BIG WOR Today's Weather Prince Rupert 8nowlnR, light easterly wind; barometer, 29.18; nnperature, 32; sea smooth. V XXV No, 17 Oils Fa bran. INne. 1.77. t I:.. 1.09. Freehold, .13, oletllng Pacific, .65. Toronto Alcxiindrla Gold. .05VV tir.itinl Patricia, .50. ( li' bougAmau, .00. t oiuinarlp, .03. Urunada. .05.v Int Nickel, 22.00, Klrkland Lake, .33 . Maciissn. 2.25. MrMlllan Oold, .48. Noranda. 34iO. at AnUiony, .42. Uuriltl Gordon, 1.10. ili:o, 1.53. Thompson Cadillac, .31. Towuainue. .31. Vfiiluics, .co. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER. Jan. 20: (CP) "limn was quoted at 60c on the H-al exchunge Wednesday, drop-Pi"K almost a cent to 05TJ,c Thurs day out moving up to Cflc yesler oay Todfty's price was 05Tic tish Columbia. "There was no east against west or west against east attitude but all stand united In the common cause." he said In a brief statement following the conference Premier Pattullo will remain in Eastern Canada for some days In connection with governmental matters and will visit Toronto Montreal and New York. NAMED TO EXECUTIVE . Unemployment Situation To Be Met In Adequate Way, Result Of Conference Held in Ottawa DRIFTERS ARE MANY Pro'ttifll Oetcrnmrnt HtuHTlut Msnr IWllef lletlpirnt. Came lo H.l. Only Itetrnlly Mr plllA. Jan. 20: CP Am-mhini persons receiving relief h id 1 1 Columbia there are an-HHi.iy tn thousand who i.. thr province Mrtce lellef . wi tr In force here, the re- h of the Department. of Today's Stocks Vanrnuvrr V : Miwnurt 34. I Nickel, 75. I'. I; X. .60. n it com.. J9,. Hi iioinf. I1JD0. ( .nUri Ookl. 2.58. 1"mwcll, 14. ("rU llltcr. jOI'i-I'Mian. mk-Mnilo. 21. M'iKllan. M'.i ulna star. .27. N .uvr Hon. .07V. National Silver. .05. N-hlp Five. .12M,. P- nd Oreille. 1.07. Torter Idaho. .12. Premier. 1.05. Reeves, 20. tfwarrl. .11. Heno. 1.06. Oliver Crest, .02?,. Wi.yslde. .411. Whitewater, .07?,. Waverly Tattflcr. .03. Special Treatment May be Accorded Such Provinces as Require it Provinces May be Empowered to Issue ! I jnnr Ii'rm I jplii'nt ii ris in finance Helief - ... - OTTAWA, Jan. 20: (CP) Launching of an elaborate program of public works in the early spring with continuation of the system of direct relief under existing arrangements untiTsuch time as the unemployed throughout Canada have been substantially absorbed in industry was the final agreement of the Dominion-provincial conference which cloeed yesterday. . .... In the matter of provincial fin- T nrniATTf anclnu a brief official report of the 1 1 I H K II II .roceedtna stated that none of the s-a-i w s provinces would offer any objection .Cm fin f O ITT CiW o the Kdacal government giving j l)rrl J. w-r )M a 1 lUll i xucrlal omaldexaUini to certain of ' Th government of Canada has arrd to co-operate with those t provinces dealrtna to set up com- mlastoru to administer relief funds. This was the suggestion of Premier TMchoroau tf Quebec and Involves xlvtruj power to such commissions to Issue long term four, percent debentures guaranteed by the two governments to defray relief costs. Pattulto Gratified OraUficaUon with the spirit dts-nlavarl at the conference is exoreu- led by Premier T. D. Pattullo of Bri main rrrftident Roosevelt's Plans For Sla.hing Cold Content and Nationalising .Metal Expected to Pass Gold Coins Banned Pi-onlf of United States llushin; to Kxrhance rieces For Paper Currency Before Deadline WASHINOTON, D.C.. Jan. 20: There are no signs of dangerous opposition to the plans of President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the cut- Ung of the gold content of tine dol-1 lar and the nationalization of all old In the United States and legislation along these lines Is expected to be passed by comfortable gins In both houses of Congress. ; Undoubtedly, there will be opposl-; Hon from the Conservative Republicans but this Is not expected to be very menacing. The monetary and commerce ..(. . --i t. it-. ii within a dAV or so. administration i.utu,.H rii.iioiiivn: swa.mpfd der. I the administration. Farmrni of Western Canada Are Cant. Koy Maxwell Savs He lias Albert and MrCaffery's plledrlver I Urxrd To Kncouraje Frrer i Not Bern Appointed Federal was swamped on the local water-! Dealings j Aviation Director front this morning and Is being! ( taken to the dry dock for repairs. WINNIPEO. January 20: Major TORONTO. January 20: Capt. . - ill. O. L. Strange. In an address to Roy Maxwell, enroute from Ottawa .the Canadian Credit Men's Asso M. P. ' McOaffery returned to ' the I . ( II. . t . I I I ..I u. I . v.. r-n r. .1 I n .1 .a la I . . ' . 1 . rltv on the Princess AuCiaiac yrs-iviiiuuu, ui rcM uiuuuittii jiuii. inuv tic is iu wtuuiv ivucrai r VIVjf VII I. . ..... . .1 v.... l ... . ....n ... , . , . trrdav afternoon ironi ft iwo-'inrmcrs w iikiu muc uis nu i-n- uirvrwir ot u mm iiuuwiry avta weeks' business trip to Vancouver, courage jrrcr uramm.. .tion, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HKITLSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATLUDAYJ'-DMSfeMR20,"l934 May Soon Be Emperor and Empress gggggggK. t IggggTf jJ- . ' .i, iggggggjjgggjgLK gSf g V ggVigfBgggggtgggrTgggggggg Cmggggggggggggf Cable repc;rt4 cr elveci f m Lcnilun state that a Hslnchlng which is the npiw) Muns'ti :;Ku cn March 1 there will be a pontmclal ceremony at wi.w b lit y Pu Yk shown with Mme Pu Yt wUl be elevated tu tiu pti.--. of r.oeior of his Japanese-made state. At present he is ruling th suit-. with the title of administrator, and he has even now dictatorial powers. Five grades of peers have been decided on In connection with the founding of the new dynasty of Manchoukuo. and tt Is said that the Japanese Influence In the Asian state will be conspicuously absent from the moment that Pu Yl Is crowned emperor. Ceremonies will be held at Hslnchlng. FRAUD IS SUSPECTED Investigation Ordered Into Street Cleaning Payroll In Toronto I committee of the Senate has stir- TORONTO. Jan 20: George W ted consideration of the President's DleSi street commissioner, reported recommendations. The House of t0 Mayor stewart payment of wage WAS FAMED AS ARTIST Harrison Fisher Dies In New York At Age of 57 Following Emergency Operation I. NEW YORK, Jan. 20: (CPt Har- Trade Barriers iDenies Report Of Foreign Ministers Are Condemned Getting Big Job, Of Britain-France Koth Visit ueneva evening on the Venture Health Certificates Before Marriage I EDMONTON. Jan. 20: (CP' Tomorrow's Tides High 5:30 ajfi. 20.0 ft. 17:45 p.m. 17.0 It. Low , 11:54 am. 65 tt. 23:50 pm. 12 It. PRICE: FIVE CENT BRITAIN CUTS DOWN RUSSIAN SOFTWOOD TIMBER IMPORT Substantial Reduction In Lumber Orders From Soviet to Help Canada Latest Move of Old Country Government Expected lo Result in Still Further Expansion of Industry In This Province LONDON, Jan. 20: (CP) It was officially announced today that the government had decided to cut down, imports of softwoods from Soviet Russia by one humlml thousand standards for this year. This will permit a substantial increase in timber imports to the United Kingdom from Canada. The move of the British government is in line with agreement reached at the , . u Imperial economic conference mjTV rrt 'T'fWi Ottawa over a year ago. It is expec-j HI A J X p ted that it will result In further ex- JrIlU 1 v pa'nsion of the timber and lumber Industry particularly In British PAYS FIRST VISIT HERE BORROWING S. Government to Kaise Six Billion Dollars and Retire Four Billion "Ob fja lions ' ! WASHINGTON. Vf.. Jan. 20: j The federal government plans to ; borrow $5,000,000,000 in "new bourdoujh or .win minus rnnce money and refund $4,000,000,000 Kupert uooa lookuij town Heavy Snow at Bella Coola j Although he Is one of the real sourdoughs ol the Northland, . Leduke. agent for the Government Telegraphs at Endako. Is paying his first visit to Prince Rupert. "It Is a pretty good looking town to me." said Mr. LeDuke this morning in conversation with a Dally News reporter, "and much different than I had expected. It has a real ! up-to-date appearance." Mr. LeDuke, who passed this way In 1897 enroute to the Yukon long before Prince Rupert was even thought of. arrived In town last in maturing obligations according I tc reports here. Canadian Gold Price is Down And Up Agaiifi MONTREAL. Jan. 20: (Cpi Tht Canadian gold price dropped 27g per ounce Wednesday to $33.47 bufe jumped back 16c to $33.63. r WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 20:-S The United States Treasury price" fromf remains at $34.45. Bella Coola where he has been on J relief duty for the past six weeks. ' RD 001 R A NIT In all he has been away from En- j UIVV VIVUUilllV J dako for six months, having been DDCC ITiCMT 1 relieving for three months at Smi-1 rKLuIU.LiFl 1 i thers after which he went to' '( Kleena-Kleene In the Chllcotln dis-' . . . . , . . , . . . . . . Named Head of Prince Rupert . lican liliivin "I y a .. . " .... . usuuum ciouio u w.v ..j... msiramr. uiru ikic jtows.uo . R.lla CnnXa v far A Interior .Men Named to Lord's Day .Mllanre Board ieaaers concernea oy aeveiopmniw the street cleaning department. An!,owlng an emergency operation the' - "J-' ... . ; " " jT which have brought the British inv.,MBfttion has been ordered. , ft-N M V T . ------ VICTORIA. Jan. 30: CP) Very: Rev James H. Gibson of Prince Ru-, months, deciding to push the, revaluation bill through as pert Is a member of the new execu- tire of the Lord Day Alliance of J 'P'Uy as possible. j 1 ' 1 l i.ri.:iti.. . i.j , -f ih. ...nn.l mMUni Inst lllnhtl""1" mucnimi-ij n m uiv r i thers and Dr. zelton. the time were Rev. David Donaldson of Sml-j wlth'" whlch lhe Pe0PIe of tnc H. C Wrlnch of Ha- sii.viiit and pricks UNITT.D STATKS GOLD NEW YORK. Jan. 20: (CPI-Sll-vcr wns quoletl nt 44V on the local metal market Wednesday, at 44Wo Thunxlay. at 44t,c yesterday and at 44V today. Copper closed at 0140, up 'Ac. country may turn m sunie uu,uuu,-000 of gold without being penalized for holding same. Holders of gold pieces throughout the nation were eager to exchange gold coins for Nev Phillipine Plan is Under Consideration WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 20: A new PhllUplne Independence plan has been presents by a native de- Clure's. Life. Puck, Ladles' Homej ! Journal, Scrlbners.' etc. were am-! ong the magazines for which he J. l- 111.... tin Secretary-Treasurer, havn. paper currency before the deadllnci legation to the Secretary of War!maae wT a"d h .h h,S home when gold coins become illegal ten-land Is now under consideration byi"nmarried havdrtrI"ade In Annual Convention lJZ Shrine Club at Annual 1 risnn Fisher, seed 57. well known 1 ...... Meetinr j Representatives Is expected to vote chccks Ior undetermined sums to!artlst and magazine and book H Xr. h h ,..M..M m- Tho Orln.n Rimorf Chrlna - ttIV V V. UftJVtV Ullllllt !at Its annual meeting Thursday-, night previous. He had been noted Tn a' 1'""" for many years as the creator of . 1934 as follows, the "Harrison Fisher Girls." ; JS,"? . halt IZTLTl' nnm o Rmntivn Juiv 27. 1876 . Vice-President. S. C. Thomson. j --, fJI, nr Kruuim mere now. . . . LI. Harrison isner went west, wiui Mr LeDuke will proceed to En-parenU as a child and was educa- dako on Monday afternoon's train, led In San Francisco. He took up 11- . lustratlng at art early age. being very talented along thaUlme. and the Saturday Evening Post, Mc- John Dyb- Directors J. S. Nelson. S. J bour and Gilbert Campbell. Ja- New Deputy Minister Of Labor Named OTTAWA. Jan. 20: repi Th appointment of William M. Dickson t : Word has been received In the ' Ullliru rami iiuihih .uv. . il.. ... . convention here yesterday, voted in t?' l tavor of compulsory certifies as - -Jg, to health for both men and women I . 0,..J,llui"? before marriage granted. licences are. Hotel Company at GENEVA. Jan. 20:-The presence here this week of sir John slmpn,' Stewart Incorporated British Foreign Minister, and Jo-, senh Paul Boncour. French Foreign VICTORIA. Jan. 20: The list of Minuior rrpntprl some stir In dls-1 urovlnclal Incorporations for the armament conference quarters but week Includes the Marmot Hotel Co. no new - developments of imppr- Ltd. of Stewart with a capltallza-tance, Itlon of $10,000. ....... .1.1a. il.tii Ul VK- torla. has been a patient recently In St. Joseph's Hospital Uiere suf fering from throat ailment. Latest reports are to the effect that she Is getting along nicely and hopei to be able to lave the lnstltuou ' soon. Miss Morgan was taken ill soon after her return to Victoria following a visit to her homo here,, for the Christmas and New Year holiday season. IB' . K PROGRAM IS AGREED l , UPON St 'X 19 til s