tarda January 20. Ormes Lli Xl,r Kf tall Ktort rhonmr 111 A 82 Writing Pad and Envelopes Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder ami ICkiio Tooth Brush Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder and JaKminc Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each rh i new bar contains the vitamins equal to one tea.poonfu! of COD UVEU OIL Get This Antiseptic Special Mi :n Mouth Wash, regular 40c Mi :il Tooth Paste, regular 60c Mi Shaving Cream, regular 2Tc The Three For 82c BJUDGJ Accessories Tally Cards, Score Pads, Playing Cards, Card Tables, Serviettes, Prizes Mjk ym l.rl.liP iill rlria " I"" " rotoriul Bl ,.dwlUn on novtlta lot btlMc ptlw. an our .. . PH only JSC 1031 CultorWin Contrail tonkin now on Coal Prices Minchcail Egg Coal Jr;rjJ Minehead Lump Coal I'emWnn EBB Cool J ""J? Stove Coal $lL,, Co;il in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNIOK STBAMS1UIS LIMITED SUnmwH leav Vrincf luiert Jor Vncoiver T.S.8. CATALA KVERY TUKSDAY, 1:30 Wl. V ,i rei Kniu aiiu WarpolnU, arrlviim Vanpirnvrr T"'1'! .llllrs(1.t " S.S. VF.NTllltK KVKKY FltlUAY, MIDNHIIir. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. , . .. and N.M n Slewort WeeXly Matn to Hr Blmpn, Alio Arm. Anyox. Hl?er .lnH. twv frlnr Rupert Sunday. P4 n.vrv SMXIAL VINTEIt KXCUUSION lUTi:. KOUNI) Tttl.r. ntlNCK HUl'Eire TO VANCOUVKIL 132. (M.aUand lUrlli to' On Bale Nov 10 to Feb, 23, return limit March 31, iujs. UNtK .1(1 run, A4t:5:Yt Third Artnuf, IliMir- Miss Nanev Horlc sailed last nlsht n the Princess Adelaide for a holiday visit to Vancouver and Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. LcPage and tmiiniv M'hn hi VP" r"Ufn ATI 2 ed to the eltv from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Elgin Cummngs, who has been on the toff of Bryant it Co. here rocentlv. sailed by the Princess' Adelaide last night on hi return . .1. Kta hnm In Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lee and1 young son sailed this morning on the Princess fiorah. for a holiday iJt to Vancouver and New Westminister. James 11. Rogers, general agent at Skarway for the Yukon and White Paw Route and located In I Prince Rupert In the early days as a steamship agent, and Mrs. Rog-i ers were passengers aboard the s. Princess Norah this morning going ! through, to Seattle on their annual .winter vacation trip. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of tn members of the Prince Iiupen General Hospital Association will be held at the City Hall on Tuesday. January 30, 1934 at 8 p.m. Business: To receive balance sheet for 1933. To receive general and auditor's : reoorU. To elect five members of the Board of Management To appoint an auditor. j ) 11. W. BIRCH. Ian 20 Si 29 Secretary Announcements Hunts' Banquet. Presbyterian church Hall. January 35. Rlks' Dance. Friday. January 20. United Choir Concert, Jan. 26, Scotch Danee Seal Cove Partsn Hall. January 20. Vardeu Play January 20. Prince Runert aidmlnU.n Club aance. Elk- Home. Friday. Fcbru-j ary 2. Annual Bt Valentine dance; fnmbrai Chanter LOJ3.E Feb. 14. Moose Hall Tonght--Scotch. dance. Mr. J. S. Black's Orchestra. Admission 25c and 10c. Monday, 22nd - Basketball games commence 7 p.m. Admission 25c and 10c. Tuesday. 23rd-ChapUr 211. Women of the Moose, meet Installation of officers. Thursdays 25th Basketball. Boost Prince Rupert Sport Jones Family MEAT MARKET lMione 95T Round Steak, 3 lbs. Onions, 4 lbs. Sirloin Steak, 3 lbs. I unions, iu3. IT-Bone Steak per lb Rump Roast of Beet per lb Lamb Chops 3 lbs. pork Chops 3 lbs. Veal Chops 3 lbs. . Liver, t lbs. Kidney. 1 lb. Leg of Pork ner lb. L Shoulder of Pork 4 lbs. Phone 957 50c 50c 18c 15c 50c 50c 50c 25c 18c 50c ,TC DAILY KaTWaV LOCAL NEWS NOTES Annual meeting or the Mount Oldtleld 8kl lub at City Halt. Thursday. January 25 at 8 p.m. M Su boots on sate today at Cut Rate Shoe Store. These are selling at 35c on the dollar less than manufacturer's costs. Miss Theodora Postulo returnee. la the city on tte Princeta No rah this morning after paying a brief visit to Ketchikan. Dan McDonald, for drunkenness tollday visit to Vancouver, return-was fined $50, with option of thlrti ! days' Imprisonment, in rlty poller . court yesterday, n was nis seconi. one ence. Dan II. Burrows returned to th cltv on the Venture last night fron the south. He called a couple of days at Ocean Fall on his way back here from a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stevens ar rived In the city on the Venture last evenlnc from Vancouver. Mr. Stevens being here to succeed Rav Wardron as manager of the Hud- sons Bay Co.'s fur business at this point. Mr. Wardrop will be leaving the cltv next week, having been appointed travelling buyer for the territory of Alaska. Staff Captain Joseph Arton. di visional commander of the Salva Uon Army for Northern British Co lumbia and Alaska with head quarters at Wrangell. arrived In the dty on the Princess Norah this morning from Alaska. He will be In charge during the remainder of revival camoalm which is being conducted by the local corps and will leave tomorrow eyenlng on the Catala for a visit to Port Simpson, returning here Tuesday and proceeding up the Skeena River as fax as Hazelton and Olen Vowell. He will be here on February 3 on fcls way back, to Alaska. NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH BUCKLEY'S FOR-COUGHS AND COLDS G. Killings of Colons)-, Sask. ought to know, for he has taken BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE for yrars. He writest "There is nothing on the mxrkct to equal it. Its flash - like action i s sudden death la. a folil." No matter how stubborn or Uojr tanding your cvueh r coltl may be, try BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. You will be amazed at the instant relief it affords. The very first sip relieves the cough, and in no time at all clears up th dep-aatJ ronpestion soothes and K1 ihn tender, inflamed mem brane and fortifies them against future attacks. t lliick ley's acts like a flash A single sip proves it S. R. S. Tune in 1 opics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY C 00 Baron Manchauson, KOMO. 7;00-South Pole Broadcast, KOUf. 8:00 Moonlight on the Pacific, CFCN. 8:30- The Northern Messenger. CFCN. SUNDAY 0:0- -Seven Star Revue. KOIN. 0:00 Patience. Gilbert and Sullivan, CFCN. CRCV. 7:30 Hall of Fame. KOMO. 9:3 -British-American Old History. KOMO. MONIKVY . 7:00 Carnation Program, KOMO. 7:30 Dcml-Tasse Revue, KOMO. 8:30 Firestone Hour with Richard Crooks, KOMO. 0:00- Side Show. KOMO. and Remember We ntfer you a niodrrn. efficient anil reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOIl TUB TOWER Tonlshf train, due -from the East at 10 pjn.. was reported: this morning to be half an. nour late. Albert Farrow, steamboat. In spector, sailed by the Princess Ad elaide last night on his return- to Vancouver after spending two days here making an inspection of the steamer Prince George which Is undergoing repairs at tte local dry dock following her recent Special Revival Services In SALVATION ARMY CITADEL January ICth to 2b4 iatur. Special illustrated, lecture on "Native Work la Alaska" by Staff-Captain J. Acton, vKa 12" lantern slides. Sunday U am, "Special Holl-l ness Service" by Staff -Captain Acton. Sunday 730 pjn. Salvation Meeting by Captain A. Coxson, who will speak on "Youth and True Religion." Saturday lecture commences at 7:30. Every other night In. week meeting at 3 o'clock. Want Ads ? for Sale SPECIAL Roller Canaries. Sing ers and females, $4 and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Huston, Rand Block. FOR SALE Large circulating heater, store and window electric lighting fixtures and two show cases. Rose. Cowan ti Latta. tt FOR RENT WANTED- FURNISHED apartment for rent.; Si Phone Red 444. 20 ? j VERNON ApartmenU houvkeep- ! Ing rooms, newly renovated, 141, I 2nd Avenue. Phone" Red 421. j" I FOR. RENT Newly renovated flat, j central, large rooms and bain, ! private entrance. Including ieai. hot water, electric range. Phon, 459. ll FREE" Rent caretaker Exhibition; Building. Particulars phone, Green 326. 17! PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd.. Winnipeg. HAIRDRESSER rF.RMANK.NT WAVING!' Cluster Curl; Latest Styler NELSON'S BITAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Dry birch, cedar. Jackplne. Furniture moving; M FOUND FOUND-Kcys In case. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this PAINTERS PA-INTINO and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Ret 802. in ritmmt: In th oiirrm Cmirt ml IWIIIh 'NlmuMf In the matte ut the "Ailmlnlilrailnn Act and , ...,M.r ni ih Estate or Khluxh Tuaunia, hxh-I lute-tflte TAKE NOT1CK tht by order of llt tonor W. I, KUher. tti 8th day ot January. AD. t3. t appointor Mmlnwrator ot th etat of SlUiiMl Tattiuiw (loaMd. aud, all pa""" in cUUiu asainat th id etU a,r hereby miulmt to furntah aanie. pro-Vtlt vertfletl. to m on or bjfiire the try l n I flit and tall rarHee indebted to the ett are I'u.miM.i to. mi th amount ot their h lnuebtediie to me fthm riffiiMtak ArlmtiiUtT&tnr. Txw Rvipert B.O.I Dtttd till tO UalJ VM ilUAUaU i Here s Quickest, Simplest Way to Stop a Cold i. in tliis Way The simple method pictured abve is the way doctors throughout the world now (real cuMt. It is rrotfnizd as Uio QUICKEST, Kifet surest way So treat a edd. For it Vill check an ordinuTy . cold atinost as fast as you caught it Ak yuur doctor tbout this. Ami lien MMMTMLITI A. PT-ff Iff-jfiiwnt in 2 V, nd dil&olv. 3 Ajpif m wff nd gargle according to dtfoctkxu in box. Almost Instant Relief .you buy. we that you get Aspirin Tablets. Aspirin, i tbe trademark t.t The Bayer Company, Limited, and the name Bayer in the form of a cross is on each tablet. They dissolve almost instantly. And thus work, almost instantly when you take them. And for a gargle, Aspirin Tablets dissolve so com-;!M;-ly they leave no irritating fMrtirirs. Get a box of 12 tablets or a bottle of 21 or 100 at any drug store. CO$ NOT HAM THf HEAf From Potlatch to PnW X Hy William Henry Pierce The new book which has been creating such great interest, and the edition ot which is strictly limited. Written by a local man about local people and placed. Price, $1.50 Down .Many Trails. Old Tribal Custom. The Coming of the White Man! The Old Medicine .Men. The Work, and Influence ofthe Missionary Among the Coast Indians. For Sale Only At n (D P . P- ' f'l O c,tmileci OKose, Kaican oafn PRINTERS AND STATIONERS loun SUirs Bnr lk Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. Postpaid. FURS WANTED Trappers, Ranchers and Collectors We want your Mink, Marten, Fishers, Wolves, Lynx. All Foxes. Otter and all your other furs to fill la out orders at once Our prices can not be beaten. A trial shipment will convince you. John Clones - Prince Rupert, d.L. ... . I-. tat. ei4 P. O. Box 3K Third Ave. & Sixth St. Phone 532. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. BJC. The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating Wrapping St Oenerml Furniture Repairs List your goods with mt Pbsas BUek 121, CEO. J. DAWES For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet IUyi Intra Red Rays-Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. a ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 2tl rhones Green S4f Eiehanre Block