Today's Weather New York Stock Trading Quiet .Mild Rallting Tendencies Shown Toward CIom Yeiterdajr Alter Extremely Dull Day f.TW YORK. June 21 -Block P showed mlM rallying Und- tn late dealings yeefcerday i : imh losses still predominated . trading wax extremely slow. Today's Stocks Toronto i ntrui Patricia. . iillwugamau. .13tt. ! e Oold. 11 Cr.marta. .60. HiMvvi 2.40. Nornnda, 5..-Khrrttt Gordon, .93. Bisco. 231 UronipMiii Cadillac .48. Ventures, M. i skc Maron .0. Fudbury lUsln. l.M. " lumxrio. .11. Rmi Iter Oold. 3t. i n Mslartle. JC. ! ttp tang Lac. 600. Itagamac. .11. Hi aUlan. 9. '.iriaconu. XI. Maple Leaf. JOtfc. I'l-klc Crow. M. one Lite Lagoon. J5 Manitoba is DMteni. Jttti. tutor Nickel. 20.10. T Hughes. 6.73. H.llinger. 17 JO. Tldorado. 230. II Walkers. 3V. Drew and Distillers. 133. C P R . 15tt. Canadian Cement. 8. Vancouver Alexandria. .04. Ib y view. .01 It C Nickel. .87. lllp Missouri. .20 Vi- Bralornc. 14.80. U. R Cons- 33. R R X. Oold. .07. Iluttc I X. L.. .10. Cariboo Quartz, 1.13. Dun well. .18. Dcntonla, .50. Ueorgla River, .OlV. Oolconda. .37. Hercules. .034. Indian. .02 4. Mlnto. .21. Meridian. .lOtfc. Morning Star, .23. Native Son. .03. National Silver. .03 Noble Five. .08. Tend Oreille. .70. Porter Idaho. .08. Premier. 1.20. Reeves. .13. Reward. .07. Reno. .82. Silver Crest. .02. ' Taylor Bridge. .93. United Empire. .12. Whitewater, .04. Wavcrly, .01. Wayside. .12. New York V 8 . 8tccl. 40V&-Oencral Motors, 31T. American Can. 08, Allied Chemicals, 14W. American Telephone. 1158. U. t. smelting, 128 First Provision .Made Tor Recovery of Payments Due by Berlin Under Young and Dawes Loans Export Quotas Against British Goods Also to be Fought ' LONDON, June 21: (CP) The British government is taking wide powers of reprisal against the German default decree. A bill to establish an exchange clearing house, which will be given second reading in the House of Com mons next Monday, provides not only for recover' of payment due on the Young and Dawes loans but also em powers action against any country setting quotas on British exports. The Board of Trade will be author ized to prohibit or restrict Imports from any countries using the quota system In a manner considered ad vene to British interests. reached, operation of the new bill will be effective Julv 1 VON PAPEN IS STAYING German Vice-Chancellor Decldr Not to Quit Hitler After All HBRLIN. Oermany. June 21: Wee-Chancellor von Pa pen yesterday withdrew his resignation from the Derma n cabinet after a con-fnence with Chancellor HlUer with whom lie was reported to have broken. Unique Feature Of Murder Trial Husband of Los Angeles Wo man Testifies at Hearing on Death of Second LOS ANOELE8. June 21: -The Me of Mrs. Nellie Madison, cnarg- British Pound and Cnnndian Dollar on New York Exchange MONTREAL. June 21:-Thc British pound sterling was trading at and the Unl- 44 DO here yesterday tedlfitates dollar at 09c. $m YORK. June 21: The Brl- LOST LIFE ! IN SKEENA Oermany has been notified that, unless a satisfactory accord is' John Everett Hill, Aged 21. of Ter- rare. Victim of Accidental Drowning While Fishing The newly opened salmon fishing season on the Skeena. River was marked by early tragedy at 2:15 this morning when John Everett Hill of Terrace, aged 24, was accidentally drowned. With his brother, Bruce, young Hill was gill netting off De Horsey Island near the mouth of the river when the boom of the boat swung and the unfor tunate young man was knocked overboard. He sank and the body was not recovered. Hill was fishing for Inverness cannery. Geological Survey Around Ketchikan rally to be Active In Vicinity " ground to be covered by the of Alaskan City KETCHIKAN. June 21: A federal geological survey party will be active in this district this season Investigating mineral dcposttMnd possibilities of the area. Annette BRITISHER RESCUED THREE ARE ! DROWNED Women I.iwe Their Lives When German Liner Wrecks in Norway HAUGESUND. Norway, June 21: Three women lost their lives yes- realty and Fullerton Would Join Express and Telegraphs Members Opposed OTTAWA. June 2:-Jllon. Dr. R. J Manlon, minister of railways and communications 'telegraphs) departments of the two "systems be passed at the present session of Parliament. Dr O. B. Price. Conservative member for Westmoreland. N.B.. Wilfrid Hanbury, Liberal member for Vancouver-Burrard. and others strongly objected to the proposal on the grounds that such amalga mation removing competition would lower the standard of Kidnap Committee Of United States To Be Very Busy WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 21 -Senator Walsh of Massachusetts expects to be one of the busiest legislators remaining in the National Capital during the summer recess He is chairman of the committee which is to investigate the Ung. Tomorrow's Tides High 9:21 a.m. 13.2 It. Prince Rupert Ralnlnp, freeh 21:22 prrf. 18.9 It. louthcast wind, barometer, 20,14; Low 2:57 ajn. 7.1 ft. trmperaturc. 31; light chop, 14:40 pm. 8.4 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vo XXIV . No, 144, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS '4, TO RtifALIA TE ON GERMAN DEFAULT PARLIAMENT WOULD DEAL DEATH BLOW TO LOTTERIES Wide Powers of Reprisal Being Taken By Great Britain Against Discrimination by Other Nations 'merging SERVICES CANADA TO I BUY SILVER Under Important New Currency .Measure to Finance Public Works OTTAWA. June 21: CP The new monetary bill given lirst rsad-j OPPOSED TO HAPSBURGSi: Little Entente Does Not Want He-turn of Monarchy to Austria Or Hungary BUCHAREST. Roumania. June 21. Foreign ministers of the Little la via. and Czecho-Slovakia. have voiced opposition to the restoration of the Hapsburg monarchy In Austria or Hungary. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, June 21: (CPt Bar sliver closed at 45c on the local metal market yesterday, advancing to 45Lgc. today. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20 pjn.. was reported kidnap racket In the United States j this morning to be on time. Gill Netters Average Eight Sockeye Per BoatonSkeena And Naas Rivers on First Day Gill netters on the Skeena and Naas Rivers averaered ! eight lish per boat on the opening day of the sockeye sal- Island will be Included in the ninn fiohinn- snnsnn VW1nocr1;iv it wnc voni-forl tV. .aial, uvMWWit 1 V. Vt.k.V. T aw 11 IIU A V. MI'S l . It CV WIC le stir- T" :: t" 1 : rr: 1 i.i.. mi h ,nh the murder of her second , , tn uominiun risnenes oiiice nere touay. mis average is husband, a motion picture studio proSpectors and mining men is ex-, considered fairly good in view of weather conditions being worker, is expected w go vo vnc jury pected secured Cooi ana rainy lino none too iavorabie lor the best of fish foday. A unique feature of the trial was the calling of her first husband ns a witness to testify that she had once threatened his life. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER. June 21: (CP Wheat was quoted at 73c on the local exchange yesteraay, dropping to 73 c. today. Winnipeg July, .70. October, .78 December, .79. Chicago July. .02 Vb Beptcmbcr, .02Vi-December. .03. Some eight hundred boats were lout on the Skeena River on the j opening night and two hundred on the Naas. By today there will be j considerably more boats out. I Nine canneries are in operation I One of Those Kidnapped by Chinese 011 tne Skeena this year as compar- Saved by Seaplane, Legation Learns PEIPINO. China. June 21: One of five Britishers kidnapped by Chinese pirates from a British steamer off Chefoo has been rescued by a British seaplane, the British legation has been advised. ed with ten last season, the operat ing plants being Inverness. North Premier Ilenuett Says He Is Ready! ' , To Permit What Constitution Allows 1 MRS. MASSEY IS ELECTED Prince Rupert Lady Honored by; Lastern Star Grand Chapter Pacific, Casslar. Sunnyslde, Oceanic. j VICTORIA. June 21: CP Mrs.l Claxton. Carlisle. British American, ' Alice Savage of Ladner was elected! and Haysport. On the Naas River three canneries, the same number as last year, are working, these being Ar worthy grand jnatron of British Columbia of the Order of the Eastern Star at the annual Orand Chapter session here last night. rnndale. Mill Bay and Wales Island. 1 Mrs. Samuel Massey of Prince Ru- . . was elected grand warder. jpert Tnllr in O110K0' HARRIMAN CONVICTED Former .Noted Jlanker Is Found OTTAWA, June. 21: Premier R.I Guilty of Misappropriation B. Bennett informed his suppor- tcrs yesterday Ahat he is prepared I NEW YORK, June 21: Edward Sweepstake Proceeds To Be Forfeited To Crown Under Bill canals, yesterday refti to the ing by the House of Commons Tues- Criminal Code Bcinir so Amended That Informers Cannot House of Commons committee on day authorizes the Minister of -i Collect llenceforth-Does Not Apply to Small railways and shipping f Joint lei- Finance to purchase , .. K fn CUr U Ti names ana L-nurcn liazaars ter from E. W. BeaUyK.C. presl- ounces of silver as agreed upon last dent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- year. Next year silver purchases I way. and Hon. C. P. Fullerton. will be made by the Bank of Can- OTTAWA, June 21: (CP) First reading Was given Oil chairman of the board of trustee adL (Wednesday without discussion to a bill which would of the Canadian National Railways, The Prime Minister indicated. , .l. the p..- i f r,i uf ;t' , ,i asking that enabling legislation for that the increased gold note Lue!amefnd iTT S ? 3? S I0Cfe(ls.oi w amalgamation of the express ami would be utilized as a means of j lottery Would be forfeited to the crown instead of an in- financing his special public works jormer. ine bin does not apply to small rallies and church program. bazaars in which the amount involved is less than SoU. 1 CANADIAN EXPORTS TO UNITED STATES t SHOW BIG INCREASE English Drought Relieved by Rain London Gets Light Precipitation While in Midlands Downpour Was Quite Heavy LONDON, June 21: Heavy rain in England, particularly in the Midlands, has brought relief to drought conditions. In London thrrp has been lizht rain durinz ! 'hp nntt rnnnlp nf rlflYS. J.MW Illinois Dentist's Body is Found; Convict Sought ELDORADO. 111.. June 21: The body of Dr. Charles Myers. Chicago dentist, was discovered In a pond here yesterday. An ex-convict In whose company he had last been seen Is being sought. Ontario Laborer Killed by Radial Peter Komar Lost Life Instantly In Accident at Kitchener Yesterday kttphener, Ont.. June 21: Peter Komar, Water Commission laborer, was Instantly killed yester day when he accidentally stepped In front of a Grand River Railway ra dial. Toronto Man Is Named Officer At Convention CLEVELAND. Ohio, June 21: if. 1. '..l.. .tni-ilmr was trading at terday when tlw? 14.000 ton German to give the peonle of Quebec what1 W. Harrlrrtan. farmer Ncav Ynrk FrccLJ. Lucas of Toronto has been fw4 the local foreign exchange liner Dresden, carrying one thou- th? constitution nlMws then In banker. Has been mvlctcd.oMl& appointed district vice-president of .....a ..-- j-.nnH tin Canadittn sand Nazi holiday imsscngcrs, connection connection with wntn the tne use use of of u the teen teen counts counts 01 01 mlsapprfl'Hmion. nusapprQ!HWuon. '. Nai dollar at $1.01. struck a rock In a fjord near here, f . :. '..'...:.' French language and nothing more Sni euec will be pastel Uto;. ' National Association of Purr .'lu-sin Areata In convention her. WON ROYAL HUNT CUP WASHINGTON. D.C June 21 : Department of Commerce Saymanas, at 30 to 1, Takes Feature figures reveal that United Itace at Royal Ascot Meeting States Imported Canadian j goods worth $16370,970 during..! ASCOT. Eng.. June 21: H. E. Auril 1934 "as comuafed vdth $1,078389 a year ago. or an In- crease of $15,192,681. Ewlng 'fbur-jear "tilaSiy maims, at 50 to 1. won the renewal of the Royal Hunt Cup. feature of tbe Royal Ascot'race meeting yesterday. W. R, Smiths Berestoi won the King Edward Stakes, mile and a lhalf race for three year olds, wiih value of $5000 and extras. President Hopes For Settlement Of Steel Strike WASHINGTON. June 21: As a result of negotiations at present in progress. President Franklin D. Roosevelt expresses the hope that some method will be found of completely settling all points In the dispute which has threatened to tie up the steel industry of this country by a strike which has been deterred for the Ume being. Building Stocks Much in Demand Premier Bennett's. Program Reaction On Market Has TORONTO, June 21: Premier Bennett's announcement of a huge building program for the Dominion has inspired demand far construction stocks, according to reports from the Toronto Stoik Exchange. y " The fire department was called out at 10:15 last night to a chtow ney fire at, the residence of Charles Ellison, 128 Seventh Avenue West No damage was done. 1IEP1JURN NAMES THREE AS CABINET MEMBERS ST. THOMAS. Ont.. .Tune 21: -Mitchell F. Hepburn. Liberal leader and Premier-Designate . of Ontario following Tuesday's general election, yesterday an- nounced definitely that Dun- can Marshall, H. C. Nixon and Arthur W. Roebuck would be Included as members of hli cabinet. i