Pit HindiM MInlnr, and Tor on I 1 Stock lltthance Amal:amatin Lffrrtiie Yrnlrrdav TORONTO. Feb. 6: CP The B' Kidard Mlnlnt Exchange was merged willi the TwnmUi Slock E (!. i nue yesterday to make Uie i ,! I truest, srrurlly market In N i't America, only the New York 6 k H-.rliuiiRe surphC It. Today's Stocks Toronto Tl R X Odd. .77. IU Nkel, .81. H It Ountolklattti. Hulorno. 11.25. f.tnlmo Otjkl, 3.70. lUinwrtl. 39. Ci'-onrta River, 1 idlan. .01 Mrrldlsn. .23. Morning Star, .32. Nauve Fftivk, .11. N le Five. .11. " National flilver. .Qlfi. N lilr Five, l'rnd Oreille. 1.01. Porter Idaho. .11. Premier. 1.03. RCVM, .17. ' Howard. I3V4. Heno. l.in. Hilvcrrreat, Whitewater. 07. Wayside. .43U. .40. Waverlcy Tangier, .Oljfc OILS , lUbyan. ,mVt. Home. 1.00. (' E.. 1.07. Freehold. M. Sterling Pacific. .65. Toronto Alexandria Gold, .inVJ. Central Patricia, .58. Ohlbmigatnau, .06. C'olumaxlo, .15ft. , Granada, .no. Kirkland Ukc, JO. 1-ee Gold. .15. Maea.wa, 2.15. McMillan Clold, .4.' Noranda, 35.75. Bherltt Gordon, 1.18. Hlsco. 1.0(1. Thompson Cadillac, ;3vst iwagamac, .35. Ventures, .09. CLiirchUI, .14. lake Maron, lift, Rylvanlte. 1.00. Ban Antonia, 2.15. Teck Hughes, 0.00. IHdgood, .03. Pawnee Kirkland, .01?; Sudbury Basin, 1.32. POLICIES OF C.C.F. Alrrd In House of Commons by J, S. Woodiwordi, National Leader OTTAWA, Feb. 0: -Policies of the Ou-ertlvc Commonwealth Fe-ie ration were aired in the House , of Commons last night when J. 8. j Woocurworth. Labor Member fronij . Wlnnlnec and leader of the party. presented a motion to establish a j co-operative economic system. Tiie mutton was still being debated at adjournment. I To Look Into Silver Market IiiTrit Ulnt to be Instituted II; tl. S. Treasury Department, Morgcnlhau Announces WASHINGTON, D C. Feb. 0: j (CPl-Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Mongenthau announced yesterday Uiat the department was I planning to Institute an Invcstlga-1 Hon Into New York silver market matters. Among other things It wll! be endeavored to ascertain who actually controls a number of the more Important silver companies by ownership of stock. : BIG PROFITS" PIONEER MINE VANCOUVER, Feb. 0: Pioneer Cold Mines made a net profit of $171,000 during January, $5,000 more than the December profits. KKI'OKT OF MKITISII WAKSHIl'S I Oil THIS COAST AKK DKNII'.D j. , MnrM Vh (HPl Hu T iiwni'w,,, .- ' mors that three British nav,al vessels wouin dc sumumw --i Esquimau docks were denied I In authoritative quarters to- 1 day. The Admiralty said that It knew nothing which would give foundation to reports to ' this effect which were current ! In Victoria yesterday. Ottawa also denied inc repuiu Today's Weather tomorrows lides mm High 6:04 am. 19.5 It. light rrince RupcrU-Ovcrcast, 19:22 pjn.' 15.0 ft. juutheast wind; barometer. 29.73; Low lempcraturc. 44; sea smooth, 12:59 pjn. G.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV.. No. 31. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1934 Federal agents have been dwpat ched to Anoka county. Minnesota, !n the search for Edward O. Bremer, kidnapped St. Paul banker and brewer, following the receipt of a second letter purporting to tell of Uie death of the mixing man at the hands of one of his abductors. The letter, received by the postmaster at Anoka, similar to the first note, above, which had been sent to the postmaster at Minneapolis, said that Bremer's body could be found near Anoka. Receipt of the notes following the discovery of Bremer's automobile, above, which contained bloodstains, leading authorities to believe he had met with violence. James Qulnehan, St. Paul milkman, who was the only known witness to the kidnapping of the wealthy banker, also Is shown above. Improvement in Timber Industry Makes Itself Evident in Forest Branch Returns; Scale Far Ahead The recently commenced improvement in the logging industry in this district has commenced to make itself evident in returns of the Forest Branch, sawlog production in the district for January this year being recorded at 4,120,203 board feet as compared with but 135,943 board feet in the same month last year when the industry was in the depths of the doldrums. Scaling for this January was classified per varleUes as follows: Board Feet Cedar 37513 Spruce 3.706.177 Hemlock 376,873 Total 4.120,263 Forest Products During the month of January pole and piling production, prin cipally In the Interior, amounted to 112,830 lineal feet of which 104,-250 lineal feet was In cedar and 8,-580 lineal feet In hemlock. A total of 247 cords of cordwood were recorded and but 57 hewn ties. SIliVEK AND COPPKK ON NEW YORK MAUI NEW YORK, Feb. 6: Silver was quoted here today at 448c. Copper varied from 8c to 8'ic. IIAR SILVER NEW YORK. Feb. 6: (CP) Bar J silver closed at 44c per ounce on the local metal maricct yestcruay. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 6: CP Wheat was quoted at 66 sc on the local exchange yesterday. BIG BULL MOVEMENT Issues Go Up From One to Five Points as New York Market Gains Strength NEW YORK. Feb. 6:: (CP) The Canadian dollar closed at 99 l-16c VANCOUVER. Feb. 6: Wheat on the local foreign exchange quoted here today at 66. terday. Clubbing Offer DELIVERED IN CITY Daily News, Pictorial Review and National Home Monthly, All For One Year, $5.50 MAILED TO OUTSIDE TOINTS Daily News, Pictorial Review and National Home Monthly, All For One Year, 3.50 Send Check at Once or Call at Daily News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Commission Calls For Dismissal of Officials of Windsor Children's Aid Society Shelter PK1CE: FIVE CKNTH NEW fKwch premier is endorsed REDUCTION OF HOURS OF LABOR URGED BY PARLIAMENT Radical Socialists Rise To Daladier's Appeal In Deputies A?kcd For Support in Effort "To Prevent Civil War" and "Abdication of Republic" Division Was .'500 to 217 PARIS, Feb. G: (CP) Premier Edotiard Daladier sum-m med Ida radical Socialist party today to aid him "to prevent civil war" lest "the republic be force(J to abdicate" and he was Hucccssful. The Chamber of Deputies, after riotous demonstrations, gave him a vote of confidence of ;;KI to 217. What amounted to almpst a free-for-all be- . tween Socialist and Communists MERGING OF TWO MARTS broke out when the Premier arose to make his appeal. This evening troop were called out to reinforce 15,000 police battling with the mob in the Place de la Concorde across from Uie Chamber of Deputies. Notes Recount Death of Kidnapped Banker Unemployment Relief Discussed Yesterday By House of Commons Former Liberal Minister of Labor Charges That "Slave Camps" Are Being Operated by Government Of Ontario 1 OTTAWA, Feb. 6: (CP) The House of Commons yesterday passed a resolution instructing the government to coiisider reducing the hours of labor as an unemployment relief measure. Members of all parties supported the proposal, referring, however, to the fact that the provinces actually held the right to legislate on hours of labor. Charges that "slave camps" were ' " . , j being operated by the Ontario gov- . ernment In which the men received I 14 h A I n If M only a few cents for a month's work 1 ILlXk. A IV Li were made by Hon. Peter Heenan, former Liberal minister of labor. Shorter Working l Hours Advocated Only Means of Sleeting Unemploy ment Situation, Declares Labor Member HELD UP Sum of $3500 Taken In Daring Robbery in Oakland RandiU Clubbed Victims " OAKLAND, CaliT Fcbr'dWwcT heavily armed and masked bandits held up seven men In the foyer o, a downtown theatre here yesterday tached to his own declaration that Canada, was signally honored yes-"abuse of children In public lnstl- terday at Euston Station when, on tutlons will not be tolerated," Hon. behalf of King George, he was pre-W. G. Martin, Ontario's minister of sented with the medal of the Order welfare, last night made public re- the British Empire by Rt. Hon. commendations of the commls-jJ- H. Thomas. sioner who Investigated conditions; NEW YORK. Feb. 6: (CP) Stock at the Windsor Children's Aid So prices advanced from one to five clety shelter. points yesterday In one of the The recommendations, among most vigorous bull movements to other things, called for the dlsmls- be recorded In months on the local sal of Magdalene and Catherine exchange, close to five million j Strang, shelter matrons, and J. R. shares changing hands during" the Winters, superintendent. day. The Industrial average at dps-; ing s 110.74, up 1.32. j January Building CANADIAN DOLLAR ( f 1 , D If 1 Ligni dui nigner the month of January this year, representing a total value of $1800 as compared with but $200 in the same month last year. This January's permits were as follows: Natt Peterson, addition to residence. S400. ! Dr. W. T. Kergin, building. Fifth I i .n.u. osA.k inn Avenue ana mcuuue oiuci. Montreal Bar Gold Price Takes Drop I MONTREAL. Feb. 6: (CP)-Bar gold quotation dropped eight cents here today to $34.73 per ounce. The London price was $34.06. , and beat them over the heads until o- 'yr n. tu one or inom reveaica vc comfjma-Heaps. Labor member for Winni- tiori of thi theatre 7afei'wlchjthy peg. speaking In the House of Com- then opened, making their gcttwa7 mons yesterday, declared that with $3500 in cash, shorter working hours offered thei '. only effective means of perman ently remedying the present unemployment situation. ABUSE NOT TOLERATED HONOR FOR ENGINEER Pilot of Royal Scot on Recent American Tour Receives Medal of Order of British Empire LONDON, Feb. 6: (CP William" Gllbertson, engineer who piloted the famous Royal Scot train on Its TORONTO. Feb. 6; CP At-lrec"" wur or unuea oiaics ana Stabbed in Los Angeles Studio, Young Man Dies I LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6: A young man named Wolverton died In hos- jpltal here yesterday afternoon alter having .been stabbed In the ifhwl pnrlv In thp riav In the studio Til an I IqI" Ypar c 13(110 broadcasting station KHJ. 1 llcUl Lido I 1 CCU jHls alleged assailant, who Is stat- , 'fd to have run suddenly amok, Is rwo DUiiaing permits were issuea cjng neia in me cuy aurmg 4 I'ITT ANNOUNCES TAKING . OVER OF ALEXANDRIA MINE UY PREMIER CO. VANCOUVER. Feb. 0: (CP) Dale L. Pitt, general mana- ger of the Premier Oold Mln- ing Co. Ltd., announced offl- dally yesterday that his com- pany had acquired control of 4 the Alexandria gold mine on Phillips Arm; up the coast from here, and that dcveloD- ment of the property was now under way. . .