rAU& TWO Rubber Footwear JUST ARRIVED A Complete New Stock 'of ftubbers, Zippers, Overshoes and Gtiihbbtfts For Girls, Boys, Women and Men Come ln.tihd See us for your footwear for :the siormy 'days. Every Pair Made to Wear y - - The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue DAILY EDITION LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. YKINCZ RUPERT - BRITISH COLOMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Dally TJews. Limited. 'Third Avenue H. PTJLLEN - - - Manajtlnf -Editor Local readers, per Insertion, per line , Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Transient display "advertising, per lnctx per Insertion-Contract rates oh '"application. Editor'and 'Reporters' Telephone -. Advertising and Cliculatlon Telephone' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation CAPITALISTS FLY NORTH TO PAY VIBIT IX) STEWART MINE (Continued from Page 15 Laren. Others in the party were General Odium, -and two Sah Francisco mining engineers, R. H. Tra- Phone 357 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance Tor lesser periods, paid In advance, per week Rupert Uy mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year : Uy mall to all other countries, per year ' - - - - ADVERTISING RATES SS 99 Ufa JLC 3.00 TOO 1.49 Monday, Sept. 17, 1934 MAKING PRINCE RUPERT "EXPORT CONSCIOUS" . A well "known Vancouver shipping man, vho visiteVl the city last 'week in connection with the rnovement of interior aspen logs through this port to the Orient, remarked that he found local people lacked "export consciousness" that they did Trot seem to realize the possibilities of the use of the port m overseas shipping and, indeed, some had apparently, almost accepted the impbssTbility of such oUsmess here. The same visitor declared that he could see very definite possibilities along this line here and that it would be easy to route considerable volume of inborne cargo "here providing outwaixl part cargoes could be ar ranged. He mentioned in this Connection timbers of various varieties and cheaper grades of grain, In addition to this, we know that various if orihs of fishery products could also be used in making up of part cargoes. , According to the visitor, the two outstanding obstacles to shipping of this sort from Prince Rupert at this time are the fact that the facilities for handling the cargc have either become antiquated or been allowed to fall into 'dis repair for lack of use and that much of the suitable timber which abounds here cannot be exported owing to the regulation which requires that only timber or logs from crown-granted limits'c'ariibefshipped out of the country. As far as the port facilities, are concerned, doubtless, how that the business is here and readv to be handled, the Vailway company will automatically see that its equipment t' ..4. 1 fTM 1 .1.1 L Jl ..11 ?.. ip puu uiMiape. lias giiuum ne uone, we wouiu imagine, i..iit...i ib. rvt i -i 'i i Yhiiiuul even me c-namoer oi commerce navmg 10 suggest it. As for the raising of the embargo on export of timber, hat maybe a. little more difficult although there would appear to be no good reason why the necessary action on the part, of the government should be refused if it is going in Unnatlt im Tor,:U1.. Jt A? i. Tt.. . iu uo, x udbiujv, it was umeiy umt me irremier nim- self our member should have been here at the time the matter was brought up. Mr. Pattullo knows the situation with regard to the timber industry here without anv re cital having to be made to him in regard to it and we are of the opinion that, through his ins'trumentalitv. anv rlif. Acuities which may exist in connection vth the Matter can haqiiite readily removed. rioon in continuation oi Ihe flight to Vancouver. Before returning to New York, Mr. Smith -toll! visit t Bridge Rfver district arid Lbs ArfBeteS. The United 'Empire company hot long fego tcfok over two of the adjoining Bayvicw 'claims nhd l is on one "of Vhese hai 'considerable ivork vers and V. De Camo. Thev had i t. . v. . -'- ZV . Jlaa D;n carneu oui 01 lat-e, epent . tberhipstt)f Saturday after- wr, jgmHth, aMlougn anparnt)y noon antl nearly all 8unday 'm the not given to a great deal of talk for United Empire property, arriving publication, is obviously well pleas-here from BtewaVt last evening and ed with the outlook lor the United hopping off at 1 o'clock this after- Empire mine. LITTLE IS CMMPlON San Franciscan Wliis United Spates Amateur Golf Championship Saturday BROOKLINE, Mass., Sept. 17 (CP) W. Lawson Little of Sah Francisco added the United States amateur golf championship to Ills British amateur title Saturday byjde-featlng DaVid 'Goldman of Dallas, Teas, eight and sfcVen in the final. Little went into the final by de feating Don Armstrong of Chicago four and three while Goldman made the final by winning over his townsman and roommate, Reynolds Smith, jy a similar "Scdre. Ross-McLarnin Both in Shape Postponements Do Not Appear to Have Impaired interest In Welter Title Bout NEW YORK, Sept. 17: (CP) Both Barney Ross, world's welterweight boxing champion, and Jimmy McLamin, former champion, who Is attempting to win the title back, are reported to be in fine fettle for their title bout tonight at Long Island Bowl. The several postponements do not appear to have impaired interest in the bout and It is expected there will be a large attendance. Ross weighed in at 140 'i pounds today and McLamin at 1461,!. The fight Is definitely on for tonight, weather conditions up to early today being favorable. Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Cincinnati 1, Boston 2. ; Pittsburg 6-4. Philadelphia 1-1. American League Washington -2, Detroit 12. New York 2, Cleveland 1. Four games postponed. SUNDAY SCORES National League Cincinnati 2-5, Boston 1-2. St. Louis 5-3, New York 3-1. Chicago 6-4, Brooklyn 11-5. Pittsburg-Philadelphia, oh account of rain. American League Washington 1, Detroit 2. Boston 1-10, Chicago 2-12. Philadelphia 2-2, St. Louis 1-0. New York 2, Cleveland 5. Rainbow Made No Attempt to Reach Finish Saturday NEWPORT, R.I., Sept. 17: (CP) Although less than a mile from the finish line when the time limit of five and a half hours for the Am THE .DAILY NE"y73 TRIBUTE TO DR. DAF0E BANK OF CANADA CAPITAL 5;000,000 Divided into 100,odO Shares oJ SSO.eb Each TUfMuMterrFinance, purtuant toihe'-proxMont fKe Bank hj CcSSdVfcc, ' or pubKc i&Jtcriptioh: -' Is' ' lOOjOOO Shares of the Capital Stock of the BANK OF CANADA Issue Price: $50.00 a Share ' PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS: On application On Jan. 7, IMS erica's ... Cup yacht . race was reached . . d bt to . hc 0-4 the ore in this mine goes $300 to the on Saturday, it Deing- caned "no Coritest" hecause neither the Rain bow, the American defender, or the Endeavour. British challenger, had been able to finish within the time, Harold S. Vahdprbllt, owner and skipper of the Rainbow, made no attempt to finish the distance. The American boat was half a mile ahead when the race was called off. Among those who viewed the race was President Franklin D. Roose velt from aboard the Vanderbllt yacht. The classic was resumed today with odds swinging in favor of the Rainbow owing to her performance on Saturday. Steamships Sailings Tot Vahcouvea Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thurs ss; P. George 10:30 p.m. Friday s. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. 8s. Cafd'cna midnight saturss. p. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Sept.6, 14, 24 V. Louise 5:30 p.m. rrbm Vancotrver Sunday ss. cataia 4 p.m. Wea ss. Pr. George 10 ajn. Friday ss. Princ'e Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 p.m, tes. 'Ck'rdeha p'm. Sept, 10, 2053. Prln. Louise a.m. For Any 6x and Alice Arrn Buhday ss. Catiila 8 p.m. Wednesday 4s. P. George 10 p.m. From Anyox and Alice Arm-Tuesday ss. Catala 1U30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr George 8 pjn. in the affections of, his people and wn ana 18 piannca w "go right the whole-hearted confidence and auer " a8 won as ine price is high trust they have in him. i enough. . Rev. W. D, Grant Holllngworth, 10 connection with his mining pastor of First Presbyterian ventures in tne district. Mr. Wilson Church, bringing greetings from his he na no 8toc for sale. Itc congregation, spoke of the warm j cxPccl an his properties to be ac-affection and respect in which Dr.t,ve Producers. Dafoe is held In that church. Mr. Holllngworth also expressed his own affetclon and regard for a true friend and "Father Confessor." Dr. Dafoe, In responding to the tributes paid him. said he was deeply touchsd by such open-hearted expressions of regard. He said he was very glad he came to Prince Rupert He had grown to love the members of his church and would strive to serve in measure in the future. A short musical program was en-Joyed, those contributing being: vocalists, Miss E. Hamblln, Miss B. McKinley and Mrs. P. H. Llnzey; violin soloist, M. R. Dafoe; piano soloist, Junior Daggett, and an orchestra composed of the Misses Hamblin, Johnstone and R. Houston. Refreshments served by the Ladles' Aid brought a most enjoyable event to a close. E. T. Kenncy, M. L. A. for Skcena, hnd his daughter, Miss Marjorie Kenney, who Is to continue her studies In the south, arrived In the "city from the Interior; onaturday night's train and sajletl. on ,be taaraf rprince AmiiW IN THE SUPJtEMK COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA iv ruoiiur IN THE MATTER. OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" unrt IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE O? LEWIS BANDE. DECEASED. INTES- 1 mi,. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ili Honor, w. E. FUher tl 10th u of SepiMnber. AD. 1934, I 'M appointed a B ereater I '""'""""or of the ntat of Lrwts Snc!. dceard. ami all partly harms I o!lm ftgtlntt the said eUt tre hm; by required to furnish nmt, proporiy verified to rr on or before the 15th dy of October. A. D, JB34, and all iiiwiMu are re nufmi to pkj the amount oi their m deWrdneas to me forthwtth. NORMAN A. WATT. - Official Admlntntrstof, "iv ne iiLii aay oi anyfmbi-T A.D. 1934 GOAL! GOAL! Cur Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bnlkley Valley, We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, IVlnpc Rupert faced Co, M.rneaet III 1 12.5 a Shara $37.50 a Shaw -ti ' The Bank W Canada Va been Incorporated by the Parliament of C trail t4 giv wide power'i to oferate at a central bank of iiiue and tedlicount for Canada. The Bank l aotfcbrJied to pay cumulative dividend! from iti profits, 'after provtiro for expenses, depredation, etc, at the rate of 4 pr annum. payaWa hall-rearly. Sorplua profits are to be applied to the ret fund of the Bank or paid Into the Cwuotidatad Fund at provided by the Bank of Canada Art. Not wore than 50 thant may be held by or for the benefit of any on pertoo. Shara-holdert rhuit be British rubjectt ordinarily rttident in Canada or corporation rganltrt under Dominion or provincial lawt and controlled by Britith tubjecta ordinarily rejident in Canada. Submlptlont thonld bfe mailed to the Mlnliter of Fihance. Ottawa, tn 'tnnlopet itk4 " Bank of Canada Sharet." Payment must be made by a certified cheque on a chartered bank or V t bank draft or pott office or erprett company money order, payable to the Receiver General 61 Canada. been received, alltnvett will be mad At toon at pottible after tubtcrlptiont nave S'nd notice of the allotment will be nulled to the pott office address furnished by tb subscriber. FurtheT particulars will be found In the official prospectus and ipplfcatlo form wblcsi may be obtained at the Department of Finance, the offices of the Assistant Recelrtta General, pott offices, any branch of any chartered bank, and other financial lastTtnUwu. Ti'kosenpwW Lut th"3 open on Stpltmbrr 11, HH, f tU ojx Vlrt tf IfewW )u, t3L vilk or vitlovt notice, U th ditattU TAi itiutr 'o) YU&i. Dvurvm or rniixn. pmi. BrnlMHl SJ, ItSL WILSON INTERESTS ACTIVE IN .MINING (Continued liom page one) tunnel proves satisfactory a mill Baptist Congregation Honors Pat- wiU te lnt,led 0Td" to separ tor Who Has fleen Here For Five Years ate ine goto irom me otsmuin ana it is expected a market '-will he found for the latter. The mill will Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe. pastor of the erected at lhe mlne lth bunkers First M,t" lwo ai- Baptist Church, yesterday completed the fifth yr of hi leV two Kroni acre iota have ministry in Prince Rupert and, at been wid In anUcipation of develop-the conclusion of the evening ser- ment at Kathlyn from which vice, the congregation held a sur- Rmt the 0091 and concentrates will prise social hour in the pastor's nlPP- honor ; A 2500-foot tunnel has been "The chairman for the occaalon. tartea al lnc ?f Hudadn Bay V. O. Houston, expressed his per- Montafn on the Silver Lake pro-sonal pleasure In and appreciation P"1 under Pt,on ttom tn McOlll for the close friendship and fellow- e,tate- PM men and a are ship with Dr. Dafoe both as pastor employed there. This Is a sliver and man. : property but Mr. Wilson expects P. H. Llnzey senior deacon of the metaI be wortn a dHar an church, acting as spokesman for mnce ty by the Ume he Is I the HIC church, left ICtk Dr. Ul, Dafoe IJdlUt in III no 1IU rfaQy - w sn,P r ne1 year, some v of Classified Ads for sale FOR 8ALE Baby's bed. Apply 620 8lxthWcst. 221 FOR 8ALE-Packard Car als6 Ford Truck. Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 764. 217 FOR SALE 9 pirfe solid walnut dining room set. A bargain for cash. Phone 874. (217) FOR SALE Nearly pew Simmons wire mattress and wool mattress, size three feet, three Inches, Phone Blue 637. 217 FOR SALK 80 H.P. Gulowscn Orel Seml-Dlcscl Engine complete with Propeller and sittings. Can be-lnspectcd at Gulowscn Orel Plant. Replaced by larger engine. Cheap for prompt sale. Sunde & d'Evers Co., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT MODERN Hous"e for tent by Oc- tober 1. Phone Black 446. 215 FOR RENT Four roomed house. close In. $12.00. Phone Green '402. ' (217) m Front apartment with electric range. Btcamhcatcd. Smith it MaUettLto. tf. FOR RENT - 3-rob'mcd heatid apartment. $16 per month, Xp-ply 'CfoHart & MtfCatfcty. 217 trAnsVers CArvlERON'S iTansfer, Phone 177. Birch-, Jacitplne, Cedar, if PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperr-ttnglng Molle'r, PhOhe Red S03. tltEAM DAiLY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 FOUND FOUND Necklace on FiP.'i Avenue. Owner may :iavr v, ::. br Identifying and j:;ytng '- ' advertisement. FOUND Eye-glasses inMr( -.nP-' Park. Owiier may have .m-.c t calling at Dally News ! W-Ing for this advertlscnv ; FOUND - Bunch of th.-.- k"v. owner may have same ( Ing at Dally New !': paying for this ad. IIAIRDKKSSER PKRMANENT WAVXNOI CluVter Curl! Ulest SItIm NELSON'S BEAUTY 8H0PPK tN THE SUPREME COURT Of BIUTISS COLUMIIIA fN THE MATTER Or THE WW3' TRATION ACT" and IK THE MATTER OP THE F JOHN EATON MORAN, Tift y TAKE HOTlCt Ul by ' i' Hopor. W. t. FUhcr. trw v-. , . Auiru. A D. 1034. I mi !i ; erutor of th cwtatn of J ! Mdran, (VtWihhI. and all !""' ' rlalma aRiUnM th aald f "'o by rrauirrd to furnih lyvrrihl, to me on or brf r day rt HbMtibrr, A. P. 19:"' portlM tndrbtrd to the qulrrd to wit the amount '? drblrdhtw to m forthwith riatwl the lit day of fleiJU-m AD, 1634. I'T? Of ro. , .. IW or n- ,-. an" aid a" C.I t ..If !' NOTICE IN THE 8UrnEMECOURT Orl"TlSs COLUMnlA IV I'rtOlltTE IN TIW t ATTEtt Dr TTtE "ADMINIS" TRATION ACT" IN THE MATTEROr JAMFf In othfrwUe known aa Jmc" " " decrtutffl. . TAKE WOTICE that by order 1 y 1 ' Hojlour Judge W. E. FUli.f ;Ad. of JSpecmbVr 1931 I ,l',l .llnurm. muuaWtwof the Ett oUum ant otherwUe known m Jnm - jjri(in of T"' " Ontouia, tormcriy nup(. Oulurtvbla, Who dlfd J'f 30. I1C on -Uie 20Ui day ' M'r t!ivm inJl an jVrlon. waving ' ' 'witile hereby f- Uu , ttie 4a Ul are furnlah, aarae proixrly .emtx. or Tx-fofe the 10th W , "1 w 1034, and aJl rrinrtl nI iut are hereby wuiwl ' ; mi amount of thJr IndfbWd'K forthwith, . WATT .,, A, w .. NORMAN tif, Official Ato,.C, DriMe RW "mat uavea toe 14ui umj v ' '