PRY get mem eet ger ee: 6 SEATTLE WRITER SEES RUPERT Mr. John R. Dreher of Seattle Times Staff Pays Visit Here with His Wife and will De- scribe City. Today Mr. John the Seattle Times, part of Northern British Col- umbia with iis wife a holiday and descriptive writing trip visited Prince Rupert. Mr. Dreher has assignment mission’’ and his Rupert will be a impressions. He very greatly en- joyed the superb sail up the Sound in the Prince George, and Captain to give him Dreher of touring this H. on “a roving com- story of Prince series of bright paper Saunders was able ideal weather conditions. that ideal news- THE DAILY _NEWS es et evv sd & & ow vvnvnv ve w& CUPID'S HANDICAP re] eVveeuvsoe vvbdueevds wv Tuneful Musical Play at the Empress Theatre Pleased Many. Though nearing the end of their et Re es st :|| “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKIN i= engagement, the Cleveland Com- edy Company is still drawing good houses and putting on good shows. ; Last night they put ona tuneful | musical comedy called ‘‘Cupid’s Handicap.”’ It gave the company a chance to appear as a bunch of | merry co-eds and college athietes | and made us all wish we had | gone to college with them, instead of wasting our time in serious| pursuits. Special interest attached to the | Phone 150 Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass | Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals | + | Lost~A Ladies’ Gold Watch. see Lost and Found LESS GAY Reward by re- t-180 turning to News Office. | eee me rere eee Money to Loan ot FF PP 8 4 Ht Ps | Money to{Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 953 tf-181, ° se astemsieceisttilitalactiphasmnsrmaee rere | ————— G OVER— While talking to the Daily News| comedy because it was written | on his arrival Mr. Dreher was/|and composed by Harry B. Cleve-| loading up his kodak .o take as|Jand and his clever little wife he said, “Something out of the|Drena Mack. There are lots of | usual” in photographs. He was! good songs, and plenty of move- much interested in one city grading | ment in it. One of the pretties. work—particularly in the muskeg| numbers is Elton Ralston’s song and the men who mess themselves | with quartet chorus in the first up in. it for $3 a day. lact, ‘‘Dream Girl of My Dreams.” “How in the world did they| The chorus too made quite a hit ever think of making a city here?” |Jast night. he asked with a glance at our} hummocks. “How ever did you make such a splendid job of your city build- ing?’’ is his question after a walk round the town. Mr. Dreher’s next to Stewart. BUILDING PERMITS | Sum Total for Past Week is Well | Over Nine Thousand Dollars. takes trip him i the FIRE CHIEF AND WATER CHARGES “2: ° First street avenue buildings for Mr. R. C. Hyde on week just ended. residential buildings for Mr. E. (Continued from + ions Ba One) |to cost $4000. A third item just McInnis had seen the light de- partment men at work and warned them that the job would obstruct the road for the fire department. The work went on however, and the obstruction was encountered ata most critical moment. Lesson from Guelph Under the heading ‘‘Things a Fire Chief Ought to Know’ the Guelph Herald of 28th ult., says: “Instructions have been issued by ‘the fire, light and markets | committee to the city engineer | and other departments who tear | up the streets, that notice must be | sent to the Fire Chief whenevet| : a street is blocked from traffic.”’ | Cloudy Alderman Clayton's fire depart- there dense ment recommendations might very wo rin | coas .ccording well include provision of a similar} yi ‘e nature | Ports. The Prince oe . | Passing Harold Bay lat 11 p.m. last Bie Seventh avenue, cost $300. Mrs. L. Shrubsall, residence avenue, cost $400. Eighth avenue, cost $75. McBride street, cost $350. Mike Cruch, residence, avenue, cost $200. Weather Along Coast banks along wireless Rupert southbound fog prevails the to George an Hour Early By the Prince George this morn- | = Frank Kelly George the was by and returned today, ing there arrived a crowd of first and second class passengers. The | Prince George came in one hour ahead of | driving his light rig down Centre schedule and brought 180 tons of|street within a few minutes of frieght and mail. landing OTICE! Comox-Atlin Liberal Convention is fixed for Two considerable items appear in the list of building permits for These are and Third and store 'Third avenue and Seventh street into the three figure standard is 'a boarding house for Danito Cam- bro on Ninth avenue, to cost $1000. Other permits issued are as follows: James Hampton, residence on 3rd John Storrings, out-buildings on | porter farther out to sea, Racken- George Sutherland, residence on Seventh weather with here and though re- | Was |} —_ : | For Lease Fresh’ FLOWERS: On S.S. Prince George, tomorrow morning teeter me er ret | ARCTIC STUDIO, #5 Ny For Rent TRIED TO SAVE EDITOR’S GIRL See ees es peer re ee Two lots, stumps cleared off, best view in city, on 5th Ave, close to Fulton St. The lumber piled on them is for sale. Apply Captain Brooks, Premier Hotel. 2t-180, Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf Mcintyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. r Nice Furnished Rooms, M Greenwood, Alder Newspaperman Drowned Near ico Furnished Rooms, Mrs. nwood, Alder San Deigo While Trying to | New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser Save en of His Chief. | street. $25 a month. "= aay 8 or P.O, box 852. 80-t 4q es Os a rs ts Help Wanted Ke ry ; ae : | Pem-cemeymmnsynesrmnnsemmsemesemesrmnsecmsrmmcomed Ce cil Karbe rg, newspaper report ter, | Wanted —Good sized boy to help in kitchen and make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 8rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. tf San Diego, Cal., Aug. 12.—-While bathing on the beach at Lajolla, | | formerly of Spokane, was carried | and | Scotch Woman wants work. housecleaning, wash- ing or fancy ironing. Work taken home if desired. Apply Apartment Heuse, Ist Ave and McBride 176-181 to sea by a_ huge _ billow drowned while attempting to save | life McGrew, ten-year-old daughter of the editor the of Dorothy che | 4 : eS oct aah aaa 6 For Sale eee | of the San Diego Sun. Inflated wings attached child’s arms held up until} Gilbert Stafford swam from shore | and rescued her. James Racken- bury, a tourist from Denver, Col., | displayed rare bravery in attempt- | As each | the re- to Apply 180-4t | Cooking Range and Kitchen Furniture. Cor. 8th and Cotton Streets the her For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. tf For Sale—Owner will sell four jood lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Secti . Taylor street, size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 es on reasonablo terms, Apply Box 999, P.O., P: rince Rupert 76-182 Karberg. carried ing to save | succeeding wave eee se se me Insurance bury, a powerful swimme T, SQOT | deerme err mer er ree ere eale OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co found himself struggling with the huge breakers and was compelled to give uop the fight. body has not been found. ot Pe rs os et Ps rs PS Ps es Ps Oe Karberg’s j Business Chances j Ps as ee ms rae rs ap ses | Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown. Wis. 137-wi Salvation Army Everyone is cordially attend the /ducted in the local citadel tonight Lieutenant Wright also. sing | New Goods for your Toilet Table invited to| services to be -con-| }and tomorrow. . 1 }will preach tonight and one of her favorite solos. A public holiness gathering will i | be addr3essed by Mrs. Ensign j | Johnstone at 11 a.m. tomorrow and a public enrollment service will be by Ensign jat 3 o'clock. The Ensign will also Some of the wholesale druggists have just sent us some conducted Johnstone leading Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. * White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by } or Sal So the week. Talbot House. 165-tf Price $325.00 ' 650.00 2,000 Block Section 34 8 14 8 36 q Lot 65 8 and 4 Tand8 Come in and see our list of buys in other parts of the city Empress : Theatre TO-NIGHT ! Geveland 5 Musical Come: ly i — PEOPLE THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY A Musical Comedy in Two Acts ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ELABORATE SCENIC PRODUCTION GORGEOUS COSTUMES AND ELECTRIC A! NO INCREASE IN PRICES 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 SSSESSESSESSE Se HSESSES SESS: GROUND G.R. NADEN COMPANY Limited. Second Ave., Cash will handle a nice lot in Section 7. Price $825. Balance monthly. 15 and 16, Block 49, Section 7, Lots $275 each. $150 cash, balance easy. Lots on Summit Avenue at $500. terms. Apartment for rent, $20 a month. view. For Fire, Life and Accident Insurance see me. Lot: in Fort George at $10.00 cash and $10 amonth. For free maps and information see me. Now is the time to buy lots in Fort George. JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block. Do Your Shoes Need Repairing ° If so bring them to our NEW STAND Third Avenue, between 7th and 8th St. We have moved from the Hart Block : Nice John Kadakas Third Avenue Bet. 7th and 8th Sts, 7 Se AS |preach at night. Special music a by the Prince Rupert Orchestra jand plenty of lively congregational singing as well as duets and solos. parations and necessities oh carry only the best Patent Me dicines and our Prescription De- partmentis a specialty Things You Should Know The Canadian shoe the | ‘Invictus’ Slater. Scott, Froud & | Company have just received over'| $1000 worth of them. } { . _ best is — C. H. Orme ‘*THE PIONEER DRUGGIST’’ Second Ave. Phone No. 82 ! { { ! l { l new perfumes, paee, ! { { { { ! t { Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ’Phone 4. { l { ! ! ! : 3! 3) ! ! l 3) l ! + ts hd Ht Ft Ps Pt Hs FOR TEETHING CHILDREN SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH at Nanaimo, B.C. All delegates throughout the constituency will please endeavor to be present ~Selection of a candidate to contest seat in Dominion Par liament for Comox-Atlin H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chairman BUSINESS (Signed ) If your dealer does not keep them we will mail LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ‘ou a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 cents. ae ~ ic J. MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q. } | | | | Rub the Gums— The Pain is gone. i Skeena Land District Take notice that Rapids, Iowa, occupation lawyer, apply for permission to purchase | described lands Commencing at a post planted on the souther! shoreZjof Kutzymateen Inlet on the right bank of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of | Crow Lake, thence | lowing the ‘shore lines of Crow Lake, District of Coast Range V | Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar intends to} oamie MATHIEU 'S cate the ea ‘JERVINE POWDERS. the Inlet | place of commencement, | more or less. Located August 7, | Dated Aug. 9, 1911. Pub, Aug. 12. ivll. northerly and easterly fol- | # to Crow Lake and Kutzeymatee n Inlet to the | : containing forty acres | # XXKXO POLICE WATCHES All Varied in time in Police Court the other day. If you carry 4 : Reliable Standard Watch You would always have the Correct Time : : Only reliable watches are kept in stock by the G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. eeeeee R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. PHONE 8&2 DOXXXXXKKRAXXXK KHKAAKAX! FOR RENT Store Building on Second Avenue and Seventh Street. Low Rent. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. JESSE’ M, TALLMAN | : = = Prince Rupert, B.C, | Easy | Floor Space for Rent in the Hart building, corner of Second Ave. and Sixth Street The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert, eeeereeoe § a 33 Apply Jeremiah H. Kugler, Lid. ictiveamici SESSESSESSES ENTERS MUST BE SOLD Three lots in Section 6, half block from McBr from School, price $600 each. $100 cas} eac! them and balance on easy terms. Wil! sel! single See McCLYMONT, Office Opposit e Bar 3 &. ppasescessescey each rseeseee 02000000000000000000000000000000% STAFFORDS WHITE PASTE Is the uses. tube o OZ Tw Wate Everything for the Office McRAE. BROS., Limited #00000000000000000000000000000000000000 Tenders. lenders. Sealed tenders wiil be received by the Building Committee of the Methodist Church of Prince | Rupert, B.C., until 12 o'cloek noon, Auguet 22nd, 1911, for the erection and completion of a Chureh building to be erected: on Sixth Avenue, in the |; City of Prince Rupert, B.U,, acoording to plans | ~ and specifications prepared by G. L. Proctor, architect, Prince Rupert. A certified check, | equal to ten (10) per centum of the amount of the tender drawn in favor of the Treasurer of Trustee | Board, which will be forfeited if the party ten- | dering declines to enter into a contract when called upon to do 60; or if he or his heirs or execu- | ; | tors fail to complete the contract. The lowest or | any other tender not necessarily accepted. | Plans and specifications may beéseer at the | office of P. McLaughlin, Third Avenue. after noon ' Tuesday, August 16th, 1911. 2t-182 | o¢-18 o Tuesda water Plans and Engineer noe HR Savon IDNA RONDO ORONO IERIE :feoroenieseineinrciorcreieeinen cin rue run no noe ooo ooEEENDS He buys Lots sate IN He sells Buildings He has Huuses to Rent JEREMIAH H. KUGL VESTMENTS ER He sells Contracts Special Bargains in Kitseles Lands Francois Lake Lands Hazelton District Lands Kispiox Valley Lands He builds Homes Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble De Lakelse Lands Bulkley Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands He buys Leases He has Farms posits He sells Houses List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler ESTATE | REAL He loans Money For Sale He rents Stores Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. ESSE DEES NOR ERODED EEC