THE DAILY NEWS lel 1836 The Bank of 75 Years in Business, C apital —_— Letters of Credit For ou we | in Pout Great Brit 1911. British North America and Reserve Over $7,300,000 r custome rs’ convenience Letters of Credit payable Sterling for use in ind all parts of the ible in Dollars for yorld yay jt in ( a ida, United States, Mexico, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba and the West Indies. We buy and sell Drafts on France, Germany, South Africa, alla A istt ‘hina and the West Indies. prince Rupert Branch — F. S. LONG, Manager. Church Services - t PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday in the ll a.m. and School and 0 p.m. MLA. FIRS at KE 7B R Pastor I REV. F FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FRASER AND SIXTH STREET Sunday at il Sunday Baraca THE every 7.30 p.m. m a and Seb wy ass 2.30 p.m H Me LEOD B A DD. REV. ¥ PASTOR STHODIST CHURCH CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. very Sunday at 11 pm. Sunday p.m B.D. rM THE FIR BE a0 and w Pastor ARMY CITADEL IXTH @TREET Ss § Services 11 Pp. m., p.m jaday School 1.30 p Public vices Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday at Everybody wel unday a.m 5 come TONE, C'm'p'G OFFICER New Zealand, India, ——P Real Estate.. OFFERINGS ot 18, t k 2 ection 1, $6300, Avenue for $2100. ection 5, $1300, 6, block 19, section M0) | 44 ¢ i block 15, section f , block 7, section 6, These lots are by far the 6 line the walls throughout, and th: j south and one mile west of the forks of theWhite f W 1 ; Sian foo Flat rivers, thence north 80 chains, thence roo Will @iso be apscititely fit Wet Chains, thence south 80 chains, thenee east 60 chains proof, | Dated April 18, 1911. ISAAC O'BRIEN FORBES . "ub. May 13. Francis 8. Preston, Agent Mrs. Clements’ Suites ea as s ii ‘ Skeena Land Distriect—-District of Coast Range 5 Five rooms and bathroom will] "Take notice that 1, Bell Han Kenney of Yar- ‘ hn , ‘ 4 *, mouth, Nova Seotia, oecupation married woman, form Mrs. Clements’ own suite. intend to apply for permission to purchase the TINE tas . : ollowing described lands There will be bedrooms, boudoir, Commencing at a post planted at north east fides t is» _.}] | corner oe L Lot 58628, thence running west 40 dining and receiving rooms all | | chains, thence north 80 chains, tense east 40 ee ns . t..+..4,, | chains, thence south 80 chains to place of com- fitted and furnished in dainty Poe containing 320 aeres more or less. ae : re. 5 a yY post is on south east corner of land applied manner, Kitche nh, pantry, and } for, marked letters S. E., about one mile wn }eering and surveying work a |cious draughting room jis arranged in which Mr. | ment as complete WILL BUILD = NEW BUNGALOW Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clements to Build New Residence building. Steel lath covered with marble hard fireproof plaster will | | conveniently | wuill | plant with drying rooms, arranged most all p-to-date store-rooms will be and appliances A is also plan be of commodious basement typ ned, including laundry and heating Mr. Clements’ Workrooms For Mr. Clements own engin spa ottice Clements and will have his own working equip- and perfect as sumkalum, On their centrally situated lot on Third avenue and Eighth street | Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clements] are about to have built a beau tiful modern bungalow residence costing over $2000, and with many | of the very latest modern im-| | provement in construction and} equipment. A feature is the fire-| proof construction of the entire LAND PURCHASE NOTI CE Coast Range 6 Land District notice that i, John Hepburn of Kit- - Occupation farmer, intend to apply ot permission to purchase the followng describe Commencing at a post planted at the northeae corner of Lot 3985, thence east 20 chains, thence south 40 chains, th » west 20 chans, thence north 40 chaing to place o! eommencement | Dated March 18, 1911, JOHN HEPBURN Pub April 16 Take Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassar Take notice tha, 1, Thomas Macgoverr of Stewart, B. C., occupation miner,intend to apply | for permission to purchase the following deseri lands at a post planted on the right Naas river about four miles above the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 ehains, thence west 80 chains, thenee north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or jess THOMAS MACGOVERN Dated March 25, 1911, Sidney Frank Wright, Agt Pub. May 17 Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Cassiar ee that I, Isaae O'Brien Forbes B. ¢ t +, occupation carpenter, intend ' for p ission to purchase the following described lade: Commencing at a post planted about fiv milese Lake Lakelse, south side of Skeena river District BELL HALL KENNEY of Coast Range 6 Dated April 29, 1911 Pub. May 13. John Skeena Land District —Dist Take notice that William McTavish of Vancou- occupation physician, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deserbed ver, B. C. lands Commencing at a post planted at the southwes corner, 40 chains north and 40 chains east of the Harvey's Survey, thence 60 chains cast thence 60 chains west, thence 60 chains south to post of commencement northeast corner of Lot 1116, Coast District, Range 6 thence 60 chains north, containing 360 acres more or less. Dated May 2, 1911. Pub. May 6 Fred Skeena Land District Take notice that Henry Mac Rupert, B. C., occupation miner, for pernenen to purchase the fo! a: Commencing at aide of Exchumsiks River, about Haverty, Agent rict of Coast WILLIAM A. MeTAVISH W. Bohbler, Agent District of Coast Range 6 artney of Prince intends to apply llowing described a post planted on the south 2.1-2 miles from Mrs. Clements’ dome stic side Of | its confluence with the Skeena River and about . 1-2 miles west from Exchumsiks rapids, thence 80 the household. \ cosy den IS | ehains north, thence 40 chains east, thence 80 : . chains south, thence 40 chains west to point o part ot Mr ( le ment Suite with commencement, ae 20 aS more or P } less. Post marked “H.M. study and other apartments con-| Dated April 22, 1911. MENRY “MACARTNEY . tl laced 1 t | | Pub. April 29. veniently placed to suit his needs. | gyeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Range - iW I Barker is the architect for Take notice that Alexander Mcintosh of Van | . * | couver, B C., cecupation real estate broker | : . “ +4 1) | intends .o apply for permission to purchase the this residence, and contracts will foliowing described “em . +] Commencing at a post planted 40 chains south } be awarded for the ork shor | from the Sateen eeu of Lot 995, thence 80 lIt is cwected that : bur ley, | Chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 j 4! expected tn 1€ DUNRAIOW | chains north, thence 40 chains east to point of j will be’ complete und <« ie } | commencement containing 320 acres more or less. pre, and /CCUPICT | Dated April 17, 1911 j | | a, | James McCall’ within a month or six week EYE WITNESS AND | SHOOTING CASE | thence north 80 chains, Accused Took Cartridge from Box, Loaded Gun and Tried | to Shoot an Imperturbable_ Coon who Never Said ‘‘Cough' | | Dated April 18, 1911. Pub. May 6 Skeena Land District Take notice that Prince Rupert, B. C., deseribed lands: Commencin routh of the ata po planted orks o the White thence “ALEXANDER MeINTOSH -District of Cassiar Thomas McMeekin of occupation clerk, apply for permission to purchase the following | intend to about two miles | and Flat rivers. east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. Pub. May 13. Skeena Land District—~Distr Take notice that I, Prince Rupert, B. C to apply described lands THOMAS McMEEKIN Francis 8. Preston, Agent ict of Cassiar Brenton Jordon Moore of , occupation contractor, intend © permission to purchase the following Commencing at a post planted about (3) three miles south and (2) of White and Fiat rivers, thence 80 chains south | two miles west of the forks itself. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Distriot—Dustrict of Cassiar Take notice that I, Perry Queenan of Prince Rupert, B. C., ceeupation prospector, intend to apply for permission deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted in the vicinity of Goose Bay, about threeeights of a mile south of the miouth of the Bonanza Creek, and being on the easterly boundary of Timber Limit No. 36281 or No. 36280, thenee south 40 chains along the easterly limit of said Timber Limit No. 36281 or No. 35280 40 chains, thence east to :ue shore of Goose Bay, a distance of 40 chains more or leas, thence northerly along the shore of Goose Bay 40 chains more or less, thence westerly 40 chains more or less to point of commencement, containing | 160 acres more ur PERRY QUEENAN less. Dated March 7, 1911. *| Pub. April 7 Skeena Land District —District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, James Millar Johnston of | Stewart, B. C., occupation storekeeper, intend to |}apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one mile | north from the Naas river and about nine miles | above the forks of the Naas river, thence north 80 | chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 | chains, thence east 80 chains to point of commence- | ment, containing 640 acres more or less. a: | Bottled only (with corks or crown caps) at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery ST. LOUIS, MO. U.S. A. to purchase the Soperins | e0 a apply for permission to lease the following Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser Appeals to people of discriminating taste because of its superb Quality and Purity—no matter if you dink it in Canada or in its St. Louis home town— it always has the same snappy flavor—its in a class by LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Po gree notice that Hume Babington of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation master mariner, intends Gemmete at a post planted about 100 chains south of the Indian Reserve on the east side of Goose Bay on the east side of the l’eninsula thence north 100 chains along shore to the Reserve line, thence west 60 chains more or less to Goose B. thenee 100 chains along shore, thence east a oped or less to post, containi ing 640 acres Dated Share 8, 1911. HUME BABINGTON Pub. April 1 Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Take notice that I, John Unwin of Prince Rupere B. C., occupation laborer, intend to apply ~ nm to purchase the following described an Commencing at a post planted about (2) two miles south of the forks of the White and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains. Dated April 18, 1911. JOHN UNWIN Pub. May 13. Francis 8. Preston, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that I, William John Corley Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation rancher, intend | of “North B. C. Liquor Co. Prince Rupert Distributors B.C. Royal Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE: penne. ESTABLISHED 1869. $6,200,000 Surplus, $7,200,000 Total Assets, $100,000,000 Savings Bank Department, $1 will open an account. Branches throughout Canada and Banking Connections with all parts of the United States. Agents throughout the world. H. P. WILSON, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. " | USSALLEM & COMP -+++e«Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices..... 38 gen ior . 1008 ~ Ss case came Up | thence 80 ch t, th 80 chai rth, | a section 6, $1825. Cash ri ” : (aes 80 seins. Pe Te JAMES MILLAR JOHNSTON to 2 am ly : norman? to purchase the following | | + I ‘ ‘ | . Dated March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt in six equal payments|for trial today. In court to a aoa 9», RENTON JORDON Moc RE | pub. May 17 ort ae Mere eta © vear ; Jated ri) 20, rancis reston, Agen ential iot on Fourth Avenue |2¥ he declared the rifle went| Pub: May 1s ee i wside, lee ee eee $130 1 Na ee ee | ti lent I Marre } Skeena Lend District—Distriet of Cassiar een Land Diente Diese ¢ “Sodes h | aorth 20 ehains, thence west 40 chains to point "4 7 . | jolt Vv accidel . Marre, an] rake notice that 1, Sydney Fitzgerald of Stewart, | , Take notice that I, Percy Francis Godenrath commencement, containing 80 aeren, mere Or We have just received a fresh shipment w mbrose Ave., $400 each. .. f tl incident ss B. C., occupation cook, intend to apply for per- of eae B. C., occupation ern 1 mo to lems. 2 | p er on Seventh Avenue for|°9® Witness oO! the incident, WO | mission to purchase the following deseribed lands | aabest wa omow!né | Dated April 8, 1911. WILLIAM JOHN CORLEY of RAMSAY’S BISCUITS and Candies. gay p ™ | 1 “ é ‘ Commencing at a post planted abou ve mile Pub. il 29. Z 3 i terms jhelped take the rifle from Ne'lcoost, eal ane exits of the forks of White |, Commen at a post planted on the right | Pub. Apri | Our groceries are all Al goods and fresh a ) t Plaza for $550 | tae . ‘ and Flat rivers, thence south 80 chains, thence | bank of the Naas river about seven miles above | Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar he laza tor Soo00. lfaccused says tha McCall after |S, 80 ence the forks of the Naas river, thence south 80 chains, | i nsf $250. | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence toeaes arash ti ehelnatitiiante inet 100 aieien Take notice that William Frederick Cameron | yt . cho or at 1 8 t nh 2 s . + err balance $10 month, | threatening to shoot up the Butte | Dated April 18, 1911. SYDNEY FITZGERALD | thence east 80 chains to point of commencement, Ja ge spply Tor periasion to pureham the| > 4 , : : > . 3. P taining 640 acres more or ' ; . ‘ For Rent |Cafe, went outside and standing |?’ ™ % Francia S. Preston, Agent | Containing © PERCY FRANCIS GODENRATH | following described lands: sis aaa To Residents of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8--We deliver promptly, | e 3 § Cc i t t t about ree | i i i ree rn t th gor Inear the barber’ hack at. the | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Ran; oo ee BG, 1911. epee Biinay Weight, Ast | FA eggnog OF AS forks of the White and Fiat} our goods are fresh, at prices not to be beaten in the city : : : : fh bath, $20 month et : ’ ? . : Take notice that I, J. Harold MeKean of Princ | — ‘ | rivers, thenee south 80 chains, thence west 80/| o ; nM with bath, $25 month. icorner of First avenue and Eighth | Bupert, C., oeceupat on blacksm th, intepd to | : meee ; | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 | aie > apply oan ing ssion to purchase the follOwing | Skeena Land District hs: 3 of Goons Benge % chains. MERON =" S aert , soht of » descr bed landa: Take notice that |, J. rne acLaren © WILLIAM FREDERICK CA R0N | M & magnetite ret ( aught wn ’ ¥ negt ar at a post planted — yo dee and | Prince Rupert, B.C., oceupation rea! aware scent Dated April 18, 1911. " } Telephone 228 Bi 228 Black Sth Ave. oth Ave. east of McBride of McBride D . | Accised unted to shoot »ne-half miles d stant in a south westerly direction | intends to apply for permigsion to purchase the | Pyb. M 13, F S. Preston, Agent | | RANCE near Dy Accused want : On from a blind alouga from Observatory Inlet where | following described landase e a | ae wis ee r sen his man incl took a cartridge | the same touches the Ind Sp Mapes thence ~— Commencing at a post planted — chains sae | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 | an t rene! se ’ 80 chains, thence south 80 cha ns, thence east 80 | and 80 ¢ ns south of the southwest corner o! aa notice that Grace McTavish, of Vancouver, | cCaffe ry & Gibbons | out of a box of shells, loaded the | chaies, thence north 50 cha ns to po nt of com. | lot 1783, vicinity of Lakelse Lake, and marked J. | B. _ comunadiaes ia tried woman, intente to apply | = — ——_———_———_— = = a rince R ’ . , ' a mencement, containing 640 acres more or less | L. MacLaren’s nortwest corner, thence east 80 | for foie ona to purchase the following described | ce Rupert - - Hazelton rifle and brought it to his shoulder Dated Apr! 14, 1911. J. HAROLD McKEAN | chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 80 | jands: | LAPPPAPPP RPP OPRO POOLED > : ° . at | chains, thence north 40 chains to point of com- | Commencing at a post planted at the southwest | $ = While McCall was swinging it | Skeena Land Distriet—Distriet of Const, Range 5 | mencement, containing Saree teennce lee. | corner 100 chains east and a0 om north of '$ —YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A— 3 . Take notice that I, Lionel Kingsley of Vancou- | 7 AC. the northeast corner of Lot 1116, Harvey's Survey | @ - : ‘ ; to ce ‘+ the coon ti vun | ver, B. C., oceupation miner, intend to apply Geo. R. Putnam, Agent | Coast District, Range 5, thence 40 chains east | ¢ > pplication for Charter for a round to cove eee ae for saraieaion $0 purchase the following deseribed | Date May 31, 1911 | thence 80 chains north, thence 40 chains west, | 2 C F it e St 2 Railroad went off Mr. Marre says that paca a sae cet aco alee Pub. June 16, 1911 | thence 80 chains south to post of commencement 3 rown avorite ( OOo ove $ € e ommencing at t 3 c ) 2 a 2 4 4 . 1 r tha the {f Lot 992, Range 5, Coast District ” Lat wi iit Dated May 2, 1911. GRACE McTAVISH |> . - wee > coon stood firmer than the pump thence ‘west 40 chains, thence south 60 chains, |, Skeona Land Distriet—District of Cassiar , | Pub. May 6. Fred W. Bobler,.Agent|{ Price from $45 to $58. Other Stoves from $16. $ h kin pie, never batting an eyelash | thence east 40 chains, thence north 60 chains to | Py > od DS that I, eae a eee sontenl 3 $ . , f HEREBY GIVEN that me . Pe : me int of ‘commencement. Stewart, B. C., occupation freighter, im Pe Skeena Land District -District of Cassiar 4 > PPlicatic ll be made to the Par-| when threatened. One bullet pen Dated March 24,1911, LIONEL KINGSLEY ‘ani © ee eee Take poties ‘that I, james Dunnp :ot Renee Rue fie et 2 Y | inada at the present see | trated th ll fin atintens Pub. April 22. |. Commencing at a post planted a0 de. right ome Beagle Fa rege my pod $ WE “HAY EB ALL | YOU NEED IN _ BUIL DEF RS’ _ HARDWARE 3 i ) eranf fap « ‘trate ( ii OF the sori. ’ _ (a ee SSE ' : for an Act incorporating | “''® , age Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotee | eek « ~ 7 eee Pr) me | described lands: soil ¥ l> > # ompany under the name drove across the bar ju missit : ands ae thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, Commencing at a post plant about two miles i2 2 ‘eit € } f n Take notice that J. H. Murphy,of Vancouver, ha: t of south of the forks of the White and Fiat rivers, 7 9 > lrans-( anada and/. dozen customers and Vic Swanson |B. C., occupation commercial traveller, intends thence om — to: Saree commagncement, | thence north 80 chains, thence weet 80. chains, i$ I HOMPSON HARDWARE ( ‘O Yy > \ ; mB Railway Company,” with io apply for permission to purchase the following | Co®t#ining 640 acres more ‘ thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chair > 4 > i we out, Construct and ope »'the bartender, and smashing the | deseribed lands | Pub May i7. ™ Prank Blinay We eee Dated April 18, 1911. JAMES DUNLOP 2 S dA Telephone 10 2 ee he ; nd operate | oem , ae i Commeneing at a post planted about seven | *¥) May 4. van ney Wrignt, Agen! Pub. May 13. Francis S. Preston, Agen $ econd Avenue vlephene . ‘ " ro om 8 point in ~ mirror Three empty shells were | miles west and one mile south from the mouth caawin pr eae Fs on os et iat titii ities i a es aS ee 2 4 : t \lberta, at or near the ‘ f of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence north 80 | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Caasiar | Skeena anc istrict-— District o oas: nge > PPP PPP OP GOOF EEE ODE PDI EIDE EOS EEE IIS SF ISS SG vy ai ¥ I ton, thence northerly found, but some eople think | chains, ‘thence west 40 chains, thence south 80 Take notice that I, Bertie Edwin Badger [fof | Take notice that I, Charlee A. Vaughan of 4 em ‘anattia is © . chains, thence east 40 ¢ ins. . | Stewart, B. C., eccupation plumber, intend to | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation merchant, intend = ——— = —_—— r on a ce to, at, = only one shot went off in that Deted Mares 17, 1911, ~ J. a. MURPHEY apply for permission to purchase the following to apply, (or permission to purehase the following ‘r S sanding; thence north- i "ub. April 22. Numa Demers, Agen described da: jescribec , * i _ east of Lesser Slave neighborhac xd wherever the others ‘ Commencing at a post planted about one mile Commencing at a post planted on the south BxKex* Bek ek eke kix ax et Ex ba ba 6& | pil \ r] I aaa Skeena Land District—-Distriet of Queen Charlotte | north of the Naas river and about seven miles bank of Exchumsiks River and about four miles - or Loon River; thence may have been fired Take notice that Frank Levick of Woodstock, | above the forks of the Naas River upstream, from its confluence with the Skeena svar. thence H nw : point at or near the ; Ont., occupation DOCRKOADS, jsyinass i, apply thence north 80 chaing, thense east 80, chains, Egil cont, Sanaa) ee pees * ve n he 4 re 7 . or permission to purchase the following described h 80 eb , thence west 80 ns to nains st, ence r : eace | on River with the ands: - . . aaa eee containing mance commencement, containing 640 acres more or less e at & point near the ON EASTERN TRIP Commencing at a post planted about seven | more or less. Dated April 21,1911 CHARLES A. VAUGHAN | Jf Lar: est t toc in No ern o. ’ © Red River with the miles west and two miles south of i mou of BERTIE EDWIN BADGER | Pub. April 29. + ee nl ae ive below Fort Ve rmillion Stanley Creek where it empties nto aden | Dated March 28. 1911. Prank Sidney Wright, Agt : c Hi & Peace q r Harber, Graham Island, thence 80 chains south, b. May | _ Skeena Land Distriet— District of Coast For ce Rive SI the Rin northerly Mrs. and Miss Holtby to Spend | thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains rorth, ie 2 notin that L calien Melville Corley 4 | l] » on the Slave iver: , thence 80 chains west to point of commencement o oronto, ntario, 0} lerk, } pe ( he said railinail! wean the Winter in Quebec and cortaning 640 acres more or less _ | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range | to apply. for perminion to purchase the following Hl i hit gH os W moar es | Dated March 17, 1911. FRANK LEVICK| Take notice that Annie jm of Prince | described lands | GET YOUR ‘ he abiska River or the Pub. Apri! 7. Numa Demers, Agen Rupert, B. C,, occupation married woman, intends Commencing ‘at a post planted at the northwest x HH * the vr easterly to Fort McMurray to apply for permission to purchase the following | corner of Lot 3055 Raag 5, Coast District, thence HI he A 1 River; thence easter! By the Prince George on Mon- | Skeena Land District—-Distriet of Coast Range 6 d lan east 60 chains, thence north'40 chains, thence west | ij mw long , s eo Riv : ¥ on riy ‘ i Take notice that Eldon S. Detwiler of Pertin, ommenens at £2 planted at 9 post ot the s om © ete 0 ee eee eee slong * | | * } ae vad er anc ur : . { d X t is t oly © | southwest corner, slou south y to . ° ! ill } rough the Provi ares day a number of well known Ont, speupation domser, is ands to apoly , for ieee SOY Seer een tas Tieitiot | Seine: nee caeeimonn ee Rifles , Ammunition and | ( © For Ch im o Prince R rt folk will be leay ing lands: Range 5, thence east 20 chains, thence north 40 | Dated April 6, 1911. a : Rs Eg | | mw ort, Ne m oa suet at or rince upert folk ' “H Commeneing at a post planted at the south- ebains, thence west ¢ chains, thenee eaush +4 a 99 aM MELVILLE CORLEY x ae ee il * ) on Day ‘rom ie one them wi west corner of Lot 1928, thence east 30 chains | chains, thence eas ls ub, 29. | i railroad near its crossing town on trips \mong r Loltl more or less, menes south 45 oe more or 4 | Ghains to pout of of commencement, containing 120 pean oe ed nl i | | Se i , oF : : S ‘ yo oltby | thence west 80 chains more or less, thence north | acres more or Stikine Land Distriet—Datrict ae | e Rive or Loon Rive r, westerly be Miss Holt y and Mr mel 4 chains more or less to point of commencement | Dated any. > 1911. ANNIE MUSSALLEM | ‘aie notice that Sydney Hodgkinson of Tele- ee » Crossing on the Peace vho are going for a_prol ynwed | containing 140 acres more or leas. : Pub. May 13. graph Creek, B. C., occupation clerk, intends to | i po oOo em le “nee westerly on the north WAP SIP gs & \ . peat te: 31, vil ELDON Deer Rae | | 9peu, fer, pesealesion to purebase the following | + | | ¢ N r i risi treé ane u pr al » escr’ s Ae 4 rough Laurier Pass visit to Ottawa, Montrea i tise dpi teat Skeona Land District Distriet of Qoest Benge 6 Commencing at « post planted about a quarter | m I * $ ‘Upert: or ortlanc Jana ‘ The : + 1 rone | Skeena Land District-—District of Cass ° jy | mile north east from Glacier Rifle and on the east | . h the | she t 1 ; ith oast in British Columbia; Quebec. They exper 0 be gon Take notice that 1, Swan Hallen of Stewart, purse. Tiien'ts pureheme fis folowing deooey cubed | bank of Stikine River, thence east 20 chains | for the Hunting season mg Y ‘ construet | tf j iths Part of that time) B. Cy oceupation carpenter, intend to apply oe p | thence north 40 ehains, thence west 20 chains, | legr : \ ana operate | fOr six months Fé , for permission to purchase the following deser | an | thenee south 40 ebains to point of commencement * v6 telephone and cable . Siro 4 iandat Commencing at # post planted about three an | And containing 80 acres more or leas. gH Seay eral publie purposes; to they will be guests ol Mrs : ? Commencing at a post planted about (6) miles | one-half miles distant n a south westerly 3 post ©D | Dated Feb. 11, 1911. ml we construct, m ; south and one( 1) mile west of the forks of the White | from a blind slough from Observatory et . ere | SYDNEY, HODGKINSON ate boat ; aintain and OP- | C'Ne ill of Quebec, w ho betore | and Flat rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 the same touches the Indian Reserve, thence) pup, April C.A. Tervo, Agent | AT THE EH ; th ind fe ae for the purposes ’ ~ chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 | west s Shion, Senco nate Shaina, thones | * : lly and other pur - marriage I] kno here | chains west. | anes S09 ehains, vena env vretines Sxeena Land Distriet—District of Cassiar yee t poses; to | her mart lage was well Fnown Dated A § sw EN t taining 640 acres more ; } \ make ad April 18, 1911. SWAN HALLE | commencement, con oF " Kyte of Pri: Ru- | p pany B, wharves, docks os ae _— Miss Ethel Holtb) Pub. May 13, Francis 8. Preston, Agent (Rock 1911, ON IVAN PETERS we ae oe clan alatinen. Satie "oe x rince upert Hardware an y ompé A a areho Yess, dock-yards, slips, | as Iss the OINDY. | #ub. May 26. apply for permiasion to purchase the following | THIRD AVENUE F Ise "evators and other co ‘ —_— described lan x rie n- : ; nd > ri ark will journey Cc t t planted about (8) three | Bo Agreeme With power to enter Mrs. C. B, Wark | Coast Land District—-District of Skeena "conn “At @ post Pethe White and Plat | * + 26628 6 UO 4 SMITH ee youber Companies, with the party as tar Toronto Take notice that I, Pau! Brendler, of | rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 50 oper | e+ e+e +e +m I & JOHNSTON party : e e ey ome Porcher Islard, occupation farmer, in- sae thence 80 chains north, thence 8@ D. Nicitors for the Applic oe . ‘n the East orcher Island, occur ’ ol Btted at Ottawa th pplicants }.on a visit to relatives in the bast. Neer Prince Rupert. | tend to apply for permission to lease | ¥ Dated April 18, 1911. ARRRED IY eee eee . ne D, 19jy. SS Slat day of the following foreshore: Commencing | Pub, May 18. Francis S$. Preston, Agent hh . at a post planted about 12 feet from the me eet i Will Re-open August 25th. ese cation post of lot 1801 on Porcher Is- | gkeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Kanes | ti A good silence cloth for the | oe é ox tenia jland, thence in a southerly direction peal fone ge ES 0 Puieam a Be | OTe : sirls from 6 to 16 year following high water mark 1200 feet; . Pav! Minnesota, e hoes cm ining ts \ C8 » mi with a} ie : 4 uanun wandine One e ig intends to apply ‘for permission to purchase the ea A dverti i dining table can be m icle t | Boys from 6 to 14 years received anne se west to low water mark; thence following denasined law ; ea Pe) 1S ick therly following low water mark | Commencing ata post planted at the ‘| wl ‘; in double thickness of hite flannel | wee corner of Lot No, 1733 marked Mra, L. © cushime 4 : ; he Fee $10 per month | 2880 feet; thence east to point of com- | SoM hoast corner, thence west 4° ehains, thence a ® laid with the soft side on th mencement, south £0 chalug thence east 40 ebains, thenne ie ; Applications for admission should be | PAUL BRENDLER, north 80 chains to post = commencement, eon et inside and quilted on the machine; | 4? a aatitia on aie Dated March 7, 1911 taining 820 acres more or | wi : ‘ | made as soon as possible ne dated ch 7, . Dart seek 0 iL MRS. L. C . PUTNAM edge with a binding ol white tape. | Superintendent, First insertion March 11 Pub, April m © Geo. R. F ee Agen