 1 ! an sp: v ."- recently States court afxr avKfinj ex here entering his aeropUue un SAWMILL IS DESTROYED Wilson Plant at Qualicum Burned Last Night With Loss of $30,000 NANAIMO. Juiy 19: CP The Wilson sawmill at Qualicum Beach was destroyed by fire last night, the loss being placed at $30,000. MANY POLES LOST LIVES Danscr From Floods. Which Resulted in Three Hundred Deaths Not Yet Over WARSAW. Poland. July 19: The town of Tarnow. famous tor Its nl trogen works . Is threatened by floods which earlier In the week re suited in the drowning of three hundred persons in southern Po land. The bodies of 120 of the flood victims have been recovered and iso others are missing Fifty-five thousand people are homeless. t 11 1 1 IP p f t A1N AU A lO CUP WINNER Marksmen From This Dominion Capture MacKinnon Challenge Trophy at Bisley BISLEY. Eng.. July 19: (CP ICanada n coated, MacKIn- . . mill i 1 14 i if f iu i- i.iiii LiaiN it i iiur : . 7" : 1 r ' J.' P Wnd - Part cloudy. I1 Jff:, . AJmoderaU westerly wind; small 77 Tu, T 7, j Tv. ,7, Vchou "l " VT Z''t CANADIAN GALI) PRICli' MONTREAL. July 19: CP)-rhe Canadian price of gold was $3438 per ounce today, down one c,cnj. r E. I -"v. r,'Trirtnt'",',nt. of .Surf Irlet mine Porttor Itanrt. wms an ovcmlit visitor in1 town Prediction In Regard To Crop Situation Is Voiced by Authority Sir Herbert Robson Says That Grain Yield Has Never Been so Seriously Affected by Adverse Weather Conditions in Forty Years LONDON, July 19: (CP) next twelve months, starting Prediction that during the with the new crop year of August 1, the world demand for wheat would be sufficient to take care of the potential supply was made today by Sir Herbert Robson, leading English grain trader and presi-dent of the London Corn Association. "I venture to say that, during the past forty years, there has never been a season when crops have been so adversely affected by weather conditions," he declared. ROSE SHOW .RADIO STAR DREW MANY! Directors of Horticultural Society Much Pleased With Success Of Flower Display Four hundred persona paid ad mission to the rose and flower show yesterday, the total takings being exactly $40. Five new members Joined the Horticultural Society. Olof Hanson, MP, who visited the show, made a donation of five dol lars to the society's funds. Great Interest was taken by all the visitors in the various exhibits and many expressed their intention to grow some of the flowers they had seen, especially roses. The rose Darla,- shown by C. H. Orme. yel low outside and red inside, proved to be one of the great attractions. George Dawes had a fine exhibit ot gladioli which were entered too late for competition but were shown in the window. It is difficult to men-Uon exhibitors outside the prize winners published yesterday but the iris grown by Mr. Macklin were outstanding and were well worthy of recognition. Many of the pot plants were excellent such as the chrysanthemum shown by Mrs. J. p. Cade, benoglas by Joe Naylor. calceolarias by A. Ohnesorg and Fred Scadden and petunias by Horace DuHamel. These were only a few of the exhibitors who were worthy of mention. A number ot young people took an Interest in the flowers, an example being little Faith King who had a mixed bouquet there which as, to say the least, meritorious The directors of the Horticultural Society were much pleased with the success of their effotrs. Todays Weather Dead Tree Points-Clear, calm: barometer. 29.92: temperature, 58; smooth. T.rMr!mirtv ealm. 60. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 55. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. 55. Hazelton Raining, calm. 56. Smlthers Cloudy, calm. cool. Burns Lake Raining, calm, 45. Miss H. Morrison of Van-our?r oame north on the Prince thrie this week to pay a at Crescent Inlet with Mr. and Mrs. John R IS VISITOR "Amos" is In Prince Rupert Today Enroute to Alaska on Holiday Cruise Tht Amos" member of the famous radio broadcasting team of "Amos "n Andy" arrived in Prince Rupert today on his way to Alaska on a holiday cruise. "Amos" is going north Irora Vancouver, after a visit at Lake Louise, aboard the Seattle charter yacht Caroline, which got in from the south today, and will transfer here to another of the Church yachts, the Ncoya, which arrived yesterday afternoon from Alaska to meet the party and take it north. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Church sr. came north aboard the Caro- ine. Campbell Church Jr. Is aboard .he Nooya. the skipper of which is 7apt. "Barney" Smith, well known lavigator of Alaskan waters. Relief Survey In Saskatchewan To Be Set Up Soon REGINA. Sask.. July 19: A board of inquiry, established under the Inquiries Act. will be shorUy set up. to conduct a relief survey ot the province, it is announced. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20. was reported this morning to be on time. Keep In Line With the best thought of the day SUHSCMHE TO THE DAILY NEWS NOW and take advantage of the special bargain rate of $1.50 to the end of the year Others are doing It. why not you? is. v I Hi t it .a 'i