nan rno i . .1 - big feature bia. THE DAILY NEWS. f KINCK KLPEKT BKIT1SH COLtffllllrA Kirtiilsned livery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by lrinr Kupm Dally News. Limited. TMrd Avenue H. F. PULLEN - Local readers, per insertion, per line Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly periodt paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts o( British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ..... By mall to all other countries, per year .. .ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incti per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Contract rales on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations OTTAWA CONFERENCE S5.0tt! .101 3.00 9.00 Premier Bennett is to be congratulated on having u . ..r:i "Potlatch to Pulpit," the book written by Rev. William; rather than contraction ot Cana- wzbh "me a Henry Pierce of Port Essington, and published in Van-Jdian business, in fact, a. notable prosperity.- couver, is meeting with much favor m this district. The Ieaiure u m Canadian- -j. i. -i? ..-1 iiL i i- i.. . Demand and Savings deooslts dur- TO DEATH1 ' supplies at Hiaon Creek store, leav ing for his cabin with a heavy pack. Referring to the situation In Ca- :e is believed to have been neau nada, the President said: MI am Another Tragedy of Trail Reported ' about a week when the body was glad to tay that since we last met for upwards of twenty years before right heel had also been blistered, coming to Canada in 1930. He had He wore high rubber boots which not been long in the Hixon Creek would soon exhaust his strength on area but was- well" known around ,he trail. Takla Landing, Hazclton and Sml-thers. There Is believed to be a brother George Irvine, In Vancouver with whom the police are endeavoring to get In touch. There is also a daughter. Jgan 'Irvine,' In Ncw castle-on-Ti-ne, jinfcland: The coroner at Prjnce George determined that death had been due to exhaustion and exposure and that no Inquest was necessary. The case was Investigated by Provincial Constable Taylor of Prince Oeorce. The body was found on the trail COAL! COAL! . Our Famous Edsort: Alberta ana t Oiilkley Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satlsfaclon. Try i '.ton of No. 't flulkley .Valley, Wf ulso srll Timothy ;Hay. Wheat pat and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Itev. W. I). Grant HoUlngwortli, B.A. Organist: Mrs. K. J. Smith 11 AAL, Sermon Subject: "THE PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Westvlew School. 7:30 P:M Sermon Subject: "THE RELIGION OF TOMORROW" Has Christianity failed? If not are Its methods of presentation antiquated? A discussion and consideration of Mr. II. O. Wells' recent book. . "The Shape of Tilings to Come." " .. - ' All vlsltoM welcome . , . T ' ; j The Railway Situation Dealing with the situation of the Government railways Sir Herbert expressed, the opinion that the tini9 tor half measures had passed and that bold and courageous ac-; tlon waj required. He felt that the views expressed at the last Annual 1 Meeting that, enforced co-operation between the two railway systems would not be a "satisfactory remedy had btrn confirmed by the experience of the past year and Is still of the opinion that the maximum of economy can only be obtained by some form of administrative amalgamation. The President made a strong demand for a reduction of Governmental debts and pointed out that the cost of maintaining too numerous, governments, Federal, Provincial and Municipal, was becoming ; unbearable. He said: "Greater activity In business will reduce un-. employment, produce Increased revenues, and a reduction In disbursements for public relief. Advantage should be taken of these developments to reduce debta rather than Increase expenditures." t. Condition In Other Gauntries. ! In referring to- conditions In other countries he expressed the view that the low point In the depression for most of the world was reached In thc latter part of 1932, and since that time there has been a .general Increase In International THE DAILY NEWS Saturday. January 20, 193 Review Favourable Year For Royal Bank of Canada STUOXG. 1'OSITION MAINTAINED Mr. it W. Wilson, Vice-President gradual withdrawal of the note- Issuing privileges ot the Charterea Banks did not appear to be in tr.p public Interest. Retention of these privileges would not hamper th Central Bank In its efforts to control credit. In this connaction he quoted an ecltorlal whleh appearec n..i.4 hh i -i4 m-i... o . mt la the London Economist to the ef- iicukii HMii, i iwiuum ium-n aironpr view mat fect that th Central Bans w.mlrt wmnn v iuiaua is wmnneiy on Uic Upgrade not be In the least weakened lowing Chartered Banks Morris W. Wilson, Vice-President and General Manager. taln thelr prewnt ,ssues under lhe; I Itovioxvs Slrnnir ,,,. PrMent restrictions. Mr Wilson, The annual meeting of the share- 1.40 : holders or the Royal Bank ol Can- ,25 a marked the close of a" most 4)2 1 successful year. 1 ot- ifABkAk. itaI t. : J I 1 4 . . . ,, . . .... went on. U say: "I think, there fore, that we should view the eli-trade. Reference to the United initiation of bank note- Uue no States was nude as follows : as a step which must Inevitably "While business in the United accompany tHe creation of a cen-States commenced to Improve trai bank but as a seDarate matter . ou j.ciuc.t, tiuik, ricsiucui, ui auum uw miaaie or iaa it later entirely The real question Is whe-jhis t" address auurcas struct suutk. an iui optimistic opiuiusuc suffered waui-rea a a relapse reupse due aue to to their tnelr the the Oovernment Oovernment desires to have Is . tg ti.oie wane wuru iicu uc uc wtwu wtwu wiav wiav n jib con- con- uaning uaning auucuiues auucuiues ana ana tee tee nest- nest- h-inklns banking service service maintained at sldered that. Canada wasnow del- tation and uncertainty which pre- small points thr01.3r.0ut .intely on the upgrade. Its progress cede a change of administration. Country country or or to to appropriate appropriate the the r ?iturdiv Jin 20 .Mi!howefer. was tng retarded by too Sine last March quite material pro- . heavy taxation and the cost of gross has been made. It is difficult .. ,, , V moving the adoption, ot the Dlrec- P1"" the- reeling that lnc.l;aUons T1 r, i i i u Premier Pattullo is even more to be congratulated on the tors KpQI m pointed t.,the initiation or a su- - tn rev enue of note Issues for themselves. T bpllevp that the sain to the Go .maintaining, so. many Government to analyze the effects of their poll- ernment would not offset the loss !In lh country was rapidly becom- cies and impossible to prophesy the tf, the nubile throiwh curtailment ' m unaeataaie. outcome, ineir central iflea mat of banking facilities. Unquestlon- il0rris W WUson- Vice-President an increase tn. the price level must there which Pl.flm:ai. Poti,,llrt to finvo mnsf nf xvhnt ab.y are many places COOmC uiimr. Premier lattuUo Seems to have Seemed most Ot What'and General Manager. In his ad- be obtained U sound common sense COuld no longer support a branch he Went to Ottawa to get. He ha Obtained a promise that dress reviewed, the outstanding and is now. quite generally accep- bank If note Issuing privileges were there Will be a bie: program of public Works commenced -feature of the strong statement ted as-such throughout the world, to be withdrawn. The operation c- in the early spring and there seems to have been a tacit'0' 1)1X6 Thp frature ot A our Annual MeeUngs of the last a number of small branches at a nm-PPment thnt hpln will be im-en the nrnvince in connec- T1. eonnecuon ur years . nave empnasizea bare mSitln of prof,t i, character V . , ' V i. V 1 mi Yi 'wun te pissinie rarmauon. or x wux re-empnosizea tne necessity for tion With Its proposed refunding scheme. These were the; central Bank, added Me Wllsoru a hishec price leveL I see no rea- lstic of banktnr in this country. 01 the requests-coming from British Colum-lwould be the- quality of. lt man- n why It cannot be achieved in ot as aSpets Is native to the Do- agemeni. au course. minion and prudence should ! President' Address In ckwlng Sir Herbert Holt said: prompt us to be very cautious In Sir Herbert & Holt, President, in uc wst Annual Meeting I ex- advocating fundamental change. In conclusion Mr. Wilson said: At our last Annual Meeting I Yen- Success Ot tfie mission wnicn he initiated. tVlClently he IS Tt 64th Annual Beport and stanUaI recovery in 1933. This tured to suggett that the prospect pleased and he WOUld not be pleased If he had not been Balance Sheet submitted to you. " 19 Possime- to go one step of further Improvement in the EUCCecsfuL to-day disclose the strong position fanner and to venture the opinion coming year was very much more (of the hank. White Balance Sheet Ulat we- ar now definitely on the hopeful than It was the previous LIFE AMONG THE INDIANS figures are somewhat smaller than "w-gnuie. we aeai mieuigenxj? year. That predlctien has b?en 2. i those- of a vearaco. this reflects a lul me m proDiem. tnat con- jfaUlng off In international deposits front w we can expect within mea- return or general General Manaser Address. nrst oi tne voiuiue ueai wun me lor euu- part druggie and General Manager. In the year u referring ndence in the ability of Canada to CatlOll Of the author, Of his conversion to Christianity eminently satisfactory. As you to Position ot the bank pointed share in the continued improve-throilgh Rev. Thomas Crosby and of his finally becoming would expect the restricted de- out that asseu totallea mnt In economic conditions which a minister in the Methodist Church. The Snread Of the mand for commercial loans, and". "ai.iwu, ana were equal to 55.- i believe Ilea ahead of us. gospel among the natives is depicted and in the second part!he lent J our JJtL Softr A. 1 ot less wuc 5Z-8B . the previous year. e u i (it i i i ,, m.'js remunetative assets In of the book many of the old customs and habits of the na-th; tom o 1 a. notable feature u that 24.28-, tives are dealt with The work was edited by J. P. Hicks, editor of the West- claf Government securities has "r-ucii'naMlUes Is: represented by combined with, other factors to re- ca5fl and cash balances agregat- o.mi Ronnwloi. A j tha aAitinn -nQ nnl,r o cnioll n r,nA if duce oroflLs. In Anril last th di. m" J37, lie mentioned the (UI .IVVUIULl i.C i-IIU VUlblUli Vlil 44 471444441 74IC 444414 4 V. -K 4 . .1 a t. . mav nnv not nnf oe rip 1 l-pnn'nl-pfl epi lntea. it it i is likely likplv to to hp oe ouicki mnVklv bold nM nut out and nnd cent Tldend was "d"ced from 10 per cana i"rttl tutnt mtefesUng dtposlts fact ,ncreased that In the volumes Will become valuable. quite i, dividends have n7.000.000 during ihe year - - - - and av,ns deposits were higher - been paid at that rate. The Im- in PIl XTiHT on January 9 and the last time de-. nrovement which has taken nlace COOT.OOO- l. h Kl I. r hi ceased had been seen alive was on in business during the- last six. 1x1 disC"in? the proposed cen December 29 when he purchased months, has already had a bene- . fteial. effect on earnings. tral bank he recalled the hope which he expressed at the last Annual Meetln? that the Government would see fit to have the project examined by. a body of expert ano ald: "The Royal Commission on UIC HiAUll IvtCCK. Willi "I UIC 4-UUtC liuoi-uiiiwi """'C UCUH4. - 1 Cmmrv npTa nntahU fnr in. Tnu notaoie Bit Hie n .ii-..i .., tu r t.i Thpr wr tv.o ffr.r4nc f movpmpnt anrxnr tn he fnlfln ' rree- ucuiiic uunn, ui yujiii n. 411411c, ------ iwiji.iivt. ji ' ' dam UUill with Willi which nit nnettVtln svl WIUCI. all CV1 ... .. . . . . J 1 .1 .1 r.1l nn Vi. nnm..lAmA pOSSlDie J3-Cai UIU U4U9JJCLLUI aiiU UlllKJlo "-V.-Jlu - nuvui IUIJ ri o ' man, who. it was found by invest!- feet back from the point where the 80011 M world trade commences gallon, had come to his death as a body was found two seven-pound to reTlTe there is an Improved de- rcsult of being frozen to death fol- sacks of flour were hanging on the mand tar Canadian raw materials, lowing exhaustion while-carrying "mb of a tree. It was evident that Canadlan Ports increase sub- n heaw nark Drrisert cm a na. deceased had endeavored to lluhtrn stantlally surplus inventories dis- 7. . '. " . . . . . t... onndnr nnrt rrofilpr nrtlvltv tn th dence was received and for the pa- tlence and tact displayed In dca?- live oi uiasgow, scotiana, ana naa " '"iiu on nnamg mat ne was ur- , , 7 ---". can be developed as a useful been employed as a street railway ,ing. His left foot is believed to have ' fS St Junct to ' bankln? syr.em.-owrator Yld- "onal with In the Scottish metrouolls been sprained before he fell. HU employment A ttUliaVHUCll 441141T4TlllCltl. 411 LiUl" 4l lSUe ad borne out by subsequent develop-, ments. For the first time In years an attitude ot quiet but confident optimism Is in evidence almost everywhere. Many problems still have to be solved but I have full con- THOUSAND ARE DEAD CALCUTTA. Jan. 20: iCP--No foreigners are believed to have been among the victims of last ' Monday's disastrous earthquake in : India. Conservative but unofficial 1 AMENDMENT UNDECIDED .Move .Made to .Make Sweepntake Gains forfeitable to State IiuUad of Informer OTTAWA, Jan. 20: No decision Old Country Soccer ENGLISH I.KAGl!i: First Division Blrminaham 0. Middlesbrough 0. Chelsea 5. Sheffield United 0. Dei by 1. Newcastle 1. Leeds 1. Huddersfleld 1. Liverpool 2. Aston Vilk 3. Manchester 2. Arsenal 1. Portsmouth 3. Stoke 1. Sheffield Wednesday 0 Sunderland 3. Wolverhampton 3. Tottenham 0. Leicester 1. Wat Bromwkh 0. Blackburn 1 SCOTTISH cur l"lrt Kound Queen of South 5. Edinburgh City estimates today place the death 2. list at about one thousand with SO.-1 Olacton 8, Keith 2. 000 or more injured. Hundreds ot bodies are being dumped into the! J-.- rTre remains wer, found l1ng- nu nt Canadian have fTrL Divisional headquarters of the Jace down with nds clasped hai the opportunity of seeing this S S?j IZ'oTZ SS the Chalrmanshipt SMaUcmt and property devastation is defln- . 1 . t 1 i- . II 1 . 1 t.i vorolir fnct.h(tan' Vn4 J.nlk 1 T 1 1 ffftv VPfi 4nH tVo nneanl lan their sittings in all parts of the known. In Blsha Province. the hardest hit section, damage Is estimated at approximately $40,000,000. The catastrophe now appears de- .iW1tU!. thC roaterlaIJ ub?lltti finitely to have centred In I do npt agree with the Re- frn Indla nr thc basc of the tZl: " l. 77. f 7 77 . Himalaya Mountains where entire properly constituted Central Bank native communities were reduced to shambles although all other parts of the country were severely shaken. Suffering is Intense and chasing power and domestic trac. Mr. Wilson expressed the strong fears are held of plague breaking This has been the sequence of opinion that the recommendations out owing to lack of sanitation and events in Canada during the last in the Report with, respect to the inadequate water supply, six months." When you'VoIl your own" with Turret Fine Cut, you cet more satisfying, cigarettes, and more of them, too, he-cause this better cigarette tobacco gives ou More tobacco for your money plus Poker Hands. With the money you save on Turret Fine Cut you can buy the best papers "Vogue" or"Chantecler"--and yet pay less for your cigarettes. And you can use the Poker Hands to get Jrtt many beautiful and useful gifts for yourself, your home and your friends. Join the big swing-to Turret Fine Cut today! It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGAR ETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Imptrltl TobMfo CapuF o' CtatJ. Umlui Altoa 4. Dundee United 2. St. Johnstone 3. Bast Fife 1. Penlculck Athletic 2. St. Mlrren 2. NlthMiale Wanderers 0, East Stirling 2. Motherwell 4. Gala Palrydean 0. King's Park 0. Dundee 1. Hearts S. Montrose 1. Qaeen's Park 1. Forfar 0. Lelth Athletk 0. Cowdenbeath 1 played Wednesdays Ross County 3. Burntisland Shipyard Amateurs" 2. f Fnlktrts3. Lelth Amateurs 0. -Dalbeattie Star 0. Celtic 6. Aberdeen 1. Ralth Rovers 0. Partlck Thistle 1. Morton 0. Vale of Leithen 3. Rosyth Dockyard 0. Arbroath 2. Dumbarton 1. Belth 1. Brechin City 2. Albkm Rovers 4. Vale Ocoba 1. ! Glasgow Rangers 14, Dlalrgowrle Hibernians 5, Clyde 4. St. Bernard'a 3. Wlk Academy 0. Ayr United 2. Dunfermline 0. Sttnhoureraulr 1. Tlilrd Unark 1. Airdieonian 1, Kilmarnock L Peterheard 0. Hamilton Academicals 2. - Iceland BRIDGE PARTY IS SUCCESSFUL Affair Held Last Nl(lit by Municipal Chapter. I. O. I). K. A very enjoyable telephone brtt' e party was held last night by Mur... clpal Chapter of the Imperial Ore! t been made to amend the! has as yet Daul,ltm of th, uumiliiuu taw iu mane sumo iiuui totteries forfeitable to the state Instead of to the public informer. Hoftteae& for the occasion w re Mesdames W. Brass, S. V Cox J R Mortson. C. J. Norrlngton. D. C Stuart. J. A. Teng, E Anderson II, A. Breen. R. Davie. J. A. Darry u:;i O, C. Young and the Misses F enee Smith. Jean Wilson and Dc, thy PatrmMe. Thr prhe winners were Cuntraetr-Udiet' first. MIm M: prat' McG litre; consolation f Hitlle Lawrence; men'.s fir liimcjiinaoH; roiuwutiiun. uc: ui don. Auction- Ladles- first Mr W Reld; consolation. Mrs. T B, B! ... I Everlon mrn's first. Miss McKay cm .a Uon. W W Wrathall Grotto and Swift's Winners Thursday In Bridge Matches Orotto and 8wlft'K were winr i in Thursday nlcht s Bridge Lr . ptoy. the former winning over C a filoraue 7397 to 4702 and the over the Oddfellows CC97 to 5313 Hockey Scores Tiiurulsjr Sroret , Chicago 0. New York Ranger Boaton 2. Toronto 6, M&htrett 1. Detroit 1 Today's Weather Langara Island southeast wind; sea moderate Triple Island -Overcast, mc 1 ate southerly wind; sea modcrr Dead Tree Point- Overcast southeast wind; barometer lZ temperature, 34; heavy chop. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 23, Alysruh Part cloudy, calm, :' Anyox -Part cloudy calm. 21 I laael ton Cloudy, calm. 25 Smltlir-aoudy. calm, mild Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, XX Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Alberto-1 Mr- Vasttlkn Kostls and tam UU. CapL Jamee J. Mountain, with tTOm P'nnlngton. YT. on Ute Y Copt Andrew Sinclair on board as 'lld White Pass Route llot. arrived In port at 5 o'clock fam,,y passengers aboard r:t hls morning from loco with a car-11 " rforah this morning :o of fuel oil for the company's lo 'ai tanks and will be here until arly tomorrow morning when she vlll sail for San Pedro. Cal. Canada supplies i bber shoes. Ing through to Vancouver when re they will proceed to their na'"-;? land of Oreece U take up fut-srs residence Mr. KostU was reccn' 1 widowed when her husband, w':s .was vrtion foreman on the Yuk n with and White Pass Route at Tcnnln,: ton. was killed In an accident THE BEST WAY TO GET FREE CIGARETTE PAPERS Kichinge the PoWr Hind! jrou get with Turret I me t.ut forVogu."or"' " cirettpjprttourl'olierlIind Premium worei or r-r mil 1 Urgt book 4, o time better pper free for Ju.i vxrmrupieie tttui I'uker llinui. So