OTTAWA. Nov. 12:The Canadian Rold price at the end of the wk was $34.20 per ounce, up Dc, as compared with $34.03 In London, Wch was Bo up. MONTREAL, Nov. 12; (CP) Heavy buying by the I rated States government was credited with silver futures f hooting upward at the opening call on the Canadian Commodity Exchange today, Futures were marked by ad-ances of from 220 to 247 points in acting trading. Just prior to the opening of trading here, London show- cj pot and forward diver up 1 'k k i per ounce. The London ad xx " wan aiinouieo to speculative by;, mu Tui' New York market wa closed Jsv In observance of the ArmU- L Today's Stocks IGourtfcf 8 O JotvUD fto-) Vancouver AVxandrU. .01 'j Hayvlcw. 01. U I Nickel. .46. Ul; Missouri. JJ3. Iliadiun. 2.25. f U;uiurne. 13JX). H R Cons, JtXVt- U. R X. Oold. .20. f anboo quartz, 1.21. D( nionln, .42. Duuwcll, ,16. ticiironda, JO. lit rrules Cons .Mty. Iiflian. .01. Minto. .18. Mi tidian, .11. Mrnlng Star, .13. N.Uonal Silver. .0M. N bio Hve, .07 ij. r nd Oreille,, .47. r iter Idaho, .08. rmlcr. 1.28. R ward, .03 ij. Rno. 1.12. ' vcr Cretl, ,0Hi. jlmon Oold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .25. Wayside, .10. Whitewater. .04 Vi. Waverly Tangier. .01 tailed Empire. .MVfc. Gtarlcr Creek, .06. Grange, .24. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.03. Chlbougamau, .07 Ji. Orahada, JO. Inter. Nickel, 23.14. Maeassa, 2.72. Noranda, 33.25. Eisco. 2.75, Uierrltt Gordon, .50. ' Thompson Cndlllac, .21. Ventures, .02. Lake Maron, .0414. Tirk Hughes, 4.01. Budbury Basin, 1.13. folumarlo, .20. Tmeltcr Oold, .20. tan. Mntartlc. .50. Little Loni( Lac, 5.40. Astoria Rouyn, .03,i SUdacona, .28. Maple Leaf, .12. . . Pickle Crow, 1.89. 'ong Lao Lngoon, .14. Man, it Eastern, .22. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MEMORIAL DAY HERE llundrrds of Citizen Turn Out In Drrnrhinr Kain to Kevere Memory of Dead Impressive Rites Long Procession From Legion Headquarters to Cenotaph Where Dean Gibson Had Charge A drenchlns rainstorm did not prevent a large gathering of Prince! (Rupert citteens numbering many, hundreds from turning out yester-J jday afternoon at the memorial ser-1 (vice at the cenotaph In the Court! 'Houie grounds to once again honor! Un solemn reverence the memory of: I the men who laid down their lives J i.. rsir in h rirnt War Thrre . iui otfiH1' v ; wni a lonjc procession through city ! streets prior to the service from the i Canadian Legion headquarters to 'the cenotaph, the participants In i the narade being Joined there by I the citizenry generally. Very Rev. Jamea B. Olbson. dean of St. An-.drcw'i Anglican Cathedral, acted as ! padre In charge of the rites. Tlie service was along the cus-itomary line, opening with the singing of "O Canada" after wblch I "Cease Fire" was sounded by Bugler , William Ranee followed by two niln-I utc' silence In honor of the mem- ! nr., nf Ihn n',ir rlraH "Thp LftSt POSt" n j n . . T V. v - - - - was then sounded alter wnicn mere was prayer by the Dean. The hymn "O Ood Our Help in Ages Past" followed and a brief but appropriate address was delivered by Dean Gibson. The proceedings closed with the placing of wreaths and flowers on the cenotaph while a lament was nlavcd by Piper S. H. Leslie. sounding of "The Reveille" by Bugler Ranee and the singing of "Ood Save the King." The Prince Rupert Boys' Band accompanied the singing. In his brief memorial address. Dean Gibson urged that the duty of all today. In remembrance of those who had given up their lives and the many who had otherwise sacrificed themselves, should be to act and work towards the bringing to earth of n great era of peace, purity and love the establishment of the Kingdom of Ood on earth. "To make the world a better place for our children to live In than It m hppii 'for us should be the aim ' I - 111 riLirVulvrl ! Five Thousand Dollars Damage Done In Petersburg by Southwest Gale rtn'F.KSnUKG, Alaska, Nov. U: (CP) A southwesterly wind, blowlnc at a velocity of forty GERMANY MAY ENTF.Ii LEAGUE IN SPUING OVBK THOUSAND FISHERMEN IN i xt iixtrxT TOKIO, Nov. 12: i CP I Fourteen hundred fishermen and 130' boats are missing after a stonn on the northeast coast of Korea. All arc given up as lost following a con-UnuouA two-day search during which thirty men were rescued. TAG DAY SUCCESS In spite of the lof us nil." declared the Dean whojDay taglng conducted oy me wo-nf h futility of war nnd'mcn's Auxiliary of the Canadian made a strong appeal for world Legion on Saturday was very suc-Thc raracle Jcessful. Financial returns have not Lieut. Col. J. W. Nlcholls. assisted yet been completed although. It Is by Capt A, E. Parlow and Company known that well In excess of $100 Sergeant Major James Haddcn, had , wn realized as a result of the (Continued on Page Four) street tagging. front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier shouting: "We are for Dou- merguel Hang Herrlotl" The new Premier. Pierre Flandln, having completed organization of the new cabinet of which there were meetings over the week-end, will fnAA Dartirimunt fftr th flrl Hmr UNITED STATES FLEET IS ALL ON THIS COAST SAN PEDRO. Nov. 12: ceDt for a few scattered shins at Atlantic Coast points, the whole United States fleet is r now on the Pacific Coast, hav- rain, the Poppy' lng arrived at the end of the week, and will be remaining here Indefinitely. Naval offl- clals say there Is no danger Imminent on the Atlantic Coast requiring the presence of the fleet there. v. ma t T Campbell Black left and C W. A S at? receivlns royal good wi hes trorn King George at MU-denhall airport on the eve of the r departure on their record-break ng flight to Australia, At .right, De ilavlland Comet, winner of the air classic, took off at oawn on the first leg of the 42.00Q miles race to Melbourne. i ' . . " - BIG STORM Beautiful Sunken Garden Being TT ata QV A ! Built and Other Work Done Back with a view to making it one of the beauty spots of Prince Rupert. The improvement is being carried out under the Cape. st. James lighthouse at the: Any who have not done so should ' take a turn around the back of the court house building. A car can now t drive around the circle although the road Is not yet complete. Ad- Joining the circle road a border of i perennials Is being planted which; should be very effective next sum mer. The .feature of the new layout Is the sunken garden being made In the hollow originally intended to be the basement beneath the court house building. It Is an irregular rugged quarry and, when completed, should be one of the most effective gardens In Prince Rupert. Already drains have been placed In the bottom of the quarry and these vkill be covered wth a layer of rock o Insure good drainage throughout )ver this soil will be laid and flowei beds constructed and rock plant will be planted among the crevice; ; . J , on the sides whiie on the shady sldt tomorrow. He can retain control . , . . . , . . (ems and other plants will give a only with Herrlofs support. Passage , ot the budget will be urged. Except for the Armistice Day outbreak, the country was fairly quiet over the week-end but the atmo sphere Is Unsettled. All the work Is being done by neans of relief labor. Had It not oecnlor the relief, the garden wbuld never have been built, at any rate jnot for years. As It is. Prince Rupert .will next spring and summer have nothing, Ex- Pound Sterling and : r ! -.!! Canadian uoiiar New York Exchangi- MONTREAL. Nov. 12: The price of the British pound sterl ing on the local exchange market i was $4.87Vi. ( Dlgby Island today and will be sent to Egg Island this week with lumber and other materials necessary for making repairs there. SIR DONALD MANN DIES IN TORONTO I OF HEART ATTACK TORONTO, Nov. 12: CP Sir Donald Mann, aged 81, one of Canada's pioneer railway builders and one of the foun- i Thirty-Seven Arc Killed By Blast in Jap Colliery TOKIO. Nov. 12: CP Thlrty- another show place for tourists to iSCVCn coal miners were killed and visit and the cost to the city will be live are missing as a result of a fire damp explosion In a coal mine at Soravhl. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER. Nov. 12: (CP) Wheat closed at TlVtC on the local exchange Saturday, up l4c from Friday. Today's price was 77c. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Nov. 12? The Brl- NEW YORK. Nov. 12: (CP) Bar I tlsh pound sterling closcdt $4.09ti silver showed further advance on jon the local foreign exchange1 mar- the local metal market at the week- ket at the end of the week and the end. closing at 53Tc per ounce on Canadian dollar at $1.02V'j. Saturday, up 3ec from Friday. :-- ... Today's Weather Tomorrow's pnnce Rupert Cloudy, southeast High 6:07 a.m. 17.8 ft. ; md, 10 miles per hour; barometer, 17:46 pm. 185 ft. 23.72. temperature, 49; sea choppy. Low 11:51 a.m. 9.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vd. XXIV No. 2G3. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, mi PRICE: FIVE CENTS FIERCE STORM VISITS WHOLE COAST SILVER PRICES MOVE UPWARDS UNDER BUYING PRESSURE United States Demand Held Responsible for White Metal A dvance Futures Shoot Ahead Both in Montreal and London Gain Of Two and a Half Cents in Old Country-New York Market Closed Royal Good Wishes Proved Lucky For British Airman TIDAL WAVE SWEEPS OVER DESOLATE EGG ISLAND AND DOES LIGHTHOUSE DAMAGE Everything Moveable Carried Away by Furious Storm Which Was-Worst Since Light Was Established ! Thirty Years Ago ! Word has just been received at marine department headquarters here of a recent storm of almost tidal wave proportions which recently swept Egg Island lighthouse, onely pivotal aid to navigation between Vancouver and rince Rupert, doing considerable minor damage by washing away everything moveable and denuding the island of tne uuie eartn m wnicn ugntnouser Keeper J. W. Webster had his gar-1 den. It was the first time since the light had been established there some thirty years ago that the seas' from Queen Charlotte Sound had I been known to climb over a reef In front of the Island which ordinarily acts as a breakwater for the lighthouse and sweep clear across the middle of the Islet. Damage included the washing PANGB0RN AMBITIOUS American Aviator fans on Flying Around the World in 101 Hours SYDNEY. Aust.. iAirn f an aortsl ttfrv hr.Vnir I Clyde iJOC fangOOm, Nov 12;. tCP.) American flyer. lbf ; doors-andwlndows Wollf JecMapltahment was t .mi,. fr to come third in the recent England Melbourne air race with Col. walls ot the lighthouse, carrying; nnced here to- 'away of walks, stairways and ver-!Roscoe P1"- ;andahs and the washing out of thel3 . Jh,n,UP uto "y ' Hm i around the world In 104 hours, garden. !...... , AfP lU L D 1' f L ! Light Keeper W'ebster. who Uves!aTO""'wire!Jas DClieruuin "" ULLourt House by Keliet Labor there with h wire and two chii.ipt,. (dren, was, however, able to maln- i tain the light service uninterrupted. nt-Ant wnrk hns hopn nrninnr nn ut tliP ennrt hniicp frrnnnrls lighthouse tender Newlngton, miles an hour at Its peak, on ...ju a Rnvendale. head irardener at the court house, inlands, Is crossing Hecate Straits to ' i-.i.j t ,vu Saturday here-Half of the Anderson Marine Ways -collapsed on the fisheries boat Seal, dolnp SI000 damage. Windows throughout the town were shattered and two warehouses were blown Into the bay. Boats were moved from their anchorages and power lines were blown down. direct charge. DISRESPECT IN FRANCE Political Demonstrations in Front Of Tomb of Unknown Soldier On Armistice Day PARIS. Nov. 12: ( CP Disrespect was shown the soldier dead of France on Armistice Day when OENEVA, Nov. 12: It Is be- . thousands of students rioted In Ing predicted here that Ger- manv mnv re-enter the Lcaeue of Nations next spring. If con- cessions In connection with armaments arc given Ger- manyi it Is said that Chancellor Adolf Hitler will be agreeable to his country re-entering the Leagtie. iCAPT.ULM IS COMING He Will Start Pacific Hop , SOUTHAMPTON, Eng.. Nov. 12: J (CP) Capt. Charles T. P. Ulm. Australian airman, departing for Canada Saturday, said he would fly from Montreal to Vancouver and thence via San. Francisco to Aus tralla, hoping to arrive at Melbourne on November 27. The object of the flight, CapL' Ulm said, was to survey a route for I a regular trans-Paclflc air service. carrying passengers andmall bef it ween Australia. Canada and the ders of the Canadian Northern United States. He said the first at- Railway, died here suddenlv umnt Saturday nieht followine a ivw ht,Mn inctraiu o ti- sudden heart attack. He had lulu. enjoyed cood health until oulte Pant Tflm ura tiovlfforftr f r ol recently. The Canadian North- ! Charles Klngsford-Smith In the eastern Railway at Stewart was another of Sir Donald's ventures. The funeral will be held tomorrow In Toronto with burial at the ol dhome In Ac- ton, Ont. historic trans-Paclflc flight of 1928. Hockey Scores Saturday Games New York Rangers 2, St. Louis i-Canadlens I. Toronto 2. Sunday Games Boston 4, Detroit 2. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEO, Nov. 12: December-wheat was quoted at 788c on the 'ocal grain market at the week-end. ARMAMENT PROBE IN GREAT BRITAIN LONDON, Nov. 12: The Brl- tlsh government will conduct V an Investigation Into the manufacture and sale of arma- mcnts. It Is announced, but It will be along different lines than the probe conducted re- cently by the United 8titcs Senate. Hi- si