Turk of the thirty-mile wtnd-trar leeward course but, when the '- turned for the fifteen mile r iw before the wind. Endea- re rupidly took command. The B ' tier did weft In the beat to reward with a breeze of about f ".rrr. knots blowing. hokJIng al- r equal wU hy rtg for the xz ' -t the vmy ina fwjrtng into rad toward the end when the w.r ' dropped to nine knots. j D 'h yaertUi had crowed the ' i ( way un close together In a . tirrc which Had rrmelMd atxtecn ki5- with n lumpy sea. Two Canadian Destroyers On Visit to Port F r a isit to the port which will ex'eri until Friday. II. M. C 8. Skeena Commander J. E. V. Oland DS.o and Vancourr. Lieut. Com-marker F L HouRhton. arrived In J a 12 30 noon today and nrc mxret along headquarters of the! v ' 3 Canadian Vavnl Voliintrpr ! of Rcrvc VANCOUVER. Sept. 17: (CP) wheat wa selling at 83VBc on the , aI xi iiango Saturday, down ,c v,m FrldQy- Today's prlco was w c. ' continued thal Spam SITUATION IN SPAIN J TI1NSH; MARTIAL I, VIRTUALLY .AW PREVAILS mDUID' 8ent- 17 : Virtual law l'rcv"-cl hero last- niBM rnl nnrntr lllltl Ulit-wV I ti r I i 4a vi siriKcs ana lmTI - k rcvoji3 npparcntly iiucnr n, ... , , fcnrliiK r mny bo the next TENDER IS REFLOATED Ala kan Cannery Boat Slsven Sal-vagetl.Iladlr Damaged, Now At Dry Oock Here The 60-foot cannery tender of the Nak&t Packing Corpora tion of Alaska, which went ashore on Wednesday morning of last week; ln Kumeleon Inlet off Orenvlllel 'Channel while enroute from Ket- chiton to Seattle, i refloated by the was successfully Armour Salvage Co.. under the direction of Capt. W. P. Armour, at 6 o'clock Saturday 1 evening and. In tow of the power . tugs Pachena and C. R, C. was brought here at 4 o'clock yesterday I afternoon and taken to the dry dock where she was lifted on to the pontoons early thU afternoon for repairs. The reconditioning Job will be an extensive one as almost the entire keel has been torn off in addition to other extensive damage. The Slaven plied up Into the side a steen cuff and. had sne not i Continued on Page 31 Wilson Interests Active In Mining Around Smithers: To Work Mamie and Other Mines SMITHERS, Sept. 17: Smithers people are much enthused over the mining prospects here. The Lake Knthlyn Anthracite Coal Co. has just completed nn operating tun-n.cl tapping the vein of high grade anthracite coal at Gla-er Ciulch just above Lake Kathlvn, where they cut two three-foot veins. The mine is being held by Vancouver m- - - Htereats and work on It Is being V Anmiirot iAA 1 continued. ' MUV.WL1 v i.i ii iinni i ... . 1 !... i n w wuunn uuu mis jusi reached here, announces actlvlUcs at several of the properties which he controls but. most Important of nil tn this town. Is his decision to stnrt real work on the Mamie Mine! on Hudson Hay Mountain. "I Intend to bust her wide open," was the ex-1 presslon he used In connection wlth( his plans. The camp there Is com-( plctcd and flvo more men are being j put on this week, uciorc iung u plans to employ fifteen or twenty : men nt the mine. Tills will provide . . . . 1 1 J..,tnff Hi ft U' n . n nice niuc payiuu uui"i -tcr. At Olacler Oulch, Mr. Wilson snld he had Just let a contract for n tunnel 700 feet In length. Tills mini, is close to the coal mine nnd 4, himir houses are only a few tevHuy ? brrnk out in open j yards apart. ' f Two carloads of ore . hav w. All ....I.,.- nnhiir. .. c . .uiri .. f-. fnr returning iim nir c ... n- w . i .. n ln bahcd. nbout $100 a ton. If the work on the - - wAJIIWllUVU -I. Here Is the latest photo showing the beginning of the nation-wide textile sulke in the United j Blades as hundreds oj Ihotuands of workers lelVthwrunashlnM ! pursuance' to union walkout'-or- 1 der This (hows employees of a Rhode Island mill marching out after the strike "zero hour." The itrlke Is continuing with the critical centre moving from the Carollnas to New England. An attempt was to be made today to reopen some of the textile mills In Virginia and the Carollnas under protection of National Guards. Meantime. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a yacht off Rhode Island. has been closely in touch with t :ie situation. GRAIN WILL MOVE FAST No Difficulty In Selling Canadian 1934 Wheat Crop Soon, Predicts Richardson MONTREAL, Sept 17: (CP) Before sailing from here jester-day oh a business trip to the United Kingdom, James A. Richardson, prominent Winnipeg grain man, predicted an early sale of the entire 1931 Canadian wheat crop. World crop conditions, due to drought heat and other causes, were such, declared Mr. Richard- son, that an exceptionally good market for Canadian wheat could be looked for during the next twelve months as the world's surplus became exhausted. CENTRAL BANK SHARES C.OINO ON SALE TODAY OTTAWA., Sept. 17: (CP) Shares In the new Bank of Canada were offered to the public today. The sub- scrlptlon ;books will remain open until Thursday. CONCENTRATES FROM MINE NEAR USK WILL BEGIN TO REACH SMELTER VERY SOON Mill is Functioning: Satisfactorily at Columario Another Property to be Developed in District will probably get the business. The cost of mining and milling the ore Is about eight to ten dollars a ton. Tins high cost Is due to the fact that there Is no great body of ore as at some mines but that the ore has to be taken from well de- I fined veins from one to six feet wide. So far. tunnelling has been j done on six of these veins but thr 1 wnoie mountain is cut tnrougn wun 4 mineralized veins and these will be , I developed from time to time as Central jthey are nce-ed- With the ore pro- duclng an average of $35 a ton there will be a large margin of pro fit. The Columario Is situated on the northern slope of the Kleanza Mountain, approximately four miles Germany Will Not Sign Up With Security Pact in East, France and Russia Feared GENEVA, Sept. 17; (CP) Germany has told the world powers that she will not sign the eastern security agreement because she refuses to risk having the Frcnch-Kussian armies treading the soil of the Fatnerland, reliable sources said here last night. The agreement calls for all signatories to unite in lending military assistance to any signatory I Tunnelling for about 6,000 feet has ibeen done on six veins which are-about 200 teet apart. Work was I started on tt by Captain John Wlll-I man, the present general manager and organizer of the company, In! 1922 and, In spite of great difflcul-j ties, has been pushed steadily ahead intll today there Is sufficient orej teflnltely blocked out to pay for the ilant Installation and more. i 'I flee. The various buildings' Including bunk houses are completed, nicely painted and the whole camp looks like a permanent institution good for many years. The value of the mine to the district Is already apparent for as a result of Its success It Is understood Demand Is Made of Leader of Campaign .Against Criminals N. F. Newton Warned That He Must "Lay Off' and Also Ordered to Pay Over $50,000 If He Docs Not . Wsih to be "Taken For Kide" ! LONDON, Ont, Sept 17,: (CP) N. F. New-ton, -crown 'prosecutor in London's drive against an. alleged blackmail ring, revealed today that he had received from Toronto a letter demanding that he "lay off" the prosecution and further demanding $50,000 if he did not wish to be "taken for a ride." At the present time three persons are being held on charges of blackmail. Mr. Newton has no intention of complying with the demands, of course. BANK HEAD WOODBINE i .... - TAKES TRIP RE OPENS Graham Towers Leaves For Abroad To Study Workings of Other Central Banks MONTREAL, Sept. 17: (CP ! Graham Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada, sailed j from here yesterday for England, J the purpose of his trip abroad being I to study the workings of central banks In other countries where such institutions have been already established. USK, Stpt 17:-0 the success of the Columario mine' ? ZZ depends to a very large extent the success of this whole j connecuon with the making of ar-district. And the Columario is evidently a success. The new j rangements tor the resumption of mill is operating, turning out concentrates which assay I aspen logs from the interior about one hundred dollars to the ton. The fiist carload of j throuh here to the orient, sailed this will go to the Trail Smelter and tests will also be made ! bf ihe f" Rpert Saturday with rnrlnart, tn Anvo nnH . nlltht on their return to VancouviT. coma. Which gives the best result . ' i rum nerc ana iweive irom .errace. i Mc'Guire Again Gets Control of Famous Portland Canal Property Following Court Action VANCOUVER, Sept. 17: (CP) Sale of assets of the. old Woodbine mine In the Portland Canal district was confirmed in Supreme Court here at the end of the week by Chief JusUce Aulay Morrison. W. H. Brett, liquidator, accepted a bid of H. B. McOulre, managing director of the old company, on be- Early next year. Mr. Towers hopes -half of the Missouri Ridge Gold to have Canada's new Central Bank functioning ! A (By H. F Pullen) I iacnnes ana v. Aicrunsiry, Mines Ltd., an Ontario corporation. It Is understood the property will be re-opened. SILVER AND COPPER NEW YORK, Sept. 17: (CP) Bar silver closed at 49ic per ounce onf the local metal market today, un-' changed from Friday and Saturday. Copper was selling at 9c per pound. Capitalists Fly North To Pay Visit to Stewart Mine Where Concentrator Planned Having on board General Victor Odium and Ben SmitfiT prominent New York capitalist, a Super Fokker seaplane, piloted by Major D. L. MacLaren D. S. 0., western mana The mill, which has just been f th Canadjan Airways Limited, arjived here front completed by the Vancouver En-'vV i. j j r i- of Vancouver at noon Saturday and, after a brief stay, con-100 gineering works, has a capacity tons in a 24-hour day and it ls'tmued to Stewart where General Odium and Mr. Smith DroDOsed to ODerate It to Its fuH'.made an ipectlon of the)- capacity almost Immediately. At j Unlted Empire mine In which pro-Uie time of my visit It had been!Perty they are Interested with Col. three all vlctor Splicer of Vancouver and running only days yet parts were funcUonlng most satis-ln which the building of a concen- factorlly. The oil flotation process , "aior eany next spring is conu-m- ls used with eood results. piaiea. Both mill and mine are electri cally lighted, delsel engines provid ing the power for the drilling, Ught-inc and for the mill' and assay of- Tnis was tne secona piane vne i-a soon as the required tonnage Is de veloped," was the authorized statement of Mr. Smith who was here again overnight on his return flight to Vancouver with Major Mac-Cotiunucd on Page 2 Halibut Arrivals Summary American 168.1)00 pounds. 6c and , r-oiiowing nis arrival av oiewuri. 4C to 7.9c and 5c. I M.ilnr Marljirpn flpu? intn the limit : rnnnin ntnnn ..a. . ..... uuuuiau ituvu muuua, w. aii4 uiver aistrict yesterday morning 5,., for other Interests. American Trinity, 35,000, Atlln. 6c and 4c. nadlan Airways Limited yesterday Resolute. 33,000, Cold Storage, had at Stewart, Pilot McGregor j 7, sc and 5 having been there for some weeks with a Fokker Standard. Back Here Today "Yes, I am well satisfied with what I have seen on the United Em the Grotto property at Pitman lsjplre and we will build the mill as being taken over and developed by Toronto and New York Interests Mr. and Mrs. R. Oiske are on this evening's train for a trip to Edmonton. Arrow, 34,000, Pacific, 6.8c and 4c. Friendly. 14,000, Atlln. 7.8c and 5c. Defence, 12,000, Cold Storage, 7.2c and 5c. Slrlus, 10,000, Cold Storage, 7.6c and 5c. Hazel 1U' 10,500, Pacific, 7.9c and 5c. Excel, 18,000, Booth, 7.8c and 5c. Canadian Signal, 24,000, Cold Storage, 6c and 5c. 1 If1 "flt ' 3 J jam- Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides me mmln I 4 prince Ilupert Raining, moderate High 9:33 a.m. 16.3 It. southeast wind; barometer, 21:15 pun. 18.8 ft. 30.00; tempearture, 57; light swell. Low 2:40 ajn. 60 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 14:48 pjn. 9.8 ft. Sr. Vol XXIV No 210. 1 'O. PRINCE JIUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1934 PRICK: FIVE CENTS ENDMV0UR TAKES FIRST VICTORY PROSECUTOR IN LONDON BLACKMAIL DRIVE THREATENED British Challenger Overtakes American Defender and Wins Thrilling Contest Between Two (J rent Sailing Boats With Skipper Sopwith Romping Home Before Wind With Lead of Two Minutes NEW PORT, K.I., Sept. 17: (CP) The British challenger Endeavour, owned and skippered by Tom Sopwith, romped home today to win the first race of the America's ( jp series, defeating the American defender Rainbow, with Skipper H. S. Vanderbilt at the helm, by two minuses and nine seconds. The Rainbow had the advantage a t Heen second lead at Uie halfa . I As United States Textile Workers Obey Strike Order fci "4 1 .? 1 t . 9 '1 I: n 1 ml V i h. V t V ,.'15 f 1$