VFay to Headaches, Pain Almost InsUifttly iifTMOI OFTEN 'TEllEVES NEURALGIA A ArD rheltmXtic ?Xin6 in m'iSiu'tes'i ",.' 'us "r"i'T k 1 en J fi'' the method duc- - j . , ,rm fl. id thai AtnUin l Lj ' ' . ' ... ,.i t,. ..darhe. neuritis ali m ,,b oncn in i r ji fT .n- ,r:; ;i hi y ' ' . i ,tiiH triitudiv !'"; ulnfK.1 lhe .'',. mmtlure. It lie- la aMI afa ir I fll MtOM. B II paUffc. practically as soon as you swallow-h, Iually important, Atplrih li anfe. For cieutlfic tHts riiow this: f7i (f?r j no Mm tfg hrbrt. Iteniember tlnsie, two -points: Atpirln Sptht and Atpifin Snfetu. And, see thjt ytjti frr ASI'JluS'.h i made In Canada, and all dnWgUti have h. 'Look fdr the name Bayer U.tl'e, tma, of a crow dh every Asrlrintmtt, . . Orl tin of 12 tablets or economic bottle ul2l or lOOUuny druwjist's. Why Aspirin Works Fast Iff op an Afpfrin 1 (IM U mm iSrt turn 10 dainty J uxint Wart Ukntf Ud7 el t jtv. 'I in miiHii Hlrr rfiont- JT7u7i in Pain RcnirminT 77icn Pictures - ASi'lKIN TM)ES NOT HlRM THE HE4RT We fie Way fo jBo6s tfeafi with JOHNSON'S Johnson's feaby Talcum 25c Johnsons Baby Soap 25c Johnson Baby Cream . . . . . .50c LEADERS EVERYWHERE IN PURITY AND QUALITY Rest for Baby Best for You Ormes Ltd "2hr. Pioriecy Dru'qgists The Krxtll 8tor rbonei: 81 ft M THE BIG FOUR W the nrodnrlk Vf Tim Cn Tim Qnil TllP FoTCSt Bulk v j ut I Ilk UVUf a 1 1 rf a f rtd llie AHnc we prosper. BUY ley Valley Coal aid get TnoVc value for your fuel dollar Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES m made on the coast. Not Kiln Urlcil iffiE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 L&EAL NWS NOTES Dance tonight, Moose Hall, Cah waiting for o'ld cold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc, Bui-Iter's. (tf) Demcrs have a full range of fall coats, fur-trimmed and untrlmmed, Just In. 2f6) fanV ; Dlbb will sail on the Ca-tala toniVrrow afternoon for a tfebwWlcs' trip to Varica'uver. 'MA. JSc1c 66ds (Anri'efte gtft'n saflle last cvehrng on Ih'e Ci'tala 16'r a fenay business trip to AMjfox itrld Stewart. John ileUor. Sell icflown "kteVart merchant, 1il be a passenger oil bftsrd trie Catitla tomorrow fediflR througn oh a tfo-'fc'eeks' trip to IVaiitouVeT. i . ! Mr. arid Mrs. W. R. Selt7y were passengers Aboard the Calala last evening gslng through from Van-oeruVer U Stewart Where Mr Belbjr will Join the staff of the Br? Jills-nouri "mine. Mr. arid Mrs. 7. Steen were pas-, senders aboard the Catala last ev- erring gjing through from Vaneftu-iver to Wale Island where Mr. Steen win take over Ills duties as 'canneryman for the winter. Hon. T D. Pattuiio. Premier of British Columbia, and his secre tary. Richard Cartwrlght, sailed Saturday night by the ss. Prince j Rupert on their return to Victoria after a two-day visit to the city. F. Davis of the Canadian National Railways offices In Edmonton arrived In the city on Satuiday might's train from the Alberta Ca- , Dltal and sailed on the steamer G. N, R trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days 530 Pm- From Vhe East- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days 10:15 pm JONES' Family Market Stcwtng Veal, 3 lbs. Peas, 1 tin Stewing Lamb, 3 lbs. as. i tn Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. 1 "cauliflower Lamb thops lbs Veal Chops 2 lbs. Rbund Steak, 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Hamberger, 3 lbs. Orrtbns, 2 lbs. Pot Roast 4 lbs Boiling Beef, 3 lbs, 1 bunch Carrots Shoulder Pork 4 lbs. ftionc 937 25c 25fc 356 35C You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Prince Rupert Badminton Club annual meeting Monday, Sept. 17, City Hall. Important business. Miss M. Dresser of Arryox, who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, was a "passenger aboard the Catala last evening returntns to the smelter town. 35 c 23c The Strollers' concert party from Vancouver, who are visiting this district, returned to the city at the end of the week after a week's visit to Queen Charlotte Island points. 35c 25C 50 c honc 957 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Timet I)iiy or Night Always hesh-Vsirtg tHe Sfex method-Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe M. S. Bryan, official senCK- irapher of the Supreme 'Court, who was In attendance at the Assi2es here last week, leaves on this 'eve ning's train for Prince George here a civil session of the Sup reme Court will be held this Veek. the criminal assize to De held at Quesnell. Chief Justice Aulay Morrison wlU preside over the ses sions at ITincc Oeorge and Quesnell. Mr. justice D. A. McOonald. who took the Assize here, having returned to Vancouver Saturday night on the Prince Rupert. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 arid 10, Block 15, Section 7 and tnrprbvements $450.00 whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator, Chas. Vess Estate. Announcements Presbyterian Tea and Sale, Church lian, September "20. Cambral Spinsters' Spree Octo ber 5. S. O. N. Dance, October 5th. tfnlfcd Church Thanksgiving shipper October 8. Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 and 11. nnnntflXn lotion WcmeA's Aux. lllary Bazaar October 1&. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem Ber. Anglican Fall Bazaar Kov. t. -r dx - Moose Hall Dance Tonight Honor of H. M. O. S. Skeena and Vancouver Starts 10 p.tn.r Aflmlssltfn -35c 'StROLLERS, ORCHESTRA All in TJundtl.CPayrolU'' And of X gentleman who has some intimate ithowledge of the canned milk use"d in Canada was Kind enough to tell us that Pacific is the only milk that really belongs tb British Columbia. "Y6u alone have your head office here. You are owned by the 'farmers here. Your plant and Herds are not elsewhere. All yours Is in British 'Columbia and. In British Columbia alone." Many thanks. Pacific Milk "lbbft BJC.'Owhed arid Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD FOR FIRST CLASS Sho'e Repairing Sec SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and McBrlde OH Stove Pipe Is roust Replace it New BeTorc thfc Cold Ya. iher Sets In Bfokeh Windows Repaired Just riiorte 3. fl'c Ao alla'Wds of gbilng or we fan supply you with glass, putty, points, etc. Kaieft fiafdwar A satisfactory place to -shop, Try iti GROUP 5 These are our tetter lines. Straps, Pumps, Ties, Etc. in suedes, kids, etc, black, brown, fawn. Reg. values tq $7:50. Priced at S3495t04i95 COME AND BE CONVINCED ANNETTE LADIES' WEARCO. (The store of the Tietter dressed f or less) TRY Shenton's Sheet Metal Works FOR YOUR FURNACE, OIL TANK, FOR YOUR ROOFING JOB Prompt In Service,.Low in Cost and a Good 30b Do"ne ThfraAve.E. . Prince Rupert, B.C. AIRTIGHT HEATERS Blued feel Bodies; Sheet Steel Linings; Nickel Screw Draft; Check Draft on. Top Sire 18 inches . $3.00 Size 22 inches . .$4.25 Size 24 inches .... .$5.00 Mail Orders Carefully Filled THOMPSON HARDWAM Cpr Ltd. THE XX)NSOLIDATET3 MINING & SLELTING j tfO.AIPANY OF CANADA, LLMITED i TRAIL BRITISH 'COLUMBIA Manufacturers 6t Producers & Refinerir of , ELEPHANT TADANAG ( Bra'nd ' Brand, CnbllCAL FERTILIZER ELECTROLYTIC h Ammoniam Thosphates Sulphate of imTrii?nta "S'uperpfo'Kf. ' j phates Ctrmplete Vertllliers 4 Lead-2inc Cadmlrfm-'Bismuth lah Pacific mJm PRINCESS STEAMERS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Jimeatl atfd Skag-ay, Sept 10th, 20th. Oct. 1st. For Vancouver direct Sept. 6th, 14th, 24th, Oct. 5th, For Va$c$uver dcean.Falls and Way Ports, "Princess A'de-latde" "every FridaV 10 pjn. For Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 'Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Varicotfv'er- T.S.S. CATALA UVERY TOESPAT, 1 :30 Ml Arriving Vancouver Thursday - r T.8JS. XJARDTEnA EVTItY FItlDAY MtDNlGllT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AAL. .u...,. BUwart akd Kua weekly allinga ,VPc-ttowia.,Alk Ktmrtojox, Rlvr -pttot. tev Tnnca nupert 8uuaay. 8 pa. Further Information" regarding, all sailings and tickets at raivri RfTPFHT IQENCTl Vhtrd Atenoa. Tban SM If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office z tz R ? ,1 - t Jt THE DAILY PAOETHREB i i mm , Prince Charles for a trip to Van couver via the Queen Charlotte .Islands. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oladdirrg who were recently married In Stewart, the bride having formerly been Miss Anne Degworthy Shlvely. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Ellis, sailed by the Prince Rupert last Friday night for Premier where they will make their home following a irtslt here. Mr. Olsdfl-Ing Is the son of Mrs. C. C. Smith oi this city. Each pad will Lilt flirt all da? aad r rry Amj for three wrek. 3 pad In each parVeu 10 CENTS I'EK PACKET si Drutt'titt, Crorrrt, General.'Storet, WHY PAY MORE THE WILSON FLV PAD CO, lUwltM, Omu W. Bunting, who "has been engaged in farming at Delkhlla 'near Massett. arrived In the city at the end of the week from the Queen Charlotte Islands ahd wttl proceed from here to the Bulkley Valley to which district he Is moving. wer For Bricle-Elect Saturday ifira.fclarVric'eHslliiinder Hostels in i George Bevcrldge. manager of the Terrace branch of the Bank 'of Montreal, arrived ta the city tn Saturday night's train from tile In terior and filled on the "S learner Prince Rupert for Vancouver -on a month's vacation. C. W. Dawson, accountant of the local branch, is relieving as manager at Terrttcc during Mr. Bevertcgc's absence. Wribr Iff 5Iiss JIarguerite "Fossn'm A deligh'tful'surprise linen shbwer 5;as ield on Skturtiay eveninfe at the home df Mrs. 'Clarence ihsu-lander. 5sfln(h AVeribe East, & Honor of "Miss liiarderlte Jossum; fiaugWr of Mr. and Mrs.C. Fossum, fllnth Avenue West, who Is to be married shortly to David Oeddes. The fodrns were prettily decorated wffii pTrik and whife sffeara-ers. tWrihg the evening the Ufide"-' tlect was presented vlth a "basket lso tlecorated In pink and white Snd cbhtainlrlfe many lovely gifts. . Games and singing were -enjoyed smd at 'midnight delicious fefresh-fiients were wrved. Those present were Mrs. C. "Berjr, Mrs. "C. 'Fossu'm, Mrs. C. Insulander, Mrs. V Ivarsoh, Mrs. O. Letts, Mrs. X. Nelson, Mrs. C. Nelson. Mrs. BUda Zarelll, Marguerite Fossum, Jknle Becker, Elsie Franks, Lillian Franks. Astricl Hansen, Alice Hah $en, Bessie Letts, Lduisc Lhidseth, Thelftia Ndrberg. Dorothy Patmore, Rose Wesch ahd Stan Veitch. TENDER IS -REFLOATED fContinoed Trom Pase 1? salvaged before the week-end (been storm came up, she would un-! ftonhtertlv hnve slid off into one hundred fathoms of Water. Harry Scott acted as diver on the salvage job and placed lines around the bottom of the stranded vessel which was lashed to two scows which buoyed her tip as she waspuUed off She was tM Tcept lashed to the trolling boats assisted the Pachena; scows 'for the run into port. Two! a'rid"C.tt. C. In effecting the salvage. The Slaven Is equipped With a 100 hp. diesel engine. ANNETT&S hoe S Clearance To "rhaTce Tooih fo'r 5fher lines of merchandise we i;are aUpjwing Tjf "our Vriflfe ihot slock. VTc are sacrtffclngje very VTr "of "shoes Bi the stdf'e. Belbw re a 'ew W iht oats'tanhing 'bargains We are offering at this sale. GR'OtJP-1 Oxforfcs, Strap's, 'pumps, "Etc, Re'g. viliies to $3.95- $245 GROUP 3 Tie's, Straps, Tumps. Oxfords, Etc . in Cubah and high 'heels, black, lirbwn and fawn. Reg. values to $2.85 G"ROUP 2 Oxfords, Pumps, Straps, Cuban and hfth , heels, etc, Reg. values $435 $2.65 GROUP 4 Oxford's, Straps, pimps, T-Straps, Etc., In 'Cubah Und hig'h 116615, black, brown, "tc. Reg. values to $5.95- $3.45 35 Si s it s c aa, a i '0