June 21, 1034 Always Serve the Best MM f AH All mM ROSE fillfiUii TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" WEEK-END SPECIALS 1 Pair Heavy Duty Insulated Hardened Steel Pliers and 50c size Lmglois Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream ft G r both for JJK, BE ECONOMICAL And still look your best with .lonteel Superfine Face Powder, shades natural and Rachel and .lonteel Liquid Iirilliantine both for 00 CANDY SPECIAL HITTER ROLLS Made with fresh OAn dairy butter, per lb. OVl Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer Druggists The It f iU SUr TRIANGLE TOUR lM uUm r W luit Uala aad Uai . . Jatpar .National rath. Phones; 11 & 12 , COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Cratch Pads Scaling Wax Seccotine Second Sheets Serpentine s idf Paper f Supping Tags shqw Card Board show Card Colors Sponge Bowls Twines Sponges Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Books Tissue Paper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 Sail South 011 pisixn; ships SIMMKII SKHVICK to VANCOUVER r'roiu Prince Hupert, calling at Ocean tails. Powell lll.fr. MOMMY svrniiMV p.m. for ANYOX ! STWAHT, leaving Print Hupert eitry FHI1MY at 3 p.m. a. r -vr Kl For Information Call or Write hitv i-iruvT iii'Kiri: 52 3rd Ave. ' Prince Kunert. K.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver-US. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, USA P-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday l8 . CAHDENA EVERY FRIDAY MMNIUUT. Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. W""y sailings to Port Biropen. Alice Arm! Anyox. Btewart an N.aa h..,i. Illv" Pnt, Leave Print Rupert Sunday, 8 pm. "her Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- "KINCF, KIIPEKT AOfNCVl Third Avenue. """" " U you lose anything, try a classified, ad. We are still buying old cold, ' KulKrr'i. , (tf You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tl MLm Mary Comadlna, who has been spending a holiday visiting at Massett with friends, returned to the city op' the Prince John this morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering; to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner At 8 15 last evening the fire de- partment had a call to the residence of A, O. Rlx. 1919 Atlin Av enue. Westvlcw. where there hadj been a backfire In an oil burner! of the furnace. No damage was done. 1 Mr A. Wood. Miss Gwendolyn Watson and Miss Kathleen Maeln-tyre of Sandsplt and Mrs, W. Russ and son and daughter of Sklde-iate crossed from the Queen Charlotte Lslands to Oceanic cannery on the present trip of the Prince John, They will spend the sum mer at Oceanic Try MILLER'S CASH and CARRY For Real Bargains Nabob "reaper lb. Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Bulk Tea 3 lbs Bulk Coffee Fresh ground 3 lbs. Cowan's Cocoa per Un Fry's Cocoa per '"tin Dollar Size Soda Biscuits per' box; .! Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 for Shredded Wheat per pkg - 50c 45c S1.05 Swift's Diamond "A" Bacon per lb. ..- Butter 3 lbs i Fresh Seconds Eggs 3 dot Fresh Extras Eggs per doz. - 69c 23c 26c 40c 25c 10c 28c 74c 59c 25c A trial order will convince you lo buy. AH goods cut down to rock bottom prices. Visit Miller's, Sixth Strret and save money. PHONE 777 PARENTS School will soon be out. Your son must look to the future. Diesel Engineering offers wonderful opportunities. Glveyour boy a chance. Our summer class commences JULY 1ST Special low fees. Class limited. CALL OR WRITE IIKMPIIIIX DIESEL ENGINEERING SCHOOL 1013 W. Pender Doug. 136 Vancouver, H.C, THE DAILY NTyVB PAOE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES L.O.B.A. dance. Oddfellows' Ha!!. Thursday 9:30 p.m. Admission 25c. It Ernest Unwta returned to the city on the Prince John this morning from a holiday trip to Tlell. Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom of a hotel. Rates mast reasonable. The Knox Hotel if Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt left on last evening's train for Terrace where they will pay a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh.- R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd.. left on last even- mi's train for a brief business trip to Terrace. He will return to jthe city tonight. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Head of Digby Island rturned to the city ion the Prince John this morning from a two-weeks' vacation trip to ; Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. M. Mukal. manager of the Jed- way saltery, arrived In the city from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John this morning He Is on his way to the Skeena River on business. W. H. Eassle. who has been at Massett in connection with the building of the new bridge across Delkatla Slough, returned to the ; f ity from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prmce John this morning BUY AT THE THRIFT for ECONOMY With Quality KELLOGOS ALL BRAN-per large pkg. 20e 19c JAMIESON'S EXTRACTS per 2-oz. bot. 13c 4-oz. bot 27c PORK it BEANS Royal City No. 2 Uns. 2 for 15c PEAS Royal City. No. 2 tins. 2 for PEAS Royal City, Sieve 4, per tin 12c B. C GRANULATED SUGAR Limit 20 lbs), 10 lbs 60c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR per pkg. Jlc SEEDLESS RAISINS Callfornlan. Fresh, 2 lbs 55c SHELLED WALNUTS White Pieces, per lb 59c NABOB BAKING POWDER 12-oz. tin 20c BAKERS COOKINO CHOCOLATE i-lb. cake .23c HELMET CORNED BEEF per tin 10c i COOKED SPAGHETTI Catelll's No. 1 tins, per tin 9c GRAHAM WAFERS I:B.C. Cello-Wrapt, per lb. pkg. J!0c LIQUID AMMONIA per qt. bot. 10c CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin ... PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 bars 19c BUTTER Fine Alberta, lb. 25c' BACON-Swlft's Diamond "A" per lb. 28c NABOB COFFEE Per 1 -lb. tin 39c DICED PINEAPPLE Nabob 6-oz. "tins, per tin 7c BARTLETT PEARS Royal City No. 2 squat tins, per tin 17c TOMATOES Royal City No. 2 tall tins, per tin 9c Lux Special 21. 2 Large pkgs. LUX for 43c 1 Large pkg. LUX FREE lA Limited Quantity Only) Fruit & Vepet aides B.C. Lettuce, 2 heads 11c Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. ISc Green Peas, per lb. o'c Blng Cherries, 2 lbs. 35c Lar,ge Cants, each 13c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave. "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention SHOES at Low Prices WML mam, Mens Work Shoes MOOSEJIALL DANCE Friday Night Welle's Orchestra 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission 25c $2.25 & up Announcements S ds tup Anglican tea. Mrs. Rorle's June Canadian Lesion. B. E. S. picnic, June 2i, Digby Island. Eastern Star tea June 28. Catholic Ladles' Tea at Home of Mrs. Ward, Atlln Avenue. Thursday. June 28. SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK Pittsburg. W3XAL Uoundsbrook, NJ. VE9DR Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this information Second Avenue & Third Street PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream k pint Whipping Cream 1 pint Cawlar Distrlnt MINERAL ACT 20c 35c Dominion Dairy cnmnrATE or impkovf.ments NOTICE River Fractional Mineral Claim, ally Mate In the AUIn Mining Division of1 Located on left bank of the Tulse- quah River. ' take mjtick uuvt ii. Men. rraaer acting as Aelt for Taku Mines Contacting aa Apeit for Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No. 73-4oad, intend, 60 days frcsn. date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improwments for the purpone of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. And further take notice that aotton. under section 83, must be commenced before the Iwuance of such Certificate of Improvements. Datvd tills 36th day Of April. 1934. U. MeN. Frasar, Afant. Bargains going every day which appeal to men, women, children and young ladies. AH lines of footwear selling at such low prices that anyone can buy. We have eliminated the era of high shoe prices and still lead the way in giving best values in the city. Look over these prices and then call and see the shoes. Good assortment of Valentin's, Leckie's and other leading makes included at these prices. Ladies' Shoes at 1.95 AND UP OILLNETTINO or trolling boat for sale, 5 horsepower Yale engine $250.00 cash. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. t.f. OFFICE DESK, chair, typewriter desk, filing cabinet, dining table, chairs, dressers, cupboard, etc Mrs. McMordle. 1145) FOR SALE 1 large Gurney Elec tric Range. Also coal or wood Jacket heater. Apply D. G. Borland. Capitol Theatre. 147 Honor W. E AT). 1834 tor of Um FOR RENT FOR RENT Modem 6-room house, 644 Taylor Street. Best view In city. 148 WANTED GOOD maid wanted. Phone morn ings. Blue 691. tt HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Good wages. Replies to Section Fore-man. Cedarvale, B.C. 144 WANTED Set of bathroom scales In good condition for cash. Apply Box 211. Daily News. 142 IN PROBATB IN THE SUPREMS COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE Or MICHAEL J. O "KELLY. DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Has ly. who died on Um 29 Ui naf of De craibpr. AD. 1933. and all partirt hal ing claims against the Aid estate are hereby required to fumn aam, properly verified, to me on or More the 3tat day ol June. AD. 1934. and aU partlea Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of thslr Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dftt4 the Hth day of May. AD. 1934. Children's Straps at 93c AND UP Clearing Out Summer Lines We are clearing out our stock of running shoes and summer shoes. The holidays are approaching and all young people will want runners or beach shoes. We have made the prices on these very low. Try on a pair and see how you like them. We Accept City Scrip 1 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE 6-hole McClary range, goou shape. Phone Black 322. 144 SALESMAN WANTED SELL Nursery Stock on commission. Good prospect for reliable men. Write for particulars, H. MJ EDDIE & SONS, Ltd., Sardls, B.C. EXCELLENT opportunity for exT life insurance salesman or experienced with Intangibles. Representative here next Monday! Leave name Box 212 or call Daily News Monday morning for Interview. 145 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING 1 Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8HOPPS TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne. Cedar. tt LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to rurrha.e Land In Prince Rupert Land Recordlnf Distrlct of Range four Coast District, and situate about five mUea from the mouth of the Khutze River on the Eavtt fork. Take notice that I. Frederick Shelly of Vancouver. B.C., occupation mint operator. Intends to apply for perml-mlt!on to purchase the following de scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distance from the witness post on the West aide of Lot 173, tbence Westerly 90 chains; thence Southerly 30 chains; thence Easterly 80 chains: thence Northerly 20 chains and containing 100 acrev more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLY. Dated loth day of May. 1934.' LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording. aTan a&ST oTprlnuVrt B.C; Vd aiT- ' 1 , , P??.?.T?f in Qlawdaeet Bay located at the iv' cSriN :Phen,W Rang. I, "flOVEKNMENT LlQl'OK ACT" I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ACLl ll LICENCE i 1 I NOTICE is hereby given on the ex-pi rat Ion of this advertlstvnent the un- denlgned Fraaer Social Club Intends to apply to the Uquor control Board lor a club licence In respect of premises ultuate on the east side of Kinoway Hyder, D O, upon lands described aa Lot 40. Block 8, Plan 1331. Subdivision of DMrtct Lot 4044. Casslar District, Prince. Rupert Land Registration. District In the Province of British Columbia, to enUUel each member ot the said club to keep on the premises a erason-able quantity of Uquor for personal conaurnption on the premises In accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. u.vitu at iiyuer. uniun voiumoia, this 38th day of May. 1934. lUASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. Prazer. iw Kcretary t&l su&agei Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Plan Packer, intends to apply for a lease ox the following described foreshore: Commencing at a pent planted at the S. W. corner ot a am all Island about 8 ahaina 8. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 8 chains; thence NI, 8 chains more or lea to high water mark on the NX point of the Island: thence B. E. direc tion 6 chains more or lens rouoving high waiter mark to point of JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated Anrtl 18. 1934. LAND ACT Notice of Intention fo apply to !.efle Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Ulitrlct of Prince Rupert, -B.C and situate in Qlawdnrct Bay located at the N.W. end ot Stephens Island, Range t. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation PUh Packer, Intends to apply tor a lease ol the following described lands- ; Cctnraenclng at a pa punted at the 8. W. corner of a entail Island about 8 chains 8. E. of Avery Island thence NX., thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark to point of conuivencement, and con tainlng 3 acrra more or less, and Including the entire area of the at4 Island. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April 18, lUi Hka i i imiI ill IMesll tfiUP ill ll"IWlflHi8raiiii' WSkH H Ijjfsl WijMI" Ii 1 1 IPi" ll I It Ml lT IMlli I rill" ''I MM I HI I ' n mi "i, . ,mtHnmmmmtmir