PAGE POUR -TBS 0AXL7 I 1 RATE We Accept SMASHING REDUCTIONS AH shoes and rubber footwear cut down to less than cost. We sell for less. Let us save you money. We carry everything in footwear for the entire family. We have just received a large shipment of high grade shoes in all widths from A to EEE in fine black kid Oxfords and one-strap. No need to say you have an expensive foot. Come in and let us fit you. RUBBERS: We Ski Boots Men's and Ladies' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. No better values than this have ever been seen in Prince Rupert. CUT RATE SHOE District News ' TERRACE Mr. McLaren has resumed the dancing class which tn past winters has been a popular feature o: the village life of Terrace. These classes are held In the Oddfellows Hall each Friday evening. Last Monday the Oddfellows installed their officers for the year There was a banquet antj a pleasant social time until a late hour. The Rebekah Lodge assembled In the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday last for a social evnlng. A whist drive, followed by dancing, was the order. Monday was nomination day for the forthcoming election of a nw Board of Commissioners. All members of the old board were renom inated and it seems likely that they will carry on another term. ' There are five nominations In all. , ( Dan McKlnnon is confined to his home with an attack of influenza and during his Indisposition, ha place at the liquor store is taken by C. L. Ypungman, of Prince Ru- pert. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand. 32S 4 Granville St., Vancouver. ' Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W Rllpy, Terrace. B.C. General store, Anyox. Bmlthtrs Drug Store. 8mltN er. B.C. i ... . . k . Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating thru Dry Daeki Total capacity tl,lll tau Shlpbollden and Sbly Repairer fr Steel tnd Wood Teitel lrts aai Bra Cutlna lleetrle and Acetylene Weldlni ll-Ua Derrick far llear; Lilt. lawmlll and MlnlncMacblnerj Repaired and Orerhaaltd CUT have a large stock selling at 35 less than anywhere else in the city. WOMEN'S Overshoes Special, Women's Rubber Overshoes, a clearing line QQp vVKj regular $1.95, at Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala . 1:30 pjn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pji. Ss. Cardena .... midnight (Torn Vancouvei Sunday ss. catala pm Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide .. pjn Ss. Cardena p.m For Anyox and Stewart Sunday-ss. Catala ,8 Wed, ss. Pr. Runert 4 , nm f r From Anvoz and Stewart- Tuesday SS. Catala ...11. "ib ariy Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p un for Naas River and Tort Simpson 1 Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn,, From Naas River Si Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... li;30 a jn For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala, .. .1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 pjn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide ... p.m. Ss. Cardena jj.m. From Queen Charlotte Island Jan. 17 and 31 ss. Pr. John ajn. From Alaska- from Skeena River-Friday ss. Cardena .'. pjr. Zippers Special, Women's Black and Brown highest grade Cash mere Zippers $1.95 regular $3.95 at STORE FATE IS UNKNOWN Nothing Definite Yet in Case of Edward Bremer, Abducted St -Paul Banker and Brewer ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 24': With six days having elapscjdj since : the kidnapping, there was st)lll rtothlng ,f-tt fate of PjlMril Edward n O. BrpAlr Bremer, ,,, " " .:7,T . . 3"' i38-ycar old banker and'brewer, who was abducted last Wednesday pnd for whose safe return $200,000 ransom was demanded. There was a report that a new contact had been made with the abductors on behalf on Bremer's family and that he was safe and well. Chlorosis of orchard apple tree with arrested growth or decay due to Iron deficiency, althougn unaffected by ferrous sprays or soil dressings, haa been effectively cured In homely fashion by driving heavy Iron nails an inch long into the trunk and brancnes of the trees. Lord Bledisloe, Advertise In the Dally News "TILLIE THE TOILER" TRIAL IS DEFERRED Hearing of Dr. Alice Wynekoop Called Off Until She Either Dies or Recovers CHICAGO, Jan. 24: The trial of Dr. Alice Wynekoop, aged woman physician, who Is charged with the murder of her daughter-in-law. Itlieta Wynekoop, has been called off until such time as the defendant dies or Is sufficiently recovered from a heart attack which she suf fered during the trial last week to J stand the ordeal of trial. The first' trial was suspended at the request of defendant herself after physl - clans had failed to agree as to whe- ther or not she would be able lo appear in court in the' reasonably near future. Dr. Wynekoop is still In hospital, OFFICERS INSTALLED (Continued from Pace 1 est of members had been main' taincd lh a very gratifying degree. Commissioner Alder "Boys' Education" was the subr i rt n n n rrl rl o 1 L Kir M t f an undc"rId Commissioner Alder who urged the:max importance of education under i . changing conditions of today along technical or specialized rather than aademlc lines. He appealed to such organizations as the Oyro Club and , the public at large for co-opcratlon In efforts that might be made to make such specialized education available Jn Prince Rupert for 1 youths and young men of today! who were unable to find employ-1 ment. manv of whom had no sni. tclal fitting for any particular line of activity. John Dybhavn, president of thc!1"1-" Rotary Club, gave an address along service lines, justifying the cxls- terice of such organization as the Rotary and Oyro Clubs in'commur - ; ItV. national and international n-! r fairs. ' The musical program '6f the eve ning included male quartets aridj sea chaiulS;,by Arthur Sutton. S. Jj Hunter. J. A. Teng and W. Aston, vocal solos by J. A, Teng. comic monologues by H. E. Astori and community singing under the lead erfhlp of Dr. R. O. Large and Harry Astori. Piano accompanists for thl evening were S. C. Thomson,, H N. Brocklesby and C. P. Balagno. The proceedings opened with the sing- Ing-of'"0 Canada" and closed with "God Save the King." NEW FILM IS SHOWN Warner Hauler, Myrna I.oy, Mac Clarke and I'hllllps Holmes Stars of "Penthouse" . Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy are the featured players In the, screen play "Penthouse," adapted! from the story of the same name by Arthur Somcrs Roche, which is being presented on the screen of; the Capitol Theatre here this mid-' week. As the scion of an aristocratic New York family and a society law- yer who chooses to defend notor- :lous racketeers, Baxter Is said to give one of the finest performance's i of his long and distinguished screen career. Myrna Loy piays the part of a beautiful night club girl with one of the strongest and most lov able roles In which she has so fat been seen. Map nl.irkiv n n cnrcraiM nlifht club hostess who meets a myslcr- lous death, and Phillips Holmes, as i a young man about town who is ac- ; cuscd of the murder, head the sun- porting cast. A secret investigation, led by Baxter. Holmes' friend. proves that the death was the ell- ECONOMY SPECIALS PRUNES-30-40 25c 4 ,DS- 77c 1,Di tln "Ai'i-YVALb sweet MUSTARD PICKLES 29c PJ Qua" m&iAJMi I'UOIUM- 49c large,, per tin f . GRATED PINEAPPLE 2 s 25c ia real buy). 2 tins PILOT BREAD , 49c 3 Ibi. " I V TOASTED CHEESE THINS 13c per jikg., MINUTE TAPIOCA 13c I per pkg. . ' CORN STARCH 18 19c 2 pkgs. MANY FLOWERS SOAP 25c 4 for . TOILET TISSUE Large 32c Reg. 15c. 3 for 73c per carton MUSSALLEIVrS Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents M7-19 Third Avenue West r.....?0"".. Quests of the evening were Clty'FELS NAPTHA SOAP Commissioner W. J. Alder. John Dybhavn, W. Aston, J. A. Teng, S. J. Hunter. Arthur Sutton, H. 11. Astori, J. H. Pillsbury, A. R. Nichols, W. O. Fulton, F. A. MacCallum, S. C. Thomson. W. M. Blackstock. Col. J. W. Nlcholls, A. S. Nlckerson, Dr. C. H. Hanklnson. F. W. Wesch, W. D. Vance. Walter Hume.' M. M. Mc-Lachlan. Peter Lakie and Dr. H. L. Alexander. History Repeats Itself MOetw' l( 3ooo S( HoVAl0v)-r I PI (it momh op viv 1 OH . VbaFT7""! ( I2XAT O1 I II - hovaj do Vou likr thi.1 " i Arsiei OBkjiMS lowty ew'3? dCH BSias ut vou VOu'(2r aoa- J I , .J V apibs j . t - vT tf r " 7J3HAT eAUPeOMVOu PoTTy XSJ NOOASI f HVJMPM 1 MAT' ill ' mi. l' l-T A Cordial Invitation Wednesday it Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Admission 13c Si 50c . HE AW5 MR TO -reuSTIilfrV VSSLUj i.'iV rf OF HAUONRTIMfc, flZZJ 'V, VERY HB OTP.Ce jjgjfrX S&'SI 5 tSr) FIST THAT kCTALL raPlfirfV Jt 'kowCkV J? j u,M 'fW 4 4 Intrigue, Romance and Raffling Mystery 10 Storeys Above Ilroadwat WARNER BAXTER in "PENTHOUSE" A M-G-M Release 7 .30 Si D 30) With MYRNA LOY, CHARLES, UUTTERWORTH, MAE CLARKE A Daring Crime in the Clouds Urines Two Invent Together, Comedy CHARLIE CHASE In "SHERMAN SAID IT" PARAMOUNT NEWS TheFish which made "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - I'reparcd Daily Hj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'KINCE ItUI'KltT. B.C. Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Cual.thhi, (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 WHEN YOUR ch&rActer'-It's sure lo cle&se vou verv well.! PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phonc618 Daily News Want SO I OM. I Mac Read IT J GOOO AT VEfttC OB RMVME. QUT y VOU tON'T I've GOt A LIME Tur.T come cr ' ND -sec AU SOMCTIMC ' 7 wyfr' ' FRIDAY & SATURDAY "AUCK IN 2 WONDERLAND and 2 "LIFK IN TIIK RAW Prince Rupert Famous NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll. Picprletor -A IIOMK AWAY FROM llOMr," Rate 11.09 op W lUwinv tint At Cold WtUr Prince Rupert, BX. Phone 181 P.O, Bos 1P1 COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONk US We have coijls suitable for nil your requirements and at prices to suit all purges. Ads Bring Results By Westover. T7 V 1 1 ujMat I aoTH on fees r i f I I5f - - ri)Tn..i - -H-QMl'HV)t-r:-'- f2j