rnUfc iwu THE DAIL7 NKW3 Thursday, June 21, 1931 ilBUSY TIME WHITE SHOES AT TERRACE Many Doings In Connection With for ... SUMMER Third Avenue. 4 LIMITED Comfort, Coolness and Style New Lines Just Received All White Sandal, Cutout effect, Dress Cuban Heel, Bend CO QC Outsole ... O.UD White Punched. 3-eye Ties Dress Cuban Heel Bend CO QC Outsole ... O.UO Have you visited our Bargain Dep't? It will pay you. The Family Shoe Store Pufcllihed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION St. Peter's Tea And Sale Tuesday Delightful Event A delightful tea and sale of home cooking and sewing was held Tuesday afternoon by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anglican Church at the home of Mrs. F. W. Stamp-Vincent, the convener of the affair being Mrs. J. D. Allen. Despite the unfavorable weather. many ladies called and were re- ceived by the hostess. The rooms were prettily decorated with mauve and white flowers, the tea table being centred with a bowl of red roses which were presented- by Mrs. S. M. Johnson. The affair was financially successful. Mrs. W. H. Ooodsell and Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout were in charge of thej sale of home cooking and Mrs. W. O. ' VIgar. the sale of needlework. Mrs. A. Frebourg was' cashier and servi-teurs were Mrs. W. G. Smith, Mrs. H. A. Ponder and Mrs. O. Sievert Peter Allen was the winner of a cushion in a bean-guessing contest. Alex Prlngie, Post Office Inspector, came north from Vancouver, via the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties aboard the steamer! Prince John on its present voyage. 1 arrivine in the city this morning. He will proceed south from here. THE LITTLE DARLlMGs t wni it nki'-r f.?i.L 'Eh1 A MILLION DOLLARS BUT X WOULDN'T TRADE THIS PlPfc OF O G D E ISI ' c; FOR ANOTHER PAIR OF 'EM, NOSIR- Phone 35? I! MHIHHHIHHiHHHiHHIHHHHHiiHiilHEfllH THE DAILY NEWS. FK1NCE BCPERT - BBITISD COLUMBIA Thursday. June 21, 1934 Congress Bad Boy Defeated Minnesota Refuses to Renominate Francis Schumacher as Candidate For Washington ST. PAUL, Minn.. June 21: Con gressman Francis Schumacher, who, as a result of his escapades at Washington, earned the sobriquet of "The Bad. Boy of Congress," has been defeated three to one in the primaries for renominatlon. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL, June 21: (CP) The Canadian gold price was up 20c today at $34.47 per ounce. Ladies' Oran?e Visit Activities In connection with the Terrace visit of Mrs. F. O. Finlay. Worthy Mistress for British Columbia of the Ladles" Orange Benevolent Association and local officers and members, included a tea last! Saturday afternoon at the home, of Mrs. M. Durran, dance in th Oddfellow's Hail Saturday night at which music was played by Mrs. J. S. Black of Prince Rupert, a drive to Lakelse Lake and Copper City on Sunday, the opening of the new Orange Lodge Hall on Sunday night by Rev. Mr. Burchall. Anglian Church rector, and banquet and dance Monday night in the Canadian Legion Hall. Mrs. Finlay will pay an official 'visit to the Prince Rupert lodge to-j night and will leave Saturday eve ' nlng on her return to Vancouver. LOCAL NEWS C Verhyden of Massett is paying a visit to the city, having arrived on the Prince John this morning from the Islands. James Martin, well known Mas-set merchant, is paying a brief business visit to the city. He arrived from the Islands on the Prince John this morning and will return to Massett Saturday night The speaker at the Rotary Club luncheon this afternoon was O. P. Tinker who told of the recent visit of himself and Mrs. Tinker to tV Hawaiian Islands. Guests at tne luncheon included S. J. Stevens of Ottawa, C. H. Orme. R. Syme ofi Edmonton. Harry Birch, and Allan Aiken of the Vancouver Rotary Club. John Dybhavn presided. Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success Goodly Number of Ladies Patronize Affair Held Yesterday at Church Parlors A successful tea and sale of horn? cooking was held by the Ladles' Aid of First Presbyterian Church in the church parlors yesterday afternoon. There was a goodly number of cal- (lers who were received by Mrs. C. !g. Ham, president of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. D, C. Stuart was convener of the tea room and Mrs. M. McRobbie and Mrs. Charles Graham poured. Serviteurs were Mrs. W. L. Sandison, !Mrs. Simonson, Mrs. W. M. Brown, Miss Molly Owens and Miss Irene Mitchell and Mrs. D. McD, Hunter acted as cashier. Mrs. Jack Garrett and Mrs. D. C. McRae were in charge of the home, cooking table. GDENS CUT PLUG 10. SAFETY SPEED COMFORT SERVICE Baseball Scores V t. American League Cleveland 2-0, New York 3-3. St. Louis 11. Philadelphia 3. Chicago 0, Boston 14. Detroit 13, Washington 10. - National League Boston 5, Pittsburg 6. New York 12, Chicago 7. Brooklyn 9, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 4-15, Cincinnati 6- LEGION LINK-UP The following team is announced for Canadian Legion In tonight's' Dominion Day Cup football game I against Regiment; PJerce;;. Oomez 1 The Railways Offer Special Vacation Inducements All railways are anxious that the public should regard them as more than mere mechanical means of transportation. They wish each patron to feel that he ii the object of personal and friendly; interest, and that the magnitude of a railway's opera-tions does not obscure the important fact that when all it said and done it it what the patron thinks that really matters. Passenger traffic, it is realised, can only be built up by obtaining and holding the goodwill and approval of those who travel, and it therefore follows that all factors which affect the traveller merit and receive cartful study. One present factor has been fully taken into account. Today people do not hate the spending power nor the spending desires of a few years ago, and so, as an addition to the regular services, special fares and excursions huve been arranged to meet these conditions. For the long distance tratelter there is at present in operatioo the popular cent-a-mile rate which enables the East to visit the West, and the .West to return the compliment, at an exceedingly low cost, while for the traveller whose journey is shorter, there are frequent special trips at attractive fares. There are also reduced fares for week-ends and low rates for special one-day excursions, as well as for trips extending over three or four days, and for organ tied groups of travellers consisting of more than ten adults reduced fares are obtainable. When the other things which railways provide are considered, travel at these fares represents the most ccoooroical transportation available. Whatever the fare paid, there is provided the essential quality of safety; there is a maximum of comfort and attention. There are at night restful sleeping facilities at extremely low cost, and on long journeys there are inexpensive but attractive and nicely served meals. It is the endeavour of the railways to please. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed and carefully considered. The passenger is important and his wishes must be paramount. It will prove well worth jour while to find out what the railways can do regarding that trip you have in mind. Our agents everywhere are at your service. CANADIAN NATIONAL and Blake; Greer. Webster and Currle; McGlashan, Baptle, Chris-tison, Smith and Murray; reserves, Palmer. Currie and Bussanich. Today's Weather Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 58. Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, cool. Burns LakeRalnlng, calm. FOOTBALL! Tonight LEGION vs. KLGIMLNT Acropolis, 0.30 p.m., Adm. 25r. NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleatant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Ladies! Here's Something You Have Wanted Curtain Stretcher $1.05 each Strawberry Hullers lflc each Lawn Mowers Sharpened $1.25 Phone 3 We will call for It Kaien Hardware V J B-H ENi We buy anything and sell everything in hou.se hold goods at THE BON Phone Green 698 Between 5 and 10 pm, 255 Third Avenue ?T W3 art K.VUrxKIBiailsajfe !.. ENGLISH PAINT It pays to use good paint One gallon of U-ll English Paint will cover approximately twice a much surface as cheap paint and give you years more protection Good paint cuts your paint bills in half For ber.t paint values and sound advice consult - S GORDON'S HARDWARE . 1 aauaiflrfta ra i vara rr a i a sa 1 a 1 a va i a . rum a ra 1 a t Van's Bakery Opposite Ronton Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Ororers Labelled on liottom For Your Protection Phone 190 SUMMER SUPPLIES SCREEN DOORS Oalvanlzed Screen Wire Cloth- 24, 30 and 36 Inches black Screen Wire Cloth 24. 30 and 30 inches Adjustable Window Screens Screen Door Sets Fly Swatters Lawn Shears Lawn Rakes Lawn Seed THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. I'lionei 101 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 S 1