FAQZ POUR THE DAILY NEWS IWS City KWS-W Script Times arc still .bad but they will be better soon. As long as conditions remain like they are today we shall continue to sell our footwear at away down bargain prices. We have just received a large shipment of Leckie's Boys', Misses' and Children's Boots. in oil tan chrome leather tops, solid leather soles. Every pair guaranteed and stamped by Leckic. Also men's work boots, solid leather soles, oil tanned chrome leather tops, absolutely waterproof. We also have a big assortment of handmade logging boots made by Storey & Campbell and Paris. Men's, boys,' youths,' women's, misses' and children's rubbers guaranteed. 35 LESS THAN ANYWHERE IN THE CITY Come in and inspect our stock. All rubbers are bought from Goodrich and Miner the best makers in Canada. Ski Boots Men's and Ladies' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. No better values than this have ever been seen in I'rince Rupert. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY CHOCOLATE BARS 9?f uOKs Special, 6 for ICECREAM 75 i Ol P per quart ICS CREAM A(n per pint 1UC TURKISH DELIGHT QC per lb mi::ed candies 9C per lb Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches, Cakes, Ties and Light Lunches served a all hours. Open till midnight. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 1934 It's Time to Replace the Hard Worked TUBES In Your Radio Don't Take Our Word For It See Them Tested At No Cost to You Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 WOMEN'S Overshoes Special, Women's Rubber Overshoes, a clearing line QQp t7l' regular $1.95, at PROCEEDS TO CHINA British Freighter Cape Cornwall, Which Had Been Reported Sinking, NearUig Port ST. PAUL ISLAND, Alaska, Jan. 20: (CP) Wireless messages relayed here from the steamer Cape Cornwall, which earlier In the week had been feared to be sinking off the Japanese coast with a cargo of British Columbia lumber and wheat on board, Is now proceeding to Mu- roran for bunkers whence she will proceed to Shanghai for dellverv. The crew of forty are safe and well. This season's wheat crop Australia Is now estimated 152,500,000 bushels. Zippers Special, Women's Black and Browu highest grade Cashmere Zippers Qff regular $2.95 at V ? CUT RATE SHOE STORE MOOSE DANCE SUCCESSFUL : t . Two" Hundred and Fiftjt Persons Present at Affair Last' Night Un'der the auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose, a very successful dance was held last night. 250 be ing present. Music was supplied by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. The committee comprised: J. R. Slag-gard (chairman), Ted Rorvik, Gil- lis Royer. Pete Nellson and Andy McDonald.' " Bill" Gray was at trie door. Mrs. O. Stegavlg had charge of the refreshments. The Commonwealth government of Australia has decided to set aside 2,500,000 pounds (125,000,000 dollars) to assist wheat growers in the various states. "TILLIE THE TOILER" ,va mim r' fier-b WATERFRONT WHIFFS Kiffffinsr of Halibut Gear Now General Occupation-Many Halibut Livers Landed During 1933 Fishing and Canning Outlook Promising Although the opening of 1934 fishing operations is still six weeks or so removed, rigging of gear is now becoming a general occupation at all places along the Prince Rupert waterfront where fishermen are wont to foregather. Like at the ladies' knitting meetings, it is at the gear-rigging bees where all the gossip of the day may be heard, to say noming 01 me observations ana opinions in regard to same. One thing that is noticeable is the general feeling of optimism in retard to the outlook for the 1934 season. All concerned seem to be agreed that a bigger and better season is in store and one that, for all, will be a good deal more prosperous than for several years past and there appear to be good and logical grounds for sanguine expectations. Over 222,000 pounds of halibut livers were marketed by Canadian fishermen last year and were uscl by pharmaceutical firms In the production of halibut liver oil. Practically all these livers were handled from Prince Rupert. Until j a very few years ago halibut livers were or practically no commercial value but Canada's 1932 output was worth about $29,600. The local halibut boat and trailer R. W . Capt. Anaker Wick, left yesterday morning for Lewis Island where she will undergo a program or three weeks. Having arrived in port Thursday A bearer of optimistic tidlnes for the fishing industry of this district was John Dybhavn, president of the Royal Fish Co. and Massett Can-ners. who returned to Prince Ru-' pert on Wednesday after a trip to 'Eastern Canada and the United "? IVou-vm sot voob erme I lyoui lTTLE IT ; P C''. KlS MB J I tiiril MP Jvv? uJ , - , I ' I I 'X' - - TV i3fc UAo -rTTrrl-.-r.r- J5HPI MiTisl "Sf llhK lat. Cm, ..,. am ; . States during which he attended the annual meeting of the Blolo gleal Board of Canada as well as visiting New York, Montreal and other centres on company business. Mr. Dybhavn reported that the outlook both for halibut fishing and salmon canning industries on the British Columbia coast this year was very encouraging. It was apparent, he said, that, by the time fresh halibut gets on the market following the opening of the fishing season on March 1. frozen stocks will have been practically all cleaned up. It was also expected that the old pack of all varieties would be pretty well out of the way before this year's salmon canning season commenced. Mr. Dybhavn found that, during his absence, he had been honored by being elected to the presidency of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce In succession to another prominent personage on the Prince Rupert waterfront In T. II, Johnson, general manager of the Canadian Fish & ol caulking and hull repairs at the .Cold Storage Co. hands of E. Rosang. The R. W. will I probably be away for the next two; c. P. r 8timer Prince Ade laide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In port at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon from the south and sailed at night with the Taplow II Dertj10 p m. on her return to Vancouver Flewln and George Brown of Port Simpson were business visitors In town yesterday. They left yesterday on their return to Simpson. - L ' Extremely high jides. in the har bor during the past week or so h.aVR been accentuated on some oc-ciisions by trie heavy winds with the resulgjthat sojine of the local docks 'have been almost awash. Some more or Iesi minor damage was Reported. 1 The Indian Department's cruiser Naskeena made a run on Wednes-1 day of this week to Metlakatla, having on board Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and Dominion Constable A. J. Watklnson whose business was In connection with the conducting) of nominations for the villa e I council for 1934. They will makej another trip to Metlakatla nextj Wednesday to conduct the election. and waypoints, the first of three passenger liners to sat) from here within twelve hoiirs for the south. The Venture. Capt Ernest Ocotge- Hunters! Sportsmen! Have ur trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted Jmany style Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Hose. Cowan & Latta Phone 231 A Question of Taste ryou kmovaj e.VKiy THINS, tVUJ'TTMA. . VajciiJ JTIME VtXrt3l Ivoura LITTLE I It AC l FRIDAY Si SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & Admission I5c Si 50c SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 35c Saturday, Jtnuary to ,, j 1 oiuflUAt ana TltSDn "THK AIASQUKUADEu The Two Leading Stars of the Screen Marie Dressier and Wallace Beery 'TUGBOAT ANNIE' (7 33 & I ,, iir!n iiAimiim Vtvitxto M A ITIM.M.'V roi Tt t ... null UUJ)r.iti luuiui, nmunnun volIjMYAN Saturday Evening Post's Riotous Stories Brought to Lift On the Screen. A M-G-M Release SII.I.Y SVllIinNYMlIRn IMPISH" ("All. f'lll nm Ullilli wtJ i a - - - - - - - - - mm mm VV1 4J l J Comedy "CROOK'S TOUR" MKTRO XKy$ son, In last night from 7:15 to midnight in place of the steamer Car-dena. and Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, in this morning from 9 o'clock to 10, southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, being the other t o. Local short wave radio listeners last Sunday were interested to hear 1 Capt. W. L. Dan, well known coast ; mariner, speaking over the radio j from Alert Bay. Capt. Da; was 'talking to the Queen Charlotte 1 Islands from theVT. A. Kelley bo- glng Co s service boat Nora "Jane which has been mukhv a Vancouver with equipmc.;' f ; ; company s Dig camp u.K A j . on the Islands which u : operations. Capt. Edward Mabbs w mand of trw steamer P' . ..t which wm tn port tht ..- Ing last nif ht on hrr i -e t .urn router via the Que n C j Wanda. Capt. Mabbs i have rerejml a h- ,r !roih nunjP old furi. Queert ClmloMe JUnri v t flr trip ih ommnnf! t r TOlttl tW ili.Hilc ( v. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS NAlCXJLbVl'l KtLitwVi VOU UWDEP. OAT, bO yOU'tcvf TILLIE A Lucky Blow For Mac SOM6- ? VA1HO If IWW&! voi.C. S5TS mW': OL.O VMORM-vaiOOD Must Bw HOT- Hb'3 THb A'coaToj- j chM-Actcr we cell It's sure to ple&se'yoti very wfji, . ... ....... , NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes $1.00 Dp 50 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 198 REPLENISHING PHONE US We .havi coats unfa'!? for all you i4 require menU and at prk-ci o suit all pjiriiei PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phoned 18 Central Hotel American and European pua Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction ' Phone 51 If von lose anything, try a clarified ad. By Westover. Better. tasTb mT . WmWm I S THAW T All TO V FAiu Pore 'i ii' rtHiHJ )fMiniinmil,